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Created July 27, 2017 08:52
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object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//val t = hoge(46,39,6)
val t = hoge(3,1,3)
printAreas( )
def hoge(a:Double,b:Double,c:Double): Tuple3[Double,Double,Double] ={
val t = new Tuple3((a + b )/ 2.0,
(b + c) / 2.0,
(a + 2 * b + c) / 2.0 - b)
return t
def printAreas(radiusA:Double,radiusB:Double,distance:Double):Unit = {
val circleA = new Circle(radiusA)
val circleB = new Circle(radiusB)
val overlapArea = getOverlapArea(circleA.radius,circleB.radius,distance);
def getOverlapArea(a:Double ,b:Double,distance:Double): Double = {
if((a + b) < distance){
return 0
val cosA = cosineFormula(distance,b,a)
val areaSectorA = math.pow(a,2) * math.acos(cosA) / 2
val cosB = cosineFormula(distance,a,b)
val areaSectorB = math.pow(a,2) * math.acos(cosB) / 2
val cos = cosineFormula(a,b,distance)
val sinA = cosToSin(cos)
val areaTriangle = triangleAreaFromTwoEdgeAndSin(a,b,sinA)
val halfArea = areaSectorA + areaSectorB - areaTriangle
return halfArea * 2
/** 余弦定理 */
private def cosineFormula(a:Double,b:Double,c:Double): Double ={
* cos alpha = ( a**2 + b**2 - c**2 ) / 2 * a * b
val result = (math.pow(a,2) + math.pow(b,2) - math.pow(c,2)) / (2*a*b)
return result
private def cosToSin(cos:Double):Double = {
val result = math.sqrt( 1 - math.pow(cos,2) )
return result
private def triangleAreaFromTwoEdgeAndSin(e1:Double, e2:Double ,sinValue:Double):Double={
return 1.0/2 * e1 * e2 * sinValue
class Circle(val radius:Double) {
def area() :Double = {
math.pow(radius , 2) * math.Pi
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