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template containers in Ember
// A mixin for `Em.ContainerView` that allows an initial render from
// a template, followed by further additions by mutating childViews.
// Note that the template should *only* contain calls to
// `{{childView}}`
App.Mixins.TemplateContainerView = Em.Mixin.create({
render: function() {
if (!this.get('_renderedFromTemplate')) {
Em.View.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
this.set('_renderedFromTemplate', true);
} else {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
App.Views.TemplateContainerView = Em.ContainerView.extend(App.Mixins.TemplateContainerView);
// Essentially function(name = "Em.View", options = {data: {}, hash: {}})
var parseHelperArguments = function(viewClassNameOrOptions, options) {
var viewClass;
if (_.isString(viewClassNameOrOptions)) {
viewClass = Em.getPath(viewClassNameOrOptions);
window.ember_assert( "Could not find view class %@".fmt(viewClassNameOrOptions), viewClass != null );
options = options || {};
} else {
viewClass = Em.View;
options = viewClassNameOrOptions || {};
} = || {};
options.hash = options.hash || {};
return [viewClass, options];
var addChildView = function() {
var parsedArguments = parseHelperArguments.apply(this, arguments),
viewClass = parsedArguments[0],
options = parsedArguments[1],
parentView =,
window.ember_assert( "childView can only be used inside of an App.Mixins.TemplateContainerView", App.Mixins.TemplateContainerView.detect(parentView) );
childViewClass = Em.Handlebars.ViewHelper.viewClassFromHTMLOptions(viewClass, options.hash, this);
childView = parentView.createChildView(childViewClass, {
template: options.fn
Handlebars.registerHelper('childView', addChildView);
{{#view App.TemplateContainerView id="main_panes"}}
{{#childView id="dashboard"}}
{{#childView id="inbox"}}
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