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Created February 26, 2020 22:25
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Simple featureflag in nodejs
* Simple featureFlag
* */
const YAML = require('yaml');
const fs = require("fs");
class FeatureFlag {
constructor() {
let filepath = 'featureflag.yaml';
let fileContent= fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');
let yamlLoad = YAML.parse(fileContent);
this.config = yamlLoad;
isFeatureEnabled(component, featureFlag) {
let isEnabled = this.isComponentEnabled(component)
if(!isEnabled) {
return false;
return this.checkFeature(component, featureFlag);
checkFeature(component, featureFlag) {
let comp = this.getComponent(component)
//console.log("checkFeature", comp.featureflags[featureFlag])
return comp.featureflags[featureFlag].enabled
isComponentEnabled(component) {
return this.checkComponent(component);
getComponent(component) {
let comp = {};
this.config.Components.forEach(e =>{
if( component in e) {
comp = e[component];
return comp
checkComponent(component) {
let e = this.getComponent(component);
try {
return e.enabled;
} catch (e) {
if( e instanceof TypeError) {
throw Error("component \""+ component + "\" missing in yaml");
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