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Created July 16, 2014 09:29
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data Warrior = Warrior {attack :: Int}
data Monster = Monster {hitPoint :: Int, defence :: Int}
data Attack = Normal | Critical | Gira | Begirama
battle :: Warrior -> Monster -> [Attack] -> Int
battle w m as = (hitPoint m) - (sum $ map damage as)
damage Normal
| d < 1 = 1
| otherwise = d
d = truncate $ ((realToFrac $ attack w) - ((realToFrac $ defence m) / 2)) / 2
damage Critical = attack w
damage Gira = 12
damage Begirama = 65
case 1
battle (Warrior 5) (Monster 80 5) [Gira, Begirama, Gira]
case 2
battle (Warrior 30) (Monster 100 10) [Normal, Critical, Begirama]
case 3
battle (Warrior 40) (Monster 200 100) [Normal, Gira, Normal, Critical, Gira, Begirama]
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