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Forked from raa0121/bcdiceGuiShoes.rb
Last active December 13, 2015 23:39
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# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-
font = "Migu 2M Regular" "BCDice") do
para("設定", font: font)
list_box :items => ['default']
button "この設定で保存" #{ }
button "この設定を削除" #{ }
para("\nサーバー名", font: font)
server = edit_line
para("\nポート番号", font: font)
port = edit_line
para("\nログインチャンネル", font: font)
channel = edit_line
para("\nニックネーム", font: font)
nick = edit_line
para("\nゲームタイトル", font: font)
gameTitle = list_box :items => gameTitles
para("\nIRC文字コード", font: font)
charaCode = list_box :items => charaCodes
para("\n拡張カードファイル名", font: font)
advanceCard = edit_line
button "接続"# { }
button "切断"# { }
para("\n動作確認テスト欄", font: font)
test = edit_line
button "test" #{ }
testFeald = edit_box
def gameTitles
["a", "b"]
def charaCodes
["UTF-8", "ISO-2022-JP"]
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