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Created December 23, 2016 21:45
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zoffix@VirtualBox:~/CPANPRC/Standard-Rakudo$ make t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t
rm -f -- perl6
cp -- perl6-m perl6
chmod -- 755 perl6
/home/zoffix/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.24.0/bin/perl t/harness5 --fudge --moar --keep-exit-code --verbosity=1 t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t
ok 1 - uniprop an empty string yields Nil
ok 2 - ''.uniprop yields Nil
ok 3 - cannot call uniprop with a Str
ok 4 - cannot call uniprop with a Str
ok 5 - cannot call uniprop with a Int
ok 6 - cannot call uniprop with a Int
ok 7 - ''.uniprops yields an empty list
ok 8 - uniprops returns properties of multiple characters in a string
ok 9 - uniprop: Unicode authoratative short names return the same result as full names
ok 10 - .uniprop returns a Str for string Unicode properties
ok 11 - .uniprop('Script') returns correct result for 'a'
ok 12 - 'a'.uniprop('Age') looks like /'1.1'/
ok 13 - uniprop for Block works
not ok 14 - ¶.uniprop('Unicode_1_Name') returns Unicode 1 name# TODO Unicode 1 names NYI in MoarVM
ok 15 - uniprop: returns proper name for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
not ok 16 - uniprop for Indic_Positional_Category works# TODO Indic_Positional_Category NYI in MoarVM
ok 17 - .lc: returns proper lowercase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 18 - uniprop: returns proper lowercase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 19 - .tc: returns proper lowercase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 20 - uniprop: returns proper titlecase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 21 - .uc: returns proper uppercase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 22 - .uc: returns proper uppercase mapping for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 23 - uniname: returns proper name for LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF
ok 24 - 'st'.fc returns ‘st’
not ok 25 - 'st'.uniprop for Case_Folding returns ‘st’# TODO uniprop('Case_Folding') does not yet work
not ok 26 - uniprop for Jamo_Short_Name works# TODO Jamo_Short_Name NYI in MoarVM
not ok 27 - '('.uniprop('Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph') returns ')'# TODO moar returns a string containing the unicode codepoint instead of an integer for Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph
not ok 28 - uniprop: returns matching Bidi_Paired_Bracket# TODO NYI
not ok 29 - '('.uniprop('Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type') returns 'o'# TODO NYI
not ok 30 - ')'.uniprop('Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type') returns 'c'# TODO NYI
ok 31 - '½'.uniprop('Numeric_Value') returns a Rat
ok 32 - '½'.uniprop('Numeric_Value') returns the correct number
ok 33 - 'a'.uniprop('Numeric_Value') returns NaN
ok 34 - '0'.uniprop('Alphabetic') returns a False
ok 35 - uniprop('Alphabetic') returns a True for letter 'a'
ok 36 - .uniprop('Dash') returns True for the Dash property on dashes
ok 37 - .uniprop('Dash') returns False for non-dashes
ok 38 - .uniprop('ASCII_Hex_Digit') returns False for ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO
ok 39 - .uniprop('ASCII_Hex_Digit') returns True for 'a'
ok 40 - .uniprop('ASCII_Hex_Digit') returns True for '0'
ok 41 - .uniprop('Hex_Digit') returns True for ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO
ok 42 - .uniprop('Hex_Digit') returns False for 'Z'
ok 43 - .uniprop('Case_Ignorable') is True for COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT [Mn]
ok 44 - .uniprop('Case_Ignorable') is True for MIDDLE DOT
ok 45 - "a".uniprop('Case_Ignorable') is False
ok 46 - .uniprop('Soft_Dotted') for 'i' is True
ok 47 - .uniprop('Soft_Dotted') for 'o' is False
ok 48 - .uniprop('Quotation_Mark') returns True for LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
ok 49 - .uniprop('Quotation_Mark') returns False for 'a'
ok 50 - 0x202A.uniprop('Bidi_Class') returns LRE
ok 51 - 0xFB1F.uniprop('Word_Break') returns Hebrew_Letter
ok 52 - "\\n".uniprop('Line_Break') return LF
not ok 53 - uniprop('Line_Break') returns ZWJ for U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER# TODO MoarVM does not return correct values for all Line_Break properties
not ok 54 - uniprop('Line_Break') returns ZWJ for U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER# TODO MoarVM does not return correct values for all Line_Break properties
not ok 55 - uniprop for ↉ returns A for East_Asian_Width# TODO East_Asian_Width NYI in MoarVM
not ok 56 - uniprop for ] returns Na for East_Asian_Width# TODO East_Asian_Width NYI in MoarVM
ok 57 - uniprop for Hangul_Syllable_Type works
ok 58 - uniprop for Grapheme_Cluster_Break returns Other for normal codepoints
not ok 59 - uniprop for Grapheme_Cluster_Break returns LF for newline codepoint
not ok 60 - uniprop for Emoji returns True for emoji's# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 61 - uniprop for Emoji returns False for non-emoji's# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 62 - uniprop for Emoji returns true for \## TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 63 - uniprop for Emoji_Modifiers returns True for Emoji Modifiers# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 64 - uniprop for Emoji_Modifier returns False for non modifier Emoji's# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 65 - uniprop for Emoji_All returns True for Emoji Modifiers# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 66 - uniprop for Emoji_All returns True for non-modifier Emoji# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
not ok 67 - uniprop for Emoji_All returns False for non-Emoji# TODO Emoji properties NYI in MoarVM
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/67 subtests
Test Summary Report
t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 Tests: 67 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 59
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=1, Tests=67, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.51 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.57 CPU)
Result: FAIL
make: *** [t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t] Error 1
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