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Created December 16, 2022 00:59
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import strscans, strformat, sequtils, strutils, algorithm, intsets
Point = tuple[x: int, y: int]
Sensor = object
position: Point
beacon: Point
maxRange: int
Bounds = tuple[lower: int, upper: int]
const inputPattern = "Sensor at x=$i, y=$i: closest beacon is at x=$i, y=$i"
proc computeMaxRange(sensor, beacon: Point): int =
let vOffset = abs(beacon.y - sensor.y)
let xOffset = abs(beacon.x - sensor.x)
xOffset + vOffset
proc parseSensors*(input: seq[string]): seq[Sensor] =
for line in input:
let (ok, x, y, beaconX, beaconY) = line.scanTuple(inputPattern)
if ok:
var sensor = Sensor(position: (x, y), beacon: (beaconX, beaconY))
sensor.maxRange = computeMaxRange(sensor.position, sensor.beacon)
else: raise newException(Exception, fmt"Invalid input: {line}")
proc rangeAt(sensor: Sensor, y: int): int =
sensor.maxRange - abs(y - sensor.position.y)
proc noBeaconSpotsCount(sensors: seq[Sensor], y: int): int =
var noBeaconSpots = initIntSet()
for sensor in sensors:
var range = rangeAt(sensor, y)
if range >= 0:
for x in sensor.position.x-range..sensor.position.x+range:
if (x, y) != sensor.beacon and (x, y) != sensor.position:
proc findDistressBeacon*(sensors: seq[Sensor], bounds: Bounds): Point =
for y in bounds.lower..bounds.upper:
block row_loop:
var ranges: seq[Bounds] = @[(bounds.lower - 1, bounds.lower - 1)]
for sensor in sensors:
let range = rangeAt(sensor, y)
if range >= 0:
var lower = sensor.position.x - range
var upper = sensor.position.x + range
if lower <= bounds.lower and upper >= bounds.upper: break row_loop
if lower <= bounds.lower: lower = bounds.lower
if upper >= bounds.upper: upper = bounds.upper
ranges.add((lower, upper))
if ranges.len > 1:
ranges.sort do (a, b: Bounds) -> int: cmp(a.lower, b.lower)
var maxRight = ranges[0].upper
for idx in 0..<ranges.len-1:
let current = ranges[idx]
let next = ranges[idx+1]
if maxRight + 1 < next.lower:
return (maxRight + 1, y)
if current.upper > maxRight:
maxRight = current.upper
elif next.upper > maxRight:
maxRight = next.upper
if maxRight < bounds.upper:
return (maxRight + 1, y)
let sensors = parseSensors("day-15/input.txt".lines.toSeq)
echo fmt"Count of spots where no beacon can be present: {noBeaconSpotsCount(sensors, 2_000_000)}"
let distressBeaconLocation = findDistressBeacon(sensors, (0, 4_000_000))
echo fmt"Tuning frequency: {(distressBeaconLocation.x * 4_000_000) + distressBeaconLocation.y}"
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