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Created December 12, 2022 23:45
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import tables, sets, deques, strformat, sugar
type Point = tuple[x: int, y: int]
proc loadMap(filename: string): (Table[Point, int], Point, Point) =
var y: int
var map: Table[Point, int]
var source: Point
var destination: Point
for line in filename.lines:
for (x, cell) in line.pairs:
if cell == 'S':
source = (x, y)
map[source] = ord('a')
elif cell == 'E':
destination = (x, y)
map[destination] = ord('z')
map[(x, y)] = ord(cell)
(map, source, destination)
proc getNeighbours(map: Table[Point, int], at: Point, cmpFun: (int, int) -> bool): seq[Point] =
let current = map[at]
for (dx, dy) in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]:
let x = at.x + dx
let y = at.y + dy
if map.hasKey((x, y)) and cmpFun(current, map[(x, y)]):
result.add((x, y))
proc shortestPath(map: Table[Point, int], start: Point, stop: Point, cmpFun: (int, int) -> bool): (int, Table[Point, Point]) =
var previous: Table[Point, Point]
var visited: HashSet[Point]
var queue: Deque[tuple[point: Point, distance: int]]
queue.addLast((start, 0))
while queue.len > 0:
let (point, distance) = queue.popFirst()
if (point == stop): return (distance, previous)
for neighbour in getNeighbours(map, point, cmpFun):
if not visited.contains(neighbour):
previous[neighbour] = point
queue.addLast((neighbour, distance + 1))
return (-1, previous)
let (map, source, destination) = loadMap("day-12/input.txt")
let (distance, path) = shortestPath(map, source, destination, (current, next) => next - current <= 1)
assert path.len > 0
assert distance > 0
echo fmt"Shortest path length: {distance}"
let (failedDistance, allPath) = shortestPath(map, destination, (-1, -1), (current, next) => current - next <= 1)
assert failedDistance == -1
var minDistance = high(int)
for key in map.keys:
if map[key] == ord('a') and allPath.hasKey(key):
var distance: int
var curPoint = key
while allPath.hasKey(curPoint):
curPoint = allPath[curPoint]
if distance < minDistance:
minDistance = distance
echo fmt"Shortest path length from any 'a' point: {minDistance}"
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