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Last active November 29, 2016 18:33
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//Lib1 deployed at Ropsten : 0x09c3aAE78AA34c91B56fc6AbFE2e5a0AbceAaD45
//IdentityFactory deployed at Ropsten : 0xE8fe77d1576d0972d453b49bfAA84d716173D133
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
library Lib1{
function findAddress(address a, address[] storage arry) returns (int){
for (uint i = 0 ; i < arry.length ; i++){
if(arry[i] == a){return int(i);}
return -1;
function removeAddress(uint i, address[] storage arry){
uint lengthMinusOne = arry.length - 1;
arry[i] = arry[lengthMinusOne];
delete arry[lengthMinusOne];
arry.length = lengthMinusOne;
// A base Owned contract
contract Owned {
address public owner;
modifier onlyOwner(){ if (isOwner(msg.sender)) _; }
modifier ifOwner(address sender) { if(isOwner(sender)) _; }
function Owned(){
owner = msg.sender;
function isOwner(address addr) public returns(bool) { return addr == owner; }
function transfer(address _owner) onlyOwner {
owner = _owner;
// The core proxy facade
// - is owned by a user or implementation contract
// - only forwards transactions for its owner
contract Proxy is Owned {
event Forwarded (
address indexed destination,
uint value,
bytes data
function forward(address destination, uint value, bytes data) onlyOwner {
// If a contract tries to CALL or CREATE a contract with either
// (i) insufficient balance, or (ii) stack depth already at maximum (1024),
// the sub-execution and transfer do not occur at all, no gas gets consumed, and 0 is added to the stack.
// see:
if (! {
Forwarded(destination, value, data);
contract RecoverableController {
uint public version;
Proxy public proxy;
address public userKey;
address public proposedUserKey;
uint public proposedUserKeyPendingUntil;
address public recoveryKey;
address public proposedRecoveryKey;
uint public proposedRecoveryKeyPendingUntil;
address public proposedController;
uint public proposedControllerPendingUntil;
uint public shortTimeLock;// use 900 for 15 minutes
uint public longTimeLock; // use 259200 for 3 days
event RecoveryEvent(string action, address initiatedBy);
modifier onlyUserKey() { if (msg.sender == userKey) _; }
modifier onlyRecoveryKey() { if (msg.sender == recoveryKey) _; }
function RecoverableController(address proxyAddress, address _userKey, uint _longTimeLock, uint _shortTimeLock) {
version = 1;
proxy = Proxy(proxyAddress);
userKey = _userKey;
shortTimeLock = _shortTimeLock;
longTimeLock = _longTimeLock;
recoveryKey = msg.sender;
function forward(address destination, uint value, bytes data) onlyUserKey {
proxy.forward(destination, value, data);
//pass 0x0 to cancel
function signRecoveryChange(address _proposedRecoveryKey) onlyUserKey{
proposedRecoveryKeyPendingUntil = now + longTimeLock;
proposedRecoveryKey = _proposedRecoveryKey;
RecoveryEvent("signRecoveryChange", msg.sender);
function changeRecovery() {
if(proposedRecoveryKeyPendingUntil < now && proposedRecoveryKey != 0x0){
recoveryKey = proposedRecoveryKey;
delete proposedRecoveryKey;
//pass 0x0 to cancel
function signControllerChange(address _proposedController) onlyUserKey{
proposedControllerPendingUntil = now + longTimeLock;
proposedController = _proposedController;
RecoveryEvent("signControllerChange", msg.sender);
function changeController() {
if(proposedControllerPendingUntil < now && proposedController != 0x0){
//pass 0x0 to cancel
function signUserKeyChange(address _proposedUserKey) onlyUserKey{
proposedUserKeyPendingUntil = now + shortTimeLock;
proposedUserKey = _proposedUserKey;
RecoveryEvent("signUserKeyChange", msg.sender);
function changeUserKey(){
if(proposedUserKeyPendingUntil < now && proposedUserKey != 0x0){
userKey = proposedUserKey;
delete proposedUserKey;
RecoveryEvent("changeUserKey", msg.sender);
function changeRecoveryFromRecovery(address _recoveryKey) onlyRecoveryKey{ recoveryKey = _recoveryKey; }
function changeUserKeyFromRecovery(address _userKey) onlyRecoveryKey{
delete proposedUserKey;
userKey = _userKey;
contract RecoveryQuorum {
RecoverableController public controller;
address[] public delegateAddresses; // needed for iteration of mapping
mapping (address => Delegate) public delegates;
struct Delegate{
uint deletedAfter; // delegate exists if not 0
uint pendingUntil;
address proposedUserKey;
event RecoveryEvent(string action, address initiatedBy);
modifier onlyUserKey(){ if (msg.sender == controller.userKey()) _; }
function RecoveryQuorum(address _controller, address[] _delegates){
controller = RecoverableController(_controller);
for(uint i = 0; i < _delegates.length; i++){
delegates[_delegates[i]] = Delegate({proposedUserKey: 0x0, pendingUntil: 0, deletedAfter: 31536000000000});
function signUserChange(address proposedUserKey) {
if(delegateRecordExists(delegates[msg.sender])) {
delegates[msg.sender].proposedUserKey = proposedUserKey;
RecoveryEvent("signUserChange", msg.sender);
function changeUserKey(address newUserKey) {
if(collectedSignatures(newUserKey) >= neededSignatures()){
for(uint i = 0 ; i < delegateAddresses.length ; i++){
//remove any pending delegates after a recovery
if(delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].pendingUntil > now){
delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].deletedAfter = now;
delete delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].proposedUserKey;
function replaceDelegates(address[] delegatesToRemove, address[] delegatesToAdd) onlyUserKey{
for(uint i = 0 ; i < delegatesToRemove.length ; i++){
for(uint j = 0 ; j < delegatesToAdd.length ; j++){
RecoveryEvent("replaceDelegates", msg.sender);
function collectedSignatures(address _proposedUserKey) returns (uint signatures){
for(uint i = 0 ; i < delegateAddresses.length ; i++){
if (delegateHasValidSignature(delegates[delegateAddresses[i]]) && delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].proposedUserKey == _proposedUserKey){
function getAddresses() constant returns (address[]){ return delegateAddresses; }
function neededSignatures() returns (uint){
uint currentDelegateCount; //always 0 at this point
for(uint i = 0 ; i < delegateAddresses.length ; i++){
if(delegateIsCurrent(delegates[delegateAddresses[i]])){ currentDelegateCount++; }
return currentDelegateCount/2 + 1;
function addDelegate(address delegate) private {
if(!delegateRecordExists(delegates[delegate]) && delegateAddresses.length < 15) {
delegates[delegate] = Delegate({proposedUserKey: 0x0, pendingUntil: now + controller.longTimeLock(), deletedAfter: 31536000000000});
function removeDelegate(address delegate) private {
if(delegates[delegate].deletedAfter > controller.longTimeLock() + now){
//remove right away if they are still pending
if(delegates[delegate].pendingUntil > now){
delegates[delegate].deletedAfter = now;
} else{
delegates[delegate].deletedAfter = controller.longTimeLock() + now;
function garbageCollect() private{
uint i = 0;
while(i < delegateAddresses.length){
delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].deletedAfter = 0;
delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].pendingUntil = 0;
delegates[delegateAddresses[i]].proposedUserKey = 0;
Lib1.removeAddress(i, delegateAddresses);
function delegateRecordExists(Delegate d) private returns (bool){
return d.deletedAfter != 0;
function delegateIsDeleted(Delegate d) private returns (bool){
return d.deletedAfter <= now; //doesnt check record existence
function delegateIsCurrent(Delegate d) private returns (bool){
return delegateRecordExists(d) && !delegateIsDeleted(d) && now > d.pendingUntil;
function delegateHasValidSignature(Delegate d) private returns (bool){
return delegateIsCurrent(d) && d.proposedUserKey != 0x0;
contract IdentityFactory {
event IdentityCreated(
address indexed creator,
address proxy,
address controller,
address recoveryQuorum);
mapping(address => address) public senderToProxy;
function CreateProxyWithControllerAndRecovery(address userKey, address[] delegates, uint longTimeLock, uint shortTimeLock) {
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
RecoverableController controller = new RecoverableController(proxy, userKey, longTimeLock, shortTimeLock);
RecoveryQuorum recoveryQuorum = new RecoveryQuorum(controller, delegates);
IdentityCreated(msg.sender, proxy, controller, recoveryQuorum);
senderToProxy[msg.sender] = proxy;
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