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Created September 3, 2016 22:58
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Escape the trolls

This is a maze game, implemented in four phases:

  1. The player (U) can move around in the maze.
  2. The player can move the walls (#) of the maze.
  3. Trolls spawn (T) who seek the player and move a wall when the player does.
  4. Each game generates a maze.

The challenge is described in detail here.

I worked on this project to play around with OCaml, but it turned out to require a priority queue and a path-finding algorithm. Here are some resources I used:

let map = [|
"# # # # # # #";
"# # ######### # ##### ######### ##### ##### ##### # #";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"######### # ######### ######### ##### # # # ######### #";
"# # # # # # # # # # #";
"# # ############# # # ######### ##### # ######### # #";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"# ############# ##### ##### # ##### ######### # ##### #";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"# ##### ##### # ##### # ######### # # # #############";
"# # # # # # # # # # # #";
"############# # # # ######### # ##### # ##### ##### #";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"# ##### # ######### ##### # ##### ##### ############# #";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"# # ######### # ##### ######### # # ############# # #";
"# # # # # # # # # # #";
"# ######### # # # ##### ######### ######### # #########";
"# # # # # # # # # #";
"# # ##### ##### ##### ######### ##### # ######### # #";
"# # # # # # #";
"# X #####################################################################";
module Vector = struct
type t = Vector of (int * int)
let compare (Vector(x1, y1)) (Vector(x2, y2)) =
match x1 x2 with
| 0 -> y1 y2
| c -> c
let add (Vector(x1, y1)) (Vector(x2, y2)) = Vector(x1+x2, y1+y2)
module VectorMap = Map.Make(Vector);;
module VectorSet = Set.Make(Vector)
module VectorPair = struct
type t = (Vector.t * Vector.t)
let compare (v1, v2) (v3, v4) =
if (v1, v2) = (v3, v4) || (v2, v1) = (v3, v4) then 0
match v1 v3 with
| 0 -> v2 v4
| c -> c
module VectorPairSet = Set.Make(VectorPair)
type entity = {
position: Vector.t;
velocity: Vector.t;
type state = {
character: entity;
wall_moved: bool;
trolls: entity list;
map: string array;
over: bool;
(* Utility functions *)
let empty_map width height =
let rec aux h =
if h = 0 then [] else (String.make width '#') :: aux (h-1) in
Array.of_list (aux height);;
let print_map map =
Array.iter (function line -> Printf.printf "%s\n" line) map;;
let replace_char s i c =
let f i' c' = if i = i' then c else c' in
String.mapi f s;;
let replace_cell map (Vector.Vector(x, y)) c' =
Array.mapi (fun i -> fun row ->
if y = i then replace_char row x c' else row) map;;
(* Pairing min heap *)
type 'a pairing_heap =
| Empty
| PairingHeap of (int * 'a) * 'a pairing_heap list;;
module PairingHeap =
type priority = int
type 'a heap = 'a pairing_heap
let merge this that =
match this with
| PairingHeap((this_priority, this_value), this_children) ->
(match that with
| PairingHeap((that_priority, that_value), that_children) ->
(if this_priority < that_priority then
PairingHeap((this_priority, this_value), that :: this_children)
PairingHeap((that_priority, that_value), this :: that_children))
| Empty -> this)
| Empty -> that
let insert heap priority value =
merge heap (PairingHeap((priority, value), []));;
let rec merge_pairs = function
| [] -> Empty
| first :: [] -> first
| first :: second :: rest ->
merge (merge first second) (merge_pairs rest);;
let min = function
| PairingHeap((priority, value), children) -> Some value
| Empty -> None
let remove_min = function
| PairingHeap((priority, value), children) -> merge_pairs children
| Empty -> Empty;;
(* Best-first search implementation so the trolls can find the player *)
let neighbors map (Vector.Vector(x, y)) =
let width, height = String.length map.(0), Array.length map in
let in_map (Vector.Vector(x, y)) = x > 0 && x < width && y > 0 && y < height in
let is_wall (Vector.Vector(x, y)) = (map.(y)).[x] = '#' in
let l = [Vector.Vector(x, y-1); Vector.Vector(x-1, y); Vector.Vector(x, y+1); Vector.Vector(x+1, y)] in
List.filter (fun n -> (in_map n) && (not (is_wall n))) l;;
let distance (Vector.Vector(x1, y1)) (Vector.Vector(x2, y2)) =
int_of_float (sqrt (((float_of_int (x2 - x1)) ** 2.0) +. ((float_of_int (y2 - y1)) ** 2.0)));;
let find_path map troll player =
let q = PairingHeap.insert Empty 0 troll in
let rec best_first q seen parents =
if (VectorSet.mem player seen) then Some parents
match PairingHeap.min q with
| Some(current) ->
let ns = neighbors map current in
let q' = List.fold_left (fun q -> fun n ->
if (VectorSet.mem n seen) then q
else PairingHeap.insert q (distance n player) n)
(PairingHeap.remove_min q)
ns in
let parents' = List.fold_left (fun parents -> fun n ->
if (VectorSet.mem n seen) then parents else VectorMap.add n current parents)
ns in
let seen' = List.fold_left (fun parents -> fun n -> VectorSet.add n parents) seen ns in
best_first q' seen' parents'
| None -> None in
match best_first q (VectorSet.add troll VectorSet.empty) VectorMap.empty with
| Some(parents) ->
let rec trace current =
match VectorMap.find current parents with
| next when next = troll -> [current; troll]
| next -> current :: (trace next) in
Some (trace player)
| None -> None;;
(* Maze generation using recursive backtracking *)
let shuffle ls =
List.sort (fun x -> fun y -> - 1) ls;;
let path_neighbors width height c =
let ds = [
Vector.Vector(0, 2);
Vector.Vector(2, 0);
Vector.Vector(0, -2);
Vector.Vector(-2, 0);
] in
let ns = (Vector.add c) ds in
List.filter (fun (Vector.Vector(nx, ny)) ->
nx >= 0 && nx < width && ny >= 0 && ny < height) ns;;
let between p1 (Vector.Vector(x2, y2)) = match p1 with (Vector.Vector(x1, y1)) ->
let dist_to_middle = (Vector.Vector((x2-x1)/2, (y2-y1)/2)) in
Vector.add p1 dist_to_middle;;
let print_edge_set edges =
Printf.printf "{\n";
VectorPairSet.iter (fun (Vector.Vector(x1, y1), Vector.Vector(x2, y2)) ->
Printf.printf " (%d, %d)-(%d, %d),\n" x1 y1 x2 y2) edges;
Printf.printf "}\n";
let rec choose_paths dims start vertices edges parent c = match c with Vector.Vector(cx, cy) ->
if VectorSet.mem c vertices then (vertices, edges)
let width, height = dims in
let ns = shuffle (path_neighbors width height c) in
let vertices' = VectorSet.add c vertices in
let edges' =
match parent with
| Some(parent) -> VectorPairSet.add (parent, c) edges
| None -> edges in
let unseen = List.filter (fun n -> not (VectorSet.mem n vertices)) ns in
let vertices'', edges'' = List.fold_left (fun (vacc, eacc) -> fun n ->
let vacc', eacc' = choose_paths dims start vacc eacc (Some c) n in
(VectorSet.union vacc vacc', VectorPairSet.union eacc eacc')) (vertices', edges') unseen in
(vertices'', edges'')
let rec carve_paths map edges =
if VectorPairSet.is_empty edges then map
let (p1, p2) = VectorPairSet.choose edges in
let middle = between p1 p2 in
let map' = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun c -> replace_cell acc c ' ') map [p1; p2; middle] in
carve_paths map' (VectorPairSet.remove (p1, p2) edges);;
(* Game implementation *)
let apply_state {map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over} =
let cx, cy = match character.position with Vector.Vector(x, y) -> x, y in
Array.mapi (function i -> function row ->
if (i = cy) then
replace_char row cx 'U'
let ts = List.filter (fun { position; velocity } ->
match position with Vector.Vector(tx, ty) -> i = ty) trolls in
match ts with
| [] -> row
| _ -> List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun { position; velocity } ->
match position with Vector.Vector(tx, ty) ->
replace_char acc tx 'T') row ts) map;;
let touches_wall map = function Vector.Vector(x, y) ->
x < 0 || y >= (Array.length map) || y < 0 || y >= (String.length map.(0)) || map.(y).[x] = '#';;
let is_done { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over } =
let Vector.Vector(x, y) = character.position in
over || map.(y).[x] = 'X';;
let maybe_move_wall map here delta =
let there = Vector.add here delta in
if touches_wall map there then None
else let Vector.Vector(x, y), Vector.Vector(x', y') = here, there in
Some (Array.mapi (function i ->
function row ->
if i = y && i = y' then replace_char (replace_char row x ' ') x' '#'
else if i = y then replace_char row x ' '
else if i = y' then replace_char row x' '#'
else row) map);;
let move_character velocity' {map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over} =
let { position; velocity; } = character in
let position' = Vector.add position velocity' in
if touches_wall map position' then
match (maybe_move_wall map position' velocity') with
| Some map ->
let character = {
position = position';
velocity = velocity'; } in
let over = is_done { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over } in
{ map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over; }
| None ->
let over = is_done { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over } in
{ map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over; }
let character = { position = position'; velocity = velocity; } in
let over = is_done { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over; } in
{ map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over; };;
let character_up = move_character (Vector.Vector(0, -1));;
let character_down = move_character (Vector.Vector(0, 1));;
let character_left = move_character (Vector.Vector(-1, 0));;
let character_right = move_character (Vector.Vector(1, 0));;
let move_trolls { character; wall_moved; trolls; map; over } =
let trolls' = (fun { position; velocity } ->
(*let position' = List.hd (find_path map position character.position) in*)
let path = find_path map position character.position in
let position' =
match path with
| Some(path) -> List.hd ( (List.rev path))
| None -> position
{ position = position'; velocity = velocity }) trolls in
List.iter (fun { position; velocity } ->
match position with Vector.Vector(x, y) ->
Printf.printf "(%d, %d)\n" x y)
character = character;
wall_moved = wall_moved;
trolls = trolls';
map = map;
over = over
let rec find_home map =
let height = Array.length map in
let width = String.length map.(0) in
let h = Vector.Vector(, in
if touches_wall map h then find_home map
else h;;
let spawn_entity map =
{ position = find_home map; velocity = Vector.Vector(0, 0) };;
let rec spawn_trolls map n =
if n = 0 then []
else (spawn_entity map) :: spawn_trolls map (n-1);;
let spawn_character = spawn_entity;;
let rec play state =
print_map (apply_state state);
if state.over then state
let { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over } = state in
let state' = match read_line () with
| "w" -> character_up state
| "a" -> character_left state
| "s" -> character_down state
| "d" -> character_right state
| ":q" -> let over = true in { map; wall_moved; trolls; character; over }
| _ -> state in
let state'' = move_trolls state' in
play state'';;
let round_to_odd n = if n mod 2 = 0 then n - 1 else n;;
let start_time = Sys.time () in
let dims = (100, 50) in
let dims = match dims with (width, height) ->
(round_to_odd width, round_to_odd height) in
let width, height = dims in
let start = Vector.Vector(*2,*2) in
let vertices, edges = choose_paths dims start VectorSet.empty VectorPairSet.empty None start in
let map = replace_cell (carve_paths (empty_map width height) edges) start 'X' in
let gentime = (Sys.time ()) -. start_time in
let character = spawn_character map in
let ntrolls = (int_of_float (sqrt ((float_of_int (width+height)) /. 2.0))) in
let state =
map = map;
wall_moved = false;
trolls = spawn_trolls map ntrolls;
character = character;
over = false
} in
Printf.printf "Generated %dx%d maze in %f seconds.\n" width height gentime;
Printf.printf "Spawned %d trolls.\n" ntrolls;
play state
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