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Last active December 16, 2015 00:38
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Python script to setup IPython notebook running on Carver computing node via double SSH tunnel, by Marius Millea
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""In order to use the script you need to copy your SSH key to the target server
and also copy the server SSH public key (usually .ssh/ to .ssh/authorized_keys,
so that the computing node can ssh passwordless to the login node"""
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
import sys
import webbrowser
from getopt import getopt
import time
args = dict(getopt(sys.argv[1:],[],['port=','dir='])[0])
port = args.get('--port',8789)
dir = args.get('--dir',None)
def readwhile(stream,func):
while True:
line = stream.readline()
if line!='':
print line[:-1]
if func(line): break
raise Exception("Disconnected unexpectedly.")
pqsub.stdin.write('qsub -I -V -q usplanck -l nodes=1:ppn=1,pvmem=20gb -l walltime=12:00:00\n')
pqsub.stdin.write('echo HOSTNAME=`hostname`\n')
def gethostname(line):
global hostname
if line.startswith('HOSTNAME'):
hostname = line.split('=')[1].strip()
return True
readwhile(pqsub.stdout, gethostname)
if dir:
pqsub.stdin.write('cd %s\n'%dir)
pqsub.stdin.write('echo CD\n')
readwhile(pqsub.stdout, lambda line: line.startswith('CD'))
pqsub.stdin.write('ipython notebook --pylab=inline --port=%s\n'%port)
readwhile(pqsub.stdout, lambda line: line.find('NotebookApp')>0)
tunnel = ['ssh','-4', '-t', '-Y', '', '-L', '%s:localhost:%s'%(port,port), 'ssh', '-t', '-Y', hostname, '-L', '%s:localhost:%s'%(port,port)]
print ' '.join(tunnel)
ptunnel = Popen(tunnel,stdout=PIPE,stdin=PIPE)
ptunnel.stdin.write('echo TUNNEL\n')
readwhile(ptunnel.stdout,lambda line: line.startswith('TUNNEL'))'http://localhost:%s'%port)
print "Succesfully opened notebook!"
print "Kill this process to end your notebook connection."
print "Succesfully cleanup up connections."
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