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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Program Fixpoint and simpl/unfold
Require Import Arith List ListSet Omega Program.
Definition fvar : Type := nat.
Definition bvar : Type := nat.
Inductive sort : Type :=
| N : sort
| ArrowS : sort -> sort -> sort.
Definition eq_sort_dec (s1 s2 : sort) : {s1 = s2} + {s1 <> s2}.
Proof. do 2 decide equality. Defined.
(* A very simple language with locally nameless binder representation *)
Inductive index : Type :=
| IBVar : bvar -> index
| IFVar : fvar -> index
| Z : index
| Plus1 : index -> index
| IAbs : sort -> index -> index
| IApp : index -> index -> index.
(* Set notations *)
Notation "\{}" := (empty_set fvar).
Notation "\{ x }" := ([x]).
Notation "E \u F" := (set_union eq_nat_dec E F)
(at level 37, right associativity).
Notation "x \in E" := (set_In x E) (at level 38).
Notation "x \notin E" := (~ (x \in E)) (at level 38).
(* Environments *)
Definition env := list (fvar * sort).
Definition get (x : fvar) (e : env) : option sort :=
find (fun p => if eq_nat_dec x (fst p) then true else false) e
| Some p => Some (snd p)
| None => None
Definition dom (e : env) : set fvar := fold_left (fun s x => \{fst x} \u s) e \{}.
(* Free variables *)
Fixpoint ifv (i : index) : set fvar :=
match i with
| IFVar x => \{x}
| IBVar _ | Z => \{}
| Plus1 i => ifv i
| IAbs _ i => ifv i
| IApp i1 i2 => ifv i1 \u ifv i2
Definition var_gen (E : set fvar) :=
1 + fold_right max O E.
Lemma var_gen_spec : forall E, (var_gen E) \notin E.
intros E.
assert (Hlt : forall n, n \in E -> n < var_gen E).
{ intros n H. induction E as [|x xs IHxs];
unfold var_gen in *; simpl in *; try (now exfalso; auto).
destruct H; subst;
rewrite Max.succ_max_distr, NPeano.Nat.max_lt_iff; auto. }
intros contra. apply Hlt in contra. omega.
Fixpoint ii_open_rec (k : nat) (i : index) (x : fvar) : index :=
match i with
| IBVar n => if eq_nat_dec k n then (IFVar x) else (IBVar n)
| IFVar _ | Z => i
| Plus1 i => Plus1 (ii_open_rec k i x)
| IAbs s i => IAbs s (ii_open_rec (S k) i x)
| IApp i1 i2 => IApp (ii_open_rec k i1 x) (ii_open_rec k i2 x)
Definition ii_open_var (i : index) (x : fvar) := ii_open_rec 0 i x.
(* Typing rules *)
Inductive sorting (e : env) : index -> sort -> Prop :=
| IFVarRule :
forall (x : fvar) (s : sort),
get x e = Some s ->
sorting e (IFVar x) s
| ZRule : sorting e Z N
| Plus1Rule : forall (I : index),
sorting e I N -> sorting e (Plus1 I) N
| IAbsRule : forall (I : index) (s1 s2 : sort),
(* Cheating a bit to make the proof easier, but this
rule should be equivalent with the previous one -
the proof must be cumbersome though *)
let x := var_gen (dom e \u ifv I) in
sorting ((x, s1) :: e) (ii_open_var I x) s2 ->
sorting e (IAbs s1 I) (ArrowS s1 s2)
| IAppRule : forall (I1 I2 : index) (S1 S2 : sort),
sorting e I1 (ArrowS S1 S2) -> sorting e I2 S1 ->
sorting e (IApp I1 I2) S2.
Fixpoint index_size (i : index) : nat :=
match i with
| IBVar _ | IFVar _ | Z => 0
| Plus1 i | IAbs _ i => 1 + index_size i
| IApp i1 i2 => 1 + (index_size i1 + index_size i2)
Lemma size_ii_open_rec :
forall (i : index) (x : fvar) (rec :nat),
index_size (ii_open_rec rec i x) = index_size i.
intros i x.
induction i; intros n; simpl;
(match goal with
| [ H : forall (_ : nat), _ = _ |- _ ] =>
rewrite H
end); try omega.
now destruct (eq_nat_dec _ _).
Program Fixpoint infer_sort (ie : env) (i : index) {measure (index_size i)} :
{o : option sort | forall s, o = Some s -> sorting ie i s } :=
match i with
| IBVar x => None
| IFVar x => get x ie
| Z => Some N
| Plus1 i =>
match infer_sort ie i with
| Some N => Some N
| _ => None
| IAbs s i =>
let x := var_gen (dom ie \u ifv i) in
match infer_sort ((x, s) :: ie) (ii_open_var i x) with
| Some s' => Some (ArrowS s s')
| _ => None
| IApp i1 i2 =>
match infer_sort ie i1 with
| Some (ArrowS s1 s2) =>
match infer_sort ie i2 with
| Some s1' =>
if eq_sort_dec s1 s1' then Some s2
else None
| _ => None
| _ => None
Solve Obligations using
program_simpl; constructor; auto.
Solve Obligations using
program_simpl; simpl; unfold ii_open_var;
try rewrite size_ii_open_rec; omega.
Solve Obligations using
(repeat (match goal with
| [ H : Some _ = ` ?P |- _] =>
destruct P; simpl in *; subst; clear H
end); econstructor; eauto).
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