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Last active July 9, 2020 02:51
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jupyterhub-deploy-teaching configuration for SDSC Cloud
# An example `hostname` file
# Edit this file to customize settings for a particular host.
# Save as FQDN of the hostname without the `.example` suffix,
# such as ``.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Required settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The base directory of user accounts.
home_dir: /home
# Users with administrative privileges.
- zonca
# Whitelist of jupyterhub users.
- zonca
# R kernel installation, set to true to enable.
install_r_kernel: true
# bash kernel installation, set to true to enable
install_bash_kernel: true
# Secret token for proxy access. Create token using something like
# `openssl rand -hex 32` and enter between quotation marks below.
proxy_auth_token: ''
# Cleanup single user servers and the proxy on jupyterhub shutdown. Setting
# this to false, will allow jupyterhub to be restarted while leaving the proxy
# and single user servers running.
cleanup_on_shutdown: true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add or remove packages here for different package managers here (conda, pip,
# cran). The package listed here are on-top of the base installation of jupyter,
# ipython and the IPython and IR kernel.
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- cython
- h5py
- scikit-learn
- scikit-image
- pandas
- sympy
- pillow
- seaborn
- patsy
- statsmodels
- networkx
- dask
- blaze
- odo
- altair
- brewer2mpl
- ggplot
- ipythonblocks
- plotly
- car
- ggplot2
- plyr
- randomForest
- Hmisc
- stringr
- RColorBrewer
- reshape
- reshape2
- RCurl
- devtools
- dplyr
- httr
- knitr
- packrat
- rmarkdown
- rvtest
- testit
- testthat
- tidyr
- shiny
- base64enc
- Cairo
- codetools
- table
- gridExtra
- gtable
- hexbin
- jpeg
- Lahman
- png
- microbenchmark
- mgcv
- mapproj
- maps
- maptools
- mgcv
- multcomp
- nycflights13
- quantreg
- javareconf
- rJava
- roxygen2
- RSQLite
- lattice
- nlme
- RCurl
- RHTMLForms
- RSelenium
- rgl
- caret
- data.table
- parallel
- testthat
- rpart
- caret
- RTextTools
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optional settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following sections are for optional features that can be enabled.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OAuth
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The default authentication will use PAM, which is the standard UNIX password
# standard. In the default configuration UNIX usernames and passwords will be
# used for JupyterHub. Enabling OAuth through an OAuth provider (such as GitHub)
# will enable users to log in using their username and passwords from the OAuth
# provider. In this case, new users can be added using the JupyterHub Admin
# page, and the users' home directories will be automatically created.
# Set to `true` to enable.
use_oauth: true
# The OAuth callback URL.
# The OAuth client ID.
oauth_client_id: ''
# The OAuth client secret.
oauth_client_secret: ''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nbgrader
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nbgrader is a system for assigning, collecting and grading notebook based
# homework assignments. For more details see:
# Set to `true` to enable.
use_nbgrader: true
# The list of nbgrader courses. Each must have a unique `course_id` and `port`.
# IMPORTANT: These user accounts must be created before the ansible scripts
# are run. If OAuth is used, passwords must be disabled for those users.
- {
course_id: "COURSEID",
owner: "zonca",
graders: ["zonca"],
port: 5005
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cull_idle_servers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set to `true` to enable.
use_cull_idle_servers: true
# The interval (in seconds) for checking for idle servers to cull.
cull_every: 6000
# The idle timeout (in seconds).
cull_timeout: 36000
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc optional settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List of the GitHub usernames who will receive root access via ssh. Public
# GitHub SSH keys will be installed to allow the user to ssh into the server as
# root.
github_usernames: ['zonca']
# To mount local file systems populate this list. (Optional) This adds the
# entries to /etc/fstab, creates the mount points, and mounts them. Note: Disks
# must be partitioned and formatted.
local_mounts: []
# - name: /mountpoint1
# src: /dev/sdb1
# fstype: ext3
# - name: /mountpoint2
# src: /dev/sdc1
# fstype: ext3
# SSL using letsencrypt (optional - use letsencrypt default: false) If using
# letsencrypt to generate SSL key/cert, set `use_letsencrypt` to `true`
# Otherwise if not using letsencrypt for SSL, you MUST put your key and cert
# into the security directory as `security/ssl.crt` and `security/ssl.key`.
use_letsencrypt: true
letsencrypt_email: ''
# Should users have `/public_html/username` directories. Set this to `true` to
# enable.
nginx_public_html: false
# Set Google Analytics Tracking ID (Optional).
ga_tracking_id: ''
# Set NewRelic license key (Optional).
newrelic_license_key: ''
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