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Created May 1, 2013 19:17
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#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use Test;
class Promise {
has State $.state = PENDING;
has @.fulfill-queue;
has @.reject-queue;
has $.value;
has $.reason;
method fulfill($value) {
return if $!state != PENDING;
$!state = FULFILLED;
while my $cb = @!fulfill-queue.shift {
$cb( $value );
method reject($reason) {
return if $!state != PENDING;
$!state = REJECTED;
while my $cb = @!reject-queue.shift {
$cb( $reason )
method then(&onFulfilled, &onRejected?) {
if $!state == PENDING {
@!fulfill-queue.push: &onFulfilled;
@!reject-queue.push: &onRejected if &onRejected;
} elsif $!state == FULFILLED {
} elsif $!state == REJECTED {
return self;
my $promise =;
my $value = 0;
$promise.then(sub ( $arg ) { $value = $arg });
ok !$value, "Hasn't been fulfilled yet";
$promise.fulfill("OH HAI");
is $promise.state, Promise::State::FULFILLED, "Correct state";
is $value, "OH HAI", "Code has been run";
my $promise = => Promise::State::FULFILLED, value => "yay!");
is $promise.state, Promise::State::FULFILLED, "Already correct state";
my $value = 0;
$promise.then( sub ( $arg ) { $value = $arg });
is $value, "yay!", "Code ran immediately";
my $promise =;
my $value = 0;
my $reason = 0;
$promise.then( sub ( $arg ) { $value = $arg }, sub ( $arg ) { $reason = $arg });
ok !$reason, "Hasn't been rejected yet";
$promise.reject("OH NOES");
is $promise.state, "REJECTED", "Correct state";
ok !$value, "Fulfill code didn't run";
is $reason, "OH NOES", "Reject code has been run";
my $promise =;
my $value = 0;
$promise.then(sub ( $arg ) { $value++ });
$promise.then(sub ( $arg ) { $value++ });
$promise.then(sub ( $arg ) { $value++ });
ok !$value, "Hasn't been fulfilled yet";
$promise.fulfill("OH HAI");
is $promise.state, Promise::State::FULFILLED, "Correct state";
is $value, 3, "Code has been run";
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