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Created March 18, 2018 17:59
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Changes in src/tracks/Pattern.cpp between stable-1.2 and master
zonkmachine@zonkmachine:~/builds/lmms/lmms$ git diff stable-1.2 master -- ./src/tracks/Pattern.cpp
diff --git a/src/tracks/Pattern.cpp b/src/tracks/Pattern.cpp
index e726ca2..372c0bb 100644
--- a/src/tracks/Pattern.cpp
+++ b/src/tracks/Pattern.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include "StringPairDrag.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
+#include <limits>
QPixmap * PatternView::s_stepBtnOn0 = NULL;
QPixmap * PatternView::s_stepBtnOn200 = NULL;
@@ -576,7 +578,11 @@ void Pattern::changeTimeSignature()
PatternView::PatternView( Pattern* pattern, TrackView* parent ) :
TrackContentObjectView( pattern, parent ),
m_pat( pattern ),
- m_paintPixmap()
+ m_paintPixmap(),
+ m_noteFillColor(255, 255, 255, 220),
+ m_noteBorderColor(255, 255, 255, 220),
+ m_mutedNoteFillColor(100, 100, 100, 220),
+ m_mutedNoteBorderColor(100, 100, 100, 220)
connect( gui->pianoRoll(), SIGNAL( currentPatternChanged() ),
this, SLOT( update() ) );
@@ -625,16 +631,7 @@ PatternView::~PatternView()
void PatternView::update()
- if ( m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::BeatPattern )
- {
- ToolTip::add( this,
- tr( "use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step" ) );
- }
- else
- {
- ToolTip::add( this,
- tr( "double-click to open in Piano Roll" ) );
- }
+ ToolTip::add(this, m_pat->name());
@@ -835,7 +832,10 @@ void PatternView::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * _we )
+static int computeNoteRange(int minKey, int maxKey)
+ return (maxKey - minKey) + 1;
void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
@@ -849,23 +849,24 @@ void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
setNeedsUpdate( false );
- m_paintPixmap = m_paintPixmap.isNull() == true || m_paintPixmap.size() != size()
- ? QPixmap( size() ) : m_paintPixmap;
+ if (m_paintPixmap.isNull() || m_paintPixmap.size() != size())
+ {
+ m_paintPixmap = QPixmap(size());
+ }
QPainter p( &m_paintPixmap );
- QLinearGradient lingrad( 0, 0, 0, height() );
- QColor c;
- bool muted = m_pat->getTrack()->isMuted() || m_pat->isMuted();
+ bool const muted = m_pat->getTrack()->isMuted() || m_pat->isMuted();
bool current = gui->pianoRoll()->currentPattern() == m_pat;
bool beatPattern = m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::BeatPattern;
// state: selected, normal, beat pattern, muted
- c = isSelected() ? selectedColor() : ( ( !muted && !beatPattern )
+ QColor c = isSelected() ? selectedColor() : ( ( !muted && !beatPattern )
? painter.background().color() : ( beatPattern
? BBPatternBackground() : mutedBackgroundColor() ) );
// invert the gradient for the background in the B&B editor
+ QLinearGradient lingrad( 0, 0, 0, height() );
lingrad.setColorAt( beatPattern ? 0 : 1, c.darker( 300 ) );
lingrad.setColorAt( beatPattern ? 1 : 0, c );
@@ -881,95 +882,150 @@ void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
p.fillRect( rect(), c );
- const float ppt = fixedTCOs() ?
- ( parentWidget()->width() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH )
- / (float) m_pat->length().getTact() :
- ( width() - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH )
- / (float) m_pat->length().getTact();
+ // Check whether we will paint a text box and compute its potential height
+ // This is needed so we can paint the notes underneath it.
+ bool const isDefaultName = m_pat->name() == m_pat->instrumentTrack()->name();
+ bool const drawTextBox = !beatPattern && !isDefaultName;
+ // TODO Warning! This might cause problems if TrackContentObjectView::paintTextLabel changes
+ int textBoxHeight = 0;
+ const int textTop = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
+ if (drawTextBox)
+ {
+ QFont labelFont = this->font();
+ labelFont.setHintingPreference( QFont::PreferFullHinting );
+ QFontMetrics fontMetrics(labelFont);
+ textBoxHeight = fontMetrics.height() + 2 * textTop;
+ }
+ // Compute pixels per tact
+ const int baseWidth = fixedTCOs() ? parentWidget()->width() : width();
+ const float pixelsPerTact = ( baseWidth - 2 * TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ) / (float) m_pat->length().getTact();
+ // Length of one tact/beat in the [0,1] x [0,1] coordinate system
+ const float tactLength = 1. / m_pat->length().getTact();
+ const float tickLength = tactLength / MidiTime::ticksPerTact();
const int x_base = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH;
// melody pattern paint event
- if( m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::MelodyPattern )
+ NoteVector const & noteCollection = m_pat->m_notes;
+ if( m_pat->m_patternType == Pattern::MelodyPattern && !noteCollection.empty() )
- if( m_pat->m_notes.size() > 0 )
+ // Compute the minimum and maximum key in the pattern
+ // so that we know how much there is to draw.
+ int maxKey = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
+ int minKey = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ for (Note const * note : noteCollection)
+ {
+ int const key = note->key();
+ maxKey = qMax( maxKey, key );
+ minKey = qMin( minKey, key );
+ }
+ // If needed adjust the note range so that we always have paint a certain interval
+ int const minimalNoteRange = 12; // Always paint at least one octave
+ int const actualNoteRange = computeNoteRange(minKey, maxKey);
+ if (actualNoteRange < minimalNoteRange)
- // first determine the central tone so that we can
- // display the area where most of the m_notes are
- // also calculate min/max tones so the tonal range can be
- // properly stretched accross the pattern vertically
- int central_key = 0;
- int max_key = 0;
- int min_key = 9999999;
- int total_notes = 0;
- for( NoteVector::Iterator it = m_pat->m_notes.begin();
- it != m_pat->m_notes.end(); ++it )
+ int missingNumberOfNotes = minimalNoteRange - actualNoteRange;
+ minKey = std::max(0, minKey - missingNumberOfNotes / 2);
+ maxKey = maxKey + missingNumberOfNotes / 2;
+ if (missingNumberOfNotes % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ // Put more range at the top to bias drawing towards the bottom
+ ++maxKey;
+ }
+ }
+ int const adjustedNoteRange = computeNoteRange(minKey, maxKey);
+ // Transform such that [0, 1] x [0, 1] paints in the correct area
+ float distanceToTop = textBoxHeight;
+ // This moves the notes smoothly under the text
+ int widgetHeight = height();
+ int fullyAtTopAtLimit = MINIMAL_TRACK_HEIGHT;
+ int fullyBelowAtLimit = 4 * fullyAtTopAtLimit;
+ if (widgetHeight <= fullyBelowAtLimit)
+ {
+ if (widgetHeight <= fullyAtTopAtLimit)
+ {
+ distanceToTop = 0;
+ }
+ else
- max_key = qMax( max_key, ( *it )->key() );
- min_key = qMin( min_key, ( *it )->key() );
- central_key += ( *it )->key();
- ++total_notes;
+ float const a = 1. / (fullyAtTopAtLimit - fullyBelowAtLimit);
+ float const b = - float(fullyBelowAtLimit) / (fullyAtTopAtLimit - fullyBelowAtLimit);
+ float const scale = a * widgetHeight + b;
+ distanceToTop = (1. - scale) * textBoxHeight;
+ }
+ int const notesBorder = 4; // Border for the notes towards the top and bottom in pixels
+ // The relavant painting code starts here
+ p.translate(0., distanceToTop + notesBorder);
+ p.scale(width(), height() - distanceToTop - 2 * notesBorder);
+ // set colour based on mute status
+ QColor noteFillColor = muted ? getMutedNoteFillColor() : getNoteFillColor();
+ QColor noteBorderColor = muted ? getMutedNoteBorderColor() : getNoteBorderColor();
+ bool const drawAsLines = height() < 64;
+ if (drawAsLines)
+ {
+ p.setPen(noteFillColor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p.setPen(noteBorderColor);
+ p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+ }
+ // Needed for Qt5 although the documentation for QPainter::setPen(QColor) as it's used above
+ // states that it should already set a width of 0.
+ QPen pen = p.pen();
+ pen.setWidth(0);
+ p.setPen(pen);
+ float const noteHeight = 1. / adjustedNoteRange;
+ // scan through all the notes and draw them on the pattern
+ for (Note const * currentNote : noteCollection)
+ {
+ // Map to 0, 1, 2, ...
+ int mappedNoteKey = currentNote->key() - minKey;
+ int invertedMappedNoteKey = adjustedNoteRange - mappedNoteKey - 1;
+ float const noteStartX = currentNote->pos() * tickLength;
+ float const noteLength = currentNote->length() * tickLength;
- if( total_notes > 0 )
+ float const noteStartY = invertedMappedNoteKey * noteHeight;
+ QRectF noteRectF( noteStartX, noteStartY, noteLength, noteHeight);
+ if (drawAsLines)
+ {
+ p.drawLine(QPointF(noteStartX, noteStartY + 0.5 * noteHeight),
+ QPointF(noteStartX + noteLength, noteStartY + 0.5 * noteHeight));
+ }
+ else
- central_key = central_key / total_notes;
- const int keyrange = qMax( qMax( max_key - central_key, central_key - min_key ), 1 );
- // debug code
- // qDebug( "keyrange: %d", keyrange );
- // determine height of the pattern view, sans borders
- const int ht = (height() - 1 - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH * 2) -1;
- // determine maximum height value for drawing bounds checking
- const int max_ht = height() - 1 - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH;
- // set colour based on mute status
- p.setPen( muted ? mutedColor() : painter.pen().brush().color() );
- // scan through all the notes and draw them on the pattern
- for( NoteVector::Iterator it =
- m_pat->m_notes.begin();
- it != m_pat->m_notes.end(); ++it )
- {
- // calculate relative y-position
- const float y_key =
- ( float( central_key - ( *it )->key() ) / keyrange + 1.0f ) / 2;
- // multiply that by pattern height
- const int y_pos = static_cast<int>( TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + y_key * ht ) + 1;
- // debug code
- // if( ( *it )->length() > 0 ) qDebug( "key %d, central_key %d, y_key %f, y_pos %d", ( *it )->key(), central_key, y_k
- // check that note isn't out of bounds, and has a length
- if( y_pos >= TCO_BORDER_WIDTH &&
- y_pos <= max_ht )
- {
- // calculate start and end x-coords of the line to be drawn
- int length = ( *it )->length();
- length = length > 0 ? length : 4;
- const int x1 = x_base +
- static_cast<int>
- ( ( *it )->pos() * ( ppt / MidiTime::ticksPerTact() ) );
- const int x2 = x_base +
- static_cast<int>
- ( ( ( *it )->pos() + length ) * ( ppt / MidiTime::ticksPerTact() ) );
- // check bounds, draw line
- if( x1 < width() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH )
- p.drawLine( x1, y_pos,
- qMin( x2, width() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ), y_pos );
- }
- }
+ p.fillRect( noteRectF, noteFillColor );
+ p.drawRect( noteRectF );
+ p.restore();
// beat pattern paint event
- else if( beatPattern && ( fixedTCOs() || ppt >= 96
+ else if( beatPattern && ( fixedTCOs() || pixelsPerTact >= 96
|| m_pat->m_steps != MidiTime::stepsPerTact() ) )
QPixmap stepon0;
@@ -1040,53 +1096,34 @@ void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
for( tact_t t = 1; t < m_pat->length().getTact(); ++t )
- p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1,
+ p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( pixelsPerTact * t ) - 1,
TCO_BORDER_WIDTH, x_base + static_cast<int>(
- ppt * t ) - 1, TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + lineSize );
- p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1,
+ pixelsPerTact * t ) - 1, TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + lineSize );
+ p.drawLine( x_base + static_cast<int>( pixelsPerTact * t ) - 1,
rect().bottom() - ( lineSize + TCO_BORDER_WIDTH ),
- x_base + static_cast<int>( ppt * t ) - 1,
+ x_base + static_cast<int>( pixelsPerTact * t ) - 1,
rect().bottom() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH );
// pattern name
- p.setRenderHint( QPainter::TextAntialiasing );
- bool isDefaultName = m_pat->name() == m_pat->instrumentTrack()->name();
- if( !isDefaultName && m_staticTextName.text() != m_pat->name() )
- {
- m_staticTextName.setText( m_pat->name() );
- }
- QFont font;
- font.setHintingPreference( QFont::PreferFullHinting );
- font.setPointSize( 8 );
- p.setFont( font );
- const int textTop = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
- const int textLeft = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
- if( !isDefaultName )
+ if (drawTextBox)
- p.setPen( textShadowColor() );
- p.drawStaticText( textLeft + 1, textTop + 1, m_staticTextName );
- p.setPen( textColor() );
- p.drawStaticText( textLeft, textTop, m_staticTextName );
+ paintTextLabel(m_pat->name(), p);
- // inner border
if( !( fixedTCOs() && beatPattern ) )
+ // inner border
p.setPen( c.lighter( current ? 160 : 130 ) );
p.drawRect( 1, 1, rect().right() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH,
rect().bottom() - TCO_BORDER_WIDTH );
- // outer border
- p.setPen( ( current && !beatPattern ) ? c.lighter( 130 ) : c.darker( 300 ) );
- p.drawRect( 0, 0, rect().right(), rect().bottom() );
+ // outer border
+ p.setPen( current ? c.lighter( 130 ) : c.darker( 300 ) );
+ p.drawRect( rect() );
- // draw the 'muted' pixmap only if the pattern was manualy muted
+ // draw the 'muted' pixmap only if the pattern was manually muted
if( m_pat->isMuted() )
const int spacing = TCO_BORDER_WIDTH;
@@ -1095,8 +1132,5 @@ void PatternView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
embed::getIconPixmap( "muted", size, size ) );
- p.end();
painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_paintPixmap );
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