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Last active August 5, 2020 16:09
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example json for AIP bills
"id": {
// id from mongo
"$oid": "1d123fjfad"
"billnumber": String,
"billdate": String,
"billtitle": String,
"congress": String,
"session": String,
"actionDate": String,
"dateIssued": String,
"lastUpdated": {
"$date": Date
"amendmentNumber": Number,
"amendments": [
"id": String,
"identifier": String,
"text": String,
"amendmentOrdinal": Number,
"label": String,
"billpage": String,
"treeLevel": Number,
"source": {
"xml": String, //XML
"text": String
"execution": {
"ampl": String, //AMPL
"success": Boolean,
"AMPLerror_parallel": String,
"success_parallel": Boolean
// not used in the app other than in unit tests
// might not need for AIP
"cite": {
"cite_text": "Section 1011(a) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5491(a))",
"cimpl": "select (law(\"Consumer Financial Protection\"+\"Act\"+\"of\"+\"2010\"):section( \"1011(a)\"))#parallel(law(\"united states code\"):title(\"12\"):section( \"5491(a)\"));",
"main": {
"identifiers": [
"doc_names": [
"Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010"
"ctx_provision_identifiers": [
"ctx_provision_names": [
"Section 1011"
"full_provision_names": [
"Section 1011(a)"
"parallel": {
"identifiers": [
"parallel": {
"identifiers": [
// these are only found in new AIP JSON
"message": String,
"pageline-location": String,
"descriptive-location": String
"xmls": Array, // xml that's displayed in the body
"results": {
"outline": [
"amendment-doc": {
"amend-stage": "proposed",
"amend-type": "house-amendment",
"amend-degree": "first",
// need to include
"doc_names": [
"Main Document Name"
"identifier": String,
"name": String,
"cannical_identifier": String,
"doc_identifier": String,
// do we need to wrap the provisions into "amendment-body" & "amendment" object?
"amendment-body": {
"amendment": {
"provisions": {
"identifier": String,
"id": "HEDA5E4EDC21F40FEAFC4A1E4540EBC86",
"name": "",
"provisions": [
"id": "H757637F9E64146DA8FEAEE1D82AC1742",
"name": "1. Short title; table of contents",
// these provisions need amended_by hashes like we have in other bill json to relate outline objects with top-panel & xml body
"amended_by": [
// for example
"provisions": [
"id": "HA039E4DE153B4200A6BA5DF76D8086FF",
"name": "(a) Short title",
"amended_by": [
"id": "H16EB9737AD804514A3EFE540B6CB4398",
"name": "(b) Table of contents",
"amended_by": [
"errors": [
"error_id": "1",
"status": "warning",
"amendment_id": null, // this seems to be empty in AIP json
"amendmentOrdinal": "2",
"error_message": "Processed, with a warning.",
"error_message_extra": "AIP may have adjusted closing quotation punctuation to fit the base document.",
"pageline-location": "Page 12, line 14",
"descriptive-location": "Section 3(d)(1), in the proposed section 299A(b)(1)",
// fields needed in AIP
"error_kind": "Citation",
"error_type": "Parsing text to CIMPL",
"error_severity": "Error",
"user_message_type": "CiteParseIssue",
"amendment_xml": "<section identifier=\"/s4\" id=\"HD392648CE9A64551A7EA60E8B8DF270F\" class=\"bill-dtd-OLC\">\n\t<num value=\"4\">Sec. 4.</num>\n\t<heading> Conforming amendments.</heading>\n\t<subsection identifier=\"/s4/a\" id=\"HDAB2F78E350D43438C0BB15C443ED78D\" class=\"bill-dtd-OLC\">\n\t\t<num value=\"a\">(a)</num>\n\t\t<heading> In general.—</heading>\n\t\t<content>The Acts described under subsection (b) are amended by striking “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection” each place such term appears and inserting “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”.</content>\n\t</subsection>\n</section>\n",
"amendment_text": "The Acts described under subsection (b) are amended by striking “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection” each place such term appears and inserting “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”."
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