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Last active February 2, 2021 05:10
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import System.Environment
import Data.List
data Player = PlayerX | PlayerO
data State = Done | Progress
data Cell = X | O | Empty
type Row = [Cell]
type Board = [Row]
instance Show Player where
show PlayerX = "player [X]"
show PlayerO = "player [O]"
instance Eq Player where
PlayerX == PlayerX = True
PlayerO == PlayerO = True
_ == _ = False
instance Show Cell where
show Empty = " "
show X = " X "
show O = " O "
instance Eq Cell where
X == X = True
O == O = True
Empty == Empty = True
_ == _ = False
data GameState = GameState { board :: Board, active :: Player}
initialGameState :: GameState
initialGameState = GameState (replicate 3 $ replicate 3 Empty) PlayerX
updateGameState :: Board -> Player -> GameState
updateGameState = GameState
getBoard :: GameState -> Board
getBoard GameState{..} = board
getPlayer :: GameState -> Player
getPlayer GameState{..} = active
showCell :: Row -> Int -> String
showCell row idx = show $ row !! idx
divideLine :: String
divideLine = "\n-------------\n"
showRows :: Board -> [String]
showRows = map (\row -> "|" ++ showCell row 0 ++ "|" ++ showCell row 1 ++ "|" ++ showCell row 2 ++ "|")
renderBoard :: Board -> String
renderBoard board = divideLine ++ intercalate divideLine (showRows board) ++ divideLine
toCell :: Player -> Cell
toCell player
| player == PlayerO = O
| player == PlayerX = X
| otherwise = Empty
move :: GameState -> Int -> Int -> Board
move game row col =
left ++ newMid:right
board = getBoard game
turn = getPlayer game
(left, mid:right) = splitAt row board
(lc, mc:rc) = splitAt col mid
newMid = lc ++ toCell turn :rc
isEmpty :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isEmpty board ridx cidx = let row = board !! ridx
cell = row !! cidx
in cell == Empty
playerMove :: GameState -> IO(Int, Int)
playerMove game = do
let player = getPlayer game
let board = getBoard game
-- putStr $ renderBoard board
putStrLn $ "Enter coords (x y | 0 <= x, y <= 2) :"
(col : row : _) <- fmap parseInts getLine
if (row < 0) || (row > 2) || (col < 0) || (col > 2)
then do
putStrLn "Bad coords. Try again."
playerMove game
else do
if not $ isEmpty board row col
then do
putStrLn "Spot taken. Try again."
playerMove game
else pure(row, col)
playGame :: GameState -> IO (Player, Board)
playGame currGameState = do
(row, col) <- playerMove currGameState
let currPlayer = getPlayer currGameState
let nextPlayer = if currPlayer == PlayerX
then PlayerO
else PlayerX
let nextBoard = move currGameState row col
putStrLn.renderBoard $ nextBoard
if won nextBoard currPlayer
then pure(currPlayer, nextBoard)
else do
let nextGameState = GameState nextBoard nextPlayer
playGame nextGameState
won :: Board -> Player -> Bool
won board player = any full $ diagonals board ++ board ++ transpose board
where symbol = playerToSymbol player
full [a,b,c] = a == b && b == c && a == symbol
diagonals [ [a1, _, a3],
[_ , b2, _],
[c1, _, c2]] = [[a1, b2, c2], [a3, b2, c1]]
main = do
let initGameState = initialGameState
putStrLn.renderBoard $ getBoard initGameState
(winner, finalBoard) <- playGame initialGameState
putStrLn $ "winner is " ++ (show.playerToSymbol) winner ++ "!!"
playerToSymbol :: Player -> Cell
playerToSymbol player = if player == PlayerO then O else X
parseInts :: String -> [Int]
parseInts str = map read (words str)
clearScreen :: IO()
clearScreen = putStr "\ESC[2J"
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