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Last active March 14, 2022 13:02
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Save zmwangx/6191892dc6a96baebdce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple Twitter image crawler based on Tweepy

To use this program, put your Twitter OAuth credentials in ~/.config/twitter/oauth.json (or customize this path in oauth.json should look like

    "consumer_key": "...",
    "consumer_secret": "...",
    "access_token": "...",
    "access_token_secret": "..."

See -h for usage. There are several external dependencies:

  • colorama (via pip)
  • libmagic (via brew, for instance)
  • python-magic (via pip)
  • tweepy (via pip)

Currently automatic updating is not implemented, but this functionality is already planned out and very easy to add (simply parse out the last traversed status id from status.log written by

Note on concurrency

Currently downloads are processed one at a time. While it is super fast for me, I have to say good luck if you have a bad connection to Twitter's CDN. I could write a simple concurrent model with multiprocessing, but it's kind of awkward and I don't like it. You might want to DIY. I would use Go instead if I want to do concurrency right, but Go doesn't have tweepy (no tweepy.Cursor!), and I'm not familiar enough with Go.

If you really have a bad connection to Twitter, and don't want to write concurrency code yourself (it's really simple), the legacy version is for you. Browse the commit history. See "Note on legacy version" for details.

Note on legacy version

In a previous version, I used my own generic image downloader, which turned out to be a really bad decision. Now the program should be much faster, much less resource intensive, and easily adapted to Windows (without cygwin, mingw, etc.).

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import datetime
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import urllib
from colorama import Fore
import magic
from tweepy import *
### parse args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default='', help='path to save images to; default is ~/Downloads/img/twitter/screen_name')
parser.add_argument('--since-id', default='1')
args = parser.parse_args()
screen_name = args.screen_name
since_id = args.since_id
directory =
directory = os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/img/twitter/' + screen_name)
print directory
status_log_file = directory + '/status.log'
### finished parsing args
### utilities
def print_error(err):
print >>sys.stderr, Fore.RED + sys.argv[0] + ' error: ' + err + Fore.RESET
### end of utilities
### set up oauth
oauth_json_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/twitter/oauth.json')
if not os.path.exists(oauth_json_file):
print_error('no ' + oauth_json_file)
oauth = json.loads(open(oauth_json_file, 'r').read())
auth = OAuthHandler(oauth['consumer_key'], oauth['consumer_secret'])
auth.set_access_token(oauth['access_token'], oauth['access_token_secret'])
api = API(auth)
### finished oauth stuff
### traverse the timeline and save images
if not os.path.exists(directory):
status_log = open(status_log_file, 'a')
# save all statuses (at most 3200 -- we have enough resources)
statuses = []
for status in Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name=screen_name, since_id=since_id).items():
# replay backwards
for status in reversed(statuses):
status_id = str(
print >>status_log, status_id
date = status.created_at.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
if hasattr(status, 'retweeted_status') or not hasattr(status, 'extended_entities'):
if 'media' in status.extended_entities:
print '' + screen_name + '/status/' + status_id # print uri of status
count = 0;
for media in status.extended_entities['media']:
count += 1
if media['type'] == 'photo':
image_uri = media['media_url'] + ':large'
print image_uri
filename = date + '-twitter.com_' + screen_name + '-' + status_id + '-' + str(count)
filepath = directory + '/' + filename
# download image
urllib.urlretrieve(image_uri, filepath)
# identify mime type and attach extension
if os.path.exists(filepath):
mime = magic.from_file(filepath, mime=True)
if mime == "image/gif":
newfilepath = filepath + ".gif"
elif mime == "image/jpeg":
newfilepath = filepath + ".jpg"
elif mime == "image/png":
newfilepath = filepath + ".png"
err = filepath + ": unrecgonized image type"
os.rename(filepath, newfilepath)
# donwload failed for whatever reason
err = filename + ": failed to download " + image_uri
### finish traversing
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pilzze commented Aug 3, 2017


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