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Created October 20, 2017 09:53
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System Fomega
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
-- Integer and Boolean literals
data Lit = LInt Int
| LBool Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Expressions
data Expr = Lit Lit -- Simple literal (integer or boolean)
| Add { left :: Expr, right :: Expr } -- Sum of two integers
| Leq { left :: Expr, right :: Expr } -- Compare two integers by less or equal
| And { left :: Expr, right :: Expr } -- Conjunction of two booleans
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Simplify an expression and compute a simple literal
simplify :: Expr -> Lit
simplify (Lit x) = x
simplify expr = let x = simplify (left expr)
y = simplify (right expr)
in case (x, y) of
(LInt i, LInt j) ->
case expr of
-- We can perform addition and comparision between integers, but not a conjunction
Add _ _ -> LInt $ i + j
Leq _ _ -> LBool $ i < j
_ -> error "This operation cannot be done with non-integer values!"
(LBool i, LBool j) ->
case expr of
-- We can perform conjunction between booleans, but not other operations
And _ _ -> LBool $ i && j
_ -> error "This operation cannot be done with non-boolean values!"
-- We do not have any operations on booleans and integers in the same place
_ -> error "There are no operations with heterogenic parameters!"
expr1 :: Expr -- 42 + 2 < 49 && True
expr1 = And (Leq (Add (Lit (LInt 42))
(Lit (LInt 2)))
(Lit (LInt 49)))
(Lit (LBool True))
expr2 :: Expr -- True + 5 < False
expr2 = Leq (Add (Lit (LBool True))
(Lit (LInt 5)))
(Lit (LBool False))
data TLit :: * -> * where
TLInt :: Int -> TLit Int
TLBool :: Bool -> TLit Bool
deriving instance Show a => Show (TLit a)
data TExpr :: * -> * where
TLit :: TLit a -> TExpr a
TAdd :: TExpr Int -> TExpr Int -> TExpr Int
TLeq :: TExpr Int -> TExpr Int -> TExpr Bool
TAnd :: TExpr Bool -> TExpr Bool -> TExpr Bool
deriving instance Show a => Show (TExpr a)
-- Well typed simplification with no runtime errors
tsimplify :: TExpr a -> TLit a
tsimplify (TLit x) = x
tsimplify (TAdd x y) = let TLInt x' = tsimplify x
TLInt y' = tsimplify y
in TLInt $ x' + y'
tsimplify (TLeq x y) = let TLInt x' = tsimplify x
TLInt y' = tsimplify y
in TLBool $ x' <= y'
tsimplify (TAnd x y) = let TLBool x' = tsimplify x
TLBool y' = tsimplify y
in TLBool $ x' && y'
texpr1 :: TExpr Bool -- 42 + 2 < 49 && True
texpr1 = TAnd (TLeq (TAdd (TLit (TLInt 42))
(TLit (TLInt 2)))
(TLit (TLInt 49)))
(TLit (TLBool True))
-- Cannot be typed
texpr2 :: TExpr Bool -- True + 5 < False
texpr2 = TLeq (TAdd (TLit (TLBool True))
(TLit (TLInt 5)))
(TLit (TLBool False))
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ simplify expr1
--print $ simplify expr2 -- Will throw an error
putStrLn ""
print $ tsimplify texpr1
--print $ tsimplify texpr2 -- Cannot be typed
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