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We trust some people may be exeptical about this: "A potentially infinite collaborative canvas? There is no way that scales! It would be cost prohibitive! How can you handle concurrent users drawing!? Its insane!". The more you think about it, the less sense it makes, but bear with us! We had those concerns ourselves, but we really liked this idea, and wanted to do it, there is nothing like it at the time! We identified many obstacles and technical limitations, but they did not turn us down. On the contrary, and we got obsessed with making it work, and we got creative. REALLY creative.

There is no need to trust our word blindly on this (that would go agains all Web3 stands for!). We will walk you though the thought process we used and every line of code we wrote. It will be long, and it may get a little technical at times, but it will be worth it. Once you have seen all the dark magic under the hood, you will understand that this not only is possible: its unique.

What we want

Lets first state what we ai

zogar1993 /
Last active May 14, 2024 23:00
How to Barotrauma Medic

How to Barotrauma Medic


Medicine in Barotrauma may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but for the most part it is actually rather straightforward:

  • for burns and bleeding use bandages or plastiseal.
  • for blood loss use blood packs if possible, or saline and alien blood if you are out of blood packs.
  • for husk infection you can use broad-spectrum anti-biotics and calyxanide.
  • for almost everything else use opioids: opium, morphine or fentanyl.