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zoffixznet/p6.p6 Secret

Created March 7, 2017 17:48
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class Law::Actions {
method key($/) { make $/.Str }
method value($/) { make $/.Str }
method object($/) { make $/[0].Str }
method law($/) { make $<key>.made => $<value>.made }
method block($/) { make $<law>.map({ .made }).hash }
method realm($/) { make $<object>.made => $<block>.made }
method TOP($/) { make $<realm>.map: { .made } }
grammar Law {
token key { \w+ }
token value { <!before \s> <-[\n #]>+ <!after \s> }
token law { <key> <space>+ <value> \n+ }
token object {
'<' ( <-[ \< \> \n ]>+ )
[ <?{ $/[0] eq 'dev' }> || {die "Don't know what $/[0] category is"} ]
'>' \n+
token comment { '#' \N*\n+ }
token block { [<law> | <comment>]* }
token realm { <object> <block> }
token TOP { <realm>* }
method create(Str $laws) {
my $m = self.parsefile($laws, :actions(Law::Actions));
die "Usage:" unless $m;
return $m.made;
say Law.parse: q:to/END/
key value
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