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Created April 11, 2022 17:06
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binary pattern match performance
-define(CHUNK_SIZE, 1049).
run(Chunks) ->
BinL = [crypto:strong_rand_bytes(?CHUNK_SIZE) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Chunks)],
TotalBytes = ?CHUNK_SIZE * Chunks,
compare([hd(BinL) | BinL], TotalBytes).
compare(BinL, Bytes) ->
{T1, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> match(BinL, Bytes, <<>>) end),
{T2, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> sizer(BinL, Bytes, <<>>) end),
io:format(user, "match: ~p\n"
"sizer: ~p\n", [T1, T2]).
match([Bin | Rest], N, Acc) ->
case Acc of
<<Head:N/binary, _/binary>> ->
_ ->
match(Rest, N, <<Acc/binary, Bin/binary>>)
sizer([Bin | Rest], N, Acc) ->
case size(Acc) >= N of
true ->
<<Head:N/binary, _/binary>> = Acc,
_ ->
sizer(Rest, N, <<Acc/binary, Bin/binary>>)
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zmstone commented Apr 13, 2022

match/3 is significantly slower than sizer/3

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kjellwinblad commented Apr 13, 2022

The Erlang VM has an optimization that, in some circumstances, makes repeated binary concatenation have O(N) time complexity (where N is "size of binary" * "number of binaries") instead of O(N*N), which is what one would expect without knowing about this optimization. So what I think is happening is that for the sizer/3 function, this optimization kicks in but not for the matcher/3 function, so for sizer/3 the execution time grows linearly with the size of the input, but for matcher/3, the execution time grows quadratically with the size of the input list.

The optimization that I'm referring to is described here:

I think the sentence "Matching a binary will also cause it to shrink and the next append operation will copy the binary data:" from the URL above might explain why the append optimization is not used in matcher/3.

This optimization is not available in older versions of Erlang, and I also think that which scenarios it is used in depends on the Erlang version. Therefore, I think it might be better to write code that does not rely on this optimization. Here is an alternative that seems to have similar performance as sizer/3, but it does not depend on the optimization mentioned above:

delayer(BinL, N,  <<>>) ->
    delayer(BinL, N,  []);
delayer(BinL, N,  Acc) ->
    delayer(BinL, N, 0, Acc).
delayer([Bin | Rest], N, AccSize, Acc) ->
    case AccSize >= N of
        true ->
            AccCombined = erlang:iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),
            <<Head:N/binary, _/binary>> = AccCombined,
        _ ->
                    erlang:size(Bin) + AccSize,
                    [Bin | Acc])

While measuring this, I noticed that there is quite a big variation in execution time between different runs and depending on input size and which of sizer/3 and delayer/3 runs first so I don't think one can use this simple benchmark to determine which one of sizer/3 and delayer/3 is the fastest. However, intuitively I believe delayer/3 should cause fewer big allocations and therefore be more memory efficient, so I would choose that one if I had to choose one.

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zmstone commented Apr 13, 2022

Thank you @kjellwinblad

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