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Created May 1, 2013 17:21
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#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use Test;
my %arabic-to-roman = <
1000 M 900 CM 500 D 400 CD 100 C 90 XC 50 L 40 XL
10 X 9 IX 5 V 4 IV 1 I
my @arabic = %arabic-to-roman.keys.sort({ $^b <=> $^a });
sub to-roman(Int $num) {
return '' if $num == 0;
my $largest = @arabic.first: $num >= *;
return %arabic-to-roman{$largest} ~ to-roman($num - $largest);
is to-roman(1), "I", "1 gets converted to I";
is to-roman(2), "II", "2 gets converted to II";
is to-roman(3), "III", "3 gets converted to III";
is to-roman(4), "IV", "4 gets converted to IV";
is to-roman(5), "V", "5 gets converted to V";
is to-roman(6), "VI", "6 gets converted to VI";
is to-roman(101), "CI", "101 gets converted to CI";
is to-roman(104), "CIV", "104 gets converted to CIV";
is to-roman(105), "CV", "105 gets converted to CV";
is to-roman(106), "CVI", "106 gets converted to CVI";
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