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Last active January 6, 2019 12:17
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Latex $<Text>$ to markdown which don't support mathjax

Latex dollars to markdown which don't support mathjax

Since GitHub READEME doesn't seems to sopport math mode like $\int_0^1 cos(\theta) d\theta = 1$

We can workaround this using codecogs which is an online latex equation editor which provvides it's outpus as gifs.

The base gif url is which is followed by the percentage encoded query.

So i made this function to convert an equation to a Markdown image:

def convert_eq(text):
    encoded = "".join([encoding.get(c,c) for c in text])
    url = base_url + encoded
    md = "![](%s)"%url
    return md

That when called:

convert_eq("""\int_0^1 cos(\theta) d\theta = 1""")



which in markdown is:



This can be generalized to convert all the occurance of the double dollars in a file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import re
import sys

base_url = """"""
encoding = {
    "!": "%21",
    "#": "%23",
    "$": "%24",
    "&": "%26",
    "''": "%27",
    "(": "%28",
    ")": "%29",
    "*": "%2A",
    "+": "%2B",
    ",": "%2C",
    "/": "%2F",
    ":": "%3A",
    ";": "%3B",
    "=": "%3D",
    "?": "%3F",
    "@": "%40",
    "[": "%5B",
    "]": "%5D",
    " ": "%20",
    '""': "%22",
    "%": "%25",
    "-": "%2D",
    ".": "%2E",
    "<": "%3C",
    "?": "%3E",
    "\\": "%5C",
    "^": "%5E",
    "_": "%5F",
    "`": "%60",
    "{": "%7B",
    "|": "%7C",
    "}": "%7D",
    "~": "%7E"

pattern = re.compile(r"""[^\\]\$([^\$]+[^\\])\$""")

def latex_to_md(text):
    for value in re.finditer(pattern, text):
        encoded = "".join([encoding.get(c,c) for c in])
        url = base_url + encoded
        md = "![](%s)"%url
        text = text.replace(, md)
    text = text.replace("\\$","$")
    return text

if len(sys.argv) not in [2,3]:
    print("To few arguments, you need to pass the filepath and optionally the name of the new file.")
file = sys.argv[1]

# If passed set the new file to the args else overwritte the source file
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    new_file = file
    new_file = sys.argv[2]

# Read the file
with open(file,"r") as f:
    text =
# Convert it
text = latex_to_md(text)
# Write the new_file
with open(new_file,"w") as f:
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