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Created December 21, 2019 08:33
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problem from
isTransformable(start: string, end: string, dictionary:string[]): boolean
start = 'dog'
end = 'hat'
dictionary = ['dot', 'cat', 'hot', 'hog', 'eat', 'dug', 'dig']
dog -> dot -> hot -> hat
# helper function
def path_exists(dictionary: [str], i: int, j: int) -> bool:
word_1 = dictionary[i]
word_2 = dictionary[j]
different_letters = 0
for c_1, c_2 in zip(word_1, word_2):
if c_1 != c_2:
different_letters += 1
return different_letters == 1
def is_transformable(start: str, end: str, dictionary: [str]) -> bool:
# step one: find adjacent words, make an adjacency list
# initialization,
dictionary.extend([start, end])
length = len(dictionary)
adjacency_list = [[False for _ in range(length)] for _ in range(length)]
for i in range(length):
for j in range(length):
if i == j:
adjacency_list[i][j] = path_exists(dictionary, i, j)
start_index = dictionary.index(start)
end_index = dictionary.index(end)
# need to keep track of which nodes we have visited
visited = [start_index]
# just do a DFS to find if a path exists
def can_i_get_there(adjacency_list, visited, end_index):
# visit every node that we haven't yet visited
amount_of_nodes = len(adjacency_list)
# grab the last node
last_visited_node = visited[-1]
for i in range(amount_of_nodes):
if i in visited:
if adjacency_list[last_visited_node][i]:
return True
# now we visit i and recurse
new_visited = visited.copy()
if can_i_get_there(adjacency_list, new_visited, end_index):
return True
return False
return can_i_get_there(adjacency_list, visited, end_index)
start = 'dog'
end = 'hat'
dictionary = ['dot', 'cat', 'hot', 'hog', 'eat', 'dug', 'dig']
print(is_transformable(start, end, dictionary))
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