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# curl | sort | perl -nlE 'say m{//.+?/([^/]+)}' | uniq -c | sort -bgr
49 jonathanstowe
28 retupmoca
25 supernovus
24 tony-o
22 zoffixznet
21 tadzik
15 azawawi
14 colomon
13 masak
12 perlpilot
10 titsuki
10 jnthn
9 sergot
8 ugexe
8 tokuhirom
8 Skarsnik
8 jaffa4
7 zostay
7 perl6-community-modules
7 moritz
7 hoelzro
7 fayland
7 cygx
6 raydiak
6 moznion
6 Leont
6 labster
6 dnmfarrell
5 thundergnat
5 teodozjan
5 stmuk
5 p6-css
5 MadcapJake
5 grondilu
5 drforr
5 dagurval
5 atweiden
5 Altai-man
4 timo
4 skids
4 skaji
4 pierre-vigier
4 perl6
4 p6-pdf
4 niner
4 MattOates
4 kuerbis
4 gfldex
4 cosimo
4 carbin
4 avuserow
3 zengargoyle
3 yowcow
3 xfix
3 vendethiel
3 skinkade
3 sirrobert
3 salortiz
3 perl6
3 Mouq
3 LLFourn
3 kmwallio
3 jpve
3 cspencer
3 bradclawsie
3 bbkr
3 afiskon
2 wollmers
2 ufobat
2 Takadonet
2 szabgab
2 sylvarant
2 Sufrostico
2 softmoth
2 ShaneKilkelly
2 peelle
2 patch
2 nkh
2 mrhdias
2 mattn
2 lestrrat
2 krunen
2 hartenfels
2 cbk
2 bluebear94
2 awwaiid
2 autarch
2 arnsholt
1 zhouzhen1
1 zag
1 yuvipanda
1 Xliff
1 wentam
1 wbiker
1 viklund
1 Util
1 Uladox
1 uasi
1 Tux
1 TiMBuS
1 stmuk
1 soundart
1 scovit
1 scmorrison
1 samgwise
1 rakudo-p5
1 ppentchev
1 PowellDean
1 pmqs
1 peschwa
1 PerlGameDev
1 Perl6-Noise-Gang
1 paultcochrane
1 nxadm
1 nunorc
1 mj41
1 Miniconf
1 mempko
1 MasterDuke17
1 marcoonroad
1 lizmat
1 leto
1 lancew
1 kolikov
1 Juerd
1 johnspurr
1 jdv
1 jasonmay
1 jamesneko
1 jamesalbert
1 ingydotnet
1 Heather
1 hankache
1 gotoexit
1 goneri
1 Gnouc
1 GildedHonour
1 garyaj
1 Emeric54
1 eiro
1 donaldh
1 dginev
1 Demayl
1 dbrunton
1 dankogai
1 daleevans
1 coke
1 Cofyc
1 cjfields
1 cedric-vincent
1 byterock
1 Atrox
1 araraloren
1 andydude
1 ab5tract
1 0racle
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