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Last active July 14, 2019 13:20
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Kaggle Docker for GPU Using in Mainland China
((=- Default to the notebook output style -=))
((* if not cell_style is defined *))
((* set cell_style = 'style_jupyter.tplx' *))
((* endif *))
((=- Inherit from the specified cell style. -=))
((* extends cell_style *))
% Latex Article
((* block docclass *))
((* endblock docclass *))
((= Latex base template (must inherit)
This template builds upon the abstract template, adding common latex output
functions. Figures, data_text,
This template does not define a docclass, the inheriting class must define this.=))
((*- extends 'document_contents.tplx' -*))
% Abstract overrides
((* block header *))
((* block docclass *))((* endblock docclass *))
((* block packages *))
% Nicer default font (+ math font) than Computer Modern for most use cases
% Basic figure setup, for now with no caption control since it's done
% automatically by Pandoc (which extracts ![](path) syntax from Markdown).
% We will generate all images so they have a width \maxwidth. This means
% that they will get their normal width if they fit onto the page, but
% are scaled down if they would overflow the margins.
% Set max figure width to be 80% of text width, for now hardcoded.
% Ensure that by default, figures have no caption (until we provide a
% proper Figure object with a Caption API and a way to capture that
% in the conversion process - todo).
\usepackage{adjustbox} % Used to constrain images to a maximum size
\usepackage{xcolor} % Allow colors to be defined
\usepackage{enumerate} % Needed for markdown enumerations to work
\usepackage{geometry} % Used to adjust the document margins
\usepackage{amsmath} % Equations
\usepackage{amssymb} % Equations
\usepackage{textcomp} % defines textquotesingle
% Hack from
\def\PYZsq{\textquotesingle}% Upright quotes in Pygmentized code
\usepackage{upquote} % Upright quotes for verbatim code
\usepackage{eurosym} % defines \euro
\usepackage[mathletters]{ucs} % Extended unicode (utf-8) support
\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % Allow utf-8 characters in the tex document
\usepackage{fancyvrb} % verbatim replacement that allows latex
\usepackage{grffile} % extends the file name processing of package graphics
% to support a larger range
% The hyperref package gives us a pdf with properly built
% internal navigation ('pdf bookmarks' for the table of contents,
% internal cross-reference links, web links for URLs, etc.)
\usepackage{longtable} % longtable support required by pandoc >1.10
\usepackage{booktabs} % table support for pandoc > 1.12.2
\usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % IRkernel/repr support (it uses the enumerate* environment)
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % ulem is needed to support strikethroughs (\sout)
% normalem makes italics be italics, not underlines
((* endblock packages *))
((* block definitions *))
% Colors for the hyperref package
% ANSI colors
% commands and environments needed by pandoc snippets
% extracted from the output of `pandoc -s`
% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
% Additional commands for more recent versions of Pandoc
% Define a nice break command that doesn't care if a line doesn't already
% exist.
\def\br{\hspace*{\fill} \\* }
% Math Jax compatibility definitions
% Document parameters
% Document title
((* block title -*))
((*- set nb_title = nb.metadata.get('title', '') or resources['metadata']['name'] -*))
\title{((( nb_title )))}
((*- endblock title *))
((* block date *))((* endblock date *))
((* block author *))
((* if 'authors' in nb.metadata *))
\author{((( nb.metadata.authors | join(', ', attribute='name') )))}
((* endif *))
((* endblock author *))
((* endblock definitions *))
((* block commands *))
% Prevent overflowing lines due to hard-to-break entities
% Setup hyperref package
breaklinks=true, % so long urls are correctly broken across lines
% Slightly bigger margins than the latex defaults
((* block margins *))
((* endblock margins *))
((* endblock commands *))
((* endblock header *))
((* block body *))
((* block predoc *))
((* block maketitle *))\maketitle((* endblock maketitle *))
((* block abstract *))((* endblock abstract *))
((* endblock predoc *))
((( super() )))
% Add a bibliography block to the postdoc
((* block postdoc *))
((* block bibliography *))((* endblock bibliography *))
((* endblock postdoc *))
((* endblock body *))
ARG BASE_TAG=staging
FROM nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04 AS nvidia
FROM as tensorflow_whl
ADD /tmp/
# Cuda support
COPY --from=nvidia /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
COPY --from=nvidia /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-ml.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
COPY --from=nvidia /etc/apt/trusted.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/cuda.gpg
RUN echo "deb /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list &&\
echo "deb /">/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-ml.list
RUN apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys F60F4B3D7FA2AF80 &&\
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32
# Ensure the cuda libraries are compatible with the custom Tensorflow wheels.
# TODO(b/120050292): Use templating to keep in sync or COPY installed binaries from it.
LABEL com.nvidia.volumes.needed="nvidia_driver"
LABEL com.nvidia.cuda.version="${CUDA_VERSION}"
ENV PATH=/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:${PATH}
# The stub is useful to us both for built-time linking and run-time linking, on CPU-only systems.
# When intended to be used with actual GPUs, make sure to (besides providing access to the host
# CUDA user libraries, either manually or through the use of nvidia-docker) exclude them. One
# convenient way to do so is to obscure its contents by a bind mount:
# docker run .... -v /non-existing-directory:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs:ro ...
#ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/nvidia/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs"
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda/lib64"
RUN echo 'deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse'> /etc/apt/sources.list &&\
echo 'deb xenial-updates main restricted universe multiverse'>> /etc/apt/sources.list &&\
echo 'deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse'>> /etc/apt/sources.list &&\
echo 'deb xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse'>> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN conda config --add channels &&\
conda config --add channels &&\
conda config --add channels &&\
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
cuda-cupti-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-cudart-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-cudart-dev-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-libraries-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-libraries-dev-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-nvml-dev-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-minimal-build-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
cuda-command-line-tools-$CUDA_PKG_VERSION \
libcudnn7= \
libcudnn7-dev= \
libnccl2=2.4.2-1+cuda10.0 \
libnccl-dev=2.4.2-1+cuda10.0 \
cuda-nvjpeg-10-0=10.0.130-1 \
cuda-nvjpeg-dev-10-0=10.0.130-1 &&\
ln -s /usr/local/cuda-10.0 /usr/local/cuda && \
ln -s /usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs/ /usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs/ && \
# Reinstall packages with a separate version for GPU support
# Tensorflow
COPY --from=tensorflow_whl /tmp/tensorflow_gpu/*.whl /tmp/tensorflow_gpu/
RUN pip config set global.index-url &&\
pip uninstall -y tensorflow && \
pip install /tmp/tensorflow_gpu/tensorflow*.whl && \
rm -rf /tmp/tensorflow_gpu && \
conda remove --force -y pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu && \
conda install -y pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 && \
pip uninstall -y mxnet && \
# b/126259508 --no-deps prevents numpy from being downgraded.
pip install --no-deps mxnet-cu100 && \
# Install GPU-only packages
RUN pip install pycuda && \
pip install cupy-cuda100 && \
pip install pynvrtc && \
# Install custom tools
#RUN apt-get install -y libvips-dev libvips libturbojpeg &&\
# pip install jpeg4py pyvips albumentations fastai &&\
# /tmp/
# Install ctex for jupyter notebook export Chinese pdf
# RUN apt-get install -y pandoc && \
# apt-get install -y texlive-xetex && \
# apt-get install -y texlive-lang-cjk && \
# pip install pdfkit && \
# /tmp/
# add ctex for jupyter notebook export Chinese pdf
# ADD article.tplx /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/article.tplx
# ADD article.tplx /opt/conda/pkgs/nbconvert-5.5.0-py_0/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/article.tplx
# ADD article.tplx /opt/conda/pkgs/nbconvert-5.4.1-py37_3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/article.tplx
# ADD base.tplx /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/base.tplx
# ADD base.tplx /opt/conda/pkgs/nbconvert-5.5.0-py_0/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/base.tplx
# ADD base.tplx /opt/conda/pkgs/nbconvert-5.4.1-py37_3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/base.tplx
# Re-add TensorBoard Jupyter extension patch
ADD patches/tensorboard/ /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorboard/
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