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Created May 31, 2013 23:42
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(ns scratch.hangman
;; Game logic
(def game {:mistakes 0 :word [\h \a \n \d] :guess [:_ :_ :_ :_]})
(defn game-lost? [{:keys [mistakes]}]
(>= mistakes 9))
(defn game-won? [{:keys [guess] :as game}]
(and (not (game-lost? game)) (not-any? #(= % :_) guess)))
(defn game-finished? [game]
(or (game-lost? game) (game-won? game)))
(defn fill-gaps [word guess input]
(map (fn [w-char g-char] (if (= w-char input) input g-char)) word guess))
(defn make-guess [{:keys [mistakes word guess] :as game} input]
(let [new-guess (fill-gaps word guess input)]
(if (= new-guess guess)
(assoc game :mistakes (inc mistakes))
(assoc game :guess new-guess))))
(defn game-step [[input & inputs] game]
(when-not (or (game-finished? game) (not input))
(let [new-game (make-guess game input)]
(cons new-game (lazy-seq (game-step inputs new-game))))))
(defn create-game [word inputs]
(let [word-seq (seq word)
initial-guess (repeat (count word-seq) :_)
initial-game {:mistakes 0 :word word-seq :guess initial-guess}]
(cons initial-game (lazy-seq (game-step inputs initial-game)))))
;; UI code
(defn take-input []
(println "Make a guess or type quit: ")
(let [guess (read-line)]
(when (= guess "quit")
(System/exit 0))
(if (not= (count guess) 1)
(println "Give single character or quit. Try again.")
(first guess))))
(defn lazy-input [input-fn]
(let [step (fn step []
(cons (input-fn) (lazy-seq (step))))]
(lazy-seq (step))))
(defn render-guess [guess]
(let [new-guess (map #(if (keyword? %) (name %) %) guess)]
(apply str (interleave new-guess (repeat " ")))))
(defn display-state [{:keys [mistakes guess] :as game-stage}]
(println (str "Mistakes: " mistakes))
(println (str "Current guess: " (render-guess guess))))
(defn end-game-success [game-stage]
(display-state game-stage)
(println "You made it!")
(System/exit 0))
(defn end-game-fail [game-stage]
(display-state game-stage)
(println "You lost!")
(System/exit 0))
(defn play-game [word]
(let [game (create-game word (lazy-input take-input))]
(doseq [stage game]
(cond (game-won? stage) (end-game-success stage)
(game-lost? stage) (end-game-fail stage)
:else (display-state stage)))))
(defn -main [& [word & _]]
(play-game word)
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