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Forked from ginowu7/clean_localizable.swift
Created September 21, 2018 04:08
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Clean swift localizable script
/// Throws error if ALL localizable files does not have matching keys
/// - Parameter files: list of localizable files to validate
func validateMatchKeys(_ files: [LocalizationStringsFile]) {
print("------------ Validating keys match in all localizable files ------------")
guard let base = files.first, files.count > 1 else { return }
let files = Array(files.dropFirst())
files.forEach {
guard let extraKey = Set(base.keys).symmetricDifference($0.keys).first else { return }
let incorrectFile = $0.keys.contains(extraKey) ? $0 : base
printPretty("error: Found extra key: \(extraKey) in file: \(incorrectFile.path)")
/// Throws error if localizable files are missing keys
/// - Parameters:
/// - codeFiles: Array of LocalizationCodeFile
/// - localizationFiles: Array of LocalizableStringFiles
func validateMissingKeys(_ codeFiles: [LocalizationCodeFile], localizationFiles: [LocalizationStringsFile]) {
print("------------ Checking for missing keys -----------")
guard let baseFile = localizationFiles.first else { fatalError("Could not locate base localization file") }
let baseKeys = Set(baseFile.keys)
codeFiles.forEach {
let extraKeys = $0.keys.subtracting(baseKeys)
if !extraKeys.isEmpty {
printPretty("error: Found keys in code: \(extraKeys) from \($0.path), missing in strings file ")
/// Throws warning if keys exist in localizable file but are not being used
/// - Parameters:
/// - codeFiles: Array of LocalizationCodeFile
/// - localizationFiles: Array of LocalizableStringFiles
func validateDeadKeys(_ codeFiles: [LocalizationCodeFile], localizationFiles: [LocalizationStringsFile]) {
print("------------ Checking for any dead keys in localizable file -----------")
guard let baseFile = localizationFiles.first else { fatalError("Could not locate base localization file") }
let baseKeys = Set(baseFile.keys)
let allCodeFileKeys = codeFiles.flatMap { $0.keys }
let deadKeys = baseKeys.subtracting(allCodeFileKeys)
if !deadKeys.isEmpty {
printPretty("warning: \(deadKeys) - Suggest cleaning dead keys")
/// Parses contents of a file to localizable keys and values - Throws error if localizable file have duplicated keys
/// - Parameter path: Localizable file paths
/// - Returns: localizable key and value for content at path
static func parse(_ path: String) -> [String: String] {
let content = contents(atPath: path)
let trimmed = content
.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n+", with: "", options: .regularExpression, range: nil)
.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let keys = regexFor("\"([^\"]*?)\"(?= =)", content: trimmed)
let values = regexFor("(?<== )\"(.*?)\"(?=;)", content: trimmed)
if keys.count != values.count { fatalError("Error parsing contents: Make sure all keys and values are in correct format without comments in file") }
print("------------ Validating for duplicate keys: \(path) ------------")
return zip(keys, values).reduce(into: [String: String]()) { results, keyValue in
if results[keyValue.0] != nil {
printPretty("error: Found duplicate key: \(keyValue.0) in file: \(path)")
results[keyValue.0] = keyValue.1
let stringFiles = create()
stringFiles.forEach { print($0.path) }
stringFiles.forEach { $0.cleanWrite() }
let codeFiles = localizedStringsInCode()
validateMissingKeys(codeFiles, localizationFiles: stringFiles)
validateDeadKeys(codeFiles, localizationFiles: stringFiles)
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