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Created July 25, 2012 06:48
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Save zmilojko/3174804 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NSIS package for a C# application - a package file I used in Zaws, with comments on how to use it for your own application
; Full script for making an NSIS installation package for .NET programs,
; Allows installing and uninstalling programs on Windows environment, and unlike the package system
; integrated with Visual Studio, this one does not suck.
;To use this script:
; 1. Download NSIS ( and install
; 2. Save this script to your project and edit it to include files you want - and display text you want
; 3. Add something like the following into your post-build script (maybe only for Release configuration)
; "$(DevEnvDir)..\..\..\NSIS\makensis.exe" "$(ProjectDir)Setup\setup.nsi"
; 4. Build your project.
; This package has been tested latest on Windows 7, Visual Studio 2010 or Visual C# Express 2010, should work on all older version too.
; Main constants - define following constants as you want them displayed in your installation wizard
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.00 dev"
!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "Z-Ware Ltd."
; Following constants you should never change
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
!include "MUI.nsh"
!define MUI_ICON "Z-ware_logo.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-uninstall.ico"
; Wizard pages
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
; Note: you should create License.txt in the same folder as this file, or remove following line.
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "License.txt"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
; Replace the constants bellow to hit suite your project
OutFile "SetupZawsCC_${PRODUCT_VERSION}.exe"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show
; Following lists the files you want to include, go through this list carefully!
Section "MainSection" SEC01
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "..\bin\Release\zawscc.exe"
File "..\bin\Release\Routrek.granados.dll"
File "..\bin\Release\AWSSDK.dll"
File "..\bin\Release\AWSSDK.xml"
File "..\bin\Release\app_addscript"
File "..\bin\Release\ec2_initscript"
; Note: my system has a config template, which should manually be edited. This is a nice trick to save your username/password somewhere,
; but you can entirely skip this by deleting the following line.
File /oname=zawscc.exe.config "App.config.template"
; It is pretty clear what following line does: just rename the file name to your project startup executable.
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${PRODUCT_NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\zawscc.exe" ""
Section -Post
;Following lines will make uninstaller work - do not change anything, unless you really want to.
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
; COOL STUFF: Following line will add a registry setting that will add the INSTDIR into the list of folders from where
; the assemblies are listed in the Add Reference in C# or Visual Studio.
; This is super-cool if your installation package contains assemblies that someone will use to build more applications -
; and it doesn't hurt even if it is placed there, it will only make the VS a bit slower to find all assemblies when adding references.
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727\AssemblyFoldersEx\ZWare\ZawsCC" "" "$INSTDIR"
; Replace the following strings to suite your needs
Function un.onUninstSuccess
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "Application was successfully removed from your computer."
Function un.onInit
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to completely remove ZAwsCC and all of its components?" IDYES +2
; Remove any file that you have added above - removing uninstallation and folders last.
; Note: if there is any file changed or added to these folders, they will not be removed. Also, parent folder (which in my example
; is company name ZWare) will not be removed if there is any other application installed in it.
Section Uninstall
Delete "$INSTDIR\zawscc.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Routrek.granados.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\AWSSDK.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\AWSSDK.xml"
Delete "$INSTDIR\app_addscript"
Delete "$INSTDIR\ec2_initscript"
Delete "$INSTDIR\App.config.template"
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
; Change following to be exactly as above
DeleteRegKey ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727\AssemblyFoldersEx\ZWare\ZAwsCC"
SetAutoClose true
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DaleB-1 commented Jul 15, 2021

And 9 years later it still works on the 2021 version of Visual Studio. Thanks to Zeljko; you saved me a lot of time and effort.

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