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Created December 18, 2022 20:48
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import deques, sets, tables, strscans, strutils, sequtils, strformat, threadpool
{.experimental: "parallel".}
Valve = ref object
flowRate: int
next: seq[string]
paths: seq[tuple[node: string, length: int]]
const inputPattern = "Valve $w has flow rate=$i; tunnel$* lead$* to valve$* $+"
proc loadValves*(input: seq[string]): Table[string, Valve] =
for line in input:
let (ok, node, flowRate, _, _, _, next) = line.scanTuple(inputPattern)
if ok:
result[node] = Valve(flowRate: flowRate, next: next.split(", "))
proc shortestPath(graph: Table[string, Valve], start: string): Table[string, string] =
var previous: Table[string, string]
var visited: HashSet[string]
var queue: Deque[tuple[node: string, distance: int]]
queue.addLast((start, 0))
while queue.len > 0:
let (node, distance) = queue.popFirst()
for neighbour in graph[node].next:
if not visited.contains(neighbour):
previous[neighbour] = node
queue.addLast((neighbour, distance + 1))
proc getValvePathsFor(graph: Table[string, Valve],
start: string,
fullPath: Table[string, string]): seq[tuple[node: string, length: int]] =
for dst in fullPath.keys.toSeq.filterIt(it != start and graph[it].flowRate > 0):
var path = @[dst]
var prev = fullPath[dst]
while prev != start:
prev = fullPath[prev]
result.add((dst, path.len))
proc getValvePaths*(graph: Table[string, Valve], start: string): Table[string, Valve] =
result = graph
for node in graph.keys:
result[node].paths = getValvePathsFor(graph, node, shortestPath(graph, node))
proc walkMaxOutput*(graph: Table[string, Valve],
start: string,
timeLeft: int,
depth: int,
available: HashSet[string]): (int, seq[string]) =
var available = available
var time = timeLeft
var current = start
var output: int
var flowRate: int
var finalPath: seq[string]
while time > 0:
if graph[current].flowRate > 0 and available.contains(current):
var maxOutput: int
var maxPath: tuple[node: string, length: int]
for path in graph[current].paths.filterIt(available.contains(it.node)):
let (subOutput, _) = walkMaxOutput(graph, path.node, time - path.length, depth + 1, available)
if subOutput > maxOutput:
maxOutput = subOutput
maxPath = path
if maxPath.length > 0:
if time >= 0: * flowRate)
else: + time) * flowRate)
current = maxPath.node
if depth == 0:
echo "==="
echo fmt"Time: {timeLeft - time}"
echo fmt"Current: {current}"
echo fmt"FlowRate: {flowRate}"
echo fmt"Output: {output}"
(output, finalPath)
# taken from
iterator choose[T](a: openarray[T], num_choose: int): seq[T] =
chosen = newSeqOfCap[T](num_choose)
i = 0
i_stack = newSeqOfCap[int](num_choose)
while true:
if chosen.len == num_choose:
yield chosen
discard chosen.pop()
i = i_stack.pop() + 1
elif i != a.len:
inc i
elif i_stack.len > 0:
discard chosen.pop()
i = i_stack.pop() + 1
proc getCombinations(graph: Table[string, Valve]): seq[(HashSet[string], HashSet[string])] =
let nodes = graph.keys.toSeq.filterIt(graph[it].flowRate > 0)
let both = nodes.toHashSet
var sets: HashSet[HashSet[HashSet[string]]]
for length in 1..(nodes.len div 2):
for left in choose(nodes, length):
let left = left.toHashSet
let right = both - left
sets.incl([left, right].toHashSet)
for sPair in sets.toSeq:
let pair = sPair.toSeq
result.add((pair[0], pair[1]))
echo fmt"Combinations count: {result.len}"
let graph = getValvePaths(loadValves("day-16/input.txt".lines.toSeq), "AA")
# part 1
let (output, path) = walkMaxOutput(graph, "AA", 30, 0, graph.keys.toSeq.toHashSet)
echo fmt"Max single output: {output} for path {path}"
# part 2
proc computePair(graph: Table[string, Valve], left, right: HashSet[string]): int =
echo fmt"Checking max output for {left}..."
let (outputLeft, _) = walkMaxOutput(graph, "AA", 26, 1, left + ["AA"].toHashSet)
echo fmt"Checking max output for {right}..."
let (outputRight, _) = walkMaxOutput(graph, "AA", 26, 1, right + ["AA"].toHashSet)
result = outputLeft + outputRight
echo fmt"Combined output for {left} and {right}: {result}"
let combinations = getCombinations(graph)
var outputs = newSeq[int](combinations.len)
for idx in 0..<combinations.len:
echo fmt"Running job {idx}..."
let (left, right) = combinations[idx]
outputs[idx] = spawn computePair(graph, left, right)
echo fmt"Max combined output: {outputs.max}"
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