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Created December 26, 2011 14:59
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Save zoetrope/1521330 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FParsecによるCORBA IDLパーサ
module idl.ast
open System
open FParsec.Primitives
open FParsec.CharParsers
open FParsec.Error
type ConstExpr =
| Xor of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Or of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| And of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Shift of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Add of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Minus of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Multi of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Divide of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Rest of ConstExpr * ConstExpr
| Unary of string * ConstExpr
| Literal of string list
and Definition =
| Sequence of Definition * ConstExpr
| String of ConstExpr
| WString of ConstExpr
| Primitive of string
| Void
| ScopedType of string list
// 構造体 名前, メンバー
| Struct of string * (Definition list)
| Union of string * Definition * (Definition list)
| Case of (ConstExpr list) * Definition
| Element of Definition * Definition
| Enum of string * (string list)
// ネームスペース
| Module of string * (Definition list)
// typedef 型, 新しい型
| Typedef of Definition * Definition
// 定数 型, 名前, 値
| Const of string * string * string
// 前置インタフェース 名前, 属性
| ForwardInterface of string * string
// インタフェース 名前, 継承元, メンバー, 属性
| Interface of string * (Definition list) * (Definition list) * string
// 例外 名前, メンバー
| ExceptionType of string * (Definition list)
| SimpleDec of string
| ArrayDec of string * (ConstExpr list)
| AggregateDec of Definition * (Definition list)
// プロパティ 型, 名前
| Member of Definition * (Definition list)
// メソッド 名前, 引数, 例外, コンテキスト, 戻り値, 属性
| Operation of string * (Definition list) * (Definition list) * (string list) * Definition * string
// 引数 属性, 型, 名前
| Parameter of string * Definition * Definition
// 属性 型,
| Attribute of string * (Definition list)
module idl.parser
#nowarn "40" // 循環参照で警告がでないように
open System
open System.CodeDom
open FParsec.Primitives
open FParsec.CharParsers
open FParsec.Error
open idl.ast
// Basic
let extractExprs x =
match x with
| Success (x, _, _) -> x
| Failure (x,y,_) -> failwith x
let showAst x =
printfn "%A" x
let ws = spaces
let str_ws s = ws >>. pstring s .>> ws
let stringLiteral =
between (pstring "\"") (pstring "\"") (many1Chars letter)
let stringLiteralList =
sepBy stringLiteral (pstring ",")
let tryParse p: Parser<_,unit> =
parse { let! _ = lookAhead p
let! wd = p
return wd }
let pythonIdentifier : Parser<string,unit> =
let isAsciiIdStart = fun c -> isAsciiLetter c || c = '_'
let isASciiIdContinue = fun c -> isAsciiLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_'
identifier (IdentifierOptions(isAsciiIdStart = isAsciiIdStart,
isAsciiIdContinue = isASciiIdContinue,
normalization = System.Text.NormalizationForm.FormKC,
normalizeBeforeValidation = false,
allowAllNonAsciiCharsInPreCheck = false))
let identifier =
let isIdentifierFirstChar c = isLetter c || c = '_'
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_'
(many1Satisfy2 isIdentifierFirstChar isIdentifierChar)
// メインパーサ
let rec specification = parse{
let! def = many definition
do! eof
return def}
and definition =
let! t = tryParse(typeDcl)
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return t}
<|> parse{
let! c = constDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return c}
<|> parse{
let! e = tryParse(exceptDcl)
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return e}
<|> parse{
let! i = tryParse(interfaceType)
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return i}
<|> parse{
let! m = tryParse(moduleDcl)
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return m}
<|> parse{
let! v = valueDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return v}
// 名前空間
and moduleDcl = parse{
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "module"
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
do! spaces
let! def = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") (many definition)
return Module(name, def)}
// Interface
and interfaceType =
<|> forwardDcl
and interfaceDcl = parse{
let! name, ins, attr = interfaceHeader
let! body = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") interfaceBody
do! spaces
return Interface(name, ins, body, attr)}
and forwardDcl = parse{
do! spaces
let! attr = pstring "abstract" <|> pstring "local" <|> parse { return null }
let! _ = pstring "interface"
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
return ForwardInterface(name, attr)}
and interfaceHeader = parse{
do! spaces
let! attr = pstring "abstract" <|> pstring "local" <|> parse { return null }
let! _ = pstring "interface"
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
do! spaces
let! ins = interfaceInheritanceSpec <|> parse{ return[] }
return name, ins, attr}
and interfaceBody = many export;
and export =
let! t = typeDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return t}
<|> parse{
let! c = constDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return c}
<|> parse{
let! e = exceptDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return e}
<|> parse{
let! a = attrDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return a}
<|> parse{
let! o = opDcl
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return o}
and interfaceInheritanceSpec = parse{
let! _ = str_ws ":"
let! ins = inheritanceNameList
return ins}
and inheritanceNameList =
sepBy (scopedType .>> spaces) (str_ws ",")
//TODO: あとで直す
//and scopedName = (many1Chars (letter <|> digit <|> (anyOf "::")))
and scopedName = parse{
let! names = sepBy1 identifier (pstring "::")
return names}
and scopedType = parse{
let! name = scopedName
return ScopedType(name)}
// Value
//TODO: あとで
and valueDcl =
and valueForwardDcl =
and valueBoxDcl =
and valueAbsDcl =
and valueDcl =
and valueHeader =
and valueInheritanceSpec =
and valueName =
and valueElement =
and stateMember = parse{
// Init
and initDcl =
and initParamDecls =
and initParamDecl =
and initParamAttribute =
// Const
and constDcl = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "const"
let! t = constType
let! name = identifier
let! _ = str_ws "="
let! exp = constExp
return Const(t,name,exp)}
and constType =
<|> charType
<|> booleanType
<|> floatingPtType
<|> stringType
<|> wideStringType
//<|> fixedPtConstType
<|> scopedName
<|> octetType
and constExp = parse{
let! l = literal
return Literal([l])}
and constExp = orExpr
and orExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = orExpr
let! _ = pstring "|"
let! x2 = xorExpr
return Or(x1,x2)}
and xorExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = xorExpr
let! _ = pstring "^"
let! x2 = andExpr
return Xor(x1,x2)}
and andExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = andExpr
let! _ = pstring "&"
let! x2 = shiftExpr
return And(x1,x2)}
and shiftExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = shiftExpr
let! _ = pstring ">>"
let! x2 = addExpr
return Shift(x1,x2)}
<|> parse{let! x1 = shiftExpr
let! _ = pstring "<<"
let! x2 = addExpr
return Shift(x1,x2)}
and addExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = addExpr
let! _ = pstring "+"
let! x2 = multExpr
return Add(x1,x2)}
<|> parse{let! x1 = addExpr
let! _ = pstring "-"
let! x2 = multExpr
return Minus(x1,x2)}
and multExpr =
<|> parse{let! x1 = multExpr
let! _ = pstring "*"
let! x2 = unaryExpr
return Multi(x1,x2)}
<|> parse{let! x1 = multExpr
let! _ = pstring "/"
let! x2 = unaryExpr
return Divide(x1,x2)}
<|> parse{let! x1 = multExpr
let! _ = pstring "%"
let! x2 = unaryExpr
return Rest(x1,x2)}
and unaryExpr =
parse{let! o = unaryOperator
let! e = primaryExpr
return Unary(o,e)}
<|> primaryExpr
and unaryOperator =
pstring "-"
<|> pstring "+"
<|> pstring "~"
and primaryExpr : Parser<ConstExpr> =
let! name = scopedName
return Literal(name)}
let! name = literal
return Literal([name])}
<|> between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") constExp
// Literal
and literal =
<|> stringLiteral
//<|> wideStringLiteral
//<|> characterLiteral
//<|> wideCharacterLiteral
//<|> fixedPtLiteral
//<|> floatingPtLiteral
<|> booleanLiteral
and booleanLiteral =
(str_ws "TRUE") <|> (str_ws "FALSE")
and positiveIntConst = constExp
and integerLiteral = many1Chars digit
// Type
and typeDcl =
<|> tryParse(structType)
//<|> unionType
<|> tryParse(enumType)
//<|> nativeDcl
//<|> constrForwardDecl
and typedefDcl = parse {
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "typedef"
do! spaces1
let! t = typeDeclarator
return t}
and typeDeclarator = parse{
let! t = typeSpec
do! spaces1
let! dec = declarator
return Typedef(t, dec)}
and typeSpec =
<|> constrTypeSpec
and simpleTypeSpec =
<|> templateTypeSpec
<|> scopedType
and baseTypeSpec =
<|> integerType
<|> charType
<|> booleanType
<|> octetType
<|> anyType
<|> objectType
//<|> valueBaseType
and templateTypeSpec =
<|> stringType
<|> wideStringType
//<|> fixedPtType
and constrTypeSpec =
<|> unionType
<|> enumType
and declarators =
sepBy declarator (pstring ",")
and declarator =
<|> simpleDeclarator
and simpleDeclarator = parse{
let! name = identifier
return SimpleDec(name)}
and complexDeclarator = arrayDeclarator
// 基本型 //TODO: longXXXやstringXXXのような名前も読んでしまう
and floatingPtType = (floatType <|> doubleType <|> longDoubleType)
and floatType = stringReturn "float" (Primitive("float"))
and doubleType = stringReturn "double" (Primitive("double"))
and longDoubleType = stringReturn "long double" (Primitive("long double"))
and integerType = (signedInt <|> unsignedInt)
and signedInt = (signedShortInt <|> signedLongInt <|> signedLongLongInt)
and signedShortInt = stringReturn "short" (Primitive("short"))
and signedLongInt = stringReturn "long" (Primitive("long"))
and signedLongLongInt = stringReturn "long long" (Primitive("long long"))
and unsignedInt = (unsignedShortInt <|> unsignedLongInt <|> unsignedLongLongInt)
and unsignedShortInt = stringReturn "unsigned short" (Primitive("unsigned short"))
and unsignedLongInt = stringReturn "unsigned long" (Primitive("unsigned long"))
and unsignedLongLongInt = stringReturn "unsigned long long" (Primitive("unsigned long long"))
and charType = stringReturn "char" (Primitive("char"))
//and wideCharType = stringReturn "char" (Primitive("wchar"))
and booleanType = stringReturn "boolean" (Primitive("boolean"))
and octetType = stringReturn "octet" (Primitive("octet"))
and anyType = stringReturn "any" (Primitive("any"))
and objectType = stringReturn "Object" (Primitive("Object"))
// Struct
and structType = parse{
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "struct"
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
let! members = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") memberList
return Struct(name, members)}
and memberList = (many1 memberDec)
and memberDec = parse{
do! spaces
let! t = typeSpec
do! spaces1
let! dec = declarators
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return Member(t, dec)}
// Union
and unionType = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "union"
let! name = identifier
let! _ = str_ws "switch"
let! t = between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") switchTypeSpec
let! body = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") switchBody
return Union(name, t, body)}
and switchTypeSpec =
<|> charType
<|> booleanType
<|> enumType
<|> scopedType
and switchBody = many case
and case = parse{
let! label = many caseLabel
let! ele = elementSpec
let! _ = str_ws ";"
return Case(label, ele)}
and caseLabel =
let! _ = pstring "case"
do! spaces1
let! exp = constExp
do! spaces1
let! _ = pstring ":"
return exp}
<|> parse{
let! _ = pstring "default"
do! spaces1
let! _ = pstring ";"
return Literal(["default"])}
and elementSpec = parse{
let! t = typeSpec
do! spaces1
let! dec = declarator
return Element(t,dec)}
// Enum
and enumType = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "enum"
let! name = identifier
let! list = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") enumeratorList
return Enum(name, list)}
and enumeratorList =
sepBy enumerator (str_ws ",")
and enumerator = identifier .>> spaces
// Sequence
and sequenceType =
attempt(parse {
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "sequence"
let! _ = str_ws "<"
let! t = simpleTypeSpec
let! _ = str_ws ","
let! count = positiveIntConst
let! _ = str_ws ">"
return Sequence(t, count)})
<|> parse{
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "sequence"
let! t = between (pchar '<') (pchar '>') simpleTypeSpec
return Sequence(t, Literal(["0"]))}
// String
and stringType =
let! _ = str_ws "string"
let! count = between (pchar '<') (pchar '>') positiveIntConst
return String(count)
<|> stringReturn "string" (String(Literal(["0"])))
and wideStringType =
let! _ = str_ws "wstring"
let! count = between (pchar '<') (pchar '>') positiveIntConst
return WString(count)
<|> stringReturn "wstring" (WString(Literal(["0"])))
// Array
and arrayDeclarator = parse{
let! name = identifier
let! size = fixedArraySizeList
return ArrayDec(name, size)}
and fixedArraySizeList = many1 fixedArraySize
and fixedArraySize =
between (str_ws "[") (str_ws "]") positiveIntConst
and simpleDeclaratorList = many simpleDeclarator
and attrDcl = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "readonly" //TODO: ない場合もある
let! _ = str_ws "attribute"
let! t = paramTypeSpec
let! dec = simpleDeclaratorList
return Attribute(t, dec)}
// Exception
and exceptDcl = parse{
do! spaces
let! _ = pstring "exception"
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
let! members = between (str_ws "{") (str_ws "}") memberList
return ExceptionType(name, members)}
// Operation
and opDcl = parse{
let! attr = opAttribute <|> parse{ return null }
do! spaces
let! t = opTypeSpec
do! spaces1
let! name = identifier
let! ps = parameterDcls
let! exps = raisesExpr <|> parse{ return[] }
let! context = contextExpr <|> parse{ return[] }
return Operation(name, ps, exps, context, t, attr)}
and opAttribute = str_ws "oneway"
and opTypeSpec : Parser<Definition,unit> =
stringReturn "void" Void
<|> paramTypeSpec
and parameterDcls =
between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") paramDclList
and paramDclList =
sepBy paramDcl (pstring ",")
and paramDcl = parse{
do! spaces
let! attr = paramAttribute
do! spaces1
let! t = paramTypeSpec
do! spaces1
let! dec = simpleDeclarator
return Parameter(attr, t, dec)}
and paramAttribute = pstring "inout" <|> pstring "in" <|> pstring "out"
and scopedTypeList =
sepBy scopedType (str_ws ",")
and raisesExpr = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "raises"
let! raises = between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") scopedTypeList
return raises}
and contextExpr = parse{
let! _ = str_ws "context"
let! list = between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") stringLiteralList
return list}
and paramTypeSpec =
<|> stringType
<|> wideStringType
<|> scopedType
//and fixedPtConstType = "fixed"
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