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Created December 31, 2019 20:47
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim: set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab smarttab:
# This file is part of Parse-ANSIColor-Tiny
# This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Randy Stauner.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
package Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny;
# git description: v0.600-2-gba6391f
# ABSTRACT: Determine attributes of ANSI-Colored string
$Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny::VERSION = '0.601';
our @COLORS = qw( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white );
(map { ( $COLORS[$_] => 30 + $_ ) } 0 .. $#COLORS),
(map { ( 'bright_' . $COLORS[$_] => 90 + $_ ) } 0 .. $#COLORS),
(map { ( 'on_' . $COLORS[$_] => 40 + $_ ) } 0 .. $#COLORS),
(map { ('on_bright_' . $COLORS[$_] => 100 + $_ ) } 0 .. $#COLORS),
clear => 0,
reset => 0,
bold => 1,
dark => 2,
faint => 2,
underline => 4,
underscore => 4,
blink => 5,
reverse => 7,
concealed => 8,
reverse_off => 27,
reset_foreground => 39,
reset_background => 49,
# Generating the 256-color codes involves a lot of codes and offsets that are
# not helped by turning them into constants.
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers)
our @COLORS256;
# The first 16 256-color codes are duplicates of the 16 ANSI colors,
# included for completeness.
for my $code (0 .. 15) {
my $name = "ansi$code";
$ATTRIBUTES{$name} = "38;5;$code";
$ATTRIBUTES{"on_$name"} = "48;5;$code";
push @COLORS256, $name;
# 256-color RGB colors. Red, green, and blue can each be values 0 through 5,
# and the resulting 216 colors start with color 16.
for my $r (0 .. 5) {
for my $g (0 .. 5) {
for my $b (0 .. 5) {
my $code = 16 + (6 * 6 * $r) + (6 * $g) + $b;
my $name = "rgb$r$g$b";
$ATTRIBUTES{$name} = "38;5;$code";
$ATTRIBUTES{"on_$name"} = "48;5;$code";
push @COLORS256, $name;
# The last 256-color codes are 24 shades of grey.
for my $n (0 .. 23) {
my $code = $n + 232;
my $name = "grey$n";
$ATTRIBUTES{$name} = "38;5;$code";
$ATTRIBUTES{"on_$name"} = "48;5;$code";
push @COLORS256, $name;
# copied from Term::ANSIColor
# Reverse lookup. Alphabetically first name for a sequence is preferred.
for (reverse sort keys %ATTRIBUTES) {
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
remove_escapes => 1,
@_ == 1 ? %{ $_[0] } : @_,
$self->{process} = 1
if $self->{auto_reverse};
# fix incorrectly specified attributes
($self->{background} ||= 'black') =~ s/^(on_)*/on_/;
($self->{foreground} ||= 'white') =~ s/^(on_)*//;
bless $self, $class;
sub colors {
return (@COLORS, @COLORS256);
sub foreground_colors {
return (
(map { "bright_$_" } @COLORS),
sub background_colors {
return (
(map { "on_$_" } @COLORS),
(map { "on_bright_$_" } @COLORS),
(map { "on_$_" } @COLORS256),
sub __separate_and_normalize {
my ($codes) = @_;
# Treat empty as "clear".
defined($codes) && length($codes)
or return 0;
# Replace empty (clear) with zero to simplify parsing and return values.
$codes =~ s/^;/0;/;
$codes =~ s/;$/;0/;
# Insert a zero between two semicolons (use look-ahead to get /g to find all).
$codes =~ s/;(?=;)/;0/g;
# Remove any leading zeros from (sections of) codes.
$codes =~ s/\b0+(?=\d)//g;
# Return all matches (of extended sequences or digits).
return $codes =~ m{ ( [34]8;5;\d+ | \d+) }xg;
sub identify {
my ($self, @codes) = @_;
local $_;
grep { defined }
map { $ATTRIBUTES_R{ $_ } }
map { __separate_and_normalize($_) }
sub normalize {
my $self = shift;
my @norm;
foreach my $attr ( @_ ){
if( $attr eq 'clear' ){
@norm = ();
elsif( $attr eq 'reverse_off' ){
# reverse_off cancels reverse
@norm = grep { $_ ne 'reverse' } @norm;
elsif( $attr eq 'reset_foreground' ){
@norm = grep { !exists $FOREGROUND{$_} } @norm;
elsif( $attr eq 'reset_background' ){
@norm = grep { !exists $BACKGROUND{$_} } @norm;
else {
# remove previous (duplicate) occurrences of this attribute
@norm = grep { $_ ne $attr } @norm;
# new fg color overwrites previous fg
@norm = grep { !exists $FOREGROUND{$_} } @norm if exists $FOREGROUND{$attr};
# new bg color overwrites previous bg
@norm = grep { !exists $BACKGROUND{$_} } @norm if exists $BACKGROUND{$attr};
push @norm, $attr;
return @norm;
sub parse {
my ($self, $orig) = @_;
my $last_pos = 0;
my $last_attr = [];
my $processed = [];
my $parsed = [];
# Strip escape sequences that we aren't going to use
$orig = $self->remove_escape_sequences($orig)
if $self->{remove_escapes};
while( $orig =~ m/(\e\[([0-9;]*)m)/mg ){
my $seq = $1;
my $attrs = $2;
my $cur_pos = pos($orig);
my $len = ($cur_pos - length($seq)) - $last_pos;
push @$parsed, [
substr($orig, $last_pos, $len)
# don't bother with empty strings
if $len;
$last_pos = $cur_pos;
$last_attr = [$self->normalize(@$last_attr, $self->identify($attrs))];
$processed = $self->{process} ? [$self->process(@$last_attr)] : $last_attr;
push @$parsed, [
substr($orig, $last_pos)
# if there's any string left
if $last_pos < length($orig);
return $parsed;
sub process {
my ($self, @attr) = @_;
@attr = $self->process_reverse(@attr) if $self->{auto_reverse};
return @attr;
sub process_reverse {
my $self = shift;
my ($rev, $fg, $bg, @attr);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $attr ( @_ ){
if( $attr eq 'reverse' ){
$rev = 1;
elsif( $FOREGROUND{ $attr } ){
$fg = $i;
elsif( $BACKGROUND{ $attr } ){
$bg = $i;
push @attr, $attr;
# maintain order for consistency with other methods
if( $rev ){
# if either color is missing then the default colors should be reversed
$attr[ $fg = $i++ ] = $self->{foreground} if !defined $fg;
$attr[ $bg = $i++ ] = $self->{background} if !defined $bg;
$attr[ $fg ] = 'on_' . $attr[ $fg ] if defined $fg;
$attr[ $bg ] = substr( $attr[ $bg ], 3 ) if defined $bg;
return @attr;
sub remove_escape_sequences {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# This is in no way comprehensive or accurate...
# it just seems like most of the sequences match this.
# We could certainly expand this if the need arises.
$string =~ s{
return $string;
my @funcs = qw(identify normalize parse);
my $suffix = '_ansicolor';
local $_;
eval join '', ## no critic (StringyEval)
map { "sub ${_}$suffix { __PACKAGE__->new->$_(\@_) }" }
@EXPORT_OK = map { $_ . $suffix } @funcs;
sub import {
my $class = shift;
return unless @_;
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (NoStrict)
foreach my $arg ( @_ ){
die "'$arg' is not exported by $class"
unless grep { $arg eq $_ } @EXPORT_OK;
*{"${caller}::$arg"} = *{"${class}::$arg"}{CODE};
# TODO: option for blotting out 'concealed'? s/\S/ /g
package IRC::FromANSI::Tiny;
# ABSTRACT: Convert ANSI color codes to IRC
our $VERSION = '0.02'; # VERSION
use strict;
use warnings;
my %irccolors = (
black => 1,
red => 5,
green => 3,
yellow => 7,
blue => 2,
magenta => 6,
cyan => 10,
white => 14,
bright_black => 15,
bright_red => 4,
bright_green => 9,
bright_yellow => 8,
bright_blue => 12,
bright_magenta => 13,
bright_cyan => 11,
bright_white => 0,
sub convert {
my ($text) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my $ansi = Parse::ANSIColor::Tiny->new;
my $data = $ansi->parse($text);
my (%foregrounds, %backgrounds);
$foregrounds{$_} = 1 for $ansi->foreground_colors;
$backgrounds{$_} = 1 for $ansi->background_colors;
my ($foreground, $background, $underline, $bold) = (undef, undef, 0, 0);
for my $chunk (@$data) {
my ($attrs, $text) = @$chunk;
my ($fg) = grep $foregrounds{$_}, @$attrs;
my ($bg) = grep $backgrounds{$_}, @$attrs;
my $bb = (grep $_ eq 'bold', @$attrs) ? 1 : 0;
my $u = (grep $_ eq 'underline', @$attrs) ? 1 : 0;
my $set_color;
if ($fg) {
$foreground = ($b ? 'bright_' : '') . $fg;
# use Acme::Dump::And::Dumper;
# warn DnD [ $foreground ];
if ($foreground =~ /^rgb/) {
$foreground = 'green'; ### FIX FOR RGB
$set_color = "\cC$irccolors{$foreground}";
$bb = 0;
if ($bg) {
$background = $bg;
$set_color = "\cC" . $irccolors{$foreground || "black"} . ",$irccolors{$background}";
if (!$fg && !$bg && ($foreground || $background)) {
undef $foreground;
undef $background;
if ($text =~ /^\d/) {
# Use "reset all" to clear color to avoid a following number
# being interpreted as a color code
$set_color = "\cO";
undef $underline;
undef $bold;
} else {
$set_color = "\cC";
$ret .= $set_color if length $set_color;
if ($bb ^ $bold) {
$bold = $bb;
$ret .= "\cB";
if ($u ^ $underline) {
$underline = $u;
$ret .= "\c_";
if ($ret =~ /\D\d$/ && $text =~ /^\d/) {
# Avoid a 1-digit color code (e.g. ^C1 or ^C12,3 running into a following
# digit that's supposed to be part of the literal text, by making it two-digit.
substr($ret, -1, 0, '0');
$ret .= $text;
return $ret;
use feature 'say';
say IRC::FromANSI::Tiny::convert(do { local $/; <STDIN> });
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