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php functions
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"PHP 4": {
"debug_backtrace": {
"id": "function.debug-backtrace",
"purpose": "Generates a backtrace",
"prototype": "array debug_backtrace([int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT [, int $limit = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>s. The possible returned elements are as follows: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Possible returned elements from <span class=\"function\">debug_backtrace<\/span><\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Name<\/th> <th>Type<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>function<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span><\/td> <td> The current function name. See also <a href=\"language.constants.predefined.html\" class=\"link\">__FUNCTION__<\/a>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>line<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">integer<\/span><\/td> <td> The current line number. See also <a href=\"language.constants.predefined.html\" class=\"link\">__LINE__<\/a>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>file<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span><\/td> <td> The current file name. See also <a href=\"language.constants.predefined.html\" class=\"link\">__FILE__<\/a>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>class<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span><\/td> <td> The current <a href=\"language.oop5.html\" class=\"link\">class<\/a> name. See also <a href=\"language.constants.predefined.html\" class=\"link\">__CLASS__<\/a> <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>object<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">object<\/span><\/td> <td> The current <a href=\"language.oop5.html\" class=\"link\">object<\/a>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>type<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span><\/td> <td> The current call type. If a method call, &quot;-&gt;&quot; is returned. If a static method call, &quot;::&quot; is returned. If a function call, nothing is returned. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>args<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">array<\/span><\/td> <td> If inside a function, this lists the functions arguments. If inside an included file, this lists the included file name(s). <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"error_log": {
"id": "function.error-log",
"purpose": "Send an error message to the defined error handling routines",
"prototype": "bool error_log(string $message [, int $message_type = '' [, string $destination = '' [, string $extra_headers = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"error_reporting": {
"id": "function.error-reporting",
"purpose": "Sets which PHP errors are reported",
"prototype": "int error_reporting([int $level = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the old <a href=\"errorfunc.configuration.html#ini.error-reporting\" class=\"link\">error_reporting<\/a> level or the current level if no <code class=\"parameter\">level<\/code> parameter is given. <\/p>"
"restore_error_handler": {
"id": "function.restore-error-handler",
"purpose": "Restores the previous error handler function",
"prototype": "bool restore_error_handler()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function always returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"set_error_handler": {
"id": "function.set-error-handler",
"purpose": "Sets a user-defined error handler function",
"prototype": "mixed set_error_handler(callable $error_handler [, int $error_types = E_ALL | E_STRICT])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the previously defined error handler (if any). If the built-in error handler is used <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is also returned in case of an error such as an invalid callback. If the previous error handler was a class method, this function will return an indexed array with the class and the method name. <\/p>"
"trigger_error": {
"id": "function.trigger-error",
"purpose": "Generates a user-level error\/warning\/notice message",
"prototype": "bool trigger_error(string $error_msg [, int $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if wrong <code class=\"parameter\">error_type<\/code> is specified, <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"user_error": {
"id": "function.user-error",
"purpose": "Alias of trigger_error",
"prototype": " user_error()",
"return": ""
"flush": {
"id": "function.flush",
"purpose": "Flush system output buffer",
"prototype": "void flush()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ob_clean": {
"id": "function.ob-clean",
"purpose": "Clean (erase) the output buffer",
"prototype": "void ob_clean()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ob_end_clean": {
"id": "function.ob-end-clean",
"purpose": "Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering",
"prototype": "bool ob_end_clean()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. Reasons for failure are first that you called the function without an active buffer or that for some reason a buffer could not be deleted (possible for special buffer). <\/p>"
"ob_end_flush": {
"id": "function.ob-end-flush",
"purpose": "Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering",
"prototype": "bool ob_end_flush()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. Reasons for failure are first that you called the function without an active buffer or that for some reason a buffer could not be deleted (possible for special buffer). <\/p>"
"ob_flush": {
"id": "function.ob-flush",
"purpose": "Flush (send) the output buffer",
"prototype": "void ob_flush()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ob_get_clean": {
"id": "function.ob-get-clean",
"purpose": "Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer",
"prototype": "string ob_get_clean()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the contents of the output buffer and end output buffering. If output buffering isn&#039;t active then <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"ob_get_contents": {
"id": "function.ob-get-contents",
"purpose": "Return the contents of the output buffer",
"prototype": "string ob_get_contents()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This will return the contents of the output buffer or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, if output buffering isn&#039;t active. <\/p>"
"ob_get_flush": {
"id": "function.ob-get-flush",
"purpose": "Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering",
"prototype": "string ob_get_flush()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the output buffer or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no buffering is active. <\/p>"
"ob_get_length": {
"id": "function.ob-get-length",
"purpose": "Return the length of the output buffer",
"prototype": "int ob_get_length()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the output buffer contents, in bytes, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no buffering is active. <\/p>"
"ob_get_level": {
"id": "function.ob-get-level",
"purpose": "Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism",
"prototype": "int ob_get_level()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the level of nested output buffering handlers or zero if output buffering is not active. <\/p>"
"ob_get_status": {
"id": "function.ob-get-status",
"purpose": "Get status of output buffers",
"prototype": "array ob_get_status([bool $full_status = FALSE])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If called without the <code class=\"parameter\">full_status<\/code> parameter or with <code class=\"parameter\">full_status<\/code> = <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> a simple array with the following elements is returned: <div class=\"informalexample\"> <div class=\"example-contents screen\"><div class=\"cdata\"><pre>Array( [level] =&gt; 2 [type] =&gt; 0 [status] =&gt; 0 [name] =&gt; URL-Rewriter [del] =&gt; 1)<\/pre><\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <table class=\"segmentedlist\"> <caption><strong>Simple <span class=\"function\">ob_get_status<\/span> results<\/strong><\/caption> <thead><tr><th>Key<\/th><th>Value<\/th> <\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">level<\/td><td class=\"seg\">Output nesting level<\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">type<\/td><td class=\"seg\"><em>PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_INTERNAL (0)<\/em> or <em>PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_USER (1)<\/em><\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">status<\/td><td class=\"seg\">One of <em>PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START<\/em> (0), <em>PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CONT<\/em> (1) or <em>PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END<\/em> (2)<\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">name<\/td><td class=\"seg\">Name of active output handler or &#039; default output handler&#039; if none is set<\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">del<\/td><td class=\"seg\">Erase-flag as set by <span class=\"function\">ob_start<\/span><\/td><\/tr> <\/tbody><\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If called with <code class=\"parameter\">full_status<\/code> = <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> an array with one element for each active output buffer level is returned. The output level is used as key of the top level array and each array element itself is another array holding status information on one active output level. <div class=\"informalexample\"> <div class=\"example-contents screen\"><div class=\"cdata\"><pre>Array( [0] =&gt; Array ( [chunk_size] =&gt; 0 [size] =&gt; 40960 [block_size] =&gt; 10240 [type] =&gt; 1 [status] =&gt; 0 [name] =&gt; default output handler [del] =&gt; 1 ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [chunk_size] =&gt; 0 [size] =&gt; 40960 [block_size] =&gt; 10240 [type] =&gt; 0 [buffer_size] =&gt; 0 [status] =&gt; 0 [name] =&gt; URL-Rewriter [del] =&gt; 1 ))<\/pre><\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The full output contains these additional elements: <table class=\"segmentedlist\"> <caption><strong>Full <span class=\"function\">ob_get_status<\/span> results<\/strong><\/caption> <thead><tr><th>Key<\/th><th>Value<\/th> <\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">chunk_size<\/td><td class=\"seg\">Chunk size as set by <span class=\"function\">ob_start<\/span><\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">size<\/td><td class=\"seg\">...<\/td><\/tr> <tr class=\"seglistitem\"><td class=\"seg\">blocksize<\/td><td class=\"seg\">...<\/td><\/tr> <\/tbody><\/table> <\/p>"
"ob_gzhandler": {
"id": "function.ob-gzhandler",
"purpose": "ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer",
"prototype": "string ob_gzhandler(string $buffer, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"ob_implicit_flush": {
"id": "function.ob-implicit-flush",
"purpose": "Turn implicit flush on\/off",
"prototype": "void ob_implicit_flush([int $flag = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ob_list_handlers": {
"id": "function.ob-list-handlers",
"purpose": "List all output handlers in use",
"prototype": "array ob_list_handlers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This will return an array with the output handlers in use (if any). If <a href=\"outcontrol.configuration.html#ini.output-buffering\" class=\"link\">output_buffering<\/a> is enabled or an anonymous function was used with <span class=\"function\">ob_start<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">ob_list_handlers<\/span> will return &quot;default output handler&quot;. <\/p>"
"ob_start": {
"id": "function.ob-start",
"purpose": "Turn on output buffering",
"prototype": "bool ob_start([callable $output_callback = '' [, int $chunk_size = '' [, int $flags = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"output_add_rewrite_var": {
"id": "function.output-add-rewrite-var",
"purpose": "Add URL rewriter values",
"prototype": "bool output_add_rewrite_var(string $name, string $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"output_reset_rewrite_vars": {
"id": "function.output-reset-rewrite-vars",
"purpose": "Reset URL rewriter values",
"prototype": "bool output_reset_rewrite_vars()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"assert_options": {
"id": "function.assert-options",
"purpose": "Set\/get the various assert flags",
"prototype": "mixed assert_options(int $what [, mixed $value = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the original setting of any option or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"assert": {
"id": "function.assert",
"purpose": "Checks if assertion is FALSE",
"prototype": "bool assert(mixed $assertion [, string $description = '' [, Throwable $exception = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the assertion is false, <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"dl": {
"id": "function.dl",
"purpose": "Loads a PHP extension at runtime",
"prototype": "bool dl(string $library)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If the functionality of loading modules is not available or has been disabled (either by setting <a href=\"info.configuration.html#ini.enable-dl\" class=\"link\">enable_dl<\/a> off or by enabling <a href=\"\" class=\"link\">safe mode<\/a> in <var class=\"filename\">php.ini<\/var>) an <strong><code>E_ERROR<\/code><\/strong> is emitted and execution is stopped. If <span class=\"function\">dl<\/span> fails because the specified library couldn&#039;t be loaded, in addition to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> message is emitted. <\/p>"
"extension_loaded": {
"id": "function.extension-loaded",
"purpose": "Find out whether an extension is loaded",
"prototype": "bool extension_loaded(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the extension identified by <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> is loaded, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"get_cfg_var": {
"id": "function.get-cfg-var",
"purpose": "Gets the value of a PHP configuration option",
"prototype": "string get_cfg_var(string $option)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current value of the PHP configuration variable specified by <code class=\"parameter\">option<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs. <\/p>"
"get_current_user": {
"id": "function.get-current-user",
"purpose": "Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script",
"prototype": "string get_current_user()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the username as a string. <\/p>"
"get_defined_constants": {
"id": "function.get-defined-constants",
"purpose": "Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values",
"prototype": "array get_defined_constants([bool $categorize = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of constant name =&gt; constant value array, optionally groupped by extension name registering the constant. <\/p>"
"get_extension_funcs": {
"id": "function.get-extension-funcs",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module",
"prototype": "array get_extension_funcs(string $module_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with all the functions, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">module_name<\/code> is not a valid extension. <\/p>"
"get_include_path": {
"id": "function.get-include-path",
"purpose": "Gets the current include_path configuration option",
"prototype": "string get_include_path()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the path, as a string. <\/p>"
"get_included_files": {
"id": "function.get-included-files",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the names of included or required files",
"prototype": "array get_included_files()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of the names of all files. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The script originally called is considered an &quot;included file,&quot; so it will be listed together with the files referenced by <span class=\"function\">include<\/span> and family. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Files that are included or required multiple times only show up once in the returned array. <\/p>"
"get_loaded_extensions": {
"id": "function.get-loaded-extensions",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded",
"prototype": "array get_loaded_extensions([bool $zend_extensions = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an indexed array of all the modules names. <\/p>"
"get_magic_quotes_gpc": {
"id": "function.get-magic-quotes-gpc",
"purpose": "Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc",
"prototype": "bool get_magic_quotes_gpc()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 0 if magic_quotes_gpc is off, 1 otherwise. Or always returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> as of PHP 5.4.0. <\/p>"
"get_magic_quotes_runtime": {
"id": "function.get-magic-quotes-runtime",
"purpose": "Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime",
"prototype": "bool get_magic_quotes_runtime()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 0 if magic_quotes_runtime is off, 1 otherwise. Or always returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> as of PHP 5.4.0. <\/p>"
"get_required_files": {
"id": "function.get-required-files",
"purpose": "Alias of get_included_files",
"prototype": " get_required_files()",
"return": ""
"getenv": {
"id": "function.getenv",
"purpose": "Gets the value of an environment variable",
"prototype": "string getenv(string $varname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the environment variable <code class=\"parameter\">varname<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the environment variable <code class=\"parameter\">varname<\/code> does not exist. <\/p>"
"getlastmod": {
"id": "function.getlastmod",
"purpose": "Gets time of last page modification",
"prototype": "int getlastmod()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the time of the last modification of the current page. The value returned is a Unix timestamp, suitable for feeding to <span class=\"function\">date<\/span>. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"getmygid": {
"id": "function.getmygid",
"purpose": "Get PHP script owner's GID",
"prototype": "int getmygid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the group ID of the current script, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"getmyinode": {
"id": "function.getmyinode",
"purpose": "Gets the inode of the current script",
"prototype": "int getmyinode()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current script&#039;s inode as an integer, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"getmypid": {
"id": "function.getmypid",
"purpose": "Gets PHP's process ID",
"prototype": "int getmypid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current PHP process ID, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"getmyuid": {
"id": "function.getmyuid",
"purpose": "Gets PHP script owner's UID",
"prototype": "int getmyuid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the user ID of the current script, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"getopt": {
"id": "function.getopt",
"purpose": "Gets options from the command line argument list",
"prototype": "array getopt(string $options [, array $longopts = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function will return an array of option \/ argument pairs, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> The parsing of options will end at the first non-option found, anything that follows is discarded. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"getrusage": {
"id": "function.getrusage",
"purpose": "Gets the current resource usages",
"prototype": "array getrusage([int $who = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array containing the data returned from the system call. All entries are accessible by using their documented field names. <\/p>"
"ini_alter": {
"id": "function.ini-alter",
"purpose": "Alias of ini_set",
"prototype": " ini_alter()",
"return": ""
"ini_get_all": {
"id": "function.ini-get-all",
"purpose": "Gets all configuration options",
"prototype": "array ini_get_all([string $extension = '' [, bool $details = true]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with directive name as the array key. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> When <code class=\"parameter\">details<\/code> is <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> (default) the array will contain <em>global_value<\/em> (set in <var class=\"filename\">php.ini<\/var>), <em>local_value<\/em> (perhaps set with <span class=\"function\">ini_set<\/span> or <var class=\"filename\">.htaccess<\/var>), and <em>access<\/em> (the access level). <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> When <code class=\"parameter\">details<\/code> is <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> the value will be the current value of the option. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> See the <a href=\"configuration.changes.modes.html\" class=\"link\">manual section<\/a> for information on what access levels mean. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> It&#039;s possible for a directive to have multiple access levels, which is why <em>access<\/em> shows the appropriate bitmask values. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"ini_get": {
"id": "function.ini-get",
"purpose": "Gets the value of a configuration option",
"prototype": "string ini_get(string $varname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the configuration option as a string on success, or an empty string for <em>null<\/em> values. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the configuration option doesn&#039;t exist. <\/p>"
"ini_restore": {
"id": "function.ini-restore",
"purpose": "Restores the value of a configuration option",
"prototype": "void ini_restore(string $varname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ini_set": {
"id": "function.ini-set",
"purpose": "Sets the value of a configuration option",
"prototype": "string ini_set(string $varname, string $newvalue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the old value on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"memory_get_usage": {
"id": "function.memory-get-usage",
"purpose": "Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP",
"prototype": "int memory_get_usage([bool $real_usage = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the memory amount in bytes. <\/p>"
"php_ini_scanned_files": {
"id": "function.php-ini-scanned-files",
"purpose": "Return a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dir",
"prototype": "string php_ini_scanned_files()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a comma-separated string of .ini files on success. Each comma is followed by a newline. If the configure directive <strong class=\"option configure\">--with-config-file-scan-dir<\/strong> wasn&#039;t set and the <var class=\"varname\">PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR<\/var> environment variable isn&#039;t set, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. If it was set and the directory was empty, an empty string is returned. If a file is unrecognizable, the file will still make it into the returned string but a PHP error will also result. This PHP error will be seen both at compile time and while using <span class=\"function\">php_ini_scanned_files<\/span>. <\/p>"
"php_sapi_name": {
"id": "function.php-sapi-name",
"purpose": "Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP",
"prototype": "string php_sapi_name()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the interface type, as a lowercase string. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Although not exhaustive, the possible return values include <em>aolserver<\/em>, <em>apache<\/em>, <em>apache2filter<\/em>, <em>apache2handler<\/em>, <em>caudium<\/em>, <em>cgi<\/em> (until PHP 5.3), <em>cgi-fcgi<\/em>, <em>cli<\/em>, <em>cli-server<\/em>, <em>continuity<\/em>, <em>embed<\/em>, <em>fpm-fcgi<\/em>, <em>isapi<\/em>, <em>litespeed<\/em>, <em>milter<\/em>, <em>nsapi<\/em>, <em>phttpd<\/em>, <em>pi3web<\/em>, <em>roxen<\/em>, <em>thttpd<\/em>, <em>tux<\/em>, and <em>webjames<\/em>. <\/p>"
"php_uname": {
"id": "function.php-uname",
"purpose": "Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on",
"prototype": "string php_uname([string $mode = \"a\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the description, as a string. <\/p>"
"phpcredits": {
"id": "function.phpcredits",
"purpose": "Prints out the credits for PHP",
"prototype": "bool phpcredits([int $flag = CREDITS_ALL])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"phpinfo": {
"id": "function.phpinfo",
"purpose": "Outputs information about PHP's configuration",
"prototype": "bool phpinfo([int $what = INFO_ALL])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"phpversion": {
"id": "function.phpversion",
"purpose": "Gets the current PHP version",
"prototype": "string phpversion([string $extension = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the optional <code class=\"parameter\">extension<\/code> parameter is specified, <span class=\"function\">phpversion<\/span> returns the version of that extension, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there is no version information associated or the extension isn&#039;t enabled. <\/p>"
"putenv": {
"id": "function.putenv",
"purpose": "Sets the value of an environment variable",
"prototype": "bool putenv(string $setting)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"restore_include_path": {
"id": "function.restore-include-path",
"purpose": "Restores the value of the include_path configuration option",
"prototype": "void restore_include_path()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"set_include_path": {
"id": "function.set-include-path",
"purpose": "Sets the include_path configuration option",
"prototype": "string set_include_path(string $new_include_path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the old <a href=\"ini.core.html#ini.include-path\" class=\"link\">include_path<\/a> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"set_time_limit": {
"id": "function.set-time-limit",
"purpose": "Limits the maximum execution time",
"prototype": "bool set_time_limit(int $seconds)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"version_compare": {
"id": "function.version-compare",
"purpose": "Compares two \"PHP-standardized\" version number strings",
"prototype": "mixed version_compare(string $version1, string $version2 [, string $operator = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> By default, <span class=\"function\">version_compare<\/span> returns <em>-1<\/em> if the first version is lower than the second, <em>0<\/em> if they are equal, and <em>1<\/em> if the second is lower. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> When using the optional <code class=\"parameter\">operator<\/code> argument, the function will return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the relationship is the one specified by the operator, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"zend_version": {
"id": "function.zend-version",
"purpose": "Gets the version of the current Zend engine",
"prototype": "string zend_version()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Zend Engine version number, as a string. <\/p>"
"readline_add_history": {
"id": "function.readline-add-history",
"purpose": "Adds a line to the history",
"prototype": "bool readline_add_history(string $line)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline_clear_history": {
"id": "function.readline-clear-history",
"purpose": "Clears the history",
"prototype": "bool readline_clear_history()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline_completion_function": {
"id": "function.readline-completion-function",
"purpose": "Registers a completion function",
"prototype": "bool readline_completion_function(callable $function)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline_info": {
"id": "function.readline-info",
"purpose": "Gets\/sets various internal readline variables",
"prototype": "mixed readline_info([string $varname = '' [, string $newvalue = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If called with no parameters, this function returns an array of values for all the setting readline uses. The elements will be indexed by the following values: done, end, erase_empty_line, library_version, line_buffer, mark, pending_input, point, prompt, readline_name, and terminal_name. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If called with one or two parameters, the old value is returned. <\/p>"
"readline_list_history": {
"id": "function.readline-list-history",
"purpose": "Lists the history",
"prototype": "array readline_list_history()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of the entire command line history. The elements are indexed by integers starting at zero. <\/p>"
"readline_read_history": {
"id": "function.readline-read-history",
"purpose": "Reads the history",
"prototype": "bool readline_read_history([string $filename = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline_write_history": {
"id": "function.readline-write-history",
"purpose": "Writes the history",
"prototype": "bool readline_write_history([string $filename = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline": {
"id": "function.readline",
"purpose": "Reads a line",
"prototype": "string readline([string $prompt = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a single string from the user. The line returned has the ending newline removed. <\/p>"
"bzclose": {
"id": "function.bzclose",
"purpose": "Close a bzip2 file",
"prototype": "int bzclose(resource $bz)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"bzcompress": {
"id": "function.bzcompress",
"purpose": "Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data",
"prototype": "mixed bzcompress(string $source [, int $blocksize = 4 [, int $workfactor = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The compressed string, or an error number if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"bzdecompress": {
"id": "function.bzdecompress",
"purpose": "Decompresses bzip2 encoded data",
"prototype": "mixed bzdecompress(string $source [, int $small = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decompressed string, or an error number if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"bzerrno": {
"id": "function.bzerrno",
"purpose": "Returns a bzip2 error number",
"prototype": "int bzerrno(resource $bz)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error number as an integer. <\/p>"
"bzerror": {
"id": "function.bzerror",
"purpose": "Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array",
"prototype": "array bzerror(resource $bz)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array, with the error code in the <em>errno<\/em> entry, and the error message in the <em>errstr<\/em> entry. <\/p>"
"bzerrstr": {
"id": "function.bzerrstr",
"purpose": "Returns a bzip2 error string",
"prototype": "string bzerrstr(resource $bz)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the error message. <\/p>"
"bzflush": {
"id": "function.bzflush",
"purpose": "Force a write of all buffered data",
"prototype": "bool bzflush(resource $bz)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"bzopen": {
"id": "function.bzopen",
"purpose": "Opens a bzip2 compressed file",
"prototype": "resource bzopen(mixed $file, string $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the open fails, <span class=\"function\">bzopen<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, otherwise it returns a pointer to the newly opened file. <\/p>"
"bzread": {
"id": "function.bzread",
"purpose": "Binary safe bzip2 file read",
"prototype": "string bzread(resource $bz [, int $length = 1024])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the uncompressed data, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"bzwrite": {
"id": "function.bzwrite",
"purpose": "Binary safe bzip2 file write",
"prototype": "int bzwrite(resource $bz, string $data [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of bytes written, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"gzclose": {
"id": "function.gzclose",
"purpose": "Close an open gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "bool gzclose(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"gzcompress": {
"id": "function.gzcompress",
"purpose": "Compress a string",
"prototype": "string gzcompress(string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The compressed string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"gzdeflate": {
"id": "function.gzdeflate",
"purpose": "Deflate a string",
"prototype": "string gzdeflate(string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The deflated string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"gzencode": {
"id": "function.gzencode",
"purpose": "Create a gzip compressed string",
"prototype": "string gzencode(string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding_mode = FORCE_GZIP]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The encoded string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"gzeof": {
"id": "function.gzeof",
"purpose": "Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "int gzeof(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the gz-file pointer is at <acronym class=\"acronym\">EOF<\/acronym> or an error occurs; otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"gzfile": {
"id": "function.gzfile",
"purpose": "Read entire gz-file into an array",
"prototype": "array gzfile(string $filename [, int $use_include_path = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An array containing the file, one line per cell, empty lines included, and with newlines still attached. <\/p>"
"gzgetc": {
"id": "function.gzgetc",
"purpose": "Get character from gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "string gzgetc(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The uncompressed character or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on <acronym class=\"acronym\">EOF<\/acronym> (unlike <span class=\"function\">gzeof<\/span>). <\/p>"
"gzgets": {
"id": "function.gzgets",
"purpose": "Get line from file pointer",
"prototype": "string gzgets(resource $zp [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The uncompressed string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"gzgetss": {
"id": "function.gzgetss",
"purpose": "Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags",
"prototype": "string gzgetss(resource $zp, int $length [, string $allowable_tags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The uncompressed and stripped string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"gzinflate": {
"id": "function.gzinflate",
"purpose": "Inflate a deflated string",
"prototype": "string gzinflate(string $data [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The original uncompressed data or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The function will return an error if the uncompressed data is more than 32768 times the length of the compressed input <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code> or more than the optional parameter <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code>. <\/p>"
"gzopen": {
"id": "function.gzopen",
"purpose": "Open gz-file",
"prototype": "resource gzopen(string $filename, string $mode [, int $use_include_path = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a file pointer to the file opened, after that, everything you read from this file descriptor will be transparently decompressed and what you write gets compressed. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the open fails, the function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"gzpassthru": {
"id": "function.gzpassthru",
"purpose": "Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "int gzpassthru(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of uncompressed characters read from <code class=\"parameter\">gz<\/code> and passed through to the input, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"gzputs": {
"id": "function.gzputs",
"purpose": "Alias of gzwrite",
"prototype": " gzputs()",
"return": ""
"gzread": {
"id": "function.gzread",
"purpose": "Binary-safe gz-file read",
"prototype": "string gzread(resource $zp, int $length)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The data that have been read. <\/p>"
"gzrewind": {
"id": "function.gzrewind",
"purpose": "Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "bool gzrewind(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"gzseek": {
"id": "function.gzseek",
"purpose": "Seek on a gz-file pointer",
"prototype": "int gzseek(resource $zp, int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Upon success, returns 0; otherwise, returns -1. Note that seeking past EOF is not considered an error. <\/p>"
"gztell": {
"id": "function.gztell",
"purpose": "Tell gz-file pointer read\/write position",
"prototype": "int gztell(resource $zp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The position of the file pointer or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs. <\/p>"
"gzuncompress": {
"id": "function.gzuncompress",
"purpose": "Uncompress a compressed string",
"prototype": "string gzuncompress(string $data [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The original uncompressed data or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The function will return an error if the uncompressed data is more than 32768 times the length of the compressed input <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code> or more than the optional parameter <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code>. <\/p>"
"gzwrite": {
"id": "function.gzwrite",
"purpose": "Binary-safe gz-file write",
"prototype": "int gzwrite(resource $zp, string $string [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of (uncompressed) bytes written to the given gz-file stream. <\/p>"
"readgzfile": {
"id": "function.readgzfile",
"purpose": "Output a gz-file",
"prototype": "int readgzfile(string $filename [, int $use_include_path = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of (uncompressed) bytes read from the file. If an error occurs, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and unless the function was called as <em>@readgzfile<\/em>, an error message is printed. <\/p>"
"zlib_get_coding_type": {
"id": "function.zlib-get-coding-type",
"purpose": "Returns the coding type used for output compression",
"prototype": "string zlib_get_coding_type()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Possible return values are <em>gzip<\/em>, <em>deflate<\/em>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_create_iv": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-create-iv",
"purpose": "Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_create_iv(int $size [, int $source = MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the initialization vector, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_decrypt": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-decrypt",
"purpose": "Decrypts crypttext with given parameters",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_decrypt(string $cipher, string $key, string $data, string $mode [, string $iv = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the decrypted data as a string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-algorithms-name",
"purpose": "Returns the name of the opened algorithm",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the opened algorithm as a string. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_block_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-block-size",
"purpose": "Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the block size of the specified algorithm in bytes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-iv-size",
"purpose": "Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size of the IV, or 0 if the IV is ignored by the algorithm. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_key_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-key-size",
"purpose": "Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the maximum supported key size of the algorithm in bytes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-modes-name",
"purpose": "Returns the name of the opened mode",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name as a string. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-get-supported-key-sizes",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm",
"prototype": "array mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the key sizes supported by the algorithm specified by the encryption descriptor. If it returns an empty array then all key sizes between 1 and <span class=\"function\">mcrypt_enc_get_key_size<\/span> are supported by the algorithm. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-is-block-algorithm-mode",
"purpose": "Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the mode is for use with block algorithms, otherwise it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-is-block-algorithm",
"purpose": "Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the algorithm is a block algorithm or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it is a stream one. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-is-block-mode",
"purpose": "Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the mode outputs blocks of bytes, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it outputs just bytes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_enc_self_test": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-enc-self-test",
"purpose": "Runs a self test on the opened module",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_enc_self_test(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the self test succeeds it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. In case of an error, it returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_encrypt": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-encrypt",
"purpose": "Encrypts plaintext with given parameters",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_encrypt(string $cipher, string $key, string $data, string $mode [, string $iv = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the encrypted data as a string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_generic_deinit": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-generic-deinit",
"purpose": "This function deinitializes an encryption module",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_generic_deinit(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_generic_init": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-generic-init",
"purpose": "This function initializes all buffers needed for encryption",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_generic_init(resource $td, string $key, string $iv)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The function returns a negative value on error: -3 when the key length was incorrect, -4 when there was a memory allocation problem and any other return value is an unknown error. If an error occurs a warning will be displayed accordingly. <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned if incorrect parameters were passed. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_generic": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-generic",
"purpose": "This function encrypts data",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_generic(resource $td, string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the encrypted data. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_get_block_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-get-block-size",
"purpose": "Gets the block size of the specified cipher",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_get_block_size(string $cipher, string $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Gets the block size, as an integer. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_get_cipher_name": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-get-cipher-name",
"purpose": "Gets the name of the specified cipher",
"prototype": "string mcrypt_get_cipher_name(string $cipher)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns the name of the cipher or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the cipher does not exist. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_get_iv_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-get-iv-size",
"purpose": "Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher\/mode combination",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_get_iv_size(string $cipher, string $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size of the Initialization Vector (IV) in bytes. On error the function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. If the IV is ignored in the specified cipher\/mode combination zero is returned. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_get_key_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-get-key-size",
"purpose": "Gets the key size of the specified cipher",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_get_key_size(string $cipher, string $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the maximum supported key size of the algorithm in bytes or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_list_algorithms": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-list-algorithms",
"purpose": "Gets an array of all supported ciphers",
"prototype": "array mcrypt_list_algorithms([string $lib_dir = ini_get(\"mcrypt.algorithms_dir\")])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with all the supported algorithms. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_list_modes": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-list-modes",
"purpose": "Gets an array of all supported modes",
"prototype": "array mcrypt_list_modes([string $lib_dir = ini_get(\"mcrypt.modes_dir\")])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with all the supported modes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_close": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-close",
"purpose": "Closes the mcrypt module",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_module_close(resource $td)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-get-algo-block-size",
"purpose": "Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size(string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the block size of the algorithm specified in bytes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-get-algo-key-size",
"purpose": "Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode",
"prototype": "int mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size(string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns the maximum supported key size of the algorithm specified in bytes. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-get-supported-key-sizes",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm",
"prototype": "array mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes(string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the key sizes supported by the specified algorithm. If it returns an empty array then all key sizes between 1 and <span class=\"function\">mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size<\/span> are supported by the algorithm. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-is-block-algorithm-mode",
"purpose": "Returns if the specified module is a block algorithm or not",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode(string $mode [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the mode is for use with block algorithms, otherwise it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. (e.g. <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for stream, and <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> for cbc, cfb, ofb). <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-is-block-algorithm",
"purpose": "This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm(string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the specified algorithm is a block algorithm, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it is a stream one. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_is_block_mode": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-is-block-mode",
"purpose": "Returns if the specified mode outputs blocks or not",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_module_is_block_mode(string $mode [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the mode outputs blocks of bytes or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it outputs just bytes. (e.g. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> for cbc and ecb, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for cfb and stream). <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_open": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-open",
"purpose": "Opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used",
"prototype": "resource mcrypt_module_open(string $algorithm, string $algorithm_directory, string $mode, string $mode_directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Normally it returns an encryption descriptor, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mcrypt_module_self_test": {
"id": "function.mcrypt-module-self-test",
"purpose": "This function runs a self test on the specified module",
"prototype": "bool mcrypt_module_self_test(string $algorithm [, string $lib_dir = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the self test succeeds, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> when it fails. <\/p>"
"mdecrypt_generic": {
"id": "function.mdecrypt-generic",
"purpose": "Decrypts data",
"prototype": "string mdecrypt_generic(resource $td, string $data)",
"return": ""
"mhash_count": {
"id": "function.mhash-count",
"purpose": "Gets the highest available hash ID",
"prototype": "int mhash_count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the highest available hash ID. Hashes are numbered from 0 to this hash ID. <\/p>"
"mhash_get_block_size": {
"id": "function.mhash-get-block-size",
"purpose": "Gets the block size of the specified hash",
"prototype": "int mhash_get_block_size(int $hash)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size in bytes or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, if the <code class=\"parameter\">hash<\/code> does not exist. <\/p>"
"mhash_get_hash_name": {
"id": "function.mhash-get-hash-name",
"purpose": "Gets the name of the specified hash",
"prototype": "string mhash_get_hash_name(int $hash)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the hash or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, if the hash does not exist. <\/p>"
"mhash_keygen_s2k": {
"id": "function.mhash-keygen-s2k",
"purpose": "Generates a key",
"prototype": "string mhash_keygen_s2k(int $hash, string $password, string $salt, int $bytes)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the generated key as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mhash": {
"id": "function.mhash",
"purpose": "Computes hash",
"prototype": "string mhash(int $hash, string $data [, string $key = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the resulting hash (also called digest) or HMAC as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_csr_export_to_file": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-export-to-file",
"purpose": "Exports a CSR to a file",
"prototype": "bool openssl_csr_export_to_file(resource $csr, string $outfilename [, bool $notext = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_csr_export": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-export",
"purpose": "Exports a CSR as a string",
"prototype": "bool openssl_csr_export(resource $csr, string $out [, bool $notext = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_csr_new": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-new",
"purpose": "Generates a CSR",
"prototype": "mixed openssl_csr_new(array $dn, resource $privkey [, array $configargs = '' [, array $extraattribs = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the CSR. <\/p>"
"openssl_csr_sign": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-sign",
"purpose": "Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate",
"prototype": "resource openssl_csr_sign(mixed $csr, mixed $cacert, mixed $priv_key, int $days [, array $configargs = '' [, int $serial = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an x509 certificate resource on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_error_string": {
"id": "function.openssl-error-string",
"purpose": "Return openSSL error message",
"prototype": "string openssl_error_string()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an error message string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more error messages to return. <\/p>"
"openssl_free_key": {
"id": "function.openssl-free-key",
"purpose": "Free key resource",
"prototype": "void openssl_free_key(resource $key_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"openssl_get_privatekey": {
"id": "function.openssl-get-privatekey",
"purpose": "Alias of openssl_pkey_get_private",
"prototype": " openssl_get_privatekey()",
"return": ""
"openssl_get_publickey": {
"id": "function.openssl-get-publickey",
"purpose": "Alias of openssl_pkey_get_public",
"prototype": " openssl_get_publickey()",
"return": ""
"openssl_open": {
"id": "function.openssl-open",
"purpose": "Open sealed data",
"prototype": "bool openssl_open(string $sealed_data, string $open_data, string $env_key, mixed $priv_key_id [, string $method = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs7_decrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs7-decrypt",
"purpose": "Decrypts an S\/MIME encrypted message",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs7_decrypt(string $infilename, string $outfilename, mixed $recipcert [, mixed $recipkey = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs7_encrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs7-encrypt",
"purpose": "Encrypt an S\/MIME message",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(string $infile, string $outfile, mixed $recipcerts, array $headers [, int $flags = '' [, int $cipherid = OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs7_sign": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs7-sign",
"purpose": "Sign an S\/MIME message",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs7_sign(string $infilename, string $outfilename, mixed $signcert, mixed $privkey, array $headers [, int $flags = PKCS7_DETACHED [, string $extracerts = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs7_verify": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs7-verify",
"purpose": "Verifies the signature of an S\/MIME signed message",
"prototype": "mixed openssl_pkcs7_verify(string $filename, int $flags [, string $outfilename = '' [, array $cainfo = '' [, string $extracerts = '' [, string $content = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the signature is verified, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it is not correct (the message has been tampered with, or the signing certificate is invalid), or -1 on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_export_to_file": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-export-to-file",
"purpose": "Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkey_export_to_file(mixed $key, string $outfilename [, string $passphrase = '' [, array $configargs = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_export": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-export",
"purpose": "Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkey_export(mixed $key, string $out [, string $passphrase = '' [, array $configargs = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_free": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-free",
"purpose": "Frees a private key",
"prototype": "void openssl_pkey_free(resource $key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_get_private": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-get-private",
"purpose": "Get a private key",
"prototype": "resource openssl_pkey_get_private(mixed $key [, string $passphrase = \"\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive key resource identifier on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_get_public": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-get-public",
"purpose": "Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use",
"prototype": "resource openssl_pkey_get_public(mixed $certificate)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive key resource identifier on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_new": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-new",
"purpose": "Generates a new private key",
"prototype": "resource openssl_pkey_new([array $configargs = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource identifier for the pkey on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_private_decrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-private-decrypt",
"purpose": "Decrypts data with private key",
"prototype": "bool openssl_private_decrypt(string $data, string $decrypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_private_encrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-private-encrypt",
"purpose": "Encrypts data with private key",
"prototype": "bool openssl_private_encrypt(string $data, string $crypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_public_decrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-public-decrypt",
"purpose": "Decrypts data with public key",
"prototype": "bool openssl_public_decrypt(string $data, string $decrypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_public_encrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-public-encrypt",
"purpose": "Encrypts data with public key",
"prototype": "bool openssl_public_encrypt(string $data, string $crypted, mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_seal": {
"id": "function.openssl-seal",
"purpose": "Seal (encrypt) data",
"prototype": "int openssl_seal(string $data, string $sealed_data, array $env_keys, array $pub_key_ids [, string $method = \"RC4\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the sealed data on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. If successful the sealed data is returned in <code class=\"parameter\">sealed_data<\/code>, and the envelope keys in <code class=\"parameter\">env_keys<\/code>. <\/p>"
"openssl_sign": {
"id": "function.openssl-sign",
"purpose": "Generate signature",
"prototype": "bool openssl_sign(string $data, string $signature, mixed $priv_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_verify": {
"id": "function.openssl-verify",
"purpose": "Verify signature",
"prototype": "int openssl_verify(string $data, string $signature, mixed $pub_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 1 if the signature is correct, 0 if it is incorrect, and -1 on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_check_private_key": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-check-private-key",
"purpose": "Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate",
"prototype": "bool openssl_x509_check_private_key(mixed $cert, mixed $key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">key<\/code> is the private key that corresponds to <code class=\"parameter\">cert<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_checkpurpose": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-checkpurpose",
"purpose": "Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose",
"prototype": "int openssl_x509_checkpurpose(mixed $x509cert, int $purpose [, array $cainfo = array() [, string $untrustedfile = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the certificate can be used for the intended purpose, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it cannot, or -1 on error. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_export_to_file": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-export-to-file",
"purpose": "Exports a certificate to file",
"prototype": "bool openssl_x509_export_to_file(mixed $x509, string $outfilename [, bool $notext = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_export": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-export",
"purpose": "Exports a certificate as a string",
"prototype": "bool openssl_x509_export(mixed $x509, string $output [, bool $notext = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_free": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-free",
"purpose": "Free certificate resource",
"prototype": "void openssl_x509_free(resource $x509cert)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_parse": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-parse",
"purpose": "Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array",
"prototype": "array openssl_x509_parse(mixed $x509cert [, bool $shortnames = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <em class=\"emphasis\">The structure of the returned data is (deliberately) not yet documented, as it is still subject to change.<\/em> <\/p>"
"openssl_x509_read": {
"id": "function.openssl-x509-read",
"purpose": "Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it",
"prototype": "resource openssl_x509_read(mixed $x509certdata)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource identifier on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_close": {
"id": "function.dba-close",
"purpose": "Close a DBA database",
"prototype": "void dba_close(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"dba_delete": {
"id": "function.dba-delete",
"purpose": "Delete DBA entry specified by key",
"prototype": "bool dba_delete(string $key, resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_exists": {
"id": "function.dba-exists",
"purpose": "Check whether key exists",
"prototype": "bool dba_exists(string $key, resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the key exists, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"dba_fetch": {
"id": "function.dba-fetch",
"purpose": "Fetch data specified by key",
"prototype": "string dba_fetch(string $key, resource $handle, int $skip)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the associated string if the key\/data pair is found, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"dba_firstkey": {
"id": "function.dba-firstkey",
"purpose": "Fetch first key",
"prototype": "string dba_firstkey(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the key on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_handlers": {
"id": "function.dba-handlers",
"purpose": "List all the handlers available",
"prototype": "array dba_handlers([bool $full_info = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of database handlers. If <code class=\"parameter\">full_info<\/code> is set to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, the array will be associative with the handlers names as keys, and their version information as value. Otherwise, the result will be an indexed array of handlers names. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> When the internal cdb library is used you will see <em>cdb<\/em> and <em>cdb_make<\/em>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"dba_insert": {
"id": "function.dba-insert",
"purpose": "Insert entry",
"prototype": "bool dba_insert(string $key, string $value, resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_list": {
"id": "function.dba-list",
"purpose": "List all open database files",
"prototype": "array dba_list()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An associative array, in the form <em>resourceid =&gt; filename<\/em>. <\/p>"
"dba_nextkey": {
"id": "function.dba-nextkey",
"purpose": "Fetch next key",
"prototype": "string dba_nextkey(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the key on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_open": {
"id": "function.dba-open",
"purpose": "Open database",
"prototype": "resource dba_open(string $path, string $mode [, string $handler = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive handle on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_optimize": {
"id": "function.dba-optimize",
"purpose": "Optimize database",
"prototype": "bool dba_optimize(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_popen": {
"id": "function.dba-popen",
"purpose": "Open database persistently",
"prototype": "resource dba_popen(string $path, string $mode [, string $handler = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive handle on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_replace": {
"id": "function.dba-replace",
"purpose": "Replace or insert entry",
"prototype": "bool dba_replace(string $key, string $value, resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dba_sync": {
"id": "function.dba-sync",
"purpose": "Synchronize database",
"prototype": "bool dba_sync(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_autocommit": {
"id": "function.odbc-autocommit",
"purpose": "Toggle autocommit behaviour",
"prototype": "mixed odbc_autocommit(resource $connection_id [, bool $OnOff = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Without the <code class=\"parameter\">OnOff<\/code> parameter, this function returns auto-commit status for <code class=\"parameter\">connection_id<\/code>. Non-zero is returned if auto-commit is on, 0 if it is off, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">OnOff<\/code> is set, this function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_binmode": {
"id": "function.odbc-binmode",
"purpose": "Handling of binary column data",
"prototype": "bool odbc_binmode(resource $result_id, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_close_all": {
"id": "function.odbc-close-all",
"purpose": "Close all ODBC connections",
"prototype": "void odbc_close_all()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"odbc_close": {
"id": "function.odbc-close",
"purpose": "Close an ODBC connection",
"prototype": "void odbc_close(resource $connection_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"odbc_columnprivileges": {
"id": "function.odbc-columnprivileges",
"purpose": "Lists columns and associated privileges for the given table",
"prototype": "resource odbc_columnprivileges(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table_name, string $column_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. This result identifier can be used to fetch a list of columns and associated privileges. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">GRANTOR<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">GRANTEE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRIVILEGE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">IS_GRANTABLE<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set is ordered by TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER and TABLE_NAME. <\/p>"
"odbc_columns": {
"id": "function.odbc-columns",
"purpose": "Lists the column names in specified tables",
"prototype": "resource odbc_columns(resource $connection_id [, string $qualifier = '' [, string $schema = '' [, string $table_name = '' [, string $column_name = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_SCHEM<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">DATA_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TYPE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRECISION<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LENGTH<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SCALE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">RADIX<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NULLABLE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">REMARKS<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set is ordered by TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_SCHEM and TABLE_NAME. <\/p>"
"odbc_commit": {
"id": "function.odbc-commit",
"purpose": "Commit an ODBC transaction",
"prototype": "bool odbc_commit(resource $connection_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_connect": {
"id": "function.odbc-connect",
"purpose": "Connect to a datasource",
"prototype": "resource odbc_connect(string $dsn, string $user, string $password [, int $cursor_type = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC connection or (<strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>) on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_cursor": {
"id": "function.odbc-cursor",
"purpose": "Get cursorname",
"prototype": "string odbc_cursor(resource $result_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the cursor name, as a string. <\/p>"
"odbc_data_source": {
"id": "function.odbc-data-source",
"purpose": "Returns information about a current connection",
"prototype": "array odbc_data_source(resource $connection_id, int $fetch_type)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error, and an array upon success. <\/p>"
"odbc_do": {
"id": "function.odbc-do",
"purpose": "Alias of odbc_exec",
"prototype": " odbc_do()",
"return": ""
"odbc_error": {
"id": "function.odbc-error",
"purpose": "Get the last error code",
"prototype": "string odbc_error([resource $connection_id = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">connection_id<\/code> is specified, the last state of that connection is returned, else the last state of any connection is returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> This function returns meaningful value only if last odbc query failed (i.e. <span class=\"function\">odbc_exec<\/span> returned <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>). <\/p>"
"odbc_errormsg": {
"id": "function.odbc-errormsg",
"purpose": "Get the last error message",
"prototype": "string odbc_errormsg([resource $connection_id = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">connection_id<\/code> is specified, the last state of that connection is returned, else the last state of any connection is returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> This function returns meaningful value only if last odbc query failed (i.e. <span class=\"function\">odbc_exec<\/span> returned <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>). <\/p>"
"odbc_exec": {
"id": "function.odbc-exec",
"purpose": "Prepare and execute an SQL statement",
"prototype": "resource odbc_exec(resource $connection_id, string $query_string [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was executed successfully, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_execute": {
"id": "function.odbc-execute",
"purpose": "Execute a prepared statement",
"prototype": "bool odbc_execute(resource $result_id [, array $parameters_array = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_fetch_array": {
"id": "function.odbc-fetch-array",
"purpose": "Fetch a result row as an associative array",
"prototype": "array odbc_fetch_array(resource $result [, int $rownumber = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. <\/p>"
"odbc_fetch_into": {
"id": "function.odbc-fetch-into",
"purpose": "Fetch one result row into array",
"prototype": "array odbc_fetch_into(resource $result_id, array $result_array [, int $rownumber = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of columns in the result; <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_fetch_object": {
"id": "function.odbc-fetch-object",
"purpose": "Fetch a result row as an object",
"prototype": "object odbc_fetch_object(resource $result [, int $rownumber = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an object that corresponds to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. <\/p>"
"odbc_fetch_row": {
"id": "function.odbc-fetch-row",
"purpose": "Fetch a row",
"prototype": "bool odbc_fetch_row(resource $result_id [, int $row_number = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there was a row, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"odbc_field_len": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-len",
"purpose": "Get the length (precision) of a field",
"prototype": "int odbc_field_len(resource $result_id, int $field_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field length, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_field_name": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-name",
"purpose": "Get the columnname",
"prototype": "string odbc_field_name(resource $result_id, int $field_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field name as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_field_num": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-num",
"purpose": "Return column number",
"prototype": "int odbc_field_num(resource $result_id, string $field_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field number as a integer, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. Field numbering starts at 1. <\/p>"
"odbc_field_precision": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-precision",
"purpose": "Alias of odbc_field_len",
"prototype": " odbc_field_precision()",
"return": ""
"odbc_field_scale": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-scale",
"purpose": "Get the scale of a field",
"prototype": "int odbc_field_scale(resource $result_id, int $field_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field scale as a integer, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_field_type": {
"id": "function.odbc-field-type",
"purpose": "Datatype of a field",
"prototype": "string odbc_field_type(resource $result_id, int $field_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field type as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_foreignkeys": {
"id": "function.odbc-foreignkeys",
"purpose": "Retrieves a list of foreign keys",
"prototype": "resource odbc_foreignkeys(resource $connection_id, string $pk_qualifier, string $pk_owner, string $pk_table, string $fk_qualifier, string $fk_owner, string $fk_table)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PKTABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PKTABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PKTABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PKCOLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FKTABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FKTABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FKTABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FKCOLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">KEY_SEQ<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">UPDATE_RULE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">DELETE_RULE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FK_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PK_NAME<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">pk_table<\/code> contains a table name, <span class=\"function\">odbc_foreignkeys<\/span> returns a result set containing the primary key of the specified table and all of the foreign keys that refer to it. <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">fk_table<\/code> contains a table name, <span class=\"function\">odbc_foreignkeys<\/span> returns a result set containing all of the foreign keys in the specified table and the primary keys (in other tables) to which they refer. <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> If both <code class=\"parameter\">pk_table<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">fk_table<\/code> contain table names, <span class=\"function\">odbc_foreignkeys<\/span> returns the foreign keys in the table specified in <code class=\"parameter\">fk_table<\/code> that refer to the primary key of the table specified in <code class=\"parameter\">pk_table<\/code>. This should be one key at most. <\/p>"
"odbc_free_result": {
"id": "function.odbc-free-result",
"purpose": "Free resources associated with a result",
"prototype": "bool odbc_free_result(resource $result_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Always returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"odbc_gettypeinfo": {
"id": "function.odbc-gettypeinfo",
"purpose": "Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source",
"prototype": "resource odbc_gettypeinfo(resource $connection_id [, int $data_type = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TYPE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">DATA_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRECISION<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LITERAL_PREFIX<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LITERAL_SUFFIX<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">CREATE_PARAMS<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NULLABLE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">CASE_SENSITIVE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SEARCHABLE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">MONEY<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">AUTO_INCREMENT<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LOCAL_TYPE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">MINIMUM_SCALE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">MAXIMUM_SCALE<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set is ordered by DATA_TYPE and TYPE_NAME. <\/p>"
"odbc_longreadlen": {
"id": "function.odbc-longreadlen",
"purpose": "Handling of LONG columns",
"prototype": "bool odbc_longreadlen(resource $result_id, int $length)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_next_result": {
"id": "function.odbc-next-result",
"purpose": "Checks if multiple results are available",
"prototype": "bool odbc_next_result(resource $result_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there are more result sets, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"odbc_num_fields": {
"id": "function.odbc-num-fields",
"purpose": "Number of columns in a result",
"prototype": "int odbc_num_fields(resource $result_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of fields, or -1 on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_num_rows": {
"id": "function.odbc-num-rows",
"purpose": "Number of rows in a result",
"prototype": "int odbc_num_rows(resource $result_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of rows in an ODBC result. This function will return -1 on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_pconnect": {
"id": "function.odbc-pconnect",
"purpose": "Open a persistent database connection",
"prototype": "resource odbc_pconnect(string $dsn, string $user, string $password [, int $cursor_type = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC connection id or 0 (<strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>) on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_prepare": {
"id": "function.odbc-prepare",
"purpose": "Prepares a statement for execution",
"prototype": "resource odbc_prepare(resource $connection_id, string $query_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was prepared successfully. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_primarykeys": {
"id": "function.odbc-primarykeys",
"purpose": "Gets the primary keys for a table",
"prototype": "resource odbc_primarykeys(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">KEY_SEQ<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PK_NAME<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"odbc_procedurecolumns": {
"id": "function.odbc-procedurecolumns",
"purpose": "Retrieve information about parameters to procedures",
"prototype": "resource odbc_procedurecolumns(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $proc, string $column)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the list of input and output parameters, as well as the columns that make up the result set for the specified procedures. Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">DATA_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TYPE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRECISION<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LENGTH<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SCALE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">RADIX<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NULLABLE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">REMARKS<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> The result set is ordered by PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER, PROCEDURE_OWNER, PROCEDURE_NAME and COLUMN_TYPE. <\/p>"
"odbc_procedures": {
"id": "function.odbc-procedures",
"purpose": "Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source",
"prototype": "resource odbc_procedures(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier containing the information or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NUM_INPUT_PARAMS<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NUM_RESULT_SETS<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">REMARKS<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PROCEDURE_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"odbc_result_all": {
"id": "function.odbc-result-all",
"purpose": "Print result as HTML table",
"prototype": "int odbc_result_all(resource $result_id [, string $format = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of rows in the result or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"odbc_result": {
"id": "function.odbc-result",
"purpose": "Get result data",
"prototype": "mixed odbc_result(resource $result_id, mixed $field)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the string contents of the field, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error, <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> for NULL data, or <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> for binary data. <\/p>"
"odbc_rollback": {
"id": "function.odbc-rollback",
"purpose": "Rollback a transaction",
"prototype": "bool odbc_rollback(resource $connection_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_setoption": {
"id": "function.odbc-setoption",
"purpose": "Adjust ODBC settings",
"prototype": "bool odbc_setoption(resource $id, int $function, int $option, int $param)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"odbc_specialcolumns": {
"id": "function.odbc-specialcolumns",
"purpose": "Retrieves special columns",
"prototype": "resource odbc_specialcolumns(resource $connection_id, int $type, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table, int $scope, int $nullable)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SCOPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">DATA_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TYPE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRECISION<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">LENGTH<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SCALE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PSEUDO_COLUMN<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"odbc_statistics": {
"id": "function.odbc-statistics",
"purpose": "Retrieve statistics about a table",
"prototype": "resource odbc_statistics(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $table_name, int $unique, int $accuracy)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">NON_UNIQUE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">INDEX_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">INDEX_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">SEQ_IN_INDEX<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLUMN_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">COLLATION<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">CARDINALITY<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PAGES<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">FILTER_CONDITION<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> The result set is ordered by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE, INDEX_QUALIFIER, INDEX_NAME and SEQ_IN_INDEX. <\/p>"
"odbc_tableprivileges": {
"id": "function.odbc-tableprivileges",
"purpose": "Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table",
"prototype": "resource odbc_tableprivileges(resource $connection_id, string $qualifier, string $owner, string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An ODBC result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">GRANTOR<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">GRANTEE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">PRIVILEGE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">IS_GRANTABLE<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> The result set is ordered by TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER and TABLE_NAME. <\/p>"
"odbc_tables": {
"id": "function.odbc-tables",
"purpose": "Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source",
"prototype": "resource odbc_tables(resource $connection_id [, string $qualifier = '' [, string $owner = '' [, string $name = '' [, string $types = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an ODBC result identifier containing the information or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The result set has the following columns: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_QUALIFIER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_OWNER<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_NAME<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">TABLE_TYPE<\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\">REMARKS<\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> The result set is ordered by TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_QUALIFIER, TABLE_OWNER and TABLE_NAME. <\/p>"
"msql": {
"id": "function.msql",
"purpose": "Alias of msql_db_query",
"prototype": " msql()",
"return": ""
"mysql_affected_rows": {
"id": "function.mysql-affected-rows",
"purpose": "Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation",
"prototype": "int mysql_affected_rows([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of affected rows on success, and -1 if the last query failed. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the last query was a DELETE query with no WHERE clause, all of the records will have been deleted from the table but this function will return zero with MySQL versions prior to 4.1.2. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> When using UPDATE, MySQL will not update columns where the new value is the same as the old value. This creates the possibility that <span class=\"function\">mysql_affected_rows<\/span> may not actually equal the number of rows matched, only the number of rows that were literally affected by the query. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The REPLACE statement first deletes the record with the same primary key and then inserts the new record. This function returns the number of deleted records plus the number of inserted records. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> In the case of &quot;INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE&quot; queries, the return value will be <em>1<\/em> if an insert was performed, or <em>2<\/em> for an update of an existing row. <\/p>"
"mysql_client_encoding": {
"id": "function.mysql-client-encoding",
"purpose": "Returns the name of the character set",
"prototype": "string mysql_client_encoding([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the default character set name for the current connection. <\/p>"
"mysql_close": {
"id": "function.mysql-close",
"purpose": "Close MySQL connection",
"prototype": "bool mysql_close([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_connect": {
"id": "function.mysql-connect",
"purpose": "Open a connection to a MySQL Server",
"prototype": "resource mysql_connect([string $server = ini_get(\"mysql.default_host\") [, string $username = ini_get(\"mysql.default_user\") [, string $password = ini_get(\"mysql.default_password\") [, bool $new_link = false [, int $client_flags = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a MySQL link identifier on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_create_db": {
"id": "function.mysql-create-db",
"purpose": "Create a MySQL database",
"prototype": "bool mysql_create_db(string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_data_seek": {
"id": "function.mysql-data-seek",
"purpose": "Move internal result pointer",
"prototype": "bool mysql_data_seek(resource $result, int $row_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_db_name": {
"id": "function.mysql-db-name",
"purpose": "Retrieves database name from the call to mysql_list_dbs",
"prototype": "string mysql_db_name(resource $result, int $row [, mixed $field = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the database name on success, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned, use <span class=\"function\">mysql_error<\/span> to determine the nature of the error. <\/p>"
"mysql_db_query": {
"id": "function.mysql-db-query",
"purpose": "Selects a database and executes a query on it",
"prototype": "resource mysql_db_query(string $database, string $query [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive MySQL result resource to the query result, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. The function also returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>\/<strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for <em>INSERT<\/em>\/<em>UPDATE<\/em>\/<em>DELETE<\/em> queries to indicate success\/failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_drop_db": {
"id": "function.mysql-drop-db",
"purpose": "Drop (delete) a MySQL database",
"prototype": "bool mysql_drop_db(string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_errno": {
"id": "function.mysql-errno",
"purpose": "Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous MySQL operation",
"prototype": "int mysql_errno([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error number from the last MySQL function, or <em>0<\/em> (zero) if no error occurred. <\/p>"
"mysql_error": {
"id": "function.mysql-error",
"purpose": "Returns the text of the error message from previous MySQL operation",
"prototype": "string mysql_error([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error text from the last MySQL function, or <em>&#039;&#039;<\/em> (empty string) if no error occurred. <\/p>"
"mysql_escape_string": {
"id": "function.mysql-escape-string",
"purpose": "Escapes a string for use in a mysql_query",
"prototype": "string mysql_escape_string(string $unescaped_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the escaped string. <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_array": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-array",
"purpose": "Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both",
"prototype": "array mysql_fetch_array(resource $result [, int $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. The type of returned array depends on how <code class=\"parameter\">result_type<\/code> is defined. By using <strong><code>MYSQL_BOTH<\/code><\/strong> (default), you&#039;ll get an array with both associative and number indices. Using <strong><code>MYSQL_ASSOC<\/code><\/strong>, you only get associative indices (as <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_assoc<\/span> works), using <strong><code>MYSQL_NUM<\/code><\/strong>, you only get number indices (as <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_row<\/span> works). <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. To access the other column(s) of the same name, you must use the numeric index of the column or make an alias for the column. For aliased columns, you cannot access the contents with the original column name. <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_assoc": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-assoc",
"purpose": "Fetch a result row as an associative array",
"prototype": "array mysql_fetch_assoc(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. To access the other column(s) of the same name, you either need to access the result with numeric indices by using <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_row<\/span> or add alias names. See the example at the <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_array<\/span> description about aliases. <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_field": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-field",
"purpose": "Get column information from a result and return as an object",
"prototype": "object mysql_fetch_field(resource $result [, int $field_offset = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> containing field information. The properties of the object are: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> name - column name <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> table - name of the table the column belongs to, which is the alias name if one is defined <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> max_length - maximum length of the column <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> not_null - 1 if the column cannot be <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> primary_key - 1 if the column is a primary key <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> unique_key - 1 if the column is a unique key <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> multiple_key - 1 if the column is a non-unique key <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> numeric - 1 if the column is numeric <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> blob - 1 if the column is a BLOB <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> type - the type of the column <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> unsigned - 1 if the column is unsigned <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> zerofill - 1 if the column is zero-filled <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_lengths": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-lengths",
"purpose": "Get the length of each output in a result",
"prototype": "array mysql_fetch_lengths(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of lengths on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_object": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-object",
"purpose": "Fetch a result row as an object",
"prototype": "object mysql_fetch_object(resource $result [, string $class_name = '' [, array $params = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> with string properties that correspond to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. <\/p>"
"mysql_fetch_row": {
"id": "function.mysql-fetch-row",
"purpose": "Get a result row as an enumerated array",
"prototype": "array mysql_fetch_row(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an numerical array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more rows. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_row<\/span> fetches one row of data from the result associated with the specified result identifier. The row is returned as an array. Each result column is stored in an array offset, starting at offset 0. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_flags": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-flags",
"purpose": "Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result",
"prototype": "string mysql_field_flags(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string of flags associated with the result or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The following flags are reported, if your version of MySQL is current enough to support them: <em>&quot;not_null&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;primary_key&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;unique_key&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;multiple_key&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;blob&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;unsigned&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;zerofill&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;binary&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;enum&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;auto_increment&quot;<\/em> and <em>&quot;timestamp&quot;<\/em>. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_len": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-len",
"purpose": "Returns the length of the specified field",
"prototype": "int mysql_field_len(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The length of the specified field index on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_name": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-name",
"purpose": "Get the name of the specified field in a result",
"prototype": "string mysql_field_name(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The name of the specified field index on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_seek": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-seek",
"purpose": "Set result pointer to a specified field offset",
"prototype": "bool mysql_field_seek(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_table": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-table",
"purpose": "Get name of the table the specified field is in",
"prototype": "string mysql_field_table(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The name of the table on success. <\/p>"
"mysql_field_type": {
"id": "function.mysql-field-type",
"purpose": "Get the type of the specified field in a result",
"prototype": "string mysql_field_type(resource $result, int $field_offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The returned field type will be one of <em>&quot;int&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;real&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;string&quot;<\/em>, <em>&quot;blob&quot;<\/em>, and others as detailed in the <a href=\"http:\/\/\/doc\/\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;MySQL documentation<\/a>. <\/p>"
"mysql_free_result": {
"id": "function.mysql-free-result",
"purpose": "Free result memory",
"prototype": "bool mysql_free_result(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If a non-resource is used for the <code class=\"parameter\">result<\/code>, an error of level E_WARNING will be emitted. It&#039;s worth noting that <span class=\"function\">mysql_query<\/span> only returns a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> for SELECT, SHOW, EXPLAIN, and DESCRIBE queries. <\/p>"
"mysql_get_client_info": {
"id": "function.mysql-get-client-info",
"purpose": "Get MySQL client info",
"prototype": "string mysql_get_client_info()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The MySQL client version. <\/p>"
"mysql_get_host_info": {
"id": "function.mysql-get-host-info",
"purpose": "Get MySQL host info",
"prototype": "string mysql_get_host_info([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string describing the type of MySQL connection in use for the connection or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_get_proto_info": {
"id": "function.mysql-get-proto-info",
"purpose": "Get MySQL protocol info",
"prototype": "int mysql_get_proto_info([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the MySQL protocol on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_get_server_info": {
"id": "function.mysql-get-server-info",
"purpose": "Get MySQL server info",
"prototype": "string mysql_get_server_info([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the MySQL server version on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_info": {
"id": "function.mysql-info",
"purpose": "Get information about the most recent query",
"prototype": "string mysql_info([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns information about the statement on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. See the example below for which statements provide information, and what the returned value may look like. Statements that are not listed will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mysql_insert_id": {
"id": "function.mysql-insert-id",
"purpose": "Get the ID generated in the last query",
"prototype": "int mysql_insert_id([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query on success, <em>0<\/em> if the previous query does not generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no MySQL connection was established. <\/p>"
"mysql_list_dbs": {
"id": "function.mysql-list-dbs",
"purpose": "List databases available on a MySQL server",
"prototype": "resource mysql_list_dbs([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a result pointer <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. Use the <span class=\"function\">mysql_tablename<\/span> function to traverse this result pointer, or any function for result tables, such as <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_array<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mysql_list_fields": {
"id": "function.mysql-list-fields",
"purpose": "List MySQL table fields",
"prototype": "resource mysql_list_fields(string $database_name, string $table_name [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A result pointer <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The returned result can be used with <span class=\"function\">mysql_field_flags<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mysql_field_len<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mysql_field_name<\/span> and <span class=\"function\">mysql_field_type<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mysql_list_processes": {
"id": "function.mysql-list-processes",
"purpose": "List MySQL processes",
"prototype": "resource mysql_list_processes([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A result pointer <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_list_tables": {
"id": "function.mysql-list-tables",
"purpose": "List tables in a MySQL database",
"prototype": "resource mysql_list_tables(string $database [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A result pointer <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Use the <span class=\"function\">mysql_tablename<\/span> function to traverse this result pointer, or any function for result tables, such as <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_array<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mysql_num_fields": {
"id": "function.mysql-num-fields",
"purpose": "Get number of fields in result",
"prototype": "int mysql_num_fields(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of fields in the result set <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_num_rows": {
"id": "function.mysql-num-rows",
"purpose": "Get number of rows in result",
"prototype": "int mysql_num_rows(resource $result)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of rows in a result set on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_pconnect": {
"id": "function.mysql-pconnect",
"purpose": "Open a persistent connection to a MySQL server",
"prototype": "resource mysql_pconnect([string $server = ini_get(\"mysql.default_host\") [, string $username = ini_get(\"mysql.default_user\") [, string $password = ini_get(\"mysql.default_password\") [, int $client_flags = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a MySQL persistent link identifier on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_ping": {
"id": "function.mysql-ping",
"purpose": "Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection",
"prototype": "bool mysql_ping([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the connection to the server MySQL server is working, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mysql_query": {
"id": "function.mysql-query",
"purpose": "Send a MySQL query",
"prototype": "mixed mysql_query(string $query [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> For SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN and other statements returning resultset, <span class=\"function\">mysql_query<\/span> returns a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For other type of SQL statements, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, <span class=\"function\">mysql_query<\/span> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The returned result resource should be passed to <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_array<\/span>, and other functions for dealing with result tables, to access the returned data. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Use <span class=\"function\">mysql_num_rows<\/span> to find out how many rows were returned for a SELECT statement or <span class=\"function\">mysql_affected_rows<\/span> to find out how many rows were affected by a DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, or UPDATE statement. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">mysql_query<\/span> will also fail and return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the user does not have permission to access the table(s) referenced by the query. <\/p>"
"mysql_real_escape_string": {
"id": "function.mysql-real-escape-string",
"purpose": "Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement",
"prototype": "string mysql_real_escape_string(string $unescaped_string [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the escaped string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mysql_result": {
"id": "function.mysql-result",
"purpose": "Get result data",
"prototype": "string mysql_result(resource $result, int $row [, mixed $field = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The contents of one cell from a MySQL result set on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_select_db": {
"id": "function.mysql-select-db",
"purpose": "Select a MySQL database",
"prototype": "bool mysql_select_db(string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_stat": {
"id": "function.mysql-stat",
"purpose": "Get current system status",
"prototype": "string mysql_stat([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string with the status for uptime, threads, queries, open tables, flush tables and queries per second. For a complete list of other status variables, you have to use the <em>SHOW STATUS<\/em> SQL command. If <code class=\"parameter\">link_identifier<\/code> is invalid, <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"mysql_tablename": {
"id": "function.mysql-tablename",
"purpose": "Get table name of field",
"prototype": "string mysql_tablename(resource $result, int $i)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The name of the table on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Use the <span class=\"function\">mysql_tablename<\/span> function to traverse this result pointer, or any function for result tables, such as <span class=\"function\">mysql_fetch_array<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mysql_thread_id": {
"id": "function.mysql-thread-id",
"purpose": "Return the current thread ID",
"prototype": "int mysql_thread_id([resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The thread ID on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_unbuffered_query": {
"id": "function.mysql-unbuffered-query",
"purpose": "Send an SQL query to MySQL without fetching and buffering the result rows.",
"prototype": "resource mysql_unbuffered_query(string $query [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> For SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE or EXPLAIN statements, <span class=\"function\">mysql_unbuffered_query<\/span> returns a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For other type of SQL statements, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, <span class=\"function\">mysql_unbuffered_query<\/span> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"cal_days_in_month": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar",
"prototype": "int cal_days_in_month(int $calendar, int $month, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The length in days of the selected month in the given calendar <\/p>"
"cal_from_jd": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar",
"prototype": "array cal_from_jd(int $jd, int $calendar)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing calendar information like month, day, year, day of week, abbreviated and full names of weekday and month and the date in string form &quot;month\/day\/year&quot;. <\/p>"
"cal_info": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Returns information about a particular calendar",
"prototype": "array cal_info([int $calendar = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"cal_to_jd": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count",
"prototype": "int cal_to_jd(int $calendar, int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A Julian Day number. <\/p>"
"easter_date": {
"id": "function.easter-date",
"purpose": "Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year",
"prototype": "int easter_date([int $year = date(\"Y\")])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The easter date as a unix timestamp. <\/p>"
"easter_days": {
"id": "function.easter-days",
"purpose": "Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year",
"prototype": "int easter_days([int $year = date(\"Y\") [, int $method = CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of days after March 21st that the Easter Sunday is in the given <code class=\"parameter\">year<\/code>. <\/p>"
"frenchtojd": {
"id": "function.frenchtojd",
"purpose": "Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count",
"prototype": "int frenchtojd(int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The julian day for the given french revolution date as an integer. <\/p>"
"gregoriantojd": {
"id": "function.gregoriantojd",
"purpose": "Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count",
"prototype": "int gregoriantojd(int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The julian day for the given gregorian date as an integer. <\/p>"
"jddayofweek": {
"id": "function.jddayofweek",
"purpose": "Returns the day of the week",
"prototype": "mixed jddayofweek(int $julianday [, int $mode = CAL_DOW_DAYNO])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The gregorian weekday as either an integer or string. <\/p>"
"jdmonthname": {
"id": "function.jdmonthname",
"purpose": "Returns a month name",
"prototype": "string jdmonthname(int $julianday, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The month name for the given Julian Day and <code class=\"parameter\">calendar<\/code>. <\/p>"
"jdtofrench": {
"id": "function.jdtofrench",
"purpose": "Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar",
"prototype": "string jdtofrench(int $juliandaycount)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The french revolution date as a string in the form &quot;month\/day\/year&quot; <\/p>"
"jdtogregorian": {
"id": "function.jdtogregorian",
"purpose": "Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date",
"prototype": "string jdtogregorian(int $julianday)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The gregorian date as a string in the form &quot;month\/day\/year&quot; <\/p>"
"jdtojewish": {
"id": "function.jdtojewish",
"purpose": "Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date",
"prototype": "string jdtojewish(int $juliandaycount [, bool $hebrew = false [, int $fl = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The jewish date as a string in the form &quot;month\/day\/year&quot; <\/p>"
"jdtojulian": {
"id": "function.jdtojulian",
"purpose": "Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date",
"prototype": "string jdtojulian(int $julianday)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The julian date as a string in the form &quot;month\/day\/year&quot; <\/p>"
"jdtounix": {
"id": "function.jdtounix",
"purpose": "Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int jdtounix(int $jday)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The unix timestamp for the start of the given julian day. <\/p>"
"jewishtojd": {
"id": "function.jewishtojd",
"purpose": "Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count",
"prototype": "int jewishtojd(int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The julian day for the given jewish date as an integer. <\/p>"
"juliantojd": {
"id": "function.juliantojd",
"purpose": "Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count",
"prototype": "int juliantojd(int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The julian day for the given julian date as an integer. <\/p>"
"unixtojd": {
"id": "function.unixtojd",
"purpose": "Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day",
"prototype": "int unixtojd([int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A julian day number as integer. <\/p>"
"checkdate": {
"id": "function.checkdate",
"purpose": "Validate a Gregorian date",
"prototype": "bool checkdate(int $month, int $day, int $year)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the date given is valid; otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"date": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Format a local time\/date",
"prototype": "string date(string $format [, int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a formatted date string. If a non-numeric value is used for <code class=\"parameter\">timestamp<\/code>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> level error is emitted. <\/p>"
"getdate": {
"id": "function.getdate",
"purpose": "Get date\/time information",
"prototype": "array getdate([int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of information related to the <code class=\"parameter\">timestamp<\/code>. Elements from the returned associative array are as follows: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Key elements of the returned associative array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Key<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <th>Example returned values<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>&quot;seconds&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of seconds<\/td> <td><em>0<\/em> to <em>59<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;minutes&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of minutes<\/td> <td><em>0<\/em> to <em>59<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;hours&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of hours<\/td> <td><em>0<\/em> to <em>23<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;mday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of the day of the month<\/td> <td><em>1<\/em> to <em>31<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;wday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of the day of the week<\/td> <td><em>0<\/em> (for Sunday) through <em>6<\/em> (for Saturday)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;mon&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of a month<\/td> <td><em>1<\/em> through <em>12<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;year&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits<\/td> <td>Examples: <em>1999<\/em> or <em>2003<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;yday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Numeric representation of the day of the year<\/td> <td><em>0<\/em> through <em>365<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;weekday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>A full textual representation of the day of the week<\/td> <td><em>Sunday<\/em> through <em>Saturday<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;month&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March<\/td> <td><em>January<\/em> through <em>December<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>0<\/em><\/td> <td> Seconds since the Unix Epoch, similar to the values returned by <span class=\"function\">time<\/span> and used by <span class=\"function\">date<\/span>. <\/td> <td> System Dependent, typically <em>-2147483648<\/em> through <em>2147483647<\/em>. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"gettimeofday": {
"id": "function.gettimeofday",
"purpose": "Get current time",
"prototype": "mixed gettimeofday([bool $return_float = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> By default an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> is returned. If <code class=\"parameter\">return_float<\/code> is set, then a <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> is returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Array keys: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;sec&quot; - seconds since the Unix Epoch <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;usec&quot; - microseconds <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;minuteswest&quot; - minutes west of Greenwich <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;dsttime&quot; - type of dst correction <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"gmdate": {
"id": "function.gmdate",
"purpose": "Format a GMT\/UTC date\/time",
"prototype": "string gmdate(string $format [, int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a formatted date string. If a non-numeric value is used for <code class=\"parameter\">timestamp<\/code>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> level error is emitted. <\/p>"
"gmmktime": {
"id": "function.gmmktime",
"purpose": "Get Unix timestamp for a GMT date",
"prototype": "int gmmktime([int $hour = gmdate(\"H\") [, int $minute = gmdate(\"i\") [, int $second = gmdate(\"s\") [, int $month = gmdate(\"n\") [, int $day = gmdate(\"j\") [, int $year = gmdate(\"Y\") [, int $is_dst = -1]]]]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> Unix timestamp. <\/p>"
"gmstrftime": {
"id": "function.gmstrftime",
"purpose": "Format a GMT\/UTC time\/date according to locale settings",
"prototype": "string gmstrftime(string $format [, int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given <code class=\"parameter\">timestamp<\/code> or the current local time if no timestamp is given. Month and weekday names and other language dependent strings respect the current locale set with <span class=\"function\">setlocale<\/span>. <\/p>"
"localtime": {
"id": "function.localtime",
"purpose": "Get the local time",
"prototype": "array localtime([int $timestamp = time() [, bool $is_associative = false]])",
"return": ""
"microtime": {
"id": "function.microtime",
"purpose": "Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds",
"prototype": "mixed microtime([bool $get_as_float = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> By default, <span class=\"function\">microtime<\/span> returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> in the form &quot;msec sec&quot;, where <em>sec<\/em> is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (0:00:00 January 1,1970 GMT), and <em>msec<\/em> measures microseconds that have elapsed since <em>sec<\/em> and is also expressed in seconds. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">get_as_float<\/code> is set to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, then <span class=\"function\">microtime<\/span> returns a <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, which represents the current time in seconds since the Unix epoch accurate to the nearest microsecond. <\/p>"
"mktime": {
"id": "function.mktime",
"purpose": "Get Unix timestamp for a date",
"prototype": "int mktime([int $hour = date(\"H\") [, int $minute = date(\"i\") [, int $second = date(\"s\") [, int $month = date(\"n\") [, int $day = date(\"j\") [, int $year = date(\"Y\") [, int $is_dst = -1]]]]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">mktime<\/span> returns the Unix timestamp of the arguments given. If the arguments are invalid, the function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> (before PHP 5.1 it returned <em>-1<\/em>). <\/p>"
"strftime": {
"id": "function.strftime",
"purpose": "Format a local time\/date according to locale settings",
"prototype": "string strftime(string $format [, int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string formatted according <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> using the given <code class=\"parameter\">timestamp<\/code> or the current local time if no timestamp is given. Month and weekday names and other language-dependent strings respect the current locale set with <span class=\"function\">setlocale<\/span>. <\/p>"
"strtotime": {
"id": "function.strtotime",
"purpose": "Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int strtotime(string $time [, int $now = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a timestamp on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. Previous to PHP 5.1.0, this function would return <em>-1<\/em> on failure. <\/p>"
"time": {
"id": "function.time",
"purpose": "Return current Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int time()",
"return": ""
"dio_close": {
"id": "function.dio-close",
"purpose": "Closes the file descriptor given by fd",
"prototype": "void dio_close(resource $fd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"dio_fcntl": {
"id": "function.dio-fcntl",
"purpose": "Performs a c library fcntl on fd",
"prototype": "mixed dio_fcntl(resource $fd, int $cmd [, mixed $args = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result of the C call. <\/p>"
"dio_open": {
"id": "function.dio-open",
"purpose": "Opens a file (creating it if necessary) at a lower level than the C library input\/ouput stream functions allow.",
"prototype": "resource dio_open(string $filename, int $flags [, int $mode = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A file descriptor or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"dio_read": {
"id": "function.dio-read",
"purpose": "Reads bytes from a file descriptor",
"prototype": "string dio_read(resource $fd [, int $len = 1024])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The bytes read from <code class=\"parameter\">fd<\/code>. <\/p>"
"dio_seek": {
"id": "function.dio-seek",
"purpose": "Seeks to pos on fd from whence",
"prototype": "int dio_seek(resource $fd, int $pos [, int $whence = SEEK_SET])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"dio_stat": {
"id": "function.dio-stat",
"purpose": "Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd",
"prototype": "array dio_stat(resource $fd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with the following keys: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;device&quot; - device <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;inode&quot; - inode <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;mode&quot; - mode <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;nlink&quot; - number of hard links <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;uid&quot; - user id <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;gid&quot; - group id <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;device_type&quot; - device type (if inode device) <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;size&quot; - total size in bytes <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;blocksize&quot; - blocksize <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;blocks&quot; - number of blocks allocated <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;atime&quot; - time of last access <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;mtime&quot; - time of last modification <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> &quot;ctime&quot; - time of last change <\/p> <\/li> <\/ul> On error <span class=\"function\">dio_stat<\/span> returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"dio_tcsetattr": {
"id": "function.dio-tcsetattr",
"purpose": "Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port",
"prototype": "bool dio_tcsetattr(resource $fd, array $options)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"dio_truncate": {
"id": "function.dio-truncate",
"purpose": "Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes",
"prototype": "bool dio_truncate(resource $fd, int $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dio_write": {
"id": "function.dio-write",
"purpose": "Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length",
"prototype": "int dio_write(resource $fd, string $data [, int $len = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of bytes written to <code class=\"parameter\">fd<\/code>. <\/p>"
"Directory::close": {
"id": "directory.close",
"purpose": "Close directory handle",
"prototype": "void Directory::close([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": ""
"Directory::read": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Read entry from directory handle",
"prototype": "string Directory::read([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": ""
"Directory::rewind": {
"id": "directory.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind directory handle",
"prototype": "void Directory::rewind([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": ""
"chdir": {
"id": "function.chdir",
"purpose": "Change directory",
"prototype": "bool chdir(string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"chroot": {
"id": "function.chroot",
"purpose": "Change the root directory",
"prototype": "bool chroot(string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"closedir": {
"id": "function.closedir",
"purpose": "Close directory handle",
"prototype": "void closedir([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": ""
"dir": {
"id": "function.dir",
"purpose": "Return an instance of the Directory class",
"prototype": "Directory dir(string $directory [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an instance of <span class=\"classname\">Directory<\/span>, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> with wrong parameters, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in case of another error. <\/p>"
"getcwd": {
"id": "function.getcwd",
"purpose": "Gets the current working directory",
"prototype": "string getcwd()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current working directory on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> On some Unix variants, <span class=\"function\">getcwd<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if any one of the parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does. See <span class=\"function\">chmod<\/span> for more information on modes and permissions. <\/p>"
"opendir": {
"id": "function.opendir",
"purpose": "Open directory handle",
"prototype": "resource opendir(string $path [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a directory handle <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code> is not a valid directory or the directory can not be opened due to permission restrictions or filesystem errors, <span class=\"function\">opendir<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and generates a PHP error of level <a href=\"errorfunc.constants.html\" class=\"link\"> E_WARNING<\/a>. You can suppress the error output of <span class=\"function\">opendir<\/span> by prepending &#039;<a href=\"language.operators.errorcontrol.html\" class=\"link\">@<\/a>&#039; to the front of the function name. <\/p>"
"readdir": {
"id": "function.readdir",
"purpose": "Read entry from directory handle",
"prototype": "string readdir([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the entry name on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"rewinddir": {
"id": "function.rewinddir",
"purpose": "Rewind directory handle",
"prototype": "void rewinddir([resource $dir_handle = ''])",
"return": ""
"mime_content_type": {
"id": "function.mime-content-type",
"purpose": "Detect MIME Content-type for a file (deprecated)",
"prototype": "string mime_content_type(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the content type in MIME format, like <em>text\/plain<\/em> or <em>application\/octet-stream<\/em>. <\/p>"
"basename": {
"id": "function.basename",
"purpose": "Returns trailing name component of path",
"prototype": "string basename(string $path [, string $suffix = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the base name of the given <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code>. <\/p>"
"chgrp": {
"id": "function.chgrp",
"purpose": "Changes file group",
"prototype": "bool chgrp(string $filename, mixed $group)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"chmod": {
"id": "function.chmod",
"purpose": "Changes file mode",
"prototype": "bool chmod(string $filename, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"chown": {
"id": "function.chown",
"purpose": "Changes file owner",
"prototype": "bool chown(string $filename, mixed $user)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"clearstatcache": {
"id": "function.clearstatcache",
"purpose": "Clears file status cache",
"prototype": "void clearstatcache([bool $clear_realpath_cache = false [, string $filename = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"copy": {
"id": "function.copy",
"purpose": "Copies file",
"prototype": "bool copy(string $source, string $dest [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"dirname": {
"id": "function.dirname",
"purpose": "Returns a parent directory's path",
"prototype": "string dirname(string $path [, int $levels = 1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the path of a parent directory. If there are no slashes in <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code>, a dot (&#039;<em>.<\/em>&#039;) is returned, indicating the current directory. Otherwise, the returned string is <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code> with any trailing <em>\/component<\/em> removed. <\/p>"
"disk_free_space": {
"id": "function.disk-free-space",
"purpose": "Returns available space on filesystem or disk partition",
"prototype": "float disk_free_space(string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of available bytes as a float or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"disk_total_space": {
"id": "function.disk-total-space",
"purpose": "Returns the total size of a filesystem or disk partition",
"prototype": "float disk_total_space(string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the total number of bytes as a float or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"diskfreespace": {
"id": "function.diskfreespace",
"purpose": "Alias of disk_free_space",
"prototype": " diskfreespace()",
"return": ""
"fclose": {
"id": "function.fclose",
"purpose": "Closes an open file pointer",
"prototype": "bool fclose(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"feof": {
"id": "function.feof",
"purpose": "Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer",
"prototype": "bool feof(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file pointer is at EOF or an error occurs (including socket timeout); otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"fflush": {
"id": "function.fflush",
"purpose": "Flushes the output to a file",
"prototype": "bool fflush(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fgetc": {
"id": "function.fgetc",
"purpose": "Gets character from file pointer",
"prototype": "string fgetc(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing a single character read from the file pointed to by <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code>. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on EOF. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"fgetcsv": {
"id": "function.fgetcsv",
"purpose": "Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields",
"prototype": "array fgetcsv(resource $handle [, int $length = '' [, string $delimiter = \",\" [, string $enclosure = '\"' [, string $escape = \"\\\"]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an indexed array containing the fields read. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> A blank line in a CSV file will be returned as an array comprising a single <span class=\"type\">null<\/span> field, and will not be treated as an error. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\">If PHP is not properly recognizingthe line endings when reading files either on or created by a Macintoshcomputer, enabling the<a href=\"\" class=\"link\">auto_detect_line_endings<\/a>run-time configuration option may help resolve the problem.<\/span><\/p><\/blockquote> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">fgetcsv<\/span> returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if an invalid <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code> is supplied or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on other errors, including end of file. <\/p>"
"fgets": {
"id": "function.fgets",
"purpose": "Gets line from file pointer",
"prototype": "string fgets(resource $handle [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string of up to <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code> - 1 bytes read from the file pointed to by <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code>. If there is no more data to read in the file pointer, then <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an error occurs, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"fgetss": {
"id": "function.fgetss",
"purpose": "Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags",
"prototype": "string fgetss(resource $handle [, int $length = '' [, string $allowable_tags = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string of up to <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code> - 1 bytes read from the file pointed to by <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code>, with all HTML and PHP code stripped. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an error occurs, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"file_exists": {
"id": "function.file-exists",
"purpose": "Checks whether a file or directory exists",
"prototype": "bool file_exists(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file or directory specified by <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> exists; <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> This function will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for symlinks pointing to non-existing files. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong> <p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for files inaccessible due to <a href=\"\" class=\"link\">safe mode<\/a> restrictions. However these files still can be <a href=\"function.include.html\" class=\"link\">included<\/a> if they are located in <a href=\"\" class=\"link\">safe_mode_include_dir<\/a>. <\/p> <\/div> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> The check is done using the real UID\/GID instead of the effective one. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"file_get_contents": {
"id": "function.file-get-contents",
"purpose": "Reads entire file into a string",
"prototype": "string file_get_contents(string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context = '' [, int $offset = -1 [, int $maxlen = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The function returns the read data or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"file": {
"id": "function.file",
"purpose": "Reads entire file into an array",
"prototype": "array file(string $filename [, int $flags = '' [, resource $context = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the file in an array. Each element of the array corresponds to a line in the file, with the newline still attached. Upon failure, <span class=\"function\">file<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Each line in the resulting array will include the line ending, unless <strong><code>FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES<\/code><\/strong> is used, so you still need to use <span class=\"function\">rtrim<\/span> if you do not want the line ending present. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\">If PHP is not properly recognizingthe line endings when reading files either on or created by a Macintoshcomputer, enabling the<a href=\"\" class=\"link\">auto_detect_line_endings<\/a>run-time configuration option may help resolve the problem.<\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"fileatime": {
"id": "function.fileatime",
"purpose": "Gets last access time of file",
"prototype": "int fileatime(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the time the file was last accessed, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp. <\/p>"
"filectime": {
"id": "function.filectime",
"purpose": "Gets inode change time of file",
"prototype": "int filectime(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the time the file was last changed, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp. <\/p>"
"filegroup": {
"id": "function.filegroup",
"purpose": "Gets file group",
"prototype": "int filegroup(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the group ID of the file, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs. The group ID is returned in numerical format, use <span class=\"function\">posix_getgrgid<\/span> to resolve it to a group name. Upon failure, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"fileinode": {
"id": "function.fileinode",
"purpose": "Gets file inode",
"prototype": "int fileinode(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the inode number of the file, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"filemtime": {
"id": "function.filemtime",
"purpose": "Gets file modification time",
"prototype": "int filemtime(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the time the file was last modified, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The time is returned as a Unix timestamp, which is suitable for the <span class=\"function\">date<\/span> function. <\/p>"
"fileowner": {
"id": "function.fileowner",
"purpose": "Gets file owner",
"prototype": "int fileowner(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the user ID of the owner of the file, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The user ID is returned in numerical format, use <span class=\"function\">posix_getpwuid<\/span> to resolve it to a username. <\/p>"
"fileperms": {
"id": "function.fileperms",
"purpose": "Gets file permissions",
"prototype": "int fileperms(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the file&#039;s permissions as a numeric mode. Lower bits of this mode are the same as the permissions expected by <span class=\"function\">chmod<\/span>, however on most platforms the return value will also include information on the type of file given as <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code>. The examples below demonstrate how to test the return value for specific permissions and file types on POSIX systems, including Linux and Mac OS X. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For local files, the specific return value is that of the <em>st_mode<\/em> member of the structure returned by the C library&#039;s <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> function. Exactly which bits are set can vary from platform to platform, and looking up your specific platform&#039;s documentation is recommended if parsing the non-permission bits of the return value is required. <\/p>"
"filesize": {
"id": "function.filesize",
"purpose": "Gets file size",
"prototype": "int filesize(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size of the file in bytes, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> (and generates an error of level <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong>) in case of an error. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"filetype": {
"id": "function.filetype",
"purpose": "Gets file type",
"prototype": "string filetype(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the type of the file. Possible values are fifo, char, dir, block, link, file, socket and unknown. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs. <span class=\"function\">filetype<\/span> will also produce an <strong><code>E_NOTICE<\/code><\/strong> message if the stat call fails or if the file type is unknown. <\/p>"
"flock": {
"id": "function.flock",
"purpose": "Portable advisory file locking",
"prototype": "bool flock(resource $handle, int $operation [, int $wouldblock = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fnmatch": {
"id": "function.fnmatch",
"purpose": "Match filename against a pattern",
"prototype": "bool fnmatch(string $pattern, string $string [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there is a match, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"fopen": {
"id": "function.fopen",
"purpose": "Opens file or URL",
"prototype": "resource fopen(string $filename, string $mode [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a file pointer resource on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"fpassthru": {
"id": "function.fpassthru",
"purpose": "Output all remaining data on a file pointer",
"prototype": "int fpassthru(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If an error occurs, <span class=\"function\">fpassthru<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Otherwise, <span class=\"function\">fpassthru<\/span> returns the number of characters read from <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code> and passed through to the output. <\/p>"
"fputs": {
"id": "function.fputs",
"purpose": "Alias of fwrite",
"prototype": " fputs()",
"return": ""
"fread": {
"id": "function.fread",
"purpose": "Binary-safe file read",
"prototype": "string fread(resource $handle, int $length)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the read string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fscanf": {
"id": "function.fscanf",
"purpose": "Parses input from a file according to a format",
"prototype": "mixed fscanf(resource $handle, string $format [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If only two parameters were passed to this function, the values parsed will be returned as an array. Otherwise, if optional parameters are passed, the function will return the number of assigned values. The optional parameters must be passed by reference. <\/p>"
"fseek": {
"id": "function.fseek",
"purpose": "Seeks on a file pointer",
"prototype": "int fseek(resource $handle, int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Upon success, returns 0; otherwise, returns -1. <\/p>"
"fstat": {
"id": "function.fstat",
"purpose": "Gets information about a file using an open file pointer",
"prototype": "array fstat(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the statistics of the file; the format of the array is described in detail on the <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> manual page. <\/p>"
"ftell": {
"id": "function.ftell",
"purpose": "Returns the current position of the file read\/write pointer",
"prototype": "int ftell(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the position of the file pointer referenced by <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code> as an integer; i.e., its offset into the file stream. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an error occurs, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"ftruncate": {
"id": "function.ftruncate",
"purpose": "Truncates a file to a given length",
"prototype": "bool ftruncate(resource $handle, int $size)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fwrite": {
"id": "function.fwrite",
"purpose": "Binary-safe file write",
"prototype": "int fwrite(resource $handle, string $string [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> <span class=\"function\">fwrite<\/span> returns the number of bytes written, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"glob": {
"id": "function.glob",
"purpose": "Find pathnames matching a pattern",
"prototype": "array glob(string $pattern [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the matched files\/directories, an empty array if no file matched or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> On some systems it is impossible to distinguish between empty match and an error. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"is_dir": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the filename is a directory",
"prototype": "bool is_dir(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the filename exists and is a directory, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_executable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the filename is executable",
"prototype": "bool is_executable(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the filename exists and is executable, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"is_file": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the filename is a regular file",
"prototype": "bool is_file(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the filename exists and is a regular file, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"is_link": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link",
"prototype": "bool is_link(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the filename exists and is a symbolic link, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_readable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether a file exists and is readable",
"prototype": "bool is_readable(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file or directory specified by <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> exists and is readable, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_uploaded_file": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST",
"prototype": "bool is_uploaded_file(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"is_writable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tells whether the filename is writable",
"prototype": "bool is_writable(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> exists and is writable. <\/p>"
"is_writeable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of is_writable",
"prototype": " is_writeable()",
"return": ""
"link": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Create a hard link",
"prototype": "bool link(string $target, string $link)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"linkinfo": {
"id": "function.linkinfo",
"purpose": "Gets information about a link",
"prototype": "int linkinfo(string $path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">linkinfo<\/span> returns the <em>st_dev<\/em> field of the Unix C stat structure returned by the <em>lstat<\/em> system call. Returns 0 or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in case of error. <\/p>"
"lstat": {
"id": "function.lstat",
"purpose": "Gives information about a file or symbolic link",
"prototype": "array lstat(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> See the manual page for <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> for information on the structure of the array that <span class=\"function\">lstat<\/span> returns. This function is identical to the <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> function except that if the <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> parameter is a symbolic link, the status of the symbolic link is returned, not the status of the file pointed to by the symbolic link. <\/p>"
"mkdir": {
"id": "function.mkdir",
"purpose": "Makes directory",
"prototype": "bool mkdir(string $pathname [, int $mode = 0777 [, bool $recursive = false [, resource $context = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"move_uploaded_file": {
"id": "function.move-uploaded-file",
"purpose": "Moves an uploaded file to a new location",
"prototype": "bool move_uploaded_file(string $filename, string $destination)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> is not a valid upload file, then no action will occur, and <span class=\"function\">move_uploaded_file<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> is a valid upload file, but cannot be moved for some reason, no action will occur, and <span class=\"function\">move_uploaded_file<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Additionally, a warning will be issued. <\/p>"
"parse_ini_file": {
"id": "function.parse-ini-file",
"purpose": "Parse a configuration file",
"prototype": "array parse_ini_file(string $filename [, bool $process_sections = false [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The settings are returned as an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> on success, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pathinfo": {
"id": "function.pathinfo",
"purpose": "Returns information about a file path",
"prototype": "mixed pathinfo(string $path [, int $options = PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">options<\/code> parameter is not passed, an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing the following elements is returned: <em>dirname<\/em>, <em>basename<\/em>, <em>extension<\/em> (if any), and <em>filename<\/em>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code> has more than one extension, <strong><code>PATHINFO_EXTENSION<\/code><\/strong> returns only the last one and <strong><code>PATHINFO_FILENAME<\/code><\/strong> only strips the last one. (see first example below). <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code> does not have an extension, no <em>extension<\/em> element will be returned (see second example below). <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">options<\/code> is present, returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> containing the requested element. <\/p>"
"pclose": {
"id": "function.pclose",
"purpose": "Closes process file pointer",
"prototype": "int pclose(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the termination status of the process that was run. In case of an error then <em>-1<\/em> is returned. <\/p>"
"popen": {
"id": "function.popen",
"purpose": "Opens process file pointer",
"prototype": "resource popen(string $command, string $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a file pointer identical to that returned by <span class=\"function\">fopen<\/span>, except that it is unidirectional (may only be used for reading or writing) and must be closed with <span class=\"function\">pclose<\/span>. This pointer may be used with <span class=\"function\">fgets<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">fgetss<\/span>, and <span class=\"function\">fwrite<\/span>. When the mode is &#039;r&#039;, the returned file pointer equals to the STDOUT of the command, when the mode is &#039;w&#039;, the returned file pointer equals to the STDIN of the command. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an error occurs, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"readfile": {
"id": "function.readfile",
"purpose": "Outputs a file",
"prototype": "int readfile(string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = false [, resource $context = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of bytes read from the file. If an error occurs, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and unless the function was called as @<span class=\"function\">readfile<\/span>, an error message is printed. <\/p>"
"readlink": {
"id": "function.readlink",
"purpose": "Returns the target of a symbolic link",
"prototype": "string readlink(string $path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the contents of the symbolic link path or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"realpath": {
"id": "function.realpath",
"purpose": "Returns canonicalized absolute pathname",
"prototype": "string realpath(string $path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the canonicalized absolute pathname on success. The resulting path will have no symbolic link, &#039;\/.\/&#039; or &#039;\/..\/&#039; components. Trailing delimiters, such as \\ and \/, are also removed. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">realpath<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure, e.g. if the file does not exist. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> The running script must have executable permissions on all directories in the hierarchy, otherwise <span class=\"function\">realpath<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> For case-insensitive filesystems <span class=\"function\">realpath<\/span> may or may not normalize the character case. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"rename": {
"id": "function.rename",
"purpose": "Renames a file or directory",
"prototype": "bool rename(string $oldname, string $newname [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"rewind": {
"id": "function.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind the position of a file pointer",
"prototype": "bool rewind(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"rmdir": {
"id": "function.rmdir",
"purpose": "Removes directory",
"prototype": "bool rmdir(string $dirname [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"set_file_buffer": {
"id": "function.set-file-buffer",
"purpose": "Alias of stream_set_write_buffer",
"prototype": " set_file_buffer()",
"return": ""
"stat": {
"id": "function.stat",
"purpose": "Gives information about a file",
"prototype": "array stat(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong><span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> and <span class=\"function\">fstat<\/span> result format<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Numeric<\/th> <th>Associative<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>dev<\/td> <td>device number<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>ino<\/td> <td>inode number *<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>mode<\/td> <td>inode protection mode<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>nlink<\/td> <td>number of links<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>4<\/td> <td>uid<\/td> <td>userid of owner *<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>5<\/td> <td>gid<\/td> <td>groupid of owner *<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>6<\/td> <td>rdev<\/td> <td>device type, if inode device<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>7<\/td> <td>size<\/td> <td>size in bytes<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>8<\/td> <td>atime<\/td> <td>time of last access (Unix timestamp)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>9<\/td> <td>mtime<\/td> <td>time of last modification (Unix timestamp)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>10<\/td> <td>ctime<\/td> <td>time of last inode change (Unix timestamp)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>11<\/td> <td>blksize<\/td> <td>blocksize of filesystem IO **<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>12<\/td> <td>blocks<\/td> <td>number of 512-byte blocks allocated **<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> * On Windows this will always be 0. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> ** Only valid on systems supporting the st_blksize type - other systems (e.g. Windows) return -1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> In case of error, <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> Because PHP&#039;s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB. <\/span><\/p><\/blockquote>"
"symlink": {
"id": "function.symlink",
"purpose": "Creates a symbolic link",
"prototype": "bool symlink(string $target, string $link)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"tempnam": {
"id": "function.tempnam",
"purpose": "Create file with unique file name",
"prototype": "string tempnam(string $dir, string $prefix)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the new temporary filename (with path), or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"tmpfile": {
"id": "function.tmpfile",
"purpose": "Creates a temporary file",
"prototype": "resource tmpfile()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a file handle, similar to the one returned by <span class=\"function\">fopen<\/span>, for the new file or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"touch": {
"id": "function.touch",
"purpose": "Sets access and modification time of file",
"prototype": "bool touch(string $filename [, int $time = time() [, int $atime = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"umask": {
"id": "function.umask",
"purpose": "Changes the current umask",
"prototype": "int umask([int $mask = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">umask<\/span> without arguments simply returns the current umask otherwise the old umask is returned. <\/p>"
"unlink": {
"id": "function.unlink",
"purpose": "Deletes a file",
"prototype": "bool unlink(string $filename [, resource $context = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"bind_textdomain_codeset": {
"id": "function.bind-textdomain-codeset",
"purpose": "Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned",
"prototype": "string bind_textdomain_codeset(string $domain, string $codeset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success. <\/p>"
"bindtextdomain": {
"id": "function.bindtextdomain",
"purpose": "Sets the path for a domain",
"prototype": "string bindtextdomain(string $domain, string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The full pathname for the <code class=\"parameter\">domain<\/code> currently being set. <\/p>"
"dcgettext": {
"id": "function.dcgettext",
"purpose": "Overrides the domain for a single lookup",
"prototype": "string dcgettext(string $domain, string $message, int $category)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success. <\/p>"
"dcngettext": {
"id": "function.dcngettext",
"purpose": "Plural version of dcgettext",
"prototype": "string dcngettext(string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n, int $category)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success. <\/p>"
"dgettext": {
"id": "function.dgettext",
"purpose": "Override the current domain",
"prototype": "string dgettext(string $domain, string $message)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success. <\/p>"
"dngettext": {
"id": "function.dngettext",
"purpose": "Plural version of dgettext",
"prototype": "string dngettext(string $domain, string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success. <\/p>"
"gettext": {
"id": "function.gettext",
"purpose": "Lookup a message in the current domain",
"prototype": "string gettext(string $message)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a translated <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> if one is found in the translation table, or the submitted message if not found. <\/p>"
"ngettext": {
"id": "function.ngettext",
"purpose": "Plural version of gettext",
"prototype": "string ngettext(string $msgid1, string $msgid2, int $n)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns correct plural form of message identified by <code class=\"parameter\">msgid1<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">msgid2<\/code> for count <code class=\"parameter\">n<\/code>. <\/p>"
"textdomain": {
"id": "function.textdomain",
"purpose": "Sets the default domain",
"prototype": "string textdomain(string $text_domain)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If successful, this function returns the current message domain, after possibly changing it. <\/p>"
"iconv_get_encoding": {
"id": "function.iconv-get-encoding",
"purpose": "Retrieve internal configuration variables of iconv extension",
"prototype": "mixed iconv_get_encoding([string $type = \"all\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current value of the internal configuration variable if successful or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">type<\/code> is omitted or set to &quot;all&quot;, <span class=\"function\">iconv_get_encoding<\/span> returns an array that stores all these variables. <\/p>"
"iconv_set_encoding": {
"id": "function.iconv-set-encoding",
"purpose": "Set current setting for character encoding conversion",
"prototype": "bool iconv_set_encoding(string $type, string $charset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"iconv": {
"id": "function.iconv",
"purpose": "Convert string to requested character encoding",
"prototype": "string iconv(string $in_charset, string $out_charset, string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the converted string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ob_iconv_handler": {
"id": "function.ob-iconv-handler",
"purpose": "Convert character encoding as output buffer handler",
"prototype": "string ob_iconv_handler(string $contents, int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> See <span class=\"function\">ob_start<\/span> for information about this handler return values. <\/p>"
"mb_check_encoding": {
"id": "function.mb-check-encoding",
"purpose": "Check if the string is valid for the specified encoding",
"prototype": "bool mb_check_encoding([string $var = '' [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_convert_case": {
"id": "function.mb-convert-case",
"purpose": "Perform case folding on a string",
"prototype": "string mb_convert_case(string $str, int $mode [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A case folded version of <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> converted in the way specified by <code class=\"parameter\">mode<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mb_convert_encoding": {
"id": "function.mb-convert-encoding",
"purpose": "Convert character encoding",
"prototype": "string mb_convert_encoding(string $str, string $to_encoding [, mixed $from_encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The encoded <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_convert_kana": {
"id": "function.mb-convert-kana",
"purpose": "Convert \"kana\" one from another (\"zen-kaku\", \"han-kaku\" and more)",
"prototype": "string mb_convert_kana(string $str [, string $option = \"KV\" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_convert_variables": {
"id": "function.mb-convert-variables",
"purpose": "Convert character code in variable(s)",
"prototype": "string mb_convert_variables(string $to_encoding, mixed $from_encoding, mixed $vars [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The character encoding before conversion for success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for failure. <\/p>"
"mb_decode_mimeheader": {
"id": "function.mb-decode-mimeheader",
"purpose": "Decode string in MIME header field",
"prototype": "string mb_decode_mimeheader(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decoded <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> in internal character encoding. <\/p>"
"mb_decode_numericentity": {
"id": "function.mb-decode-numericentity",
"purpose": "Decode HTML numeric string reference to character",
"prototype": "string mb_decode_numericentity(string $str, array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_detect_encoding": {
"id": "function.mb-detect-encoding",
"purpose": "Detect character encoding",
"prototype": "string mb_detect_encoding(string $str [, mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order() [, bool $strict = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The detected character encoding or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the encoding cannot be detected from the given string. <\/p>"
"mb_detect_order": {
"id": "function.mb-detect-order",
"purpose": "Set\/Get character encoding detection order",
"prototype": "mixed mb_detect_order([mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_encode_mimeheader": {
"id": "function.mb-encode-mimeheader",
"purpose": "Encode string for MIME header",
"prototype": "string mb_encode_mimeheader(string $str [, string $charset = mb_internal_encoding() [, string $transfer_encoding = \"B\" [, string $linefeed = \"\\r\\n\" [, int $indent = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A converted version of the <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> represented in ASCII. <\/p>"
"mb_encode_numericentity": {
"id": "function.mb-encode-numericentity",
"purpose": "Encode character to HTML numeric string reference",
"prototype": "string mb_encode_numericentity(string $str, array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() [, bool $is_hex = FALSE]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_match": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-match",
"purpose": "Regular expression match for multibyte string",
"prototype": "bool mb_ereg_match(string $pattern, string $string [, string $option = \"msr\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> matches the regular expression <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_replace": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-replace",
"purpose": "Replace regular expression with multibyte support",
"prototype": "string mb_ereg_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string [, string $option = \"msr\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The resultant <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_getpos": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-getpos",
"purpose": "Returns start point for next regular expression match",
"prototype": "int mb_ereg_search_getpos()",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_getpos<\/span> returns the point to start regular expression match for <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_pos<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_regs<\/span>. The position is represented by bytes from the head of string. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_getregs": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-getregs",
"purpose": "Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match",
"prototype": "array mb_ereg_search_getregs()",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> including the sub-string of matched part by last <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_pos<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_regs<\/span>. If there are some matches, the first element will have the matched sub-string, the second element will have the first part grouped with brackets, the third element will have the second part grouped with brackets, and so on. It returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error; <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_init": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-init",
"purpose": "Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match",
"prototype": "bool mb_ereg_search_init(string $string [, string $pattern = '' [, string $option = \"msr\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_pos": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-pos",
"purpose": "Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string",
"prototype": "array mb_ereg_search_pos([string $pattern = '' [, string $option = \"ms\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing two elements. The first element is the offset, in bytes, where the match begins relative to the start of the search string, and the second element is the length in bytes of the match. <\/p> <p class=\"simpara\"> If an error occurs, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_regs": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-regs",
"purpose": "Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression",
"prototype": "array mb_ereg_search_regs([string $pattern = '' [, string $option = \"ms\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_regs<\/span> executes the multibyte regular expression match, and if there are some matched part, it returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> including substring of matched part as first element, the first grouped part with brackets as second element, the second grouped part as third element, and so on. It returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search_setpos": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search-setpos",
"purpose": "Set start point of next regular expression match",
"prototype": "bool mb_ereg_search_setpos(int $position)",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_search": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-search",
"purpose": "Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string",
"prototype": "bool mb_ereg_search([string $pattern = '' [, string $option = \"ms\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search<\/span> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the multibyte string matches with the regular expression, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. The <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> for matching is set by <span class=\"function\">mb_ereg_search_init<\/span>. If <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code> is not specified, the previous one is used. <\/p>"
"mb_ereg": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg",
"purpose": "Regular expression match with multibyte support",
"prototype": "int mb_ereg(string $pattern, string $string [, array $regs = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> Executes the regular expression match with multibyte support, and returns <em>1<\/em> if matches are found. If the optional <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> parameter was specified, the function returns the byte length of matched part, and the <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> will contain the substring of matched string. The function returns <em>1<\/em> if it matches with the empty string. If no matches are found or an error happens, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p>"
"mb_eregi_replace": {
"id": "function.mb-eregi-replace",
"purpose": "Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case",
"prototype": "string mb_eregi_replace(string $pattern, string $replace, string $string [, string $option = \"msri\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The resultant <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mb_eregi": {
"id": "function.mb-eregi",
"purpose": "Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support",
"prototype": "int mb_eregi(string $pattern, string $string [, array $regs = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> Executes the regular expression match with multibyte support, and returns <em>1<\/em> if matches are found. If the optional <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> parameter was specified, the function returns the byte length of matched part, and the <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> will contain the substring of matched string. The function returns <em>1<\/em> if it matches with the empty string. If no matches are found or an error happens, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p>"
"mb_get_info": {
"id": "function.mb-get-info",
"purpose": "Get internal settings of mbstring",
"prototype": "mixed mb_get_info([string $type = \"all\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of type information if <code class=\"parameter\">type<\/code> is not specified, otherwise a specific <code class=\"parameter\">type<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mb_http_input": {
"id": "function.mb-http-input",
"purpose": "Detect HTTP input character encoding",
"prototype": "mixed mb_http_input([string $type = \"\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The character encoding name, as per the <code class=\"parameter\">type<\/code>. If <span class=\"function\">mb_http_input<\/span> does not process specified HTTP input, it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mb_http_output": {
"id": "function.mb-http-output",
"purpose": "Set\/Get HTTP output character encoding",
"prototype": "mixed mb_http_output([string $encoding = mb_http_output()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is omitted, <span class=\"function\">mb_http_output<\/span> returns the current HTTP output character encoding. Otherwise, Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_internal_encoding": {
"id": "function.mb-internal-encoding",
"purpose": "Set\/Get internal character encoding",
"prototype": "mixed mb_internal_encoding([string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is set, then Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. In this case, the character encoding for multibyte regex is NOT changed. If <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is omitted, then the current character encoding name is returned. <\/p>"
"mb_language": {
"id": "function.mb-language",
"purpose": "Set\/Get current language",
"prototype": "mixed mb_language([string $language = mb_language()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">language<\/code> is set and <code class=\"parameter\">language<\/code> is valid, it returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. Otherwise, it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. When <code class=\"parameter\">language<\/code> is omitted, it returns the language name as a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. If no language is set previously, it then returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mb_output_handler": {
"id": "function.mb-output-handler",
"purpose": "Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer",
"prototype": "string mb_output_handler(string $contents, int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_parse_str": {
"id": "function.mb-parse-str",
"purpose": "Parse GET\/POST\/COOKIE data and set global variable",
"prototype": "array mb_parse_str(string $encoded_string [, array $result = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_preferred_mime_name": {
"id": "function.mb-preferred-mime-name",
"purpose": "Get MIME charset string",
"prototype": "string mb_preferred_mime_name(string $encoding)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The MIME <em>charset<\/em> <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> for character encoding <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mb_regex_encoding": {
"id": "function.mb-regex-encoding",
"purpose": "Set\/Get character encoding for multibyte regex",
"prototype": "mixed mb_regex_encoding([string $encoding = mb_regex_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"simpara\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is set, then Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. In this case, the internal character encoding is NOT changed. If <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is omitted, then the current character encoding name for a multibyte regex is returned. <\/p>"
"mb_regex_set_options": {
"id": "function.mb-regex-set-options",
"purpose": "Set\/Get the default options for mbregex functions",
"prototype": "string mb_regex_set_options([string $options = mb_regex_set_options()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The previous options. If <code class=\"parameter\">options<\/code> is omitted, it returns the <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> that describes the current options. <\/p>"
"mb_send_mail": {
"id": "function.mb-send-mail",
"purpose": "Send encoded mail",
"prototype": "bool mb_send_mail(string $to, string $subject, string $message [, string $additional_headers = '' [, string $additional_parameter = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mb_split": {
"id": "function.mb-split",
"purpose": "Split multibyte string using regular expression",
"prototype": "array mb_split(string $pattern, string $string [, int $limit = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The result as an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_strcut": {
"id": "function.mb-strcut",
"purpose": "Get part of string",
"prototype": "string mb_strcut(string $str, int $start [, int $length = null [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">mb_strcut<\/span> returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> specified by the <code class=\"parameter\">start<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code> parameters. <\/p>"
"mb_strimwidth": {
"id": "function.mb-strimwidth",
"purpose": "Get truncated string with specified width",
"prototype": "string mb_strimwidth(string $str, int $start, int $width [, string $trimmarker = \"\" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The truncated <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. If <code class=\"parameter\">trimmarker<\/code> is set, <code class=\"parameter\">trimmarker<\/code> is appended to the return value. <\/p>"
"mb_strlen": {
"id": "function.mb-strlen",
"purpose": "Get string length",
"prototype": "string mb_strlen(string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of characters in <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> having character encoding <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code>. A multi-byte character is counted as 1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the given <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> is invalid. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"mb_strpos": {
"id": "function.mb-strpos",
"purpose": "Find position of first occurrence of string in a string",
"prototype": "string mb_strpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found, it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mb_strrpos": {
"id": "function.mb-strrpos",
"purpose": "Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string",
"prototype": "int mb_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found, it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"mb_strtolower": {
"id": "function.mb-strtolower",
"purpose": "Make a string lowercase",
"prototype": "string mb_strtolower(string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase. <\/p>"
"mb_strtoupper": {
"id": "function.mb-strtoupper",
"purpose": "Make a string uppercase",
"prototype": "string mb_strtoupper(string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. <\/p>"
"mb_strwidth": {
"id": "function.mb-strwidth",
"purpose": "Return width of string",
"prototype": "string mb_strwidth(string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The width of <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mb_substitute_character": {
"id": "function.mb-substitute-character",
"purpose": "Set\/Get substitution character",
"prototype": "integer mb_substitute_character([mixed $substrchar = mb_substitute_character()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">substchar<\/code> is set, it returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> for success, otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. If <code class=\"parameter\">substchar<\/code> is not set, it returns the current setting. <\/p>"
"mb_substr_count": {
"id": "function.mb-substr-count",
"purpose": "Count the number of substring occurrences",
"prototype": "string mb_substr_count(string $haystack, string $needle [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of times the <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> substring occurs in the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"mb_substr": {
"id": "function.mb-substr",
"purpose": "Get part of string",
"prototype": "string mb_substr(string $str, int $start [, int $length = null [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">mb_substr<\/span> returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> specified by the <code class=\"parameter\">start<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code> parameters. <\/p>"
"pspell_add_to_personal": {
"id": "function.pspell-add-to-personal",
"purpose": "Add the word to a personal wordlist",
"prototype": "bool pspell_add_to_personal(int $dictionary_link, string $word)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_add_to_session": {
"id": "function.pspell-add-to-session",
"purpose": "Add the word to the wordlist in the current session",
"prototype": "bool pspell_add_to_session(int $dictionary_link, string $word)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_check": {
"id": "function.pspell-check",
"purpose": "Check a word",
"prototype": "bool pspell_check(int $dictionary_link, string $word)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the spelling is correct, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"pspell_clear_session": {
"id": "function.pspell-clear-session",
"purpose": "Clear the current session",
"prototype": "bool pspell_clear_session(int $dictionary_link)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_create": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-create",
"purpose": "Create a config used to open a dictionary",
"prototype": "int pspell_config_create(string $language [, string $spelling = '' [, string $jargon = '' [, string $encoding = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Retuns a pspell config identifier, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_ignore": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-ignore",
"purpose": "Ignore words less than N characters long",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_ignore(int $dictionary_link, int $n)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_mode": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-mode",
"purpose": "Change the mode number of suggestions returned",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_mode(int $dictionary_link, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_personal": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-personal",
"purpose": "Set a file that contains personal wordlist",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_personal(int $dictionary_link, string $file)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_repl": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-repl",
"purpose": "Set a file that contains replacement pairs",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_repl(int $dictionary_link, string $file)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_runtogether": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-runtogether",
"purpose": "Consider run-together words as valid compounds",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_runtogether(int $dictionary_link, bool $flag)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_config_save_repl": {
"id": "function.pspell-config-save-repl",
"purpose": "Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist",
"prototype": "bool pspell_config_save_repl(int $dictionary_link, bool $flag)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_new_config": {
"id": "function.pspell-new-config",
"purpose": "Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config",
"prototype": "int pspell_new_config(int $config)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a dictionary link identifier on success. <\/p>"
"pspell_new_personal": {
"id": "function.pspell-new-personal",
"purpose": "Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist",
"prototype": "int pspell_new_personal(string $personal, string $language [, string $spelling = '' [, string $jargon = '' [, string $encoding = '' [, int $mode = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the dictionary link identifier for use in other pspell functions. <\/p>"
"pspell_new": {
"id": "function.pspell-new",
"purpose": "Load a new dictionary",
"prototype": "int pspell_new(string $language [, string $spelling = '' [, string $jargon = '' [, string $encoding = '' [, int $mode = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the dictionary link identifier on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_save_wordlist": {
"id": "function.pspell-save-wordlist",
"purpose": "Save the personal wordlist to a file",
"prototype": "bool pspell_save_wordlist(int $dictionary_link)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_store_replacement": {
"id": "function.pspell-store-replacement",
"purpose": "Store a replacement pair for a word",
"prototype": "bool pspell_store_replacement(int $dictionary_link, string $misspelled, string $correct)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pspell_suggest": {
"id": "function.pspell-suggest",
"purpose": "Suggest spellings of a word",
"prototype": "array pspell_suggest(int $dictionary_link, string $word)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of possible spellings. <\/p>"
"recode_file": {
"id": "function.recode-file",
"purpose": "Recode from file to file according to recode request",
"prototype": "bool recode_file(string $request, resource $input, resource $output)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, if unable to comply, <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"recode_string": {
"id": "function.recode-string",
"purpose": "Recode a string according to a recode request",
"prototype": "string recode_string(string $request, string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the recoded <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, if unable to perform the recode request. <\/p>"
"recode": {
"id": "function.recode",
"purpose": "Alias of recode_string",
"prototype": " recode()",
"return": ""
"exif_imagetype": {
"id": "function.exif-imagetype",
"purpose": "Determine the type of an image",
"prototype": "int exif_imagetype(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> When a correct signature is found, the appropriate constant value will be returned otherwise the return value is <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. The return value is the same value that <span class=\"function\">getimagesize<\/span> returns in index 2 but <span class=\"function\">exif_imagetype<\/span> is much faster. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">exif_imagetype<\/span> will emit an <strong><code>E_NOTICE<\/code><\/strong> and return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it is unable to read enough bytes from the file to determine the image type. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"exif_read_data": {
"id": "function.exif-read-data",
"purpose": "Reads the EXIF headers from JPEG or TIFF",
"prototype": "array exif_read_data(string $filename [, string $sections = '' [, bool $arrays = false [, bool $thumbnail = false]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> It returns an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> where the array indexes are the header names and the array values are the values associated with those headers. If no data can be returned, <span class=\"function\">exif_read_data<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"exif_tagname": {
"id": "function.exif-tagname",
"purpose": "Get the header name for an index",
"prototype": "string exif_tagname(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the header name, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code> is not a defined EXIF tag id. <\/p>"
"exif_thumbnail": {
"id": "function.exif-thumbnail",
"purpose": "Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of a TIFF or JPEG image",
"prototype": "string exif_thumbnail(string $filename [, int $width = '' [, int $height = '' [, int $imagetype = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the embedded thumbnail, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the image contains no thumbnail. <\/p>"
"read_exif_data": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of exif_read_data",
"prototype": " read_exif_data()",
"return": ""
"gd_info": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve information about the currently installed GD library",
"prototype": "array gd_info()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Elements of array returned by <span class=\"function\">gd_info<\/span><\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Attribute<\/th> <th>Meaning<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>GD Version<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span> value describing the installed <em>libgd<\/em> version.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>FreeType Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if FreeType Support is installed.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>FreeType Linkage<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span> value describing the way in which FreeType was linked. Expected values are: &#039;with freetype&#039;, &#039;with TTF library&#039;, and &#039;with unknown library&#039;. This element will only be defined if <em>FreeType Support<\/em> evaluated to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>T1Lib Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>T1Lib<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>GIF Read Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if support for <em class=\"emphasis\">reading<\/em> <em>GIF<\/em> images is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>GIF Create Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if support for <em class=\"emphasis\">creating<\/em> <em>GIF<\/em> images is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>JPEG Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>JPEG<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>PNG Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>PNG<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>WBMP Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>WBMP<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>XBM Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>XBM<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>WebP Support<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span> value. <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <em>WebP<\/em> support is included.<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Previous to PHP 5.3.0, the <em>JPEG Support<\/em> attribute was named <em>JPG Support<\/em>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"getimagesize": {
"id": "function.getimagesize",
"purpose": "Get the size of an image",
"prototype": "array getimagesize(string $filename [, array $imageinfo = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with up to 7 elements. Not all image types will include the <em>channels<\/em> and <em>bits<\/em> elements. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Index 0 and 1 contains respectively the width and the height of the image. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Some formats may contain no image or may contain multiple images. In these cases, <span class=\"function\">getimagesize<\/span> might not be able to properly determine the image size. <span class=\"function\">getimagesize<\/span> will return zero for width and height in these cases. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <p class=\"para\"> Index 2 is one of the <a href=\"image.constants.html\" class=\"link\">IMAGETYPE_XXX constants<\/a> indicating the type of the image. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Index 3 is a text string with the correct <em>height=&quot;yyy&quot; width=&quot;xxx&quot;<\/em> string that can be used directly in an <acronym class=\"acronym\">IMG<\/acronym> tag. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <em>mime<\/em> is the correspondant MIME type of the image. This information can be used to deliver images with the correct HTTP <em>Content-type<\/em> header: <div class=\"example\" id=\"example-11\"> <p><strong>Example # <span class=\"function\">getimagesize<\/span> and MIME types<\/strong><\/p> <div class=\"example-contents\"><div class=\"phpcode\"><code><span style=\"color: #000000\"><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">&lt;?php<br \/>$size&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">=&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">getimagesize<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$filename<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">);<br \/><\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$fp&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">=&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">fopen<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$filename<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">,&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">\"rb\"<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">);<br \/>if&nbsp;(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$size&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">&amp;&amp;&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$fp<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">)&nbsp;{<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">header<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">\"Content-type:&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">{<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$size<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">[<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">'mime'<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">]}<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">\"<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">);<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">fpassthru<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$fp<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">);<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exit;<br \/>}&nbsp;else&nbsp;{<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #FF8000\">\/\/&nbsp;error<br \/><\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">}<br \/><\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">?&gt;<\/span><\/span><\/code><\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <em>channels<\/em> will be 3 for RGB pictures and 4 for CMYK pictures. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <em>bits<\/em> is the number of bits for each color. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For some image types, the presence of <em>channels<\/em> and <em>bits<\/em> values can be a bit confusing. As an example, <acronym class=\"acronym\">GIF<\/acronym> always uses 3 channels per pixel, but the number of bits per pixel cannot be calculated for an animated <acronym class=\"acronym\">GIF<\/acronym> with a global color table. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> On failure, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"image_type_to_mime_type": {
"id": "function.image-type-to-mime-type",
"purpose": "Get Mime-Type for image-type returned by getimagesize, exif_read_data, exif_thumbnail, exif_imagetype",
"prototype": "string image_type_to_mime_type(int $imagetype)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The returned values are as follows <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Returned values Constants<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th><code class=\"parameter\">imagetype<\/code><\/th> <th>Returned value<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_GIF<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/gif<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_JPEG<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/jpeg<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_PNG<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/png<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_SWF<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>application\/x-shockwave-flash<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_PSD<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/psd<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_BMP<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/bmp<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II<\/code><\/strong> (intel byte order)<\/td> <td><em>image\/tiff<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td> <strong><code>IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM<\/code><\/strong> (motorola byte order) <\/td> <td><em>image\/tiff<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_JPC<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>application\/octet-stream<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_JP2<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/jp2<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_JPX<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>application\/octet-stream<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_JB2<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>application\/octet-stream<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_SWC<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>application\/x-shockwave-flash<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_IFF<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/iff<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_WBMP<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/vnd.wap.wbmp<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_XBM<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/xbm<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>IMAGETYPE_ICO<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td><em>image\/<\/em><\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"image2wbmp": {
"id": "function.image2wbmp",
"purpose": "Output image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool image2wbmp(resource $image [, string $filename = '' [, int $threshold = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagealphablending": {
"id": "function.imagealphablending",
"purpose": "Set the blending mode for an image",
"prototype": "bool imagealphablending(resource $image, bool $blendmode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageantialias": {
"id": "function.imageantialias",
"purpose": "Should antialias functions be used or not",
"prototype": "bool imageantialias(resource $image, bool $enabled)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagearc": {
"id": "function.imagearc",
"purpose": "Draws an arc",
"prototype": "bool imagearc(resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $start, int $end, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagechar": {
"id": "function.imagechar",
"purpose": "Draw a character horizontally",
"prototype": "bool imagechar(resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $c, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecharup": {
"id": "function.imagecharup",
"purpose": "Draw a character vertically",
"prototype": "bool imagecharup(resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $c, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecolorallocate": {
"id": "function.imagecolorallocate",
"purpose": "Allocate a color for an image",
"prototype": "int imagecolorallocate(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A color identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the allocation failed. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"imagecolorallocatealpha": {
"id": "function.imagecolorallocatealpha",
"purpose": "Allocate a color for an image",
"prototype": "int imagecolorallocatealpha(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A color identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the allocation failed. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"imagecolorat": {
"id": "function.imagecolorat",
"purpose": "Get the index of the color of a pixel",
"prototype": "int imagecolorat(resource $image, int $x, int $y)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the color. <\/p>"
"imagecolorclosest": {
"id": "function.imagecolorclosest",
"purpose": "Get the index of the closest color to the specified color",
"prototype": "int imagecolorclosest(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the closest color, in the palette of the image, to the specified one <\/p>"
"imagecolorclosestalpha": {
"id": "function.imagecolorclosestalpha",
"purpose": "Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha",
"prototype": "int imagecolorclosestalpha(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the closest color in the palette. <\/p>"
"imagecolorclosesthwb": {
"id": "function.imagecolorclosesthwb",
"purpose": "Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness",
"prototype": "int imagecolorclosesthwb(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an integer with the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness nearest the given color. <\/p>"
"imagecolordeallocate": {
"id": "function.imagecolordeallocate",
"purpose": "De-allocate a color for an image",
"prototype": "bool imagecolordeallocate(resource $image, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecolorexact": {
"id": "function.imagecolorexact",
"purpose": "Get the index of the specified color",
"prototype": "int imagecolorexact(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the specified color in the palette, or -1 if the color does not exist. <\/p>"
"imagecolorexactalpha": {
"id": "function.imagecolorexactalpha",
"purpose": "Get the index of the specified color + alpha",
"prototype": "int imagecolorexactalpha(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the specified color+alpha in the palette of the image, or -1 if the color does not exist in the image&#039;s palette. <\/p>"
"imagecolormatch": {
"id": "function.imagecolormatch",
"purpose": "Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version",
"prototype": "bool imagecolormatch(resource $image1, resource $image2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecolorresolve": {
"id": "function.imagecolorresolve",
"purpose": "Get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative",
"prototype": "int imagecolorresolve(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a color index. <\/p>"
"imagecolorresolvealpha": {
"id": "function.imagecolorresolvealpha",
"purpose": "Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative",
"prototype": "int imagecolorresolvealpha(resource $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a color index. <\/p>"
"imagecolorset": {
"id": "function.imagecolorset",
"purpose": "Set the color for the specified palette index",
"prototype": "void imagecolorset(resource $image, int $index, int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $alpha = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"imagecolorsforindex": {
"id": "function.imagecolorsforindex",
"purpose": "Get the colors for an index",
"prototype": "array imagecolorsforindex(resource $image, int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with red, green, blue and alpha keys that contain the appropriate values for the specified color index. <\/p>"
"imagecolorstotal": {
"id": "function.imagecolorstotal",
"purpose": "Find out the number of colors in an image's palette",
"prototype": "int imagecolorstotal(resource $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of colors in the specified image&#039;s palette or 0 for truecolor images. <\/p>"
"imagecolortransparent": {
"id": "function.imagecolortransparent",
"purpose": "Define a color as transparent",
"prototype": "int imagecolortransparent(resource $image [, int $color = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The identifier of the new (or current, if none is specified) transparent color is returned. If <code class=\"parameter\">color<\/code> is not specified, and the image has no transparent color, the returned identifier will be -1. <\/p>"
"imagecopy": {
"id": "function.imagecopy",
"purpose": "Copy part of an image",
"prototype": "bool imagecopy(resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecopymerge": {
"id": "function.imagecopymerge",
"purpose": "Copy and merge part of an image",
"prototype": "bool imagecopymerge(resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h, int $pct)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecopymergegray": {
"id": "function.imagecopymergegray",
"purpose": "Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale",
"prototype": "bool imagecopymergegray(resource $dst_im, resource $src_im, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_w, int $src_h, int $pct)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecopyresampled": {
"id": "function.imagecopyresampled",
"purpose": "Copy and resize part of an image with resampling",
"prototype": "bool imagecopyresampled(resource $dst_image, resource $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_w, int $dst_h, int $src_w, int $src_h)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecopyresized": {
"id": "function.imagecopyresized",
"purpose": "Copy and resize part of an image",
"prototype": "bool imagecopyresized(resource $dst_image, resource $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_w, int $dst_h, int $src_w, int $src_h)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecreate": {
"id": "function.imagecreate",
"purpose": "Create a new palette based image",
"prototype": "resource imagecreate(int $width, int $height)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromgd2": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromgd2",
"purpose": "Create a new image from GD2 file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromgd2(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromgd2part": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromgd2part",
"purpose": "Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromgd2part(string $filename, int $srcX, int $srcY, int $width, int $height)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromgd": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromgd",
"purpose": "Create a new image from GD file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromgd(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromgif": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromgif",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromgif(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromjpeg": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromjpeg",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromjpeg(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefrompng": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefrompng",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefrompng(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromstring": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromstring",
"purpose": "Create a new image from the image stream in the string",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromstring(string $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An image resource will be returned on success. <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned if the image type is unsupported, the data is not in a recognised format, or the image is corrupt and cannot be loaded. <\/p>"
"imagecreatefromwbmp": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromwbmp",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromwbmp(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromxbm": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromxbm",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromxbm(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatefromxpm": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromxpm",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromxpm(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecreatetruecolor": {
"id": "function.imagecreatetruecolor",
"purpose": "Create a new true color image",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatetruecolor(int $width, int $height)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagedashedline": {
"id": "function.imagedashedline",
"purpose": "Draw a dashed line",
"prototype": "bool imagedashedline(resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Always returns true <\/p>"
"imagedestroy": {
"id": "function.imagedestroy",
"purpose": "Destroy an image",
"prototype": "bool imagedestroy(resource $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageellipse": {
"id": "function.imageellipse",
"purpose": "Draw an ellipse",
"prototype": "bool imageellipse(resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefill": {
"id": "function.imagefill",
"purpose": "Flood fill",
"prototype": "bool imagefill(resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilledarc": {
"id": "function.imagefilledarc",
"purpose": "Draw a partial arc and fill it",
"prototype": "bool imagefilledarc(resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $start, int $end, int $color, int $style)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilledellipse": {
"id": "function.imagefilledellipse",
"purpose": "Draw a filled ellipse",
"prototype": "bool imagefilledellipse(resource $image, int $cx, int $cy, int $width, int $height, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilledpolygon": {
"id": "function.imagefilledpolygon",
"purpose": "Draw a filled polygon",
"prototype": "bool imagefilledpolygon(resource $image, array $points, int $num_points, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilledrectangle": {
"id": "function.imagefilledrectangle",
"purpose": "Draw a filled rectangle",
"prototype": "bool imagefilledrectangle(resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilltoborder": {
"id": "function.imagefilltoborder",
"purpose": "Flood fill to specific color",
"prototype": "bool imagefilltoborder(resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $border, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefontheight": {
"id": "function.imagefontheight",
"purpose": "Get font height",
"prototype": "int imagefontheight(int $font)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the pixel height of the font. <\/p>"
"imagefontwidth": {
"id": "function.imagefontwidth",
"purpose": "Get font width",
"prototype": "int imagefontwidth(int $font)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the pixel width of the font. <\/p>"
"imageftbbox": {
"id": "function.imageftbbox",
"purpose": "Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2",
"prototype": "array imageftbbox(float $size, float $angle, string $fontfile, string $text [, array $extrainfo = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">imageftbbox<\/span> returns an array with 8 elements representing four points making the bounding box of the text: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>lower left corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>lower left corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>lower right corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>lower right corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>4<\/td> <td>upper right corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>5<\/td> <td>upper right corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>6<\/td> <td>upper left corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>7<\/td> <td>upper left corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The points are relative to the <em class=\"emphasis\">text<\/em> regardless of the <code class=\"parameter\">angle<\/code>, so &quot;upper left&quot; means in the top left-hand corner seeing the text horizontally. <\/p>"
"imagefttext": {
"id": "function.imagefttext",
"purpose": "Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2",
"prototype": "array imagefttext(resource $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $fontfile, string $text [, array $extrainfo = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns an array defining the four points of the box, starting in the lower left and moving counter-clockwise: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>lower left x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>lower left y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>lower right x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>lower right y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>4<\/td> <td>upper right x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>5<\/td> <td>upper right y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>6<\/td> <td>upper left x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>7<\/td> <td>upper left y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"imagegammacorrect": {
"id": "function.imagegammacorrect",
"purpose": "Apply a gamma correction to a GD image",
"prototype": "bool imagegammacorrect(resource $image, float $inputgamma, float $outputgamma)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagegd2": {
"id": "function.imagegd2",
"purpose": "Output GD2 image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagegd2(resource $image [, string $filename = '' [, int $chunk_size = '' [, int $type = IMG_GD2_RAW]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagegd": {
"id": "function.imagegd",
"purpose": "Output GD image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagegd(resource $image [, string $filename = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagegif": {
"id": "function.imagegif",
"purpose": "Output image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagegif(resource $image [, string $filename = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageinterlace": {
"id": "function.imageinterlace",
"purpose": "Enable or disable interlace",
"prototype": "int imageinterlace(resource $image [, int $interlace = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 1 if the interlace bit is set for the image, 0 otherwise. <\/p>"
"imageistruecolor": {
"id": "function.imageistruecolor",
"purpose": "Finds whether an image is a truecolor image",
"prototype": "bool imageistruecolor(resource $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the <code class=\"parameter\">image<\/code> is truecolor, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"imagejpeg": {
"id": "function.imagejpeg",
"purpose": "Output image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagejpeg(resource $image [, string $filename = '' [, int $quality = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagelayereffect": {
"id": "function.imagelayereffect",
"purpose": "Set the alpha blending flag to use the bundled libgd layering effects",
"prototype": "bool imagelayereffect(resource $image, int $effect)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageline": {
"id": "function.imageline",
"purpose": "Draw a line",
"prototype": "bool imageline(resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageloadfont": {
"id": "function.imageloadfont",
"purpose": "Load a new font",
"prototype": "int imageloadfont(string $file)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The font identifier which is always bigger than 5 to avoid conflicts with built-in fonts or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"imagepalettecopy": {
"id": "function.imagepalettecopy",
"purpose": "Copy the palette from one image to another",
"prototype": "void imagepalettecopy(resource $destination, resource $source)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"imagepng": {
"id": "function.imagepng",
"purpose": "Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file",
"prototype": "bool imagepng(resource $image [, string $filename = '' [, int $quality = '' [, int $filters = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepolygon": {
"id": "function.imagepolygon",
"purpose": "Draws a polygon",
"prototype": "bool imagepolygon(resource $image, array $points, int $num_points, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepsbbox": {
"id": "function.imagepsbbox",
"purpose": "Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts",
"prototype": "array imagepsbbox(string $text, resource $font, int $size, int $space, int $tightness, float $angle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the following elements: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>left x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>upper y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>right x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>lower y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"imagepsencodefont": {
"id": "function.imagepsencodefont",
"purpose": "Change the character encoding vector of a font",
"prototype": "bool imagepsencodefont(resource $font_index, string $encodingfile)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepsextendfont": {
"id": "function.imagepsextendfont",
"purpose": "Extend or condense a font",
"prototype": "bool imagepsextendfont(resource $font_index, float $extend)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepsfreefont": {
"id": "function.imagepsfreefont",
"purpose": "Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font",
"prototype": "bool imagepsfreefont(resource $font_index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepsloadfont": {
"id": "function.imagepsloadfont",
"purpose": "Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file",
"prototype": "resource imagepsloadfont(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> In the case everything went right, a valid font index will be returned and can be used for further purposes. Otherwise the function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"imagepsslantfont": {
"id": "function.imagepsslantfont",
"purpose": "Slant a font",
"prototype": "bool imagepsslantfont(resource $font_index, float $slant)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepstext": {
"id": "function.imagepstext",
"purpose": "Draws a text over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts",
"prototype": "array imagepstext(resource $image, string $text, resource $font_index, int $size, int $foreground, int $background, int $x, int $y [, int $space = '' [, int $tightness = '' [, float $angle = 0.0 [, int $antialias_steps = 4]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns an array containing the following elements: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>lower left x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>lower left y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>upper right x-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>upper right y-coordinate<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"imagerectangle": {
"id": "function.imagerectangle",
"purpose": "Draw a rectangle",
"prototype": "bool imagerectangle(resource $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagerotate": {
"id": "function.imagerotate",
"purpose": "Rotate an image with a given angle",
"prototype": "resource imagerotate(resource $image, float $angle, int $bgd_color [, int $ignore_transparent = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an image resource for the rotated image, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesavealpha": {
"id": "function.imagesavealpha",
"purpose": "Set the flag to save full alpha channel information (as opposed to single-color transparency) when saving PNG images",
"prototype": "bool imagesavealpha(resource $image, bool $saveflag)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesetbrush": {
"id": "function.imagesetbrush",
"purpose": "Set the brush image for line drawing",
"prototype": "bool imagesetbrush(resource $image, resource $brush)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesetpixel": {
"id": "function.imagesetpixel",
"purpose": "Set a single pixel",
"prototype": "bool imagesetpixel(resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesetstyle": {
"id": "function.imagesetstyle",
"purpose": "Set the style for line drawing",
"prototype": "bool imagesetstyle(resource $image, array $style)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesetthickness": {
"id": "function.imagesetthickness",
"purpose": "Set the thickness for line drawing",
"prototype": "bool imagesetthickness(resource $image, int $thickness)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesettile": {
"id": "function.imagesettile",
"purpose": "Set the tile image for filling",
"prototype": "bool imagesettile(resource $image, resource $tile)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagestring": {
"id": "function.imagestring",
"purpose": "Draw a string horizontally",
"prototype": "bool imagestring(resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagestringup": {
"id": "function.imagestringup",
"purpose": "Draw a string vertically",
"prototype": "bool imagestringup(resource $image, int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesx": {
"id": "function.imagesx",
"purpose": "Get image width",
"prototype": "int imagesx(resource $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the width of the <code class=\"parameter\">image<\/code> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"imagesy": {
"id": "function.imagesy",
"purpose": "Get image height",
"prototype": "int imagesy(resource $image)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the height of the <code class=\"parameter\">image<\/code> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"imagetruecolortopalette": {
"id": "function.imagetruecolortopalette",
"purpose": "Convert a true color image to a palette image",
"prototype": "bool imagetruecolortopalette(resource $image, bool $dither, int $ncolors)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagettfbbox": {
"id": "function.imagettfbbox",
"purpose": "Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts",
"prototype": "array imagettfbbox(float $size, float $angle, string $fontfile, string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">imagettfbbox<\/span> returns an array with 8 elements representing four points making the bounding box of the text on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>key<\/th> <th>contents<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>lower left corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>lower left corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>lower right corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>3<\/td> <td>lower right corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>4<\/td> <td>upper right corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>5<\/td> <td>upper right corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>6<\/td> <td>upper left corner, X position<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>7<\/td> <td>upper left corner, Y position<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The points are relative to the <em class=\"emphasis\">text<\/em> regardless of the <code class=\"parameter\">angle<\/code>, so &quot;upper left&quot; means in the top left-hand corner seeing the text horizontally. <\/p>"
"imagettftext": {
"id": "function.imagettftext",
"purpose": "Write text to the image using TrueType fonts",
"prototype": "array imagettftext(resource $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $fontfile, string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with 8 elements representing four points making the bounding box of the text. The order of the points is lower left, lower right, upper right, upper left. The points are relative to the text regardless of the angle, so &quot;upper left&quot; means in the top left-hand corner when you see the text horizontally. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"imagetypes": {
"id": "function.imagetypes",
"purpose": "Return the image types supported by this PHP build",
"prototype": "int imagetypes()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a bit-field corresponding to the image formats supported by the version of GD linked into PHP. The following bits are returned, <strong><code>IMG_GIF<\/code><\/strong> | <strong><code>IMG_JPG<\/code><\/strong> | <strong><code>IMG_PNG<\/code><\/strong> | <strong><code>IMG_WBMP<\/code><\/strong> | <strong><code>IMG_XPM<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"imagewbmp": {
"id": "function.imagewbmp",
"purpose": "Output image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagewbmp(resource $image [, string $filename = '' [, int $foreground = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"iptcembed": {
"id": "function.iptcembed",
"purpose": "Embeds binary IPTC data into a JPEG image",
"prototype": "mixed iptcembed(string $iptcdata, string $jpeg_file_name [, int $spool = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">spool<\/code> is less than 2, the JPEG will be returned, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. Otherwise returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"iptcparse": {
"id": "function.iptcparse",
"purpose": "Parse a binary IPTC block into single tags.",
"prototype": "array iptcparse(string $iptcblock)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array using the tagmarker as an index and the value as the value. It returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error or if no IPTC data was found. <\/p>"
"jpeg2wbmp": {
"id": "function.jpeg2wbmp",
"purpose": "Convert JPEG image file to WBMP image file",
"prototype": "bool jpeg2wbmp(string $jpegname, string $wbmpname, int $dest_height, int $dest_width, int $threshold)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"png2wbmp": {
"id": "function.png2wbmp",
"purpose": "Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file",
"prototype": "bool png2wbmp(string $pngname, string $wbmpname, int $dest_height, int $dest_width, int $threshold)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_8bit": {
"id": "function.imap-8bit",
"purpose": "Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string",
"prototype": "string imap_8bit(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a quoted-printable string. <\/p>"
"imap_alerts": {
"id": "function.imap-alerts",
"purpose": "Returns all IMAP alert messages that have occurred",
"prototype": "array imap_alerts()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of all of the IMAP alert messages generated or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no alert messages are available. <\/p>"
"imap_append": {
"id": "function.imap-append",
"purpose": "Append a string message to a specified mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_append(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, string $message [, string $options = '' [, string $internal_date = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_base64": {
"id": "function.imap-base64",
"purpose": "Decode BASE64 encoded text",
"prototype": "string imap_base64(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the decoded message as a string. <\/p>"
"imap_binary": {
"id": "function.imap-binary",
"purpose": "Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string",
"prototype": "string imap_binary(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a base64 encoded string. <\/p>"
"imap_body": {
"id": "function.imap-body",
"purpose": "Read the message body",
"prototype": "string imap_body(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the body of the specified message, as a string. <\/p>"
"imap_bodystruct": {
"id": "function.imap-bodystruct",
"purpose": "Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message",
"prototype": "object imap_bodystruct(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number, string $section)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the information in an object, for a detailed description of the object structure and properties see <span class=\"function\">imap_fetchstructure<\/span>. <\/p>"
"imap_check": {
"id": "function.imap-check",
"purpose": "Check current mailbox",
"prototype": "object imap_check(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the information in an object with following properties: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>Date<\/code><\/strong> - current system time formatted according to <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc2822\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC2822<\/a> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>Driver<\/code><\/strong> - protocol used to access this mailbox: <acronym class=\"acronym\">POP3<\/acronym>, <acronym class=\"acronym\">IMAP<\/acronym>, <acronym class=\"acronym\">NNTP<\/acronym> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>Mailbox<\/code><\/strong> - the mailbox name <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>Nmsgs<\/code><\/strong> - number of messages in the mailbox <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>Recent<\/code><\/strong> - number of recent messages in the mailbox <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_clearflag_full": {
"id": "function.imap-clearflag-full",
"purpose": "Clears flags on messages",
"prototype": "bool imap_clearflag_full(resource $imap_stream, string $sequence, string $flag [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_close": {
"id": "function.imap-close",
"purpose": "Close an IMAP stream",
"prototype": "bool imap_close(resource $imap_stream [, int $flag = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_create": {
"id": "function.imap-create",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_createmailbox",
"prototype": " imap_create()",
"return": ""
"imap_createmailbox": {
"id": "function.imap-createmailbox",
"purpose": "Create a new mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_createmailbox(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_delete": {
"id": "function.imap-delete",
"purpose": "Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_delete(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"imap_deletemailbox": {
"id": "function.imap-deletemailbox",
"purpose": "Delete a mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_deletemailbox(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_errors": {
"id": "function.imap-errors",
"purpose": "Returns all of the IMAP errors that have occurred",
"prototype": "array imap_errors()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns an array of all of the IMAP error messages generated since the last <span class=\"function\">imap_errors<\/span> call, or the beginning of the page. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no error messages are available. <\/p>"
"imap_expunge": {
"id": "function.imap-expunge",
"purpose": "Delete all messages marked for deletion",
"prototype": "bool imap_expunge(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"imap_fetch_overview": {
"id": "function.imap-fetch-overview",
"purpose": "Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message",
"prototype": "array imap_fetch_overview(resource $imap_stream, string $sequence [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of objects describing one message header each. The object will only define a property if it exists. The possible properties are: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>subject<\/em> - the messages subject <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>from<\/em> - who sent it <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>to<\/em> - recipient <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>date<\/em> - when was it sent <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>message_id<\/em> - Message-ID <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>references<\/em> - is a reference to this message id <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>in_reply_to<\/em> - is a reply to this message id <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>size<\/em> - size in bytes <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>uid<\/em> - UID the message has in the mailbox <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>msgno<\/em> - message sequence number in the mailbox <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>recent<\/em> - this message is flagged as recent <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>flagged<\/em> - this message is flagged <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>answered<\/em> - this message is flagged as answered <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>deleted<\/em> - this message is flagged for deletion <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>seen<\/em> - this message is flagged as already read <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>draft<\/em> - this message is flagged as being a draft <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_fetchbody": {
"id": "function.imap-fetchbody",
"purpose": "Fetch a particular section of the body of the message",
"prototype": "string imap_fetchbody(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number, string $section [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a particular section of the body of the specified messages as a text string. <\/p>"
"imap_fetchheader": {
"id": "function.imap-fetchheader",
"purpose": "Returns header for a message",
"prototype": "string imap_fetchheader(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the header of the specified message as a text string. <\/p>"
"imap_fetchstructure": {
"id": "function.imap-fetchstructure",
"purpose": "Read the structure of a particular message",
"prototype": "object imap_fetchstructure(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an object includes the envelope, internal date, size, flags and body structure along with a similar object for each mime attachment. The structure of the returned objects is as follows: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong> Returned Objects for <span class=\"function\">imap_fetchstructure<\/span> <\/strong><\/caption> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>type<\/td> <td>Primary body type<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>encoding<\/td> <td>Body transfer encoding<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifsubtype<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there is a subtype string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>subtype<\/td> <td><acronym class=\"acronym\">MIME<\/acronym> subtype<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifdescription<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there is a description string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>description<\/td> <td>Content description string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifid<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there is an identification string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>id<\/td> <td>Identification string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>lines<\/td> <td>Number of lines<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>bytes<\/td> <td>Number of bytes<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifdisposition<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if there is a disposition string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>disposition<\/td> <td>Disposition string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifdparameters<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the <var class=\"varname\">dparameters<\/var> array exists<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>dparameters<\/td> <td>An array of objects where each object has an <em>&quot;attribute&quot;<\/em> and a <em>&quot;value&quot;<\/em> property corresponding to the parameters on the <em>Content-disposition<\/em> <acronym class=\"acronym\">MIME<\/acronym> header.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ifparameters<\/td> <td><strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the parameters array exists<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>parameters<\/td> <td>An array of objects where each object has an <em>&quot;attribute&quot;<\/em> and a <em>&quot;value&quot;<\/em> property.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>parts<\/td> <td>An array of objects identical in structure to the top-level object, each of which corresponds to a <acronym class=\"acronym\">MIME<\/acronym> body part.<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Primary body type (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended)<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr><th>Value<\/th><th>Type<\/th><th>Constant<\/th><\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr><td>0<\/td><td>text<\/td><td>TYPETEXT<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>1<\/td><td>multipart<\/td><td>TYPEMULTIPART<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>2<\/td><td>message<\/td><td>TYPEMESSAGE<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>3<\/td><td>application<\/td><td>TYPEAPPLICATION<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>4<\/td><td>audio<\/td><td>TYPEAUDIO<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>5<\/td><td>image<\/td><td>TYPEIMAGE<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>6<\/td><td>video<\/td><td>TYPEVIDEO<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>7<\/td><td>model<\/td><td>TYPEMODEL<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>8<\/td><td>other<\/td><td>TYPEOTHER<\/td><\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Transfer encodings (value may vary with used library, use of constants is recommended)<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr><th>Value<\/th><th>Type<\/th><th>Constant<\/th><\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr><td>0<\/td><td>7bit<\/td><td>ENC7BIT<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>1<\/td><td>8bit<\/td><td>ENC8BIT<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>2<\/td><td>Binary<\/td><td>ENCBINARY<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>3<\/td><td>Base64<\/td><td>ENCBASE64<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>4<\/td><td>Quoted-Printable<\/td><td>ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE<\/td><\/tr> <tr><td>5<\/td><td>other<\/td><td>ENCOTHER<\/td><\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"imap_fetchtext": {
"id": "function.imap-fetchtext",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_body",
"prototype": " imap_fetchtext()",
"return": ""
"imap_get_quota": {
"id": "function.imap-get-quota",
"purpose": "Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox",
"prototype": "array imap_get_quota(resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with integer values limit and usage for the given mailbox. The value of limit represents the total amount of space allowed for this mailbox. The usage value represents the mailboxes current level of capacity. Will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in the case of failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> As of PHP 4.3, the function more properly reflects the functionality as dictated by the <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc2087\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC2087<\/a>. The array return value has changed to support an unlimited number of returned resources (i.e. messages, or sub-folders) with each named resource receiving an individual array key. Each key value then contains an another array with the usage and limit values within it. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For backwards compatibility reasons, the original access methods are still available for use, although it is suggested to update. <\/p>"
"imap_get_quotaroot": {
"id": "function.imap-get-quotaroot",
"purpose": "Retrieve the quota settings per user",
"prototype": "array imap_get_quotaroot(resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of integer values pertaining to the specified user mailbox. All values contain a key based upon the resource name, and a corresponding array with the usage and limit values within. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> This function will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in the case of call failure, and an array of information about the connection upon an un-parsable response from the server. <\/p>"
"imap_getmailboxes": {
"id": "function.imap-getmailboxes",
"purpose": "Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one",
"prototype": "array imap_getmailboxes(resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code>, specifying the full name of the mailbox; <code class=\"parameter\">delimiter<\/code>, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and <code class=\"parameter\">attributes<\/code>. <code class=\"parameter\">Attributes<\/code> is a bitmask that can be tested against: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>LATT_NOINFERIORS<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox contains, and may not contain any &quot;children&quot; (there are no mailboxes below this one). Calling <span class=\"function\">imap_createmailbox<\/span> will not work on this mailbox. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>LATT_NOSELECT<\/code><\/strong> - This is only a container, not a mailbox - you cannot open it. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>LATT_MARKED<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox is marked. This means that it may contain new messages since the last time it was checked. Not provided by all IMAP servers. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>LATT_UNMARKED<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox is not marked, does not contain new messages. If either <strong><code>MARKED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>UNMARKED<\/code><\/strong> is provided, you can assume the IMAP server supports this feature for this mailbox. <\/p> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_getsubscribed": {
"id": "function.imap-getsubscribed",
"purpose": "List all the subscribed mailboxes",
"prototype": "array imap_getsubscribed(resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code>, specifying the full name of the mailbox; <code class=\"parameter\">delimiter<\/code>, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and <code class=\"parameter\">attributes<\/code>. <code class=\"parameter\">Attributes<\/code> is a bitmask that can be tested against: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>LATT_NOINFERIORS<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox has no &quot;children&quot; (there are no mailboxes below this one). <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>LATT_NOSELECT<\/code><\/strong> - This is only a container, not a mailbox - you cannot open it. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>LATT_MARKED<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox is marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>LATT_UNMARKED<\/code><\/strong> - This mailbox is not marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD. <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_header": {
"id": "function.imap-header",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_headerinfo",
"prototype": " imap_header()",
"return": ""
"imap_headerinfo": {
"id": "function.imap-headerinfo",
"purpose": "Read the header of the message",
"prototype": "object imap_headerinfo(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $fromlength = '' [, int $subjectlength = '' [, string $defaulthost = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the information in an object with following properties: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> toaddress - full to: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> to - an array of objects from the To: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> fromaddress - full from: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> from - an array of objects from the From: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> ccaddress - full cc: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> cc - an array of objects from the Cc: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> bccaddress - full bcc: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> bcc - an array of objects from the Bcc: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> reply_toaddress - full Reply-To: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> reply_to - an array of objects from the Reply-To: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> senderaddress - full sender: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> sender - an array of objects from the Sender: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> return_pathaddress - full Return-Path: line, up to 1024 characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> return_path - an array of objects from the Return-Path: line, with the following properties: <em>personal<\/em>, <em>adl<\/em>, <em>mailbox<\/em>, and <em>host<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> remail - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> date - The message date as found in its headers <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Date - Same as date <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> subject - The message subject <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Subject - Same as subject <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> in_reply_to - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> message_id - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> newsgroups - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> followup_to - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> references - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Recent - <em>R<\/em> if recent and seen, <em>N<\/em> if recent and not seen, &#039; &#039; if not recent. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Unseen - <em>U<\/em> if not seen AND not recent, &#039; &#039; if seen OR not seen and recent <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Flagged - <em>F<\/em> if flagged, &#039; &#039; if not flagged <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Answered - <em>A<\/em> if answered, &#039; &#039; if unanswered <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Deleted - <em>D<\/em> if deleted, &#039; &#039; if not deleted <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Draft - <em>X<\/em> if draft, &#039; &#039; if not draft <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Msgno - The message number <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> MailDate - <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> Size - The message size <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> udate - mail message date in Unix time <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> fetchfrom - from line formatted to fit <code class=\"parameter\">fromlength<\/code> characters <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> fetchsubject - subject line formatted to fit <code class=\"parameter\">subjectlength<\/code> characters <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_headers": {
"id": "function.imap-headers",
"purpose": "Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox",
"prototype": "array imap_headers(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of string formatted with header info. One element per mail message. <\/p>"
"imap_last_error": {
"id": "function.imap-last-error",
"purpose": "Gets the last IMAP error that occurred during this page request",
"prototype": "string imap_last_error()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the full text of the last IMAP error message that occurred on the current page. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no error messages are available. <\/p>"
"imap_list": {
"id": "function.imap-list",
"purpose": "Read the list of mailboxes",
"prototype": "array imap_list(resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the names of the mailboxes. <\/p>"
"imap_listmailbox": {
"id": "function.imap-listmailbox",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_list",
"prototype": " imap_listmailbox()",
"return": ""
"imap_listscan": {
"id": "function.imap-listscan",
"purpose": "Returns the list of mailboxes that matches the given text",
"prototype": "array imap_listscan(resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern, string $content)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the names of the mailboxes that have <code class=\"parameter\">content<\/code> in the text of the mailbox. <\/p>"
"imap_listsubscribed": {
"id": "function.imap-listsubscribed",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_lsub",
"prototype": " imap_listsubscribed()",
"return": ""
"imap_lsub": {
"id": "function.imap-lsub",
"purpose": "List all the subscribed mailboxes",
"prototype": "array imap_lsub(resource $imap_stream, string $ref, string $pattern)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of all the subscribed mailboxes. <\/p>"
"imap_mail_compose": {
"id": "function.imap-mail-compose",
"purpose": "Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections",
"prototype": "string imap_mail_compose(array $envelope, array $body)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the MIME message. <\/p>"
"imap_mail_copy": {
"id": "function.imap-mail-copy",
"purpose": "Copy specified messages to a mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_mail_copy(resource $imap_stream, string $msglist, string $mailbox [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_mail_move": {
"id": "function.imap-mail-move",
"purpose": "Move specified messages to a mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_mail_move(resource $imap_stream, string $msglist, string $mailbox [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_mail": {
"id": "function.imap-mail",
"purpose": "Send an email message",
"prototype": "bool imap_mail(string $to, string $subject, string $message [, string $additional_headers = '' [, string $cc = '' [, string $bcc = '' [, string $rpath = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_mailboxmsginfo": {
"id": "function.imap-mailboxmsginfo",
"purpose": "Get information about the current mailbox",
"prototype": "object imap_mailboxmsginfo(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the information in an object with following properties: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Mailbox properties<\/strong><\/caption> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>Date<\/td> <td>date of last change (current datetime)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Driver<\/td> <td>driver<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Mailbox<\/td> <td>name of the mailbox<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Nmsgs<\/td> <td>number of messages<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Recent<\/td> <td>number of recent messages<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Unread<\/td> <td>number of unread messages<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Deleted<\/td> <td>number of deleted messages<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Size<\/td> <td>mailbox size<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_mime_header_decode": {
"id": "function.imap-mime-header-decode",
"purpose": "Decode MIME header elements",
"prototype": "array imap_mime_header_decode(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decoded elements are returned in an array of objects, where each object has two properties, <em>charset<\/em> and <em>text<\/em>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the element hasn&#039;t been encoded, and in other words is in plain US-ASCII, the <em>charset<\/em> property of that element is set to <em>default<\/em>. <\/p>"
"imap_msgno": {
"id": "function.imap-msgno",
"purpose": "Gets the message sequence number for the given UID",
"prototype": "int imap_msgno(resource $imap_stream, int $uid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the message sequence number for the given <code class=\"parameter\">uid<\/code>. <\/p>"
"imap_num_msg": {
"id": "function.imap-num-msg",
"purpose": "Gets the number of messages in the current mailbox",
"prototype": "int imap_num_msg(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the number of messages in the current mailbox, as an integer. <\/p>"
"imap_num_recent": {
"id": "function.imap-num-recent",
"purpose": "Gets the number of recent messages in current mailbox",
"prototype": "int imap_num_recent(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of recent messages in the current mailbox, as an integer. <\/p>"
"imap_open": {
"id": "function.imap-open",
"purpose": "Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox",
"prototype": "resource imap_open(string $mailbox, string $username, string $password [, int $options = '' [, int $n_retries = '' [, array $params = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an IMAP stream on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"imap_ping": {
"id": "function.imap-ping",
"purpose": "Check if the IMAP stream is still active",
"prototype": "bool imap_ping(resource $imap_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the stream is still alive, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"imap_qprint": {
"id": "function.imap-qprint",
"purpose": "Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string",
"prototype": "string imap_qprint(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an 8 bits string. <\/p>"
"imap_rename": {
"id": "function.imap-rename",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_renamemailbox",
"prototype": " imap_rename()",
"return": ""
"imap_renamemailbox": {
"id": "function.imap-renamemailbox",
"purpose": "Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_renamemailbox(resource $imap_stream, string $old_mbox, string $new_mbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_reopen": {
"id": "function.imap-reopen",
"purpose": "Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_reopen(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox [, int $options = '' [, int $n_retries = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the stream is reopened, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist": {
"id": "function.imap-rfc822-parse-adrlist",
"purpose": "Parses an address string",
"prototype": "array imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(string $address, string $default_host)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of objects. The objects properties are: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> mailbox - the mailbox name (username) <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> host - the host name <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> personal - the personal name <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> adl - at domain source route <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_rfc822_parse_headers": {
"id": "function.imap-rfc822-parse-headers",
"purpose": "Parse mail headers from a string",
"prototype": "object imap_rfc822_parse_headers(string $headers [, string $defaulthost = \"UNKNOWN\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an object similar to the one returned by <span class=\"function\">imap_header<\/span>, except for the flags and other properties that come from the IMAP server. <\/p>"
"imap_rfc822_write_address": {
"id": "function.imap-rfc822-write-address",
"purpose": "Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info",
"prototype": "string imap_rfc822_write_address(string $mailbox, string $host, string $personal)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string properly formatted email address as defined in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc2822\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC2822<\/a>. <\/p>"
"imap_scan": {
"id": "function.imap-scan",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_listscan",
"prototype": " imap_scan()",
"return": ""
"imap_scanmailbox": {
"id": "function.imap-scanmailbox",
"purpose": "Alias of imap_listscan",
"prototype": " imap_scanmailbox()",
"return": ""
"imap_search": {
"id": "function.imap-search",
"purpose": "This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria",
"prototype": "array imap_search(resource $imap_stream, string $criteria [, int $options = SE_FREE [, string $charset = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of message numbers or UIDs. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it does not understand the search <code class=\"parameter\">criteria<\/code> or no messages have been found. <\/p>"
"imap_set_quota": {
"id": "function.imap-set-quota",
"purpose": "Sets a quota for a given mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_set_quota(resource $imap_stream, string $quota_root, int $quota_limit)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_setacl": {
"id": "function.imap-setacl",
"purpose": "Sets the ACL for a given mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_setacl(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, string $id, string $rights)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_setflag_full": {
"id": "function.imap-setflag-full",
"purpose": "Sets flags on messages",
"prototype": "bool imap_setflag_full(resource $imap_stream, string $sequence, string $flag [, int $options = NIL])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_sort": {
"id": "function.imap-sort",
"purpose": "Gets and sort messages",
"prototype": "array imap_sort(resource $imap_stream, int $criteria, int $reverse [, int $options = '' [, string $search_criteria = '' [, string $charset = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of message numbers sorted by the given parameters. <\/p>"
"imap_status": {
"id": "function.imap-status",
"purpose": "Returns status information on a mailbox",
"prototype": "object imap_status(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox, int $options)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns an object containing status information. The object has the following properties: <em>messages<\/em>, <em>recent<\/em>, <em>unseen<\/em>, <em>uidnext<\/em>, and <em>uidvalidity<\/em>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <em>flags<\/em> is also set, which contains a bitmask which can be checked against any of the above constants. <\/p>"
"imap_subscribe": {
"id": "function.imap-subscribe",
"purpose": "Subscribe to a mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_subscribe(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_thread": {
"id": "function.imap-thread",
"purpose": "Returns a tree of threaded message",
"prototype": "array imap_thread(resource $imap_stream [, int $options = SE_FREE])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">imap_thread<\/span> returns an associative array containing a tree of messages threaded by <em>REFERENCES<\/em>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Every message in the current mailbox will be represented by three entries in the resulting array: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><p class=\"para\"> <var class=\"varname\">$thread[&quot;XX.num&quot;]<\/var> - current message number <\/p><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><p class=\"para\"> <var class=\"varname\">$thread[&quot;;]<\/var> <\/p><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><p class=\"para\"> <var class=\"varname\">$thread[&quot;XX.branch&quot;]<\/var> <\/p><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"imap_timeout": {
"id": "function.imap-timeout",
"purpose": "Set or fetch imap timeout",
"prototype": "mixed imap_timeout(int $timeout_type [, int $timeout = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">timeout<\/code> parameter is set, this function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">timeout<\/code> is not provided or evaluates to -1, the current timeout value of <code class=\"parameter\">timeout_type<\/code> is returned as an integer. <\/p>"
"imap_uid": {
"id": "function.imap-uid",
"purpose": "This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number",
"prototype": "int imap_uid(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The UID of the given message. <\/p>"
"imap_undelete": {
"id": "function.imap-undelete",
"purpose": "Unmark the message which is marked deleted",
"prototype": "bool imap_undelete(resource $imap_stream, int $msg_number [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_unsubscribe": {
"id": "function.imap-unsubscribe",
"purpose": "Unsubscribe from a mailbox",
"prototype": "bool imap_unsubscribe(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_utf7_decode": {
"id": "function.imap-utf7-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string",
"prototype": "string imap_utf7_decode(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string that is encoded in ISO-8859-1 and consists of the same sequence of characters in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> contains invalid modified UTF-7 sequence or <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> contains a character that is not part of ISO-8859-1 character set. <\/p>"
"imap_utf7_encode": {
"id": "function.imap-utf7-encode",
"purpose": "Converts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text",
"prototype": "string imap_utf7_encode(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code> encoded with the modified UTF-7 encoding as defined in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc2060\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC 2060<\/a>, section 5.1.3 (original UTF-7 was defined in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc1642\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC1642<\/a>). <\/p>"
"imap_utf8": {
"id": "function.imap-utf8",
"purpose": "Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8",
"prototype": "string imap_utf8(string $mime_encoded_text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an UTF-8 encoded string. <\/p>"
"ezmlm_hash": {
"id": "function.ezmlm-hash",
"purpose": "Calculate the hash value needed by EZMLM",
"prototype": "int ezmlm_hash(string $addr)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The hash value of <code class=\"parameter\">addr<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mail": {
"id": "function.mail",
"purpose": "Send mail",
"prototype": "bool mail(string $to, string $subject, string $message [, string $additional_headers = '' [, string $additional_parameters = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the mail was successfully accepted for delivery, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> It is important to note that just because the mail was accepted for delivery, it does NOT mean the mail will actually reach the intended destination. <\/p>"
"bcadd": {
"id": "function.bcadd",
"purpose": "Add two arbitrary precision numbers",
"prototype": "string bcadd(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The sum of the two operands, as a string. <\/p>"
"bccomp": {
"id": "function.bccomp",
"purpose": "Compare two arbitrary precision numbers",
"prototype": "int bccomp(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 0 if the two operands are equal, 1 if the <code class=\"parameter\">left_operand<\/code> is larger than the <code class=\"parameter\">right_operand<\/code>, -1 otherwise. <\/p>"
"bcdiv": {
"id": "function.bcdiv",
"purpose": "Divide two arbitrary precision numbers",
"prototype": "string bcdiv(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result of the division as a string, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">right_operand<\/code> is 0. <\/p>"
"bcmod": {
"id": "function.bcmod",
"purpose": "Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number",
"prototype": "string bcmod(string $left_operand, string $modulus)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the modulus as a string, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">modulus<\/code> is 0. <\/p>"
"bcmul": {
"id": "function.bcmul",
"purpose": "Multiply two arbitrary precision numbers",
"prototype": "string bcmul(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result as a string. <\/p>"
"bcpow": {
"id": "function.bcpow",
"purpose": "Raise an arbitrary precision number to another",
"prototype": "string bcpow(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result as a string. <\/p>"
"bcscale": {
"id": "function.bcscale",
"purpose": "Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions",
"prototype": "bool bcscale(int $scale)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"bcsqrt": {
"id": "function.bcsqrt",
"purpose": "Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number",
"prototype": "string bcsqrt(string $operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the square root as a string, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">operand<\/code> is negative. <\/p>"
"bcsub": {
"id": "function.bcsub",
"purpose": "Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another",
"prototype": "string bcsub(string $left_operand, string $right_operand [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The result of the subtraction, as a string. <\/p>"
"gmp_abs": {
"id": "function.gmp-abs",
"purpose": "Absolute value",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_abs(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the absolute value of <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code>, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_add": {
"id": "function.gmp-add",
"purpose": "Add numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_add(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number representing the sum of the arguments. <\/p>"
"gmp_and": {
"id": "function.gmp-and",
"purpose": "Bitwise AND",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_and(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number representing the bitwise <em>AND<\/em> comparison. <\/p>"
"gmp_clrbit": {
"id": "function.gmp-clrbit",
"purpose": "Clear bit",
"prototype": "void gmp_clrbit(GMP $a, int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_cmp": {
"id": "function.gmp-cmp",
"purpose": "Compare numbers",
"prototype": "int gmp_cmp(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive value if <em>a &gt; b<\/em>, zero if <em>a = b<\/em> and a negative value if <em>a &lt; b<\/em>. <\/p>"
"gmp_com": {
"id": "function.gmp-com",
"purpose": "Calculates one's complement",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_com(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the one&#039;s complement of <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code>, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_div_q": {
"id": "function.gmp-div-q",
"purpose": "Divide numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_div_q(GMP $a, GMP $b [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_div_qr": {
"id": "function.gmp-div-qr",
"purpose": "Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder",
"prototype": "array gmp_div_qr(GMP $n, GMP $d [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>, with the first element being <em>[n\/d]<\/em> (the integer result of the division) and the second being <em>(n - [n\/d] * d)<\/em> (the remainder of the division). <\/p>"
"gmp_div_r": {
"id": "function.gmp-div-r",
"purpose": "Remainder of the division of numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_div_r(GMP $n, GMP $d [, int $round = GMP_ROUND_ZERO])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The remainder, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_div": {
"id": "function.gmp-div",
"purpose": "Alias of gmp_div_q",
"prototype": " gmp_div()",
"return": ""
"gmp_divexact": {
"id": "function.gmp-divexact",
"purpose": "Exact division of numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_divexact(GMP $n, GMP $d)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_fact": {
"id": "function.gmp-fact",
"purpose": "Factorial",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_fact(mixed $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_gcd": {
"id": "function.gmp-gcd",
"purpose": "Calculate GCD",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_gcd(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A positive GMP number that divides into both <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">b<\/code>. <\/p>"
"gmp_gcdext": {
"id": "function.gmp-gcdext",
"purpose": "Calculate GCD and multipliers",
"prototype": "array gmp_gcdext(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of GMP numbers. <\/p>"
"gmp_hamdist": {
"id": "function.gmp-hamdist",
"purpose": "Hamming distance",
"prototype": "int gmp_hamdist(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_init": {
"id": "function.gmp-init",
"purpose": "Create GMP number",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_init(mixed $number [, int $base = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_intval": {
"id": "function.gmp-intval",
"purpose": "Convert GMP number to integer",
"prototype": "integer gmp_intval(GMP $gmpnumber)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> value of <code class=\"parameter\">gmpnumber<\/code>. <\/p>"
"gmp_invert": {
"id": "function.gmp-invert",
"purpose": "Inverse by modulo",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_invert(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an inverse does not exist. <\/p>"
"gmp_jacobi": {
"id": "function.gmp-jacobi",
"purpose": "Jacobi symbol",
"prototype": "int gmp_jacobi(GMP $a, GMP $p)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_legendre": {
"id": "function.gmp-legendre",
"purpose": "Legendre symbol",
"prototype": "int gmp_legendre(GMP $a, GMP $p)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_mod": {
"id": "function.gmp-mod",
"purpose": "Modulo operation",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_mod(GMP $n, GMP $d)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_mul": {
"id": "function.gmp-mul",
"purpose": "Multiply numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_mul(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_neg": {
"id": "function.gmp-neg",
"purpose": "Negate number",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_neg(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns -<code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code>, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_or": {
"id": "function.gmp-or",
"purpose": "Bitwise OR",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_or(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_perfect_square": {
"id": "function.gmp-perfect-square",
"purpose": "Perfect square check",
"prototype": "bool gmp_perfect_square(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is a perfect square, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"gmp_popcount": {
"id": "function.gmp-popcount",
"purpose": "Population count",
"prototype": "int gmp_popcount(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The population count of <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code>, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"gmp_pow": {
"id": "function.gmp-pow",
"purpose": "Raise number into power",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_pow(GMP $base, int $exp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The new (raised) number, as a GMP number. The case of <em>0^0<\/em> yields 1. <\/p>"
"gmp_powm": {
"id": "function.gmp-powm",
"purpose": "Raise number into power with modulo",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_powm(GMP $base, GMP $exp, GMP $mod)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The new (raised) number, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_prob_prime": {
"id": "function.gmp-prob-prime",
"purpose": "Check if number is \"probably prime\"",
"prototype": "int gmp_prob_prime(GMP $a [, int $reps = 10])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If this function returns 0, <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is definitely not prime. If it returns 1, then <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is &quot;probably&quot; prime. If it returns 2, then <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is surely prime. <\/p>"
"gmp_random": {
"id": "function.gmp-random",
"purpose": "Random number",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_random([int $limiter = 20])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A random GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_scan0": {
"id": "function.gmp-scan0",
"purpose": "Scan for 0",
"prototype": "int gmp_scan0(GMP $a, int $start)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the found bit, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. The index starts from 0. <\/p>"
"gmp_scan1": {
"id": "function.gmp-scan1",
"purpose": "Scan for 1",
"prototype": "int gmp_scan1(GMP $a, int $start)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the found bit, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. If no set bit is found, -1 is returned. <\/p>"
"gmp_setbit": {
"id": "function.gmp-setbit",
"purpose": "Set bit",
"prototype": "void gmp_setbit(GMP $a, int $index [, bool $bit_on = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_sign": {
"id": "function.gmp-sign",
"purpose": "Sign of number",
"prototype": "int gmp_sign(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 1 if <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is positive, -1 if <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is negative, and 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> is zero. <\/p>"
"gmp_sqrt": {
"id": "function.gmp-sqrt",
"purpose": "Calculate square root",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_sqrt(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The integer portion of the square root, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"gmp_sqrtrem": {
"id": "function.gmp-sqrtrem",
"purpose": "Square root with remainder",
"prototype": "array gmp_sqrtrem(GMP $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns array where first element is the integer square root of <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> and the second is the remainder (i.e., the difference between <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code> and the first element squared). <\/p>"
"gmp_strval": {
"id": "function.gmp-strval",
"purpose": "Convert GMP number to string",
"prototype": "string gmp_strval(GMP $gmpnumber [, int $base = 10])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number, as a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"gmp_sub": {
"id": "function.gmp-sub",
"purpose": "Subtract numbers",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_sub(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"gmp_xor": {
"id": "function.gmp-xor",
"purpose": "Bitwise XOR",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_xor(GMP $a, GMP $b)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A GMP number <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> in PHP 5.5 and earlier, or a <span class=\"classname\">GMP<\/span> object in PHP 5.6 and later. <\/p>"
"abs": {
"id": "function.abs",
"purpose": "Absolute value",
"prototype": "number abs(mixed $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The absolute value of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code>. If the argument <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> is of type <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, the return type is also <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, otherwise it is <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> (as <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> usually has a bigger value range than <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>). <\/p>"
"acos": {
"id": "function.acos",
"purpose": "Arc cosine",
"prototype": "float acos(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The arc cosine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> in radians. <\/p>"
"acosh": {
"id": "function.acosh",
"purpose": "Inverse hyperbolic cosine",
"prototype": "float acosh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The inverse hyperbolic cosine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"asin": {
"id": "function.asin",
"purpose": "Arc sine",
"prototype": "float asin(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The arc sine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> in radians <\/p>"
"asinh": {
"id": "function.asinh",
"purpose": "Inverse hyperbolic sine",
"prototype": "float asinh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The inverse hyperbolic sine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"atan2": {
"id": "function.atan2",
"purpose": "Arc tangent of two variables",
"prototype": "float atan2(float $y, float $x)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The arc tangent of <code class=\"parameter\">y<\/code>\/<code class=\"parameter\">x<\/code> in radians. <\/p>"
"atan": {
"id": "function.atan",
"purpose": "Arc tangent",
"prototype": "float atan(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The arc tangent of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> in radians. <\/p>"
"atanh": {
"id": "function.atanh",
"purpose": "Inverse hyperbolic tangent",
"prototype": "float atanh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Inverse hyperbolic tangent of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"base_convert": {
"id": "function.base-convert",
"purpose": "Convert a number between arbitrary bases",
"prototype": "string base_convert(string $number, int $frombase, int $tobase)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> converted to base <code class=\"parameter\">tobase<\/code> <\/p>"
"bindec": {
"id": "function.bindec",
"purpose": "Binary to decimal",
"prototype": "float bindec(string $binary_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decimal value of <code class=\"parameter\">binary_string<\/code> <\/p>"
"ceil": {
"id": "function.ceil",
"purpose": "Round fractions up",
"prototype": "float ceil(float $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> rounded up to the next highest integer. The return value of <span class=\"function\">ceil<\/span> is still of type <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> as the value range of <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> is usually bigger than that of <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"cos": {
"id": "function.cos",
"purpose": "Cosine",
"prototype": "float cos(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The cosine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"cosh": {
"id": "function.cosh",
"purpose": "Hyperbolic cosine",
"prototype": "float cosh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The hyperbolic cosine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"decbin": {
"id": "function.decbin",
"purpose": "Decimal to binary",
"prototype": "string decbin(int $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Binary string representation of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> <\/p>"
"dechex": {
"id": "function.dechex",
"purpose": "Decimal to hexadecimal",
"prototype": "string dechex(int $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Hexadecimal string representation of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code>. <\/p>"
"decoct": {
"id": "function.decoct",
"purpose": "Decimal to octal",
"prototype": "string decoct(int $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Octal string representation of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> <\/p>"
"deg2rad": {
"id": "function.deg2rad",
"purpose": "Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent",
"prototype": "float deg2rad(float $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The radian equivalent of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> <\/p>"
"exp": {
"id": "function.exp",
"purpose": "Calculates the exponent of e",
"prototype": "float exp(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> &#039;e&#039; raised to the power of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"expm1": {
"id": "function.expm1",
"purpose": "Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero",
"prototype": "float expm1(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> &#039;e&#039; to the power of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> minus one <\/p>"
"floor": {
"id": "function.floor",
"purpose": "Round fractions down",
"prototype": "mixed floor(float $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> rounded to the next lowest integer. The return value of <span class=\"function\">floor<\/span> is still of type <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> because the value range of <span class=\"type\">float<\/span> is usually bigger than that of <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. This function returns FALSE in case of an error (e.g. passing an array). <\/p>"
"fmod": {
"id": "function.fmod",
"purpose": "Returns the floating point remainder (modulo) of the division of the arguments",
"prototype": "float fmod(float $x, float $y)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The floating point remainder of <code class=\"parameter\">x<\/code>\/<code class=\"parameter\">y<\/code> <\/p>"
"getrandmax": {
"id": "function.getrandmax",
"purpose": "Show largest possible random value",
"prototype": "int getrandmax()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The largest possible random value returned by <span class=\"function\">rand<\/span> <\/p>"
"hexdec": {
"id": "function.hexdec",
"purpose": "Hexadecimal to decimal",
"prototype": "number hexdec(string $hex_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decimal representation of <code class=\"parameter\">hex_string<\/code> <\/p>"
"hypot": {
"id": "function.hypot",
"purpose": "Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle",
"prototype": "float hypot(float $x, float $y)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Calculated length of the hypotenuse <\/p>"
"is_finite": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a value is a legal finite number",
"prototype": "bool is_finite(float $val)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">val<\/code> is a legal finite number within the allowed range for a PHP float on this platform, else <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"is_infinite": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a value is infinite",
"prototype": "bool is_infinite(float $val)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">val<\/code> is infinite, else <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"is_nan": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a value is not a number",
"prototype": "bool is_nan(float $val)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">val<\/code> is &#039;not a number&#039;, else <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"lcg_value": {
"id": "function.lcg-value",
"purpose": "Combined linear congruential generator",
"prototype": "float lcg_value()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A pseudo random float value in the range of (0, 1) <\/p>"
"log10": {
"id": "function.log10",
"purpose": "Base-10 logarithm",
"prototype": "float log10(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The base-10 logarithm of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"log1p": {
"id": "function.log1p",
"purpose": "Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero",
"prototype": "float log1p(float $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> log(1 + <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code>) <\/p>"
"log": {
"id": "function.log",
"purpose": "Natural logarithm",
"prototype": "float log(float $arg [, float $base = M_E])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The logarithm of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> to <code class=\"parameter\">base<\/code>, if given, or the natural logarithm. <\/p>"
"max": {
"id": "function.max",
"purpose": "Find highest value",
"prototype": "string max(array $values, mixed $value1, mixed $value2 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">max<\/span> returns the parameter value considered &quot;highest&quot; according to standard comparisons. If multiple values of different types evaluate as equal (e.g. <em>0<\/em> and <em>&#039;abc&#039;<\/em>) the first provided to the function will be returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an empty array is passed, then <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned and an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> error will be emitted. <\/p>"
"min": {
"id": "function.min",
"purpose": "Find lowest value",
"prototype": "string min(array $values, mixed $value1, mixed $value2 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">min<\/span> returns the parameter value considered &quot;lowest&quot; according to standard comparisons. If multiple values of different types evaluate as equal (e.g. <em>0<\/em> and <em>&#039;abc&#039;<\/em>) the first provided to the function will be returned. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If an empty array is passed, then <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned and an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> error will be emitted. <\/p>"
"mt_getrandmax": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Show largest possible random value",
"prototype": "int mt_getrandmax()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the maximum random value returned by a call to <span class=\"function\">mt_rand<\/span> without arguments, which is the maximum value that can be used for its <code class=\"parameter\">max<\/code> parameter without the result being scaled up (and therefore less random). <\/p>"
"mt_rand": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Generate a better random value",
"prototype": "int mt_rand(int $min, int $max)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A random integer value between <code class=\"parameter\">min<\/code> (or 0) and <code class=\"parameter\">max<\/code> (or <span class=\"function\">mt_getrandmax<\/span>, inclusive), or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">max<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">min<\/code>. <\/p>"
"mt_srand": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Seed the better random number generator",
"prototype": "void mt_srand([int $seed = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"octdec": {
"id": "function.octdec",
"purpose": "Octal to decimal",
"prototype": "number octdec(string $octal_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decimal representation of <code class=\"parameter\">octal_string<\/code> <\/p>"
"pi": {
"id": "function.pi",
"purpose": "Get value of pi",
"prototype": "float pi()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of pi as float. <\/p>"
"pow": {
"id": "function.pow",
"purpose": "Exponential expression",
"prototype": "number pow(number $base, number $exp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <code class=\"parameter\">base<\/code> raised to the power of <code class=\"parameter\">exp<\/code>. If both arguments are non-negative integers and the result can be represented as an integer, the result will be returned with <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> type, otherwise it will be returned as a <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>. <\/p>"
"rad2deg": {
"id": "function.rad2deg",
"purpose": "Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees",
"prototype": "float rad2deg(float $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The equivalent of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> in degrees <\/p>"
"rand": {
"id": "function.rand",
"purpose": "Generate a random integer",
"prototype": "int rand(int $min, int $max)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A pseudo random value between <code class=\"parameter\">min<\/code> (or 0) and <code class=\"parameter\">max<\/code> (or <span class=\"function\">getrandmax<\/span>, inclusive). <\/p>"
"round": {
"id": "function.round",
"purpose": "Rounds a float",
"prototype": "float round(float $val [, int $precision = '' [, int $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The rounded value <\/p>"
"sin": {
"id": "function.sin",
"purpose": "Sine",
"prototype": "float sin(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The sine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"sinh": {
"id": "function.sinh",
"purpose": "Hyperbolic sine",
"prototype": "float sinh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The hyperbolic sine of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"sqrt": {
"id": "function.sqrt",
"purpose": "Square root",
"prototype": "float sqrt(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The square root of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> or the special value <em>NAN<\/em> for negative numbers. <\/p>"
"srand": {
"id": "function.srand",
"purpose": "Seed the random number generator",
"prototype": "void srand([int $seed = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"tan": {
"id": "function.tan",
"purpose": "Tangent",
"prototype": "float tan(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The tangent of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"tanh": {
"id": "function.tanh",
"purpose": "Hyperbolic tangent",
"prototype": "float tanh(float $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The hyperbolic tangent of <code class=\"parameter\">arg<\/code> <\/p>"
"fdf_add_doc_javascript": {
"id": "function.fdf-add-doc-javascript",
"purpose": "Adds javascript code to the FDF document",
"prototype": "bool fdf_add_doc_javascript(resource $fdf_document, string $script_name, string $script_code)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_add_template": {
"id": "function.fdf-add-template",
"purpose": "Adds a template into the FDF document",
"prototype": "bool fdf_add_template(resource $fdf_document, int $newpage, string $filename, string $template, int $rename)",
"return": ""
"fdf_close": {
"id": "function.fdf-close",
"purpose": "Close an FDF document",
"prototype": "void fdf_close(resource $fdf_document)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"fdf_create": {
"id": "function.fdf-create",
"purpose": "Create a new FDF document",
"prototype": "resource fdf_create()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a FDF document handle, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"fdf_enum_values": {
"id": "function.fdf-enum-values",
"purpose": "Call a user defined function for each document value",
"prototype": "bool fdf_enum_values(resource $fdf_document, callable $function [, mixed $userdata = ''])",
"return": ""
"fdf_errno": {
"id": "function.fdf-errno",
"purpose": "Return error code for last fdf operation",
"prototype": "int fdf_errno()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error code as an integer, or zero if there was no errors. <\/p>"
"fdf_error": {
"id": "function.fdf-error",
"purpose": "Return error description for FDF error code",
"prototype": "string fdf_error([int $error_code = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message as a string, or the string <em>no error<\/em> if nothing went wrong. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_ap": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-ap",
"purpose": "Get the appearance of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_get_ap(resource $fdf_document, string $field, int $face, string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_attachment": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-attachment",
"purpose": "Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF",
"prototype": "array fdf_get_attachment(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, string $savepath)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The returned array contains the following fields: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"><code class=\"parameter\">path<\/code> - path were the file got stored<\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"><code class=\"parameter\">size<\/code> - size of the stored file in bytes<\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"><code class=\"parameter\">type<\/code> - mimetype if given in the FDF<\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"fdf_get_encoding": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-encoding",
"purpose": "Get the value of the \/Encoding key",
"prototype": "string fdf_get_encoding(resource $fdf_document)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the encoding as a string. An empty string is returned if the default <em>PDFDocEncoding\/Unicode<\/em> scheme is used. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_file": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-file",
"purpose": "Get the value of the \/F key",
"prototype": "string fdf_get_file(resource $fdf_document)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the key value, as a string. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_flags": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-flags",
"purpose": "Gets the flags of a field",
"prototype": "int fdf_get_flags(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichflags)",
"return": ""
"fdf_get_opt": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-opt",
"purpose": "Gets a value from the opt array of a field",
"prototype": "mixed fdf_get_opt(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $element = -1])",
"return": ""
"fdf_get_status": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-status",
"purpose": "Get the value of the \/STATUS key",
"prototype": "string fdf_get_status(resource $fdf_document)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the key value, as a string. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_value": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-value",
"purpose": "Get the value of a field",
"prototype": "mixed fdf_get_value(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname [, int $which = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field value. <\/p>"
"fdf_get_version": {
"id": "function.fdf-get-version",
"purpose": "Gets version number for FDF API or file",
"prototype": "string fdf_get_version([resource $fdf_document = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the version as a string. For the current FDF toolkit 5.0 the API version number is <em>5.0<\/em> and the document version number is either <em>1.2<\/em>, <em>1.3<\/em> or <em>1.4<\/em>. <\/p>"
"fdf_header": {
"id": "function.fdf-header",
"purpose": "Sets FDF-specific output headers",
"prototype": "void fdf_header()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"fdf_next_field_name": {
"id": "function.fdf-next-field-name",
"purpose": "Get the next field name",
"prototype": "string fdf_next_field_name(resource $fdf_document [, string $fieldname = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the field name as a string. <\/p>"
"fdf_open_string": {
"id": "function.fdf-open-string",
"purpose": "Read a FDF document from a string",
"prototype": "resource fdf_open_string(string $fdf_data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a FDF document handle, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"fdf_open": {
"id": "function.fdf-open",
"purpose": "Open a FDF document",
"prototype": "resource fdf_open(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a FDF document handle, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"fdf_remove_item": {
"id": "function.fdf-remove-item",
"purpose": "Sets target frame for form",
"prototype": "bool fdf_remove_item(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $item)",
"return": ""
"fdf_save_string": {
"id": "function.fdf-save-string",
"purpose": "Returns the FDF document as a string",
"prototype": "string fdf_save_string(resource $fdf_document)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the document as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"fdf_save": {
"id": "function.fdf-save",
"purpose": "Save a FDF document",
"prototype": "bool fdf_save(resource $fdf_document [, string $filename = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_ap": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-ap",
"purpose": "Set the appearance of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_ap(resource $fdf_document, string $field_name, int $face, string $filename, int $page_number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_encoding": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-encoding",
"purpose": "Sets FDF character encoding",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_encoding(resource $fdf_document, string $encoding)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_file": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-file",
"purpose": "Set PDF document to display FDF data in",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_file(resource $fdf_document, string $url [, string $target_frame = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_flags": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-flags",
"purpose": "Sets a flag of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_flags(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $whichFlags, int $newFlags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_javascript_action": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-javascript-action",
"purpose": "Sets an javascript action of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_javascript_action(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $trigger, string $script)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_on_import_javascript": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-on-import-javascript",
"purpose": "Adds javascript code to be executed when Acrobat opens the FDF",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_on_import_javascript(resource $fdf_document, string $script, bool $before_data_import)",
"return": ""
"fdf_set_opt": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-opt",
"purpose": "Sets an option of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_opt(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $element, string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_status": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-status",
"purpose": "Set the value of the \/STATUS key",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_status(resource $fdf_document, string $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_submit_form_action": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-submit-form-action",
"purpose": "Sets a submit form action of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_submit_form_action(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, int $trigger, string $script, int $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_target_frame": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-target-frame",
"purpose": "Set target frame for form display",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_target_frame(resource $fdf_document, string $frame_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_value": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-value",
"purpose": "Set the value of a field",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_value(resource $fdf_document, string $fieldname, mixed $value [, int $isName = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fdf_set_version": {
"id": "function.fdf-set-version",
"purpose": "Sets version number for a FDF file",
"prototype": "bool fdf_set_version(resource $fdf_document, string $version)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pcntl_alarm": {
"id": "function.pcntl-alarm",
"purpose": "Set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal",
"prototype": "int pcntl_alarm(int $seconds)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the time in seconds that any previously scheduled alarm had remaining before it was to be delivered, or <em>0<\/em> if there was no previously scheduled alarm. <\/p>"
"pcntl_exec": {
"id": "function.pcntl-exec",
"purpose": "Executes specified program in current process space",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_exec(string $path [, array $args = '' [, array $envs = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error and does not return on success. <\/p>"
"pcntl_fork": {
"id": "function.pcntl-fork",
"purpose": "Forks the currently running process",
"prototype": "int pcntl_fork()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success, the PID of the child process is returned in the parent&#039;s thread of execution, and a 0 is returned in the child&#039;s thread of execution. On failure, a -1 will be returned in the parent&#039;s context, no child process will be created, and a PHP error is raised. <\/p>"
"pcntl_signal": {
"id": "function.pcntl-signal",
"purpose": "Installs a signal handler",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_signal(int $signo, callable|int $handler [, bool $restart_syscalls = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pcntl_waitpid": {
"id": "function.pcntl-waitpid",
"purpose": "Waits on or returns the status of a forked child",
"prototype": "int pcntl_waitpid(int $pid, int $status [, int $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">pcntl_waitpid<\/span> returns the process ID of the child which exited, -1 on error or zero if <strong><code>WNOHANG<\/code><\/strong> was used and no child was available <\/p>"
"pcntl_wexitstatus": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wexitstatus",
"purpose": "Returns the return code of a terminated child",
"prototype": "int pcntl_wexitstatus(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the return code, as an integer. <\/p>"
"pcntl_wifexited": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wifexited",
"purpose": "Checks if status code represents a normal exit",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_wifexited(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the child status code represents a normal exit, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"pcntl_wifsignaled": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wifsignaled",
"purpose": "Checks whether the status code represents a termination due to a signal",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_wifsignaled(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the child process exited because of a signal which was not caught, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"pcntl_wifstopped": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wifstopped",
"purpose": "Checks whether the child process is currently stopped",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_wifstopped(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the child process which caused the return is currently stopped, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"pcntl_wstopsig": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wstopsig",
"purpose": "Returns the signal which caused the child to stop",
"prototype": "int pcntl_wstopsig(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the signal number. <\/p>"
"pcntl_wtermsig": {
"id": "function.pcntl-wtermsig",
"purpose": "Returns the signal which caused the child to terminate",
"prototype": "int pcntl_wtermsig(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the signal number, as an integer. <\/p>"
"posix_ctermid": {
"id": "function.posix-ctermid",
"purpose": "Get path name of controlling terminal",
"prototype": "string posix_ctermid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Upon successful completion, returns <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> of the pathname to the current controlling terminal. Otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and errno is set, which can be checked with <span class=\"function\">posix_get_last_error<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_errno": {
"id": "function.posix-errno",
"purpose": "Alias of posix_get_last_error",
"prototype": " posix_errno()",
"return": ""
"posix_get_last_error": {
"id": "function.posix-get-last-error",
"purpose": "Retrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed",
"prototype": "int posix_get_last_error()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the errno (error number) set by the last posix function that failed. If no errors exist, 0 is returned. <\/p>"
"posix_getcwd": {
"id": "function.posix-getcwd",
"purpose": "Pathname of current directory",
"prototype": "string posix_getcwd()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> of the absolute pathname on success. On error, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and sets errno which can be checked with <span class=\"function\">posix_get_last_error<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getegid": {
"id": "function.posix-getegid",
"purpose": "Return the effective group ID of the current process",
"prototype": "int posix_getegid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> of the effective group ID. <\/p>"
"posix_geteuid": {
"id": "function.posix-geteuid",
"purpose": "Return the effective user ID of the current process",
"prototype": "int posix_geteuid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the user id, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> <\/p>"
"posix_getgid": {
"id": "function.posix-getgid",
"purpose": "Return the real group ID of the current process",
"prototype": "int posix_getgid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the real group id, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getgrgid": {
"id": "function.posix-getgrgid",
"purpose": "Return info about a group by group id",
"prototype": "array posix_getgrgid(int $gid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The array elements returned are: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>The group information array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>name<\/td> <td> The name element contains the name of the group. This is a short, usually less than 16 character &quot;handle&quot; of the group, not the real, full name. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>passwd<\/td> <td> The passwd element contains the group&#039;s password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing &quot;shadow&quot; passwords, an asterisk is returned instead. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gid<\/td> <td> Group ID, should be the same as the <code class=\"parameter\">gid<\/code> parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>members<\/td> <td> This consists of an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>&#039;s for all the members in the group. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"posix_getgrnam": {
"id": "function.posix-getgrnam",
"purpose": "Return info about a group by name",
"prototype": "array posix_getgrnam(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The array elements returned are: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>The group information array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>name<\/td> <td> The name element contains the name of the group. This is a short, usually less than 16 character &quot;handle&quot; of the group, not the real, full name. This should be the same as the <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>passwd<\/td> <td> The passwd element contains the group&#039;s password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing &quot;shadow&quot; passwords, an asterisk is returned instead. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gid<\/td> <td> Group ID of the group in numeric form. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>members<\/td> <td> This consists of an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>&#039;s for all the members in the group. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"posix_getgroups": {
"id": "function.posix-getgroups",
"purpose": "Return the group set of the current process",
"prototype": "array posix_getgroups()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of integers containing the numeric group ids of the group set of the current process. <\/p>"
"posix_getlogin": {
"id": "function.posix-getlogin",
"purpose": "Return login name",
"prototype": "string posix_getlogin()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the login name of the user, as a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getpgid": {
"id": "function.posix-getpgid",
"purpose": "Get process group id for job control",
"prototype": "int posix_getpgid(int $pid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the identifier, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getpgrp": {
"id": "function.posix-getpgrp",
"purpose": "Return the current process group identifier",
"prototype": "int posix_getpgrp()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the identifier, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getpid": {
"id": "function.posix-getpid",
"purpose": "Return the current process identifier",
"prototype": "int posix_getpid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the identifier, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getppid": {
"id": "function.posix-getppid",
"purpose": "Return the parent process identifier",
"prototype": "int posix_getppid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the identifier, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getpwnam": {
"id": "function.posix-getpwnam",
"purpose": "Return info about a user by username",
"prototype": "array posix_getpwnam(string $username)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success an array with the following elements is returned, else <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>The user information array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>name<\/td> <td> The name element contains the username of the user. This is a short, usually less than 16 character &quot;handle&quot; of the user, not the real, full name. This should be the same as the <code class=\"parameter\">username<\/code> parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>passwd<\/td> <td> The passwd element contains the user&#039;s password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing &quot;shadow&quot; passwords, an asterisk is returned instead. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>uid<\/td> <td> User ID of the user in numeric form. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gid<\/td> <td> The group ID of the user. Use the function <span class=\"function\">posix_getgrgid<\/span> to resolve the group name and a list of its members. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gecos<\/td> <td> GECOS is an obsolete term that refers to the finger information field on a Honeywell batch processing system. The field, however, lives on, and its contents have been formalized by POSIX. The field contains a comma separated list containing the user&#039;s full name, office phone, office number, and home phone number. On most systems, only the user&#039;s full name is available. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>dir<\/td> <td> This element contains the absolute path to the home directory of the user. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>shell<\/td> <td> The shell element contains the absolute path to the executable of the user&#039;s default shell. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"posix_getpwuid": {
"id": "function.posix-getpwuid",
"purpose": "Return info about a user by user id",
"prototype": "array posix_getpwuid(int $uid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with the following elements: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>The user information array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>name<\/td> <td> The name element contains the username of the user. This is a short, usually less than 16 character &quot;handle&quot; of the user, not the real, full name. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>passwd<\/td> <td> The passwd element contains the user&#039;s password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing &quot;shadow&quot; passwords, an asterisk is returned instead. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>uid<\/td> <td> User ID, should be the same as the <code class=\"parameter\">uid<\/code> parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gid<\/td> <td> The group ID of the user. Use the function <span class=\"function\">posix_getgrgid<\/span> to resolve the group name and a list of its members. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>gecos<\/td> <td> GECOS is an obsolete term that refers to the finger information field on a Honeywell batch processing system. The field, however, lives on, and its contents have been formalized by POSIX. The field contains a comma separated list containing the user&#039;s full name, office phone, office number, and home phone number. On most systems, only the user&#039;s full name is available. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>dir<\/td> <td> This element contains the absolute path to the home directory of the user. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>shell<\/td> <td> The shell element contains the absolute path to the executable of the user&#039;s default shell. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"posix_getrlimit": {
"id": "function.posix-getrlimit",
"purpose": "Return info about system resource limits",
"prototype": "array posix_getrlimit()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of elements for each limit that is defined. Each limit has a soft and a hard limit. <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>List of possible limits returned<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Limit name<\/th> <th>Limit description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>core<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the core file. When 0, not core files are created. When core files are larger than this size, they will be truncated at this size. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>totalmem<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the memory of the process, in bytes. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>virtualmem<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the virtual memory for the process, in bytes. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>data<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the data segment for the process, in bytes. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>stack<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the process stack, in bytes. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>rss<\/td> <td> The maximum number of virtual pages resident in RAM <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>maxproc<\/td> <td> The maximum number of processes that can be created for the real user ID of the calling process. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>memlock<\/td> <td> The maximum number of bytes of memory that may be locked into RAM. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>cpu<\/td> <td> The amount of time the process is allowed to use the CPU. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>filesize<\/td> <td> The maximum size of the data segment for the process, in bytes. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>openfiles<\/td> <td> One more than the maximum number of open file descriptors. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"posix_getsid": {
"id": "function.posix-getsid",
"purpose": "Get the current sid of the process",
"prototype": "int posix_getsid(int $pid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the identifier, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"posix_getuid": {
"id": "function.posix-getuid",
"purpose": "Return the real user ID of the current process",
"prototype": "int posix_getuid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the user id, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> <\/p>"
"posix_isatty": {
"id": "function.posix-isatty",
"purpose": "Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal",
"prototype": "bool posix_isatty(mixed $fd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">fd<\/code> is an open descriptor connected to a terminal and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"posix_kill": {
"id": "function.posix-kill",
"purpose": "Send a signal to a process",
"prototype": "bool posix_kill(int $pid, int $sig)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_mkfifo": {
"id": "function.posix-mkfifo",
"purpose": "Create a fifo special file (a named pipe)",
"prototype": "bool posix_mkfifo(string $pathname, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_setegid": {
"id": "function.posix-setegid",
"purpose": "Set the effective GID of the current process",
"prototype": "bool posix_setegid(int $gid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_seteuid": {
"id": "function.posix-seteuid",
"purpose": "Set the effective UID of the current process",
"prototype": "bool posix_seteuid(int $uid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_setgid": {
"id": "function.posix-setgid",
"purpose": "Set the GID of the current process",
"prototype": "bool posix_setgid(int $gid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_setpgid": {
"id": "function.posix-setpgid",
"purpose": "Set process group id for job control",
"prototype": "bool posix_setpgid(int $pid, int $pgid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_setsid": {
"id": "function.posix-setsid",
"purpose": "Make the current process a session leader",
"prototype": "int posix_setsid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the session id, or -1 on errors. <\/p>"
"posix_setuid": {
"id": "function.posix-setuid",
"purpose": "Set the UID of the current process",
"prototype": "bool posix_setuid(int $uid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_strerror": {
"id": "function.posix-strerror",
"purpose": "Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno",
"prototype": "string posix_strerror(int $errno)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message, as a string. <\/p>"
"posix_times": {
"id": "function.posix-times",
"purpose": "Get process times",
"prototype": "array posix_times()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a hash of strings with information about the current process CPU usage. The indices of the hash are: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> ticks - the number of clock ticks that have elapsed since reboot. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> utime - user time used by the current process. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> stime - system time used by the current process. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> cutime - user time used by current process and children. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> cstime - system time used by current process and children. <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"posix_ttyname": {
"id": "function.posix-ttyname",
"purpose": "Determine terminal device name",
"prototype": "string posix_ttyname(mixed $fd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success, returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> of the absolute path of the <code class=\"parameter\">fd<\/code>. On failure, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"posix_uname": {
"id": "function.posix-uname",
"purpose": "Get system name",
"prototype": "array posix_uname()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a hash of strings with information about the system. The indices of the hash are <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> sysname - operating system name (e.g. Linux) <\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> nodename - system name (e.g. valiant) <\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> release - operating system release (e.g. 2.2.10) <\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> version - operating system version (e.g. #4 Tue Jul 20 17:01:36 MEST 1999) <\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> machine - system architecture (e.g. i586) <\/span><\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"><span class=\"simpara\"> domainname - DNS domainname (e.g. <\/span><\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> domainname is a GNU extension and not part of POSIX.1, so this field is only available on GNU systems or when using the GNU libc. <\/p>"
"escapeshellarg": {
"id": "function.escapeshellarg",
"purpose": "Escape a string to be used as a shell argument",
"prototype": "string escapeshellarg(string $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The escaped string. <\/p>"
"escapeshellcmd": {
"id": "function.escapeshellcmd",
"purpose": "Escape shell metacharacters",
"prototype": "string escapeshellcmd(string $command)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The escaped string. <\/p>"
"exec": {
"id": "function.exec",
"purpose": "Execute an external program",
"prototype": "string exec(string $command [, array $output = '' [, int $return_var = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The last line from the result of the command. If you need to execute a command and have all the data from the command passed directly back without any interference, use the <span class=\"function\">passthru<\/span> function. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> To get the output of the executed command, be sure to set and use the <code class=\"parameter\">output<\/code> parameter. <\/p>"
"passthru": {
"id": "function.passthru",
"purpose": "Execute an external program and display raw output",
"prototype": "void passthru(string $command [, int $return_var = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"proc_close": {
"id": "function.proc-close",
"purpose": "Close a process opened by proc_open and return the exit code of that process",
"prototype": "int proc_close(resource $process)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the termination status of the process that was run. In case of an error then <em>-1<\/em> is returned. <\/p>"
"proc_open": {
"id": "function.proc-open",
"purpose": "Execute a command and open file pointers for input\/output",
"prototype": "resource proc_open(string $cmd, array $descriptorspec, array $pipes [, string $cwd = '' [, array $env = '' [, array $other_options = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource representing the process, which should be freed using <span class=\"function\">proc_close<\/span> when you are finished with it. On failure returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"shell_exec": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string",
"prototype": "string shell_exec(string $cmd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The output from the executed command or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred or the command produces no output. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> This function can return <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> both when an error occurs or the program produces no output. It is not possible to detect execution failures using this function. <span class=\"function\">exec<\/span> should be used when access to the program exit code is required. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"system": {
"id": "function.system",
"purpose": "Execute an external program and display the output",
"prototype": "string system(string $command [, int $return_var = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the last line of the command output on success, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftok": {
"id": "function.ftok",
"purpose": "Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key",
"prototype": "int ftok(string $pathname, string $proj)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success the return value will be the created key value, otherwise <em>-1<\/em> is returned. <\/p>"
"msg_get_queue": {
"id": "function.msg-get-queue",
"purpose": "Create or attach to a message queue",
"prototype": "resource msg_get_queue(int $key [, int $perms = 0666])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource handle that can be used to access the System V message queue. <\/p>"
"msg_receive": {
"id": "function.msg-receive",
"purpose": "Receive a message from a message queue",
"prototype": "bool msg_receive(resource $queue, int $desiredmsgtype, int $msgtype, int $maxsize, mixed $message [, bool $unserialize = true [, int $flags = '' [, int $errorcode = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows: <em>msg_lrpid<\/em> is set to the process-ID of the calling process, <em>msg_qnum<\/em> is decremented by 1 and <em>msg_rtime<\/em> is set to the current time. <\/p>"
"msg_remove_queue": {
"id": "function.msg-remove-queue",
"purpose": "Destroy a message queue",
"prototype": "bool msg_remove_queue(resource $queue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"msg_send": {
"id": "function.msg-send",
"purpose": "Send a message to a message queue",
"prototype": "bool msg_send(resource $queue, int $msgtype, mixed $message [, bool $serialize = true [, bool $blocking = true [, int $errorcode = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Upon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows: <code class=\"parameter\">msg_lspid<\/code> is set to the process-ID of the calling process, <code class=\"parameter\">msg_qnum<\/code> is incremented by 1 and <code class=\"parameter\">msg_stime<\/code> is set to the current time. <\/p>"
"msg_set_queue": {
"id": "function.msg-set-queue",
"purpose": "Set information in the message queue data structure",
"prototype": "bool msg_set_queue(resource $queue, array $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"msg_stat_queue": {
"id": "function.msg-stat-queue",
"purpose": "Returns information from the message queue data structure",
"prototype": "array msg_stat_queue(resource $queue)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The return value is an array whose keys and values have the following meanings: <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Array structure for msg_stat_queue<\/strong><\/caption> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>msg_perm.uid<\/em><\/td> <td> The uid of the owner of the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_perm.gid<\/em><\/td> <td> The gid of the owner of the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_perm.mode<\/em><\/td> <td> The file access mode of the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_stime<\/em><\/td> <td> The time that the last message was sent to the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_rtime<\/em><\/td> <td> The time that the last message was received from the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_ctime<\/em><\/td> <td> The time that the queue was last changed. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_qnum<\/em><\/td> <td> The number of messages waiting to be read from the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_qbytes<\/em><\/td> <td> The maximum number of bytes allowed in one message queue. On Linux, this value may be read and modified via <var class=\"filename\">\/proc\/sys\/kernel\/msgmnb<\/var>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_lspid<\/em><\/td> <td> The pid of the process that sent the last message to the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>msg_lrpid<\/em><\/td> <td> The pid of the process that received the last message from the queue. <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"sem_acquire": {
"id": "function.sem-acquire",
"purpose": "Acquire a semaphore",
"prototype": "bool sem_acquire(resource $sem_identifier [, bool $nowait = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"sem_get": {
"id": "function.sem-get",
"purpose": "Get a semaphore id",
"prototype": "resource sem_get(int $key [, int $max_acquire = 1 [, int $perm = 0666 [, int $auto_release = 1]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive semaphore identifier on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"sem_release": {
"id": "function.sem-release",
"purpose": "Release a semaphore",
"prototype": "bool sem_release(resource $sem_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"sem_remove": {
"id": "function.sem-remove",
"purpose": "Remove a semaphore",
"prototype": "bool sem_remove(resource $sem_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shm_attach": {
"id": "function.shm-attach",
"purpose": "Creates or open a shared memory segment",
"prototype": "resource shm_attach(int $key [, int $memsize = '' [, int $perm = 0666]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a shared memory segment identifier. <\/p>"
"shm_detach": {
"id": "function.shm-detach",
"purpose": "Disconnects from shared memory segment",
"prototype": "bool shm_detach(resource $shm_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">shm_detach<\/span> always returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"shm_get_var": {
"id": "function.shm-get-var",
"purpose": "Returns a variable from shared memory",
"prototype": "mixed shm_get_var(resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the variable with the given key. <\/p>"
"shm_put_var": {
"id": "function.shm-put-var",
"purpose": "Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory",
"prototype": "bool shm_put_var(resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key, mixed $variable)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shm_remove_var": {
"id": "function.shm-remove-var",
"purpose": "Removes a variable from shared memory",
"prototype": "bool shm_remove_var(resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shm_remove": {
"id": "function.shm-remove",
"purpose": "Removes shared memory from Unix systems",
"prototype": "bool shm_remove(resource $shm_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shmop_close": {
"id": "function.shmop-close",
"purpose": "Close shared memory block",
"prototype": "void shmop_close(int $shmid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"shmop_delete": {
"id": "function.shmop-delete",
"purpose": "Delete shared memory block",
"prototype": "bool shmop_delete(int $shmid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shmop_open": {
"id": "function.shmop-open",
"purpose": "Create or open shared memory block",
"prototype": "int shmop_open(int $key, string $flags, int $mode, int $size)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success <span class=\"function\">shmop_open<\/span> will return an id that you can use to access the shared memory segment you&#039;ve created. <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned on failure. <\/p>"
"shmop_read": {
"id": "function.shmop-read",
"purpose": "Read data from shared memory block",
"prototype": "string shmop_read(int $shmid, int $start, int $count)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the data or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shmop_size": {
"id": "function.shmop-size",
"purpose": "Get size of shared memory block",
"prototype": "int shmop_size(int $shmid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an int, which represents the number of bytes the shared memory block occupies. <\/p>"
"shmop_write": {
"id": "function.shmop-write",
"purpose": "Write data into shared memory block",
"prototype": "int shmop_write(int $shmid, string $data, int $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The size of the written <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"connection_aborted": {
"id": "function.connection-aborted",
"purpose": "Check whether client disconnected",
"prototype": "int connection_aborted()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 1 if client disconnected, 0 otherwise. <\/p>"
"connection_status": {
"id": "function.connection-status",
"purpose": "Returns connection status bitfield",
"prototype": "int connection_status()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the connection status bitfield, which can be used against the <em>CONNECTION_XXX<\/em> constants to determine the connection status. <\/p>"
"constant": {
"id": "function.constant",
"purpose": "Returns the value of a constant",
"prototype": "mixed constant(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the constant, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if the constant is not defined. <\/p>"
"define": {
"id": "function.define",
"purpose": "Defines a named constant",
"prototype": "bool define(string $name, mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"defined": {
"id": "function.defined",
"purpose": "Checks whether a given named constant exists",
"prototype": "bool defined(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the named constant given by <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> has been defined, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"die": {
"id": "function.die",
"purpose": "Equivalent to exit",
"prototype": " die()",
"return": ""
"eval": {
"id": "function.eval",
"purpose": "Evaluate a string as PHP code",
"prototype": "mixed eval(string $code)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">eval<\/span> returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> unless <em>return<\/em> is called in the evaluated code, in which case the value passed to <em>return<\/em> is returned. As of PHP 7, if there is a parse error in the evaluated code, <span class=\"function\">eval<\/span> throws a ParseError exception. Before PHP 7, in this case <span class=\"function\">eval<\/span> returned <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and execution of the following code continued normally. It is not possible to catch a parse error in <span class=\"function\">eval<\/span> using <span class=\"function\">set_error_handler<\/span>. <\/p>"
"exit": {
"id": "function.exit",
"purpose": "Output a message and terminate the current script",
"prototype": "void exit(int $status)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"get_browser": {
"id": "function.get-browser",
"purpose": "Tells what the user's browser is capable of",
"prototype": "mixed get_browser([string $user_agent = '' [, bool $return_array = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The information is returned in an object or an array which will contain various data elements representing, for instance, the browser&#039;s major and minor version numbers and ID string; <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>\/<strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> values for features such as frames, JavaScript, and cookies; and so forth. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The <em>cookies<\/em> value simply means that the browser itself is capable of accepting cookies and does not mean the user has enabled the browser to accept cookies or not. The only way to test if cookies are accepted is to set one with <span class=\"function\">setcookie<\/span>, reload, and check for the value. <\/p>"
"highlight_file": {
"id": "function.highlight-file",
"purpose": "Syntax highlighting of a file",
"prototype": "mixed highlight_file(string $filename [, bool $return = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">return<\/code> is set to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, returns the highlighted code as a string instead of printing it out. Otherwise, it will return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"highlight_string": {
"id": "function.highlight-string",
"purpose": "Syntax highlighting of a string",
"prototype": "mixed highlight_string(string $str [, bool $return = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">return<\/code> is set to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, returns the highlighted code as a string instead of printing it out. Otherwise, it will return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ignore_user_abort": {
"id": "function.ignore-user-abort",
"purpose": "Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution",
"prototype": "int ignore_user_abort([bool $value = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the previous setting, as an integer. <\/p>"
"pack": {
"id": "function.pack",
"purpose": "Pack data into binary string",
"prototype": "string pack(string $format [, mixed $args = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a binary string containing data. <\/p>"
"show_source": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of highlight_file",
"prototype": " show_source()",
"return": ""
"sleep": {
"id": "function.sleep",
"purpose": "Delay execution",
"prototype": "int sleep(int $seconds)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns zero on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the call was interrupted by a signal, <span class=\"function\">sleep<\/span> returns a non-zero value. On Windows, this value will always be <em>192<\/em> (the value of the <strong><code>WAIT_IO_COMPLETION<\/code><\/strong> constant within the Windows API). On other platforms, the return value will be the number of seconds left to sleep. <\/p>"
"uniqid": {
"id": "function.uniqid",
"purpose": "Generate a unique ID",
"prototype": "string uniqid([string $prefix = \"\" [, bool $more_entropy = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the unique identifier, as a string. <\/p>"
"unpack": {
"id": "function.unpack",
"purpose": "Unpack data from binary string",
"prototype": "array unpack(string $format, string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array containing unpacked elements of binary string. <\/p>"
"usleep": {
"id": "function.usleep",
"purpose": "Delay execution in microseconds",
"prototype": "void usleep(int $micro_seconds)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::__construct": {
"id": "streamwrapper.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new stream wrapper",
"prototype": " streamWrapper::__construct()",
"return": ""
"streamWrapper::__destruct": {
"id": "streamwrapper.destruct",
"purpose": "Destructs an existing stream wrapper",
"prototype": " streamWrapper::__destruct()",
"return": ""
"streamWrapper::dir_closedir": {
"id": "streamwrapper.dir-closedir",
"purpose": "Close directory handle",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::dir_closedir()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::dir_opendir": {
"id": "streamwrapper.dir-opendir",
"purpose": "Open directory handle",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::dir_opendir(string $path, int $options)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::dir_readdir": {
"id": "streamwrapper.dir-readdir",
"purpose": "Read entry from directory handle",
"prototype": "string streamWrapper::dir_readdir()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> representing the next filename, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there is no next file. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> The return value will be casted to <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"streamWrapper::dir_rewinddir": {
"id": "streamwrapper.dir-rewinddir",
"purpose": "Rewind directory handle",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::dir_rewinddir()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_close": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Close a resource",
"prototype": "void streamWrapper::stream_close()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_eof": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::stream_eof()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the read\/write position is at the end of the stream and if no more data is available to be read, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_flush": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Flushes the output",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::stream_flush()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the cached data was successfully stored (or if there was no data to store), or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the data could not be stored. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_open": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Opens file or URL",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::stream_open(string $path, string $mode, int $options, string $opened_path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_read": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Read from stream",
"prototype": "string streamWrapper::stream_read(int $count)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If there are less than <code class=\"parameter\">count<\/code> bytes available, return as many as are available. If no more data is available, return either <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> or an empty string. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_seek": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Seeks to specific location in a stream",
"prototype": "bool streamWrapper::stream_seek(int $offset, int $whence)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the position was updated, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_stat": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve information about a file resource",
"prototype": "array streamWrapper::stream_stat()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> See <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span>. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_tell": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve the current position of a stream",
"prototype": "int streamWrapper::stream_tell()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return the current position of the stream. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::stream_write": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Write to stream",
"prototype": "int streamWrapper::stream_write(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return the number of bytes that were successfully stored, or 0 if none could be stored. <\/p>"
"streamWrapper::url_stat": {
"id": "streamwrapper.url-stat",
"purpose": "Retrieve information about a file",
"prototype": "array streamWrapper::url_stat(string $path, int $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Should return as many elements as <span class=\"function\">stat<\/span> does. Unknown or unavailable values should be set to a rational value (usually <strong><code>0<\/code><\/strong>). <\/p>"
"stream_context_create": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Creates a stream context",
"prototype": "resource stream_context_create([array $options = '' [, array $params = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A stream context <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span>. <\/p>"
"stream_context_get_options": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve options for a stream\/wrapper\/context",
"prototype": "array stream_context_get_options(resource $stream_or_context)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with the options. <\/p>"
"stream_context_set_option": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Sets an option for a stream\/wrapper\/context",
"prototype": "bool stream_context_set_option(resource $stream_or_context, string $wrapper, string $option, mixed $value, array $options)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"stream_context_set_params": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Set parameters for a stream\/wrapper\/context",
"prototype": "bool stream_context_set_params(resource $stream_or_context, array $params)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"stream_filter_append": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Attach a filter to a stream",
"prototype": "resource stream_filter_append(resource $stream, string $filtername [, int $read_write = '' [, mixed $params = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource which can be used to refer to this filter instance during a call to <span class=\"function\">stream_filter_remove<\/span>. <\/p>"
"stream_filter_prepend": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Attach a filter to a stream",
"prototype": "resource stream_filter_prepend(resource $stream, string $filtername [, int $read_write = '' [, mixed $params = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource which can be used to refer to this filter instance during a call to <span class=\"function\">stream_filter_remove<\/span>. <\/p>"
"stream_get_meta_data": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieves header\/meta data from streams\/file pointers",
"prototype": "array stream_get_meta_data(resource $stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The result array contains the following items: <\/p> <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>timed_out<\/em> (bool) - <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the stream timed out while waiting for data on the last call to <span class=\"function\">fread<\/span> or <span class=\"function\">fgets<\/span>. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>blocked<\/em> (bool) - <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the stream is in blocking IO mode. See <span class=\"function\">stream_set_blocking<\/span>. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>eof<\/em> (bool) - <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the stream has reached end-of-file. Note that for socket streams this member can be <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> even when <em>unread_bytes<\/em> is non-zero. To determine if there is more data to be read, use <span class=\"function\">feof<\/span> instead of reading this item. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>unread_bytes<\/em> (int) - the number of bytes currently contained in the PHP&#039;s own internal buffer. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <span class=\"simpara\"> You shouldn&#039;t use this value in a script. <\/span> <\/p><\/blockquote> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>stream_type<\/em> (string) - a label describing the underlying implementation of the stream. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>wrapper_type<\/em> (string) - a label describing the protocol wrapper implementation layered over the stream. See <a href=\"wrappers.html\" class=\"xref\">Supported Protocols and Wrappers<\/a> for more information about wrappers. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>wrapper_data<\/em> (mixed) - wrapper specific data attached to this stream. See <a href=\"wrappers.html\" class=\"xref\">Supported Protocols and Wrappers<\/a> for more information about wrappers and their wrapper data. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>mode<\/em> (string) - the type of access required for this stream (see Table 1 of the <a href=\"function.fopen.html\" class=\"link\">fopen()<\/a> reference) <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>seekable<\/em> (bool) - whether the current stream can be seeked. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <em>uri<\/em> (string) - the URI\/filename associated with this stream. <\/p> <\/li> <\/ul>"
"stream_register_wrapper": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of stream_wrapper_register",
"prototype": " stream_register_wrapper()",
"return": ""
"stream_select": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec",
"prototype": "int stream_select(array $read, array $write, array $except, int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success <span class=\"function\">stream_select<\/span> returns the number of stream resources contained in the modified arrays, which may be zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. On error <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and a warning raised (this can happen if the system call is interrupted by an incoming signal). <\/p>"
"stream_set_blocking": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Set blocking\/non-blocking mode on a stream",
"prototype": "bool stream_set_blocking(resource $stream, bool $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"stream_set_timeout": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Set timeout period on a stream",
"prototype": "bool stream_set_timeout(resource $stream, int $seconds [, int $microseconds = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"stream_set_write_buffer": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Sets write file buffering on the given stream",
"prototype": "int stream_set_write_buffer(resource $stream, int $buffer)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 0 on success, or another value if the request cannot be honored. <\/p>"
"stream_wrapper_register": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class",
"prototype": "bool stream_wrapper_register(string $protocol, string $classname [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">stream_wrapper_register<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the <code class=\"parameter\">protocol<\/code> already has a handler. <\/p>"
"token_get_all": {
"id": "function.token-get-all",
"purpose": "Split given source into PHP tokens",
"prototype": "array token_get_all(string $source [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An array of token identifiers. Each individual token identifier is either a single character (i.e.: <em>;<\/em>, <em>.<\/em>, <em>&gt;<\/em>, <em>!<\/em>, etc...), or a three element array containing the token index in element 0, the string content of the original token in element 1 and the line number in element 2. <\/p>"
"token_name": {
"id": "function.token-name",
"purpose": "Get the symbolic name of a given PHP token",
"prototype": "string token_name(int $token)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The symbolic name of the given <code class=\"parameter\">token<\/code>. <\/p>"
"base64_decode": {
"id": "function.base64-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes data encoded with MIME base64",
"prototype": "string base64_decode(string $data [, bool $strict = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the original data or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The returned data may be binary. <\/p>"
"base64_encode": {
"id": "function.base64-encode",
"purpose": "Encodes data with MIME base64",
"prototype": "string base64_encode(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The encoded data, as a string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"get_meta_tags": {
"id": "function.get-meta-tags",
"purpose": "Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array",
"prototype": "array get_meta_tags(string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with all the parsed meta tags. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The value of the name property becomes the key, the value of the content property becomes the value of the returned array, so you can easily use standard array functions to traverse it or access single values. Special characters in the value of the name property are substituted with &#039;_&#039;, the rest is converted to lower case. If two meta tags have the same name, only the last one is returned. <\/p>"
"parse_url": {
"id": "function.parse-url",
"purpose": "Parse a URL and return its components",
"prototype": "mixed parse_url(string $url [, int $component = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On seriously malformed URLs, <span class=\"function\">parse_url<\/span> may return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">component<\/code> parameter is omitted, an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> is returned. At least one element will be present within the array. Potential keys within this array are: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">scheme<\/var> - e.g. http <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">host<\/var> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">port<\/var> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">user<\/var> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">pass<\/var> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">path<\/var> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">query<\/var> - after the question mark <em>?<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <var class=\"varname\">fragment<\/var> - after the hashmark <em>#<\/em> <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the <code class=\"parameter\">component<\/code> parameter is specified, <span class=\"function\">parse_url<\/span> returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> (or an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>, in the case of <strong><code>PHP_URL_PORT<\/code><\/strong>) instead of an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>. If the requested component doesn&#039;t exist within the given URL, <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p>"
"rawurldecode": {
"id": "function.rawurldecode",
"purpose": "Decode URL-encoded strings",
"prototype": "string rawurldecode(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the decoded URL, as a string. <\/p>"
"rawurlencode": {
"id": "function.rawurlencode",
"purpose": "URL-encode according to RFC 3986",
"prototype": "string rawurlencode(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string in which all non-alphanumeric characters except <em>-_.~<\/em> have been replaced with a percent (<em>%<\/em>) sign followed by two hex digits. This is the encoding described in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc3986\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC 3986<\/a> for protecting literal characters from being interpreted as special URL delimiters, and for protecting URLs from being mangled by transmission media with character conversions (like some email systems). <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Prior to PHP 5.3.0, rawurlencode encoded tildes (<em>~<\/em>) as per <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc1738\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC 1738<\/a>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <\/p>"
"urldecode": {
"id": "function.urldecode",
"purpose": "Decodes URL-encoded string",
"prototype": "string urldecode(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the decoded string. <\/p>"
"urlencode": {
"id": "function.urlencode",
"purpose": "URL-encodes string",
"prototype": "string urlencode(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string in which all non-alphanumeric characters except <em>-_.<\/em> have been replaced with a percent (<em>%<\/em>) sign followed by two hex digits and spaces encoded as plus (<em>+<\/em>) signs. It is encoded the same way that the posted data from a WWW form is encoded, that is the same way as in <em>application\/x-www-form-urlencoded<\/em> media type. This differs from the <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc3986\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC 3986<\/a> encoding (see <span class=\"function\">rawurlencode<\/span>) in that for historical reasons, spaces are encoded as plus (+) signs. <\/p>"
"curl_close": {
"id": "function.curl-close",
"purpose": "Close a cURL session",
"prototype": "void curl_close(resource $ch)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"curl_errno": {
"id": "function.curl-errno",
"purpose": "Return the last error number",
"prototype": "int curl_errno(resource $ch)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error number or <em>0<\/em> (zero) if no error occurred. <\/p>"
"curl_error": {
"id": "function.curl-error",
"purpose": "Return a string containing the last error for the current session",
"prototype": "string curl_error(resource $ch)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message or <em>&#039;&#039;<\/em> (the empty string) if no error occurred. <\/p>"
"curl_exec": {
"id": "function.curl-exec",
"purpose": "Perform a cURL session",
"prototype": "mixed curl_exec(resource $ch)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. However, if the <strong><code>CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER<\/code><\/strong> option is <a href=\"function.curl-setopt.html\" class=\"link\">set<\/a>, it will return the result on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"curl_getinfo": {
"id": "function.curl-getinfo",
"purpose": "Get information regarding a specific transfer",
"prototype": "mixed curl_getinfo(resource $ch [, int $opt = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">opt<\/code> is given, returns its value. Otherwise, returns an associative array with the following elements (which correspond to <code class=\"parameter\">opt<\/code>), or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;url&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;content_type&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;http_code&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;header_size&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;request_size&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;filetime&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;ssl_verify_result&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;redirect_count&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;total_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;namelookup_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;connect_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;pretransfer_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;size_upload&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;size_download&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;speed_download&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;speed_upload&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;download_content_length&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;upload_content_length&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;starttransfer_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;redirect_time&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;certinfo&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;primary_ip&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;primary_port&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;local_ip&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;local_port&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;redirect_url&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;request_header&quot; (This is only set if the <strong><code>CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT<\/code><\/strong> is set by a previous call to <span class=\"function\">curl_setopt<\/span>) <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> Note that private data is not included in the associative array and must be retrieved individually with the <strong><code>CURLINFO_PRIVATE<\/code><\/strong> option. <\/p>"
"curl_init": {
"id": "function.curl-init",
"purpose": "Initialize a cURL session",
"prototype": "resource curl_init([string $url = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a cURL handle on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"curl_setopt": {
"id": "function.curl-setopt",
"purpose": "Set an option for a cURL transfer",
"prototype": "bool curl_setopt(resource $ch, int $option, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"curl_version": {
"id": "function.curl-version",
"purpose": "Gets cURL version information",
"prototype": "array curl_version([int $age = CURLVERSION_NOW])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with the following elements: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Indice<\/th> <th>Value description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>version_number<\/td> <td>cURL 24 bit version number<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>version<\/td> <td>cURL version number, as a string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ssl_version_number<\/td> <td>OpenSSL 24 bit version number<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>ssl_version<\/td> <td>OpenSSL version number, as a string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>libz_version<\/td> <td>zlib version number, as a string<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>host<\/td> <td>Information about the host where cURL was built<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>age<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>features<\/td> <td>A bitmask of the <em>CURL_VERSION_XXX<\/em> constants<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>protocols<\/td> <td>An array of protocols names supported by cURL<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"ftp_cdup": {
"id": "function.ftp-cdup",
"purpose": "Changes to the parent directory",
"prototype": "bool ftp_cdup(resource $ftp_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_chdir": {
"id": "function.ftp-chdir",
"purpose": "Changes the current directory on a FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_chdir(resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If changing directory fails, PHP will also throw a warning. <\/p>"
"ftp_close": {
"id": "function.ftp-close",
"purpose": "Closes an FTP connection",
"prototype": "resource ftp_close(resource $ftp_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_connect": {
"id": "function.ftp-connect",
"purpose": "Opens an FTP connection",
"prototype": "resource ftp_connect(string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a FTP stream on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_delete": {
"id": "function.ftp-delete",
"purpose": "Deletes a file on the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_delete(resource $ftp_stream, string $path)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_exec": {
"id": "function.ftp-exec",
"purpose": "Requests execution of a command on the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_exec(resource $ftp_stream, string $command)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the command was successful (server sent response code: <em>200<\/em>); otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_fget": {
"id": "function.ftp-fget",
"purpose": "Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file",
"prototype": "bool ftp_fget(resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file, int $mode [, int $resumepos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_fput": {
"id": "function.ftp-fput",
"purpose": "Uploads from an open file to the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_fput(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle, int $mode [, int $startpos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_get_option": {
"id": "function.ftp-get-option",
"purpose": "Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream",
"prototype": "mixed ftp_get_option(resource $ftp_stream, int $option)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the given <code class=\"parameter\">option<\/code> is not supported. In the latter case, a warning message is also thrown. <\/p>"
"ftp_get": {
"id": "function.ftp-get",
"purpose": "Downloads a file from the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_get(resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file, int $mode [, int $resumepos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_login": {
"id": "function.ftp-login",
"purpose": "Logs in to an FTP connection",
"prototype": "bool ftp_login(resource $ftp_stream, string $username, string $password)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If login fails, PHP will also throw a warning. <\/p>"
"ftp_mdtm": {
"id": "function.ftp-mdtm",
"purpose": "Returns the last modified time of the given file",
"prototype": "int ftp_mdtm(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the last modified time as a Unix timestamp on success, or -1 on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_mkdir": {
"id": "function.ftp-mkdir",
"purpose": "Creates a directory",
"prototype": "string ftp_mkdir(resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the newly created directory name on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_nb_continue": {
"id": "function.ftp-nb-continue",
"purpose": "Continues retrieving\/sending a file (non-blocking)",
"prototype": "int ftp_nb_continue(resource $ftp_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FTP_FAILED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_FINISHED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_MOREDATA<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_nb_fget": {
"id": "function.ftp-nb-fget",
"purpose": "Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking)",
"prototype": "int ftp_nb_fget(resource $ftp_stream, resource $handle, string $remote_file, int $mode [, int $resumepos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FTP_FAILED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_FINISHED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_MOREDATA<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_nb_fput": {
"id": "function.ftp-nb-fput",
"purpose": "Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking)",
"prototype": "int ftp_nb_fput(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, resource $handle, int $mode [, int $startpos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FTP_FAILED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_FINISHED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_MOREDATA<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_nb_get": {
"id": "function.ftp-nb-get",
"purpose": "Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking)",
"prototype": "int ftp_nb_get(resource $ftp_stream, string $local_file, string $remote_file, int $mode [, int $resumepos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FTP_FAILED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_FINISHED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_MOREDATA<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_nb_put": {
"id": "function.ftp-nb-put",
"purpose": "Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking)",
"prototype": "int ftp_nb_put(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file, int $mode [, int $startpos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FTP_FAILED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_FINISHED<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FTP_MOREDATA<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ftp_nlist": {
"id": "function.ftp-nlist",
"purpose": "Returns a list of files in the given directory",
"prototype": "array ftp_nlist(resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of filenames from the specified directory on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_pasv": {
"id": "function.ftp-pasv",
"purpose": "Turns passive mode on or off",
"prototype": "bool ftp_pasv(resource $ftp_stream, bool $pasv)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_put": {
"id": "function.ftp-put",
"purpose": "Uploads a file to the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_put(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file, string $local_file, int $mode [, int $startpos = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_pwd": {
"id": "function.ftp-pwd",
"purpose": "Returns the current directory name",
"prototype": "string ftp_pwd(resource $ftp_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current directory name or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_quit": {
"id": "function.ftp-quit",
"purpose": "Alias of ftp_close",
"prototype": " ftp_quit()",
"return": ""
"ftp_rawlist": {
"id": "function.ftp-rawlist",
"purpose": "Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory",
"prototype": "mixed ftp_rawlist(resource $ftp_stream, string $directory [, bool $recursive = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array where each element corresponds to one line of text. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> when passed <code class=\"parameter\">directory<\/code> is invalid. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The output is not parsed in any way. The system type identifier returned by <span class=\"function\">ftp_systype<\/span> can be used to determine how the results should be interpreted. <\/p>"
"ftp_rename": {
"id": "function.ftp-rename",
"purpose": "Renames a file or a directory on the FTP server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_rename(resource $ftp_stream, string $oldname, string $newname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_rmdir": {
"id": "function.ftp-rmdir",
"purpose": "Removes a directory",
"prototype": "bool ftp_rmdir(resource $ftp_stream, string $directory)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_set_option": {
"id": "function.ftp-set-option",
"purpose": "Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options",
"prototype": "bool ftp_set_option(resource $ftp_stream, int $option, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the option could be set; <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. A warning message will be thrown if the <code class=\"parameter\">option<\/code> is not supported or the passed <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> doesn&#039;t match the expected value for the given <code class=\"parameter\">option<\/code>. <\/p>"
"ftp_site": {
"id": "function.ftp-site",
"purpose": "Sends a SITE command to the server",
"prototype": "bool ftp_site(resource $ftp_stream, string $command)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ftp_size": {
"id": "function.ftp-size",
"purpose": "Returns the size of the given file",
"prototype": "int ftp_size(resource $ftp_stream, string $remote_file)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the file size on success, or -1 on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_ssl_connect": {
"id": "function.ftp-ssl-connect",
"purpose": "Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection",
"prototype": "resource ftp_ssl_connect(string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a SSL-FTP stream on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ftp_systype": {
"id": "function.ftp-systype",
"purpose": "Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server",
"prototype": "string ftp_systype(resource $ftp_stream)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the remote system type, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_8859_to_t61": {
"id": "function.ldap-8859-to-t61",
"purpose": "Translate 8859 characters to t61 characters",
"prototype": "string ldap_8859_to_t61(string $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the <em>t61<\/em> translation of <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code>. <\/p>"
"ldap_add": {
"id": "function.ldap-add",
"purpose": "Add entries to LDAP directory",
"prototype": "bool ldap_add(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_bind": {
"id": "function.ldap-bind",
"purpose": "Bind to LDAP directory",
"prototype": "bool ldap_bind(resource $link_identifier [, string $bind_rdn = '' [, string $bind_password = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_close": {
"id": "function.ldap-close",
"purpose": "Alias of ldap_unbind",
"prototype": " ldap_close()",
"return": ""
"ldap_compare": {
"id": "function.ldap-compare",
"purpose": "Compare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN",
"prototype": "mixed ldap_compare(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, string $attribute, string $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> matches otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Returns -1 on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_connect": {
"id": "function.ldap-connect",
"purpose": "Connect to an LDAP server",
"prototype": "resource ldap_connect([string $hostname = '' [, int $port = 389]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a positive LDAP link identifier on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. When OpenLDAP 2.x.x is used, <span class=\"function\">ldap_connect<\/span> will always return a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span> as it does not actually connect but just initializes the connecting parameters. The actual connect happens with the next calls to ldap_* funcs, usually with <span class=\"function\">ldap_bind<\/span>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If no arguments are specified then the link identifier of the already opened link will be returned. <\/p>"
"ldap_count_entries": {
"id": "function.ldap-count-entries",
"purpose": "Count the number of entries in a search",
"prototype": "int ldap_count_entries(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns number of entries in the result or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_delete": {
"id": "function.ldap-delete",
"purpose": "Delete an entry from a directory",
"prototype": "bool ldap_delete(resource $link_identifier, string $dn)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_dn2ufn": {
"id": "function.ldap-dn2ufn",
"purpose": "Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format",
"prototype": "string ldap_dn2ufn(string $dn)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the user friendly name. <\/p>"
"ldap_err2str": {
"id": "function.ldap-err2str",
"purpose": "Convert LDAP error number into string error message",
"prototype": "string ldap_err2str(int $errno)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message, as a string. <\/p>"
"ldap_errno": {
"id": "function.ldap-errno",
"purpose": "Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command",
"prototype": "int ldap_errno(resource $link_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command for this link. <\/p>"
"ldap_error": {
"id": "function.ldap-error",
"purpose": "Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command",
"prototype": "string ldap_error(resource $link_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns string error message. <\/p>"
"ldap_explode_dn": {
"id": "function.ldap-explode-dn",
"purpose": "Splits DN into its component parts",
"prototype": "array ldap_explode_dn(string $dn, int $with_attrib)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of all DN components. The first element in this array has <em>count<\/em> key and represents the number of returned values, next elements are numerically indexed DN components. <\/p>"
"ldap_first_attribute": {
"id": "function.ldap-first-attribute",
"purpose": "Return first attribute",
"prototype": "string ldap_first_attribute(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the first attribute in the entry on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_first_entry": {
"id": "function.ldap-first-entry",
"purpose": "Return first result id",
"prototype": "resource ldap_first_entry(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result entry identifier for the first entry on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_first_reference": {
"id": "function.ldap-first-reference",
"purpose": "Return first reference",
"prototype": "resource ldap_first_reference(resource $link, resource $result)",
"return": ""
"ldap_free_result": {
"id": "function.ldap-free-result",
"purpose": "Free result memory",
"prototype": "bool ldap_free_result(resource $result_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_get_attributes": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-attributes",
"purpose": "Get attributes from a search result entry",
"prototype": "array ldap_get_attributes(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a complete entry information in a multi-dimensional array on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_get_dn": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-dn",
"purpose": "Get the DN of a result entry",
"prototype": "string ldap_get_dn(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the DN of the result entry and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_get_entries": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-entries",
"purpose": "Get all result entries",
"prototype": "array ldap_get_entries(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a complete result information in a multi-dimensional array on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The structure of the array is as follows. The attribute index is converted to lowercase. (Attributes are case-insensitive for directory servers, but not when used as array indices.) <div class=\"informalexample\"> <div class=\"example-contents\"><div class=\"cdata\"><pre>return_value[&quot;count&quot;] = number of entries in the resultreturn_value[0] : refers to the details of first entryreturn_value[i][&quot;dn&quot;] = DN of the ith entry in the resultreturn_value[i][&quot;count&quot;] = number of attributes in ith entryreturn_value[i][j] = NAME of the jth attribute in the ith entry in the resultreturn_value[i][&quot;attribute&quot;][&quot;count&quot;] = number of values for attribute in ith entryreturn_value[i][&quot;attribute&quot;][j] = jth value of attribute in ith entry<\/pre><\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/p>"
"ldap_get_option": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-option",
"purpose": "Get the current value for given option",
"prototype": "bool ldap_get_option(resource $link_identifier, int $option, mixed $retval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_get_values_len": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-values-len",
"purpose": "Get all binary values from a result entry",
"prototype": "array ldap_get_values_len(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier, string $attribute)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of values for the attribute on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. Individual values are accessed by integer index in the array. The first index is 0. The number of values can be found by indexing &quot;count&quot; in the resultant array. <\/p>"
"ldap_get_values": {
"id": "function.ldap-get-values",
"purpose": "Get all values from a result entry",
"prototype": "array ldap_get_values(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier, string $attribute)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of values for the attribute on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. The number of values can be found by indexing &quot;count&quot; in the resultant array. Individual values are accessed by integer index in the array. The first index is 0. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> LDAP allows more than one entry for an attribute, so it can, for example, store a number of email addresses for one person&#039;s directory entry all labeled with the attribute &quot;mail&quot; <div class=\"informalexample\"> <pre class=\"literallayout\"> return_value[&quot;count&quot;] = number of values for attribute return_value[0] = first value of attribute return_value[i] = ith value of attribute <\/pre> <\/div> <\/p>"
"ldap_list": {
"id": "function.ldap-list",
"purpose": "Single-level search",
"prototype": "resource ldap_list(resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = '' [, int $attrsonly = '' [, int $sizelimit = '' [, int $timelimit = '' [, int $deref = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a search result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_mod_add": {
"id": "function.ldap-mod-add",
"purpose": "Add attribute values to current attributes",
"prototype": "bool ldap_mod_add(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_mod_del": {
"id": "function.ldap-mod-del",
"purpose": "Delete attribute values from current attributes",
"prototype": "bool ldap_mod_del(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_mod_replace": {
"id": "function.ldap-mod-replace",
"purpose": "Replace attribute values with new ones",
"prototype": "bool ldap_mod_replace(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_modify": {
"id": "function.ldap-modify",
"purpose": "Modify an LDAP entry",
"prototype": "bool ldap_modify(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, array $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_next_attribute": {
"id": "function.ldap-next-attribute",
"purpose": "Get the next attribute in result",
"prototype": "string ldap_next_attribute(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the next attribute in an entry on success and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_next_entry": {
"id": "function.ldap-next-entry",
"purpose": "Get next result entry",
"prototype": "resource ldap_next_entry(resource $link_identifier, resource $result_entry_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns entry identifier for the next entry in the result whose entries are being read starting with <span class=\"function\">ldap_first_entry<\/span>. If there are no more entries in the result then it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"ldap_next_reference": {
"id": "function.ldap-next-reference",
"purpose": "Get next reference",
"prototype": "resource ldap_next_reference(resource $link, resource $entry)",
"return": ""
"ldap_parse_reference": {
"id": "function.ldap-parse-reference",
"purpose": "Extract information from reference entry",
"prototype": "bool ldap_parse_reference(resource $link, resource $entry, array $referrals)",
"return": ""
"ldap_parse_result": {
"id": "function.ldap-parse-result",
"purpose": "Extract information from result",
"prototype": "bool ldap_parse_result(resource $link, resource $result, int $errcode [, string $matcheddn = '' [, string $errmsg = '' [, array $referrals = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_read": {
"id": "function.ldap-read",
"purpose": "Read an entry",
"prototype": "resource ldap_read(resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = '' [, int $attrsonly = '' [, int $sizelimit = '' [, int $timelimit = '' [, int $deref = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a search result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_rename": {
"id": "function.ldap-rename",
"purpose": "Modify the name of an entry",
"prototype": "bool ldap_rename(resource $link_identifier, string $dn, string $newrdn, string $newparent, bool $deleteoldrdn)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_search": {
"id": "function.ldap-search",
"purpose": "Search LDAP tree",
"prototype": "resource ldap_search(resource $link_identifier, string $base_dn, string $filter [, array $attributes = '' [, int $attrsonly = '' [, int $sizelimit = '' [, int $timelimit = '' [, int $deref = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a search result identifier or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"ldap_set_option": {
"id": "function.ldap-set-option",
"purpose": "Set the value of the given option",
"prototype": "bool ldap_set_option(resource $link_identifier, int $option, mixed $newval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ldap_set_rebind_proc": {
"id": "function.ldap-set-rebind-proc",
"purpose": "Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing",
"prototype": "bool ldap_set_rebind_proc(resource $link, callable $callback)",
"return": ""
"ldap_sort": {
"id": "function.ldap-sort",
"purpose": "Sort LDAP result entries",
"prototype": "bool ldap_sort(resource $link, resource $result, string $sortfilter)",
"return": ""
"ldap_start_tls": {
"id": "function.ldap-start-tls",
"purpose": "Start TLS",
"prototype": "bool ldap_start_tls(resource $link)",
"return": ""
"ldap_t61_to_8859": {
"id": "function.ldap-t61-to-8859",
"purpose": "Translate t61 characters to 8859 characters",
"prototype": "string ldap_t61_to_8859(string $value)",
"return": ""
"ldap_unbind": {
"id": "function.ldap-unbind",
"purpose": "Unbind from LDAP directory",
"prototype": "bool ldap_unbind(resource $link_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"checkdnsrr": {
"id": "function.checkdnsrr",
"purpose": "Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address",
"prototype": "bool checkdnsrr(string $host [, string $type = \"MX\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if any records are found; returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no records were found or if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"closelog": {
"id": "function.closelog",
"purpose": "Close connection to system logger",
"prototype": "bool closelog()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"fsockopen": {
"id": "function.fsockopen",
"purpose": "Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection",
"prototype": "resource fsockopen(string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int $errno = '' [, string $errstr = '' [, float $timeout = ini_get(\"default_socket_timeout\")]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">fsockopen<\/span> returns a file pointer which may be used together with the other file functions (such as <span class=\"function\">fgets<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">fgetss<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">fwrite<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">fclose<\/span>, and <span class=\"function\">feof<\/span>). If the call fails, it will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"gethostbyaddr": {
"id": "function.gethostbyaddr",
"purpose": "Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address",
"prototype": "string gethostbyaddr(string $ip_address)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the host name on success, the unmodified <code class=\"parameter\">ip_address<\/code> on failure, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on malformed input. <\/p>"
"gethostbyname": {
"id": "function.gethostbyname",
"purpose": "Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name",
"prototype": "string gethostbyname(string $hostname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the IPv4 address or a string containing the unmodified <code class=\"parameter\">hostname<\/code> on failure. <\/p>"
"gethostbynamel": {
"id": "function.gethostbynamel",
"purpose": "Get a list of IPv4 addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name",
"prototype": "array gethostbynamel(string $hostname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of IPv4 addresses or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">hostname<\/code> could not be resolved. <\/p>"
"getmxrr": {
"id": "function.getmxrr",
"purpose": "Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name",
"prototype": "bool getmxrr(string $hostname, array $mxhosts [, array $weight = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if any records are found; returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no records were found or if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"getprotobyname": {
"id": "function.getprotobyname",
"purpose": "Get protocol number associated with protocol name",
"prototype": "int getprotobyname(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the protocol number, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"getprotobynumber": {
"id": "function.getprotobynumber",
"purpose": "Get protocol name associated with protocol number",
"prototype": "string getprotobynumber(int $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the protocol name as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"getservbyname": {
"id": "function.getservbyname",
"purpose": "Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol",
"prototype": "int getservbyname(string $service, string $protocol)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the port number, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">service<\/code> or <code class=\"parameter\">protocol<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"getservbyport": {
"id": "function.getservbyport",
"purpose": "Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol",
"prototype": "string getservbyport(int $port, string $protocol)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Internet service name as a string. <\/p>"
"header": {
"id": "function.header",
"purpose": "Send a raw HTTP header",
"prototype": "void header(string $string [, bool $replace = true [, int $http_response_code = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"headers_sent": {
"id": "function.headers-sent",
"purpose": "Checks if or where headers have been sent",
"prototype": "bool headers_sent([string $file = '' [, int $line = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">headers_sent<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no HTTP headers have already been sent or <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ip2long": {
"id": "function.ip2long",
"purpose": "Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a long integer",
"prototype": "int ip2long(string $ip_address)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the long integer or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">ip_address<\/code> is invalid. <\/p>"
"long2ip": {
"id": "function.long2ip",
"purpose": "Converts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format",
"prototype": "string long2ip(string $proper_address)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Internet IP address as a string. <\/p>"
"openlog": {
"id": "function.openlog",
"purpose": "Open connection to system logger",
"prototype": "bool openlog(string $ident, int $option, int $facility)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pfsockopen": {
"id": "function.pfsockopen",
"purpose": "Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection",
"prototype": "resource pfsockopen(string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int $errno = '' [, string $errstr = '' [, float $timeout = ini_get(\"default_socket_timeout\")]]]])",
"return": ""
"setcookie": {
"id": "function.setcookie",
"purpose": "Send a cookie",
"prototype": "bool setcookie(string $name [, string $value = \"\" [, int $expire = '' [, string $path = \"\" [, string $domain = \"\" [, bool $secure = false [, bool $httponly = false]]]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If output exists prior to calling this function, <span class=\"function\">setcookie<\/span> will fail and return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. If <span class=\"function\">setcookie<\/span> successfully runs, it will return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. This does not indicate whether the user accepted the cookie. <\/p>"
"socket_get_status": {
"id": "function.socket-get-status",
"purpose": "Alias of stream_get_meta_data",
"prototype": " socket_get_status()",
"return": ""
"socket_set_blocking": {
"id": "function.socket-set-blocking",
"purpose": "Alias of stream_set_blocking",
"prototype": " socket_set_blocking()",
"return": ""
"socket_set_timeout": {
"id": "function.socket-set-timeout",
"purpose": "Alias of stream_set_timeout",
"prototype": " socket_set_timeout()",
"return": ""
"syslog": {
"id": "function.syslog",
"purpose": "Generate a system log message",
"prototype": "bool syslog(int $priority, string $message)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"snmp_get_quick_print": {
"id": "function.snmp-get-quick-print",
"purpose": "Fetches the current value of the UCD library's quick_print setting",
"prototype": "bool snmp_get_quick_print()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if quick_print is on, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"snmp_get_valueretrieval": {
"id": "function.snmp-get-valueretrieval",
"purpose": "Return the method how the SNMP values will be returned",
"prototype": "int snmp_get_valueretrieval()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> OR-ed combitantion of constants ( <strong><code>SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>SNMP_VALUE_PLAIN<\/code><\/strong> ) with possible SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT set. <\/p>"
"snmp_set_enum_print": {
"id": "function.snmp-set-enum-print",
"purpose": "Return all values that are enums with their enum value instead of the raw integer",
"prototype": "bool snmp_set_enum_print(int $enum_print)",
"return": ""
"snmp_set_oid_numeric_print": {
"id": "function.snmp-set-oid-numeric-print",
"purpose": "Set the OID output format",
"prototype": "void snmp_set_oid_numeric_print(int $oid_format)",
"return": ""
"snmp_set_quick_print": {
"id": "function.snmp-set-quick-print",
"purpose": "Set the value of quick_print within the UCD SNMP library",
"prototype": "bool snmp_set_quick_print(bool $quick_print)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"snmp_set_valueretrieval": {
"id": "function.snmp-set-valueretrieval",
"purpose": "Specify the method how the SNMP values will be returned",
"prototype": "bool snmp_set_valueretrieval(int $method)",
"return": ""
"snmp3_get": {
"id": "function.snmp3-get",
"purpose": "Fetch an SNMP object",
"prototype": "string snmp3_get(string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, string $timeout = 1000000 [, string $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object value on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"snmp3_real_walk": {
"id": "function.snmp3-real-walk",
"purpose": "Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one",
"prototype": "array snmp3_real_walk(string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, string $timeout = 1000000 [, string $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of the <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object ids and their values on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. In case of an error, an E_WARNING message is shown. <\/p>"
"snmp3_set": {
"id": "function.snmp3-set",
"purpose": "Set the value of an SNMP object",
"prototype": "bool snmp3_set(string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id, string $type, string $value [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the SNMP host rejects the data type, an E_WARNING message like &quot;Warning: Error in packet. Reason: (badValue) The value given has the wrong type or length.&quot; is shown. If an unknown or invalid OID is specified the warning probably reads &quot;Could not add variable&quot;. <\/p>"
"snmp3_walk": {
"id": "function.snmp3-walk",
"purpose": "Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent",
"prototype": "array snmp3_walk(string $host, string $sec_name, string $sec_level, string $auth_protocol, string $auth_passphrase, string $priv_protocol, string $priv_passphrase, string $object_id [, string $timeout = 1000000 [, string $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object values starting from the <code class=\"parameter\">object_id<\/code> as root or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"snmpget": {
"id": "function.snmpget",
"purpose": "Fetch an SNMP object",
"prototype": "string snmpget(string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object value on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"snmprealwalk": {
"id": "function.snmprealwalk",
"purpose": "Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one",
"prototype": "array snmprealwalk(string $host, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of the <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object ids and their values on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. In case of an error, an E_WARNING message is shown. <\/p>"
"snmpset": {
"id": "function.snmpset",
"purpose": "Set the value of an SNMP object",
"prototype": "bool snmpset(string $host, string $community, string $object_id, string $type, mixed $value [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the SNMP host rejects the data type, an E_WARNING message like &quot;Warning: Error in packet. Reason: (badValue) The value given has the wrong type or length.&quot; is shown. If an unknown or invalid OID is specified the warning probably reads &quot;Could not add variable&quot;. <\/p>"
"snmpwalk": {
"id": "function.snmpwalk",
"purpose": "Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent",
"prototype": "array snmpwalk(string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of <acronym class=\"acronym\">SNMP<\/acronym> object values starting from the <code class=\"parameter\">object_id<\/code> as root or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"snmpwalkoid": {
"id": "function.snmpwalkoid",
"purpose": "Query for a tree of information about a network entity",
"prototype": "array snmpwalkoid(string $hostname, string $community, string $object_id [, int $timeout = 1000000 [, int $retries = 5]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with object ids and their respective object value starting from the <code class=\"parameter\">object_id<\/code> as root or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"socket_accept": {
"id": "function.socket-accept",
"purpose": "Accepts a connection on a socket",
"prototype": "resource socket_accept(resource $socket)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new socket resource on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This error code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_bind": {
"id": "function.socket-bind",
"purpose": "Binds a name to a socket",
"prototype": "bool socket_bind(resource $socket, string $address [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_clear_error": {
"id": "function.socket-clear-error",
"purpose": "Clears the error on the socket or the last error code",
"prototype": "void socket_clear_error([resource $socket = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"socket_close": {
"id": "function.socket-close",
"purpose": "Closes a socket resource",
"prototype": "void socket_close(resource $socket)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"socket_connect": {
"id": "function.socket-connect",
"purpose": "Initiates a connection on a socket",
"prototype": "bool socket_connect(resource $socket, string $address [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> If the socket is non-blocking then this function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> with an error <em>Operation now in progress<\/em>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"socket_create_listen": {
"id": "function.socket-create-listen",
"purpose": "Opens a socket on port to accept connections",
"prototype": "resource socket_create_listen(int $port [, int $backlog = 128])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_create_listen<\/span> returns a new socket resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_create_pair": {
"id": "function.socket-create-pair",
"purpose": "Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array",
"prototype": "bool socket_create_pair(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol, array $fd)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"socket_create": {
"id": "function.socket-create",
"purpose": "Create a socket (endpoint for communication)",
"prototype": "resource socket_create(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_create<\/span> returns a socket resource on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This error code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_get_option": {
"id": "function.socket-get-option",
"purpose": "Gets socket options for the socket",
"prototype": "mixed socket_get_option(resource $socket, int $level, int $optname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the given option, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors. <\/p>"
"socket_getopt": {
"id": "function.socket-getopt",
"purpose": "Alias of socket_get_option",
"prototype": " socket_getopt()",
"return": ""
"socket_getpeername": {
"id": "function.socket-getpeername",
"purpose": "Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host\/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type",
"prototype": "bool socket_getpeername(resource $socket, string $address [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <span class=\"function\">socket_getpeername<\/span> may also return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the socket type is not any of <strong><code>AF_INET<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>AF_INET6<\/code><\/strong>, or <strong><code>AF_UNIX<\/code><\/strong>, in which case the last socket error code is <em class=\"emphasis\">not<\/em> updated. <\/p>"
"socket_getsockname": {
"id": "function.socket-getsockname",
"purpose": "Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host\/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type",
"prototype": "bool socket_getsockname(resource $socket, string $addr [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <span class=\"function\">socket_getsockname<\/span> may also return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the socket type is not any of <strong><code>AF_INET<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>AF_INET6<\/code><\/strong>, or <strong><code>AF_UNIX<\/code><\/strong>, in which case the last socket error code is <em class=\"emphasis\">not<\/em> updated. <\/p>"
"socket_last_error": {
"id": "function.socket-last-error",
"purpose": "Returns the last error on the socket",
"prototype": "int socket_last_error([resource $socket = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns a socket error code. <\/p>"
"socket_listen": {
"id": "function.socket-listen",
"purpose": "Listens for a connection on a socket",
"prototype": "bool socket_listen(resource $socket [, int $backlog = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_read": {
"id": "function.socket-read",
"purpose": "Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket",
"prototype": "string socket_read(resource $socket, int $length [, int $type = PHP_BINARY_READ])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_read<\/span> returns the data as a string on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error (including if the remote host has closed the connection). The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual representation of the error. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_read<\/span> returns a zero length string (&quot;&quot;) when there is no more data to read. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"socket_recv": {
"id": "function.socket-recv",
"purpose": "Receives data from a connected socket",
"prototype": "int socket_recv(resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_recv<\/span> returns the number of bytes received, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there was an error. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This error code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_recvfrom": {
"id": "function.socket-recvfrom",
"purpose": "Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented",
"prototype": "int socket_recvfrom(resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags, string $name [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_recvfrom<\/span> returns the number of bytes received, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there was an error. The actual error code can be retrieved by calling <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This error code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p>"
"socket_select": {
"id": "function.socket-select",
"purpose": "Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout",
"prototype": "int socket_select(array $read, array $write, array $except, int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success <span class=\"function\">socket_select<\/span> returns the number of socket resources contained in the modified arrays, which may be zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. On error <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Be sure to use the <em>===<\/em> operator when checking for an error. Since the <span class=\"function\">socket_select<\/span> may return 0 the comparison with <em>==<\/em> would evaluate to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>: <div class=\"example\" id=\"example-27\"> <p><strong>Example # Understanding <span class=\"function\">socket_select<\/span>&#039;s result<\/strong><\/p> <div class=\"example-contents\"><div class=\"phpcode\"><code><span style=\"color: #000000\"><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">&lt;?php<br \/>$e&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">=&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">NULL<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">;<br \/>if&nbsp;(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">false&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">===&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">socket_select<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$r<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">,&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$w<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">,&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$e<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">,&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">0<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">))&nbsp;{<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">\"socket_select()&nbsp;failed,&nbsp;reason:&nbsp;\"&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">.<br \/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">socket_strerror<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">socket_last_error<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">())&nbsp;.&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #DD0000\">\"\\n\"<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">;<br \/>}<br \/><\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">?&gt;<\/span><\/span><\/code><\/div> <\/div> <\/div> <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"socket_send": {
"id": "function.socket-send",
"purpose": "Sends data to a connected socket",
"prototype": "int socket_send(resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_send<\/span> returns the number of bytes sent, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"socket_sendto": {
"id": "function.socket-sendto",
"purpose": "Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not",
"prototype": "int socket_sendto(resource $socket, string $buf, int $len, int $flags, string $addr [, int $port = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">socket_sendto<\/span> returns the number of bytes sent to the remote host, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"socket_set_block": {
"id": "function.socket-set-block",
"purpose": "Sets blocking mode on a socket resource",
"prototype": "bool socket_set_block(resource $socket)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"socket_set_nonblock": {
"id": "function.socket-set-nonblock",
"purpose": "Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd",
"prototype": "bool socket_set_nonblock(resource $socket)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"socket_set_option": {
"id": "function.socket-set-option",
"purpose": "Sets socket options for the socket",
"prototype": "bool socket_set_option(resource $socket, int $level, int $optname, mixed $optval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"socket_setopt": {
"id": "function.socket-setopt",
"purpose": "Alias of socket_set_option",
"prototype": " socket_setopt()",
"return": ""
"socket_shutdown": {
"id": "function.socket-shutdown",
"purpose": "Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both",
"prototype": "bool socket_shutdown(resource $socket [, int $how = 2])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"socket_strerror": {
"id": "function.socket-strerror",
"purpose": "Return a string describing a socket error",
"prototype": "string socket_strerror(int $errno)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message associated with the <code class=\"parameter\">errno<\/code> parameter. <\/p>"
"socket_write": {
"id": "function.socket-write",
"purpose": "Write to a socket",
"prototype": "int socket_write(resource $socket, string $buffer [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of bytes successfully written to the socket or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The error code can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">socket_last_error<\/span>. This code may be passed to <span class=\"function\">socket_strerror<\/span> to get a textual explanation of the error. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> It is perfectly valid for <span class=\"function\">socket_write<\/span> to return zero which means no bytes have been written. Be sure to use the <em>===<\/em> operator to check for <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in case of an error. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"apache_child_terminate": {
"id": "function.apache-child-terminate",
"purpose": "Terminate apache process after this request",
"prototype": "bool apache_child_terminate()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if PHP is running as an Apache 1 module, the Apache version is non-multithreaded, and the <a href=\"apache.configuration.html#ini.child-terminate\" class=\"link\">child_terminate<\/a> PHP directive is enabled (disabled by default). If these conditions are not met, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and an error of level <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> is generated. <\/p>"
"apache_get_modules": {
"id": "function.apache-get-modules",
"purpose": "Get a list of loaded Apache modules",
"prototype": "array apache_get_modules()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of loaded Apache modules. <\/p>"
"apache_get_version": {
"id": "function.apache-get-version",
"purpose": "Fetch Apache version",
"prototype": "string apache_get_version()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Apache version on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"apache_getenv": {
"id": "function.apache-getenv",
"purpose": "Get an Apache subprocess_env variable",
"prototype": "string apache_getenv(string $variable [, bool $walk_to_top = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the Apache environment variable on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure <\/p>"
"apache_lookup_uri": {
"id": "function.apache-lookup-uri",
"purpose": "Perform a partial request for the specified URI and return all info about it",
"prototype": "object apache_lookup_uri(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> of related URI information. The properties of this <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> are: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <ul class=\"simplelist\"> <li class=\"member\">status<\/li> <li class=\"member\">the_request<\/li> <li class=\"member\">status_line<\/li> <li class=\"member\">method<\/li> <li class=\"member\">content_type<\/li> <li class=\"member\">handler<\/li> <li class=\"member\">uri<\/li> <li class=\"member\">filename<\/li> <li class=\"member\">path_info<\/li> <li class=\"member\">args<\/li> <li class=\"member\">boundary<\/li> <li class=\"member\">no_cache<\/li> <li class=\"member\">no_local_copy<\/li> <li class=\"member\">allowed<\/li> <li class=\"member\">send_bodyct<\/li> <li class=\"member\">bytes_sent<\/li> <li class=\"member\">byterange<\/li> <li class=\"member\">clength<\/li> <li class=\"member\">unparsed_uri<\/li> <li class=\"member\">mtime<\/li> <li class=\"member\">request_time<\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"apache_note": {
"id": "function.apache-note",
"purpose": "Get and set apache request notes",
"prototype": "string apache_note(string $note_name [, string $note_value = \"\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If called with one argument, it returns the current value of note <em>note_name<\/em>. If called with two arguments, it sets the value of note <em>note_name<\/em> to <em>note_value<\/em> and returns the previous value of note <em>note_name<\/em>. If the note cannot be retrieved, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"apache_request_headers": {
"id": "function.apache-request-headers",
"purpose": "Fetch all HTTP request headers",
"prototype": "array apache_request_headers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An associative array of all the HTTP headers in the current request, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"apache_response_headers": {
"id": "function.apache-response-headers",
"purpose": "Fetch all HTTP response headers",
"prototype": "array apache_response_headers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An array of all Apache response headers on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"apache_setenv": {
"id": "function.apache-setenv",
"purpose": "Set an Apache subprocess_env variable",
"prototype": "bool apache_setenv(string $variable, string $value [, bool $walk_to_top = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"getallheaders": {
"id": "function.getallheaders",
"purpose": "Fetch all HTTP request headers",
"prototype": "array getallheaders()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An associative array of all the HTTP headers in the current request, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"virtual": {
"id": "function.virtual",
"purpose": "Perform an Apache sub-request",
"prototype": "bool virtual(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Performs the virtual command on success, or returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"nsapi_request_headers": {
"id": "function.nsapi-request-headers",
"purpose": "Fetch all HTTP request headers",
"prototype": "array nsapi_request_headers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with all the HTTP headers. <\/p>"
"nsapi_response_headers": {
"id": "function.nsapi-response-headers",
"purpose": "Fetch all HTTP response headers",
"prototype": "array nsapi_response_headers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with all the NSAPI response headers. <\/p>"
"nsapi_virtual": {
"id": "function.nsapi-virtual",
"purpose": "Perform an NSAPI sub-request",
"prototype": "bool nsapi_virtual(string $uri)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"msession_connect": {
"id": "function.msession-connect",
"purpose": "Connect to msession server",
"prototype": "bool msession_connect(string $host, string $port)",
"return": ""
"msession_count": {
"id": "function.msession-count",
"purpose": "Get session count",
"prototype": "int msession_count()",
"return": ""
"msession_create": {
"id": "function.msession-create",
"purpose": "Create a session",
"prototype": "bool msession_create(string $session [, string $classname = '' [, string $data = '']])",
"return": ""
"msession_destroy": {
"id": "function.msession-destroy",
"purpose": "Destroy a session",
"prototype": "bool msession_destroy(string $name)",
"return": ""
"msession_disconnect": {
"id": "function.msession-disconnect",
"purpose": "Close connection to msession server",
"prototype": "void msession_disconnect()",
"return": ""
"msession_find": {
"id": "function.msession-find",
"purpose": "Find all sessions with name and value",
"prototype": "array msession_find(string $name, string $value)",
"return": ""
"msession_get_array": {
"id": "function.msession-get-array",
"purpose": "Get array of msession variables",
"prototype": "array msession_get_array(string $session)",
"return": ""
"msession_get_data": {
"id": "function.msession-get-data",
"purpose": "Get data session unstructured data",
"prototype": "string msession_get_data(string $session)",
"return": ""
"msession_get": {
"id": "function.msession-get",
"purpose": "Get value from session",
"prototype": "string msession_get(string $session, string $name, string $value)",
"return": ""
"msession_inc": {
"id": "function.msession-inc",
"purpose": "Increment value in session",
"prototype": "string msession_inc(string $session, string $name)",
"return": ""
"msession_list": {
"id": "function.msession-list",
"purpose": "List all sessions",
"prototype": "array msession_list()",
"return": ""
"msession_listvar": {
"id": "function.msession-listvar",
"purpose": "List sessions with variable",
"prototype": "array msession_listvar(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of value\/session for all sessions with a variable named <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code>. <\/p>"
"msession_lock": {
"id": "function.msession-lock",
"purpose": "Lock a session",
"prototype": "int msession_lock(string $name)",
"return": ""
"msession_plugin": {
"id": "function.msession-plugin",
"purpose": "Call an escape function within the msession personality plugin",
"prototype": "string msession_plugin(string $session, string $val [, string $param = ''])",
"return": ""
"msession_randstr": {
"id": "function.msession-randstr",
"purpose": "Get random string",
"prototype": "string msession_randstr(int $param)",
"return": ""
"msession_set_array": {
"id": "function.msession-set-array",
"purpose": "Set msession variables from an array",
"prototype": "void msession_set_array(string $session, array $tuples)",
"return": ""
"msession_set_data": {
"id": "function.msession-set-data",
"purpose": "Set data session unstructured data",
"prototype": "bool msession_set_data(string $session, string $value)",
"return": ""
"msession_set": {
"id": "function.msession-set",
"purpose": "Set value in session",
"prototype": "bool msession_set(string $session, string $name, string $value)",
"return": ""
"msession_timeout": {
"id": "function.msession-timeout",
"purpose": "Set\/get session timeout",
"prototype": "int msession_timeout(string $session [, int $param = ''])",
"return": ""
"msession_uniq": {
"id": "function.msession-uniq",
"purpose": "Get unique id",
"prototype": "string msession_uniq(int $param [, string $classname = '' [, string $data = '']])",
"return": ""
"msession_unlock": {
"id": "function.msession-unlock",
"purpose": "Unlock a session",
"prototype": "int msession_unlock(string $session, int $key)",
"return": ""
"session_cache_expire": {
"id": "function.session-cache-expire",
"purpose": "Return current cache expire",
"prototype": "int session_cache_expire([string $new_cache_expire = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current setting of <em>session.cache_expire<\/em>. The value returned should be read in minutes, defaults to 180. <\/p>"
"session_cache_limiter": {
"id": "function.session-cache-limiter",
"purpose": "Get and\/or set the current cache limiter",
"prototype": "string session_cache_limiter([string $cache_limiter = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the current cache limiter. <\/p>"
"session_commit": {
"id": "function.session-commit",
"purpose": "Alias of session_write_close",
"prototype": " session_commit()",
"return": ""
"session_decode": {
"id": "function.session-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes session data from a session encoded string",
"prototype": "bool session_decode(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"session_destroy": {
"id": "function.session-destroy",
"purpose": "Destroys all data registered to a session",
"prototype": "bool session_destroy()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"session_encode": {
"id": "function.session-encode",
"purpose": "Encodes the current session data as a session encoded string",
"prototype": "string session_encode()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the contents of the current session encoded. <\/p>"
"session_get_cookie_params": {
"id": "function.session-get-cookie-params",
"purpose": "Get the session cookie parameters",
"prototype": "array session_get_cookie_params()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the current session cookie information, the array contains the following items: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <a href=\"session.configuration.html#ini.session.cookie-lifetime\" class=\"link\">&quot;lifetime&quot;<\/a> - The lifetime of the cookie in seconds. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <a href=\"session.configuration.html#ini.session.cookie-path\" class=\"link\">&quot;path&quot;<\/a> - The path where information is stored. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <a href=\"session.configuration.html#ini.session.cookie-domain\" class=\"link\">&quot;domain&quot;<\/a> - The domain of the cookie. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <a href=\"session.configuration.html#ini.session.cookie-secure\" class=\"link\">&quot;secure&quot;<\/a> - The cookie should only be sent over secure connections. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <a href=\"session.configuration.html#ini.session.cookie-httponly\" class=\"link\">&quot;httponly&quot;<\/a> - The cookie can only be accessed through the HTTP protocol. <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"session_id": {
"id": "function.session-id",
"purpose": "Get and\/or set the current session id",
"prototype": "string session_id([string $id = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">session_id<\/span> returns the session id for the current session or the empty string (<em>&quot;&quot;<\/em>) if there is no current session (no current session id exists). <\/p>"
"session_module_name": {
"id": "function.session-module-name",
"purpose": "Get and\/or set the current session module",
"prototype": "string session_module_name([string $module = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the current session module. <\/p>"
"session_name": {
"id": "function.session-name",
"purpose": "Get and\/or set the current session name",
"prototype": "string session_name([string $name = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the current session. If <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> is given and function updates the session name, name of the <em class=\"emphasis\">old<\/em> session is returned. <\/p>"
"session_regenerate_id": {
"id": "function.session-regenerate-id",
"purpose": "Update the current session id with a newly generated one",
"prototype": "bool session_regenerate_id([bool $delete_old_session = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"session_save_path": {
"id": "function.session-save-path",
"purpose": "Get and\/or set the current session save path",
"prototype": "string session_save_path([string $path = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the path of the current directory used for data storage. <\/p>"
"session_set_cookie_params": {
"id": "function.session-set-cookie-params",
"purpose": "Set the session cookie parameters",
"prototype": "void session_set_cookie_params(int $lifetime [, string $path = '' [, string $domain = '' [, bool $secure = false [, bool $httponly = false]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"session_set_save_handler": {
"id": "function.session-set-save-handler",
"purpose": "Sets user-level session storage functions",
"prototype": "bool session_set_save_handler(callable $open, callable $close, callable $read, callable $write, callable $destroy, callable $gc [, callable $create_sid = '', SessionHandlerInterface $sessionhandler [, bool $register_shutdown = true]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"session_start": {
"id": "function.session-start",
"purpose": "Start new or resume existing session",
"prototype": "bool session_start([array $options = []])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if a session was successfully started, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"session_unset": {
"id": "function.session-unset",
"purpose": "Free all session variables",
"prototype": "void session_unset()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"session_write_close": {
"id": "function.session-write-close",
"purpose": "Write session data and end session",
"prototype": "void session_write_close()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"preg_grep": {
"id": "function.preg-grep",
"purpose": "Return array entries that match the pattern",
"prototype": "array preg_grep(string $pattern, array $input [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array indexed using the keys from the <code class=\"parameter\">input<\/code> array. <\/p>"
"preg_match_all": {
"id": "function.preg-match-all",
"purpose": "Perform a global regular expression match",
"prototype": "int preg_match_all(string $pattern, string $subject [, array $matches = '' [, int $flags = '' [, int $offset = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of full pattern matches (which might be zero), or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"preg_match": {
"id": "function.preg-match",
"purpose": "Perform a regular expression match",
"prototype": "int preg_match(string $pattern, string $subject [, array $matches = '' [, int $flags = '' [, int $offset = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">preg_match<\/span> returns 1 if the <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code> matches given <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code>, 0 if it does not, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"preg_quote": {
"id": "function.preg-quote",
"purpose": "Quote regular expression characters",
"prototype": "string preg_quote(string $str [, string $delimiter = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the quoted (escaped) string. <\/p>"
"preg_replace_callback": {
"id": "function.preg-replace-callback",
"purpose": "Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback",
"prototype": "mixed preg_replace_callback(mixed $pattern, callable $callback, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">preg_replace_callback<\/span> returns an array if the <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> parameter is an array, or a string otherwise. On errors the return value is <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If matches are found, the new subject will be returned, otherwise <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> will be returned unchanged. <\/p>"
"preg_replace": {
"id": "function.preg-replace",
"purpose": "Perform a regular expression search and replace",
"prototype": "mixed preg_replace(mixed $pattern, mixed $replacement, mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">preg_replace<\/span> returns an array if the <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> parameter is an array, or a string otherwise. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If matches are found, the new <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> will be returned, otherwise <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> will be returned unchanged or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"preg_split": {
"id": "function.preg-split",
"purpose": "Split string by a regular expression",
"prototype": "array preg_split(string $pattern, string $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $flags = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing substrings of <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> split along boundaries matched by <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>. <\/p>"
"ereg_replace": {
"id": "function.ereg-replace",
"purpose": "Replace regular expression",
"prototype": "string ereg_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The modified string is returned. If no matches are found in <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>, then it will be returned unchanged. <\/p>"
"ereg": {
"id": "function.ereg",
"purpose": "Regular expression match",
"prototype": "int ereg(string $pattern, string $string [, array $regs = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the matched string if a match for <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code> was found in <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no matches were found or an error occurred. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the optional parameter <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> was not passed or the length of the matched string is 0, this function returns 1. <\/p>"
"eregi_replace": {
"id": "function.eregi-replace",
"purpose": "Replace regular expression case insensitive",
"prototype": "string eregi_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The modified string is returned. If no matches are found in <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>, then it will be returned unchanged. <\/p>"
"eregi": {
"id": "function.eregi",
"purpose": "Case insensitive regular expression match",
"prototype": "int eregi(string $pattern, string $string [, array $regs = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the matched string if a match for <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code> was found in <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no matches were found or an error occurred. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the optional parameter <code class=\"parameter\">regs<\/code> was not passed or the length of the matched string is 0, this function returns 1. <\/p>"
"split": {
"id": "function.split",
"purpose": "Split string into array by regular expression",
"prototype": "array split(string $pattern, string $string [, int $limit = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the case-sensitive regular expression <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If there are <span class=\"replaceable\">n<\/span> occurrences of <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>, the returned array will contain <em><span class=\"replaceable\">n<\/span>+1<\/em> items. For example, if there is no occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>, an array with only one element will be returned. Of course, this is also true if <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> is empty. If an error occurs, <span class=\"function\">split<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"spliti": {
"id": "function.spliti",
"purpose": "Split string into array by regular expression case insensitive",
"prototype": "array spliti(string $pattern, string $string [, int $limit = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the case insensitive regular expression <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If there are <span class=\"replaceable\">n<\/span> occurrences of <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>, the returned array will contain <em><span class=\"replaceable\">n<\/span>+1<\/em> items. For example, if there is no occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">pattern<\/code>, an array with only one element will be returned. Of course, this is also true if <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> is empty. If an error occurs, <span class=\"function\">spliti<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"sql_regcase": {
"id": "function.sql-regcase",
"purpose": "Make regular expression for case insensitive match",
"prototype": "string sql_regcase(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a valid regular expression which will match <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>, ignoring case. This expression is <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> with each alphabetic character converted to a bracket expression; this bracket expression contains that character&#039;s uppercase and lowercase form. Other characters remain unchanged. <\/p>"
"addcslashes": {
"id": "function.addcslashes",
"purpose": "Quote string with slashes in a C style",
"prototype": "string addcslashes(string $str, string $charlist)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the escaped string. <\/p>"
"addslashes": {
"id": "function.addslashes",
"purpose": "Quote string with slashes",
"prototype": "string addslashes(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the escaped string. <\/p>"
"bin2hex": {
"id": "function.bin2hex",
"purpose": "Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation",
"prototype": "string bin2hex(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the hexadecimal representation of the given string. <\/p>"
"chop": {
"id": "function.chop",
"purpose": "Alias of rtrim",
"prototype": " chop()",
"return": ""
"chr": {
"id": "function.chr",
"purpose": "Return a specific character",
"prototype": "string chr(int $ascii)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the specified character. <\/p>"
"chunk_split": {
"id": "function.chunk-split",
"purpose": "Split a string into smaller chunks",
"prototype": "string chunk_split(string $body [, int $chunklen = 76 [, string $end = \"\\r\\n\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the chunked string. <\/p>"
"convert_cyr_string": {
"id": "function.convert-cyr-string",
"purpose": "Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another",
"prototype": "string convert_cyr_string(string $str, string $from, string $to)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the converted string. <\/p>"
"count_chars": {
"id": "function.count-chars",
"purpose": "Return information about characters used in a string",
"prototype": "mixed count_chars(string $string [, int $mode = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Depending on <code class=\"parameter\">mode<\/code> <span class=\"function\">count_chars<\/span> returns one of the following: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> 0 - an array with the byte-value as key and the frequency of every byte as value. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> 1 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency greater than zero are listed. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> 2 - same as 0 but only byte-values with a frequency equal to zero are listed. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> 3 - a string containing all unique characters is returned. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> 4 - a string containing all not used characters is returned. <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"crc32": {
"id": "function.crc32",
"purpose": "Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string",
"prototype": "int crc32(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the crc32 checksum of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> as an integer. <\/p>"
"crypt": {
"id": "function.crypt",
"purpose": "One-way string hashing",
"prototype": "string crypt(string $str [, string $salt = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the hashed string or a string that is shorter than 13 characters and is guaranteed to differ from the salt on failure. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong> <p class=\"simpara\"> When validating passwords, a string comparison function that isn&#039;t vulnerable to timing attacks should be used to compare the output of <span class=\"function\">crypt<\/span> to the previously known hash. PHP 5.6 onwards provides <span class=\"function\">hash_equals<\/span> for this purpose. <\/p> <\/div>"
"echo": {
"id": "function.echo",
"purpose": "Output one or more strings",
"prototype": "void echo(string $arg1 [, string $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"explode": {
"id": "function.explode",
"purpose": "Split a string by string",
"prototype": "array explode(string $delimiter, string $string [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>s created by splitting the <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> parameter on boundaries formed by the <code class=\"parameter\">delimiter<\/code>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">delimiter<\/code> is an empty <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> (&quot;&quot;), <span class=\"function\">explode<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. If <code class=\"parameter\">delimiter<\/code> contains a value that is not contained in <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> and a negative <code class=\"parameter\">limit<\/code> is used, then an empty <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> will be returned, otherwise an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> will be returned. <\/p>"
"get_html_translation_table": {
"id": "function.get-html-translation-table",
"purpose": "Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities",
"prototype": "array get_html_translation_table([int $table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = \"UTF-8\"]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the translation table as an array, with the original characters as keys and entities as values. <\/p>"
"hebrev": {
"id": "function.hebrev",
"purpose": "Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text",
"prototype": "string hebrev(string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the visual string. <\/p>"
"hebrevc": {
"id": "function.hebrevc",
"purpose": "Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion",
"prototype": "string hebrevc(string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the visual string. <\/p>"
"html_entity_decode": {
"id": "function.html-entity-decode",
"purpose": "Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters",
"prototype": "string html_entity_decode(string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get(\"default_charset\")]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the decoded string. <\/p>"
"htmlentities": {
"id": "function.htmlentities",
"purpose": "Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities",
"prototype": "string htmlentities(string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get(\"default_charset\") [, bool $double_encode = true]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the encoded string. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the input <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> contains an invalid code unit sequence within the given <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> an empty string will be returned, unless either the <strong><code>ENT_IGNORE<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>ENT_SUBSTITUTE<\/code><\/strong> flags are set. <\/p>"
"htmlspecialchars": {
"id": "function.htmlspecialchars",
"purpose": "Convert special characters to HTML entities",
"prototype": "string htmlspecialchars(string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get(\"default_charset\") [, bool $double_encode = true]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the input <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> contains an invalid code unit sequence within the given <code class=\"parameter\">encoding<\/code> an empty string will be returned, unless either the <strong><code>ENT_IGNORE<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>ENT_SUBSTITUTE<\/code><\/strong> flags are set. <\/p>"
"implode": {
"id": "function.implode",
"purpose": "Join array elements with a string",
"prototype": "string implode(string $glue, array $pieces)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements in the same order, with the glue string between each element. <\/p>"
"join": {
"id": "function.join",
"purpose": "Alias of implode",
"prototype": " join()",
"return": ""
"levenshtein": {
"id": "function.levenshtein",
"purpose": "Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings",
"prototype": "int levenshtein(string $str1, string $str2, int $cost_ins, int $cost_rep, int $cost_del)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns the Levenshtein-Distance between the two argument strings or -1, if one of the argument strings is longer than the limit of 255 characters. <\/p>"
"localeconv": {
"id": "function.localeconv",
"purpose": "Get numeric formatting information",
"prototype": "array localeconv()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">localeconv<\/span> returns data based upon the current locale as set by <span class=\"function\">setlocale<\/span>. The associative array that is returned contains the following fields: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Array element<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>decimal_point<\/td> <td>Decimal point character<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>thousands_sep<\/td> <td>Thousands separator<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>grouping<\/td> <td>Array containing numeric groupings<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>int_curr_symbol<\/td> <td>International currency symbol (i.e. USD)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>currency_symbol<\/td> <td>Local currency symbol (i.e. $)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>mon_decimal_point<\/td> <td>Monetary decimal point character<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>mon_thousands_sep<\/td> <td>Monetary thousands separator<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>mon_grouping<\/td> <td>Array containing monetary groupings<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>positive_sign<\/td> <td>Sign for positive values<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>negative_sign<\/td> <td>Sign for negative values<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>int_frac_digits<\/td> <td>International fractional digits<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>frac_digits<\/td> <td>Local fractional digits<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>p_cs_precedes<\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if currency_symbol precedes a positive value, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it succeeds one <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>p_sep_by_space<\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if a space separates currency_symbol from a positive value, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>n_cs_precedes<\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if currency_symbol precedes a negative value, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it succeeds one <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>n_sep_by_space<\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if a space separates currency_symbol from a negative value, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise <\/td> <\/tr> <tr style=\"vertical-align: top;\"> <td>p_sign_posn<\/td> <td> <ul class=\"simplelist\"> <li class=\"member\">0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">1 - The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">2 - The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">3 - The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">4 - The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol<\/li> <\/ul> <\/td> <\/tr> <tr style=\"vertical-align: top;\"> <td>n_sign_posn<\/td> <td> <ul class=\"simplelist\"> <li class=\"member\">0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">1 - The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">2 - The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">3 - The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol<\/li> <li class=\"member\">4 - The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol<\/li> <\/ul> <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The <em>p_sign_posn<\/em>, and <em>n_sign_posn<\/em> contain a string of formatting options. Each number representing one of the above listed conditions. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The grouping fields contain arrays that define the way numbers should be grouped. For example, the monetary grouping field for the nl_NL locale (in UTF-8 mode with the euro sign), would contain a 2 item array with the values 3 and 3. The higher the index in the array, the farther left the grouping is. If an array element is equal to <strong><code>CHAR_MAX<\/code><\/strong>, no further grouping is done. If an array element is equal to 0, the previous element should be used. <\/p>"
"ltrim": {
"id": "function.ltrim",
"purpose": "Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string",
"prototype": "string ltrim(string $str [, string $character_mask = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns a string with whitespace stripped from the beginning of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code>. Without the second parameter, <span class=\"function\">ltrim<\/span> will strip these characters: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot; &quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>32<\/em> (<em>0x20<\/em>)), an ordinary space. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;\\t&quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>9<\/em> (<em>0x09<\/em>)), a tab. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;\\n&quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>10<\/em> (<em>0x0A<\/em>)), a new line (line feed). <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;\\r&quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>13<\/em> (<em>0x0D<\/em>)), a carriage return. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;\\0&quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>0<\/em> (<em>0x00<\/em>)), the <em>NUL<\/em>-byte. <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;\\x0B&quot; (<acronym class=\"acronym\">ASCII<\/acronym> <em>11<\/em> (<em>0x0B<\/em>)), a vertical tab. <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"md5_file": {
"id": "function.md5-file",
"purpose": "Calculates the md5 hash of a given file",
"prototype": "string md5_file(string $filename [, bool $raw_output = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"md5": {
"id": "function.md5",
"purpose": "Calculate the md5 hash of a string",
"prototype": "string md5(string $str [, bool $raw_output = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the hash as a 32-character hexadecimal number. <\/p>"
"metaphone": {
"id": "function.metaphone",
"purpose": "Calculate the metaphone key of a string",
"prototype": "string metaphone(string $str [, int $phonemes = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the metaphone key as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"money_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Formats a number as a currency string",
"prototype": "string money_format(string $format, float $number)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the formatted string. Characters before and after the formatting string will be returned unchanged. Non-numeric <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code> causes returning <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> and emitting <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"nl_langinfo": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Query language and locale information",
"prototype": "string nl_langinfo(int $item)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the element as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">item<\/code> is not valid. <\/p>"
"nl2br": {
"id": "function.nl2br",
"purpose": "Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string",
"prototype": "string nl2br(string $string [, bool $is_xhtml = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the altered string. <\/p>"
"number_format": {
"id": "function.number-format",
"purpose": "Format a number with grouped thousands",
"prototype": "string number_format(float $number, int $decimals, string $dec_point, string $thousands_sep)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A formatted version of <code class=\"parameter\">number<\/code>. <\/p>"
"ord": {
"id": "function.ord",
"purpose": "Return ASCII value of character",
"prototype": "int ord(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the ASCII value as an integer. <\/p>"
"parse_str": {
"id": "function.parse-str",
"purpose": "Parses the string into variables",
"prototype": "void parse_str(string $str [, array $arr = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"print": {
"id": "function.print",
"purpose": "Output a string",
"prototype": "int print(string $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <em>1<\/em>, always. <\/p>"
"printf": {
"id": "function.printf",
"purpose": "Output a formatted string",
"prototype": "int printf(string $format [, mixed $args = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the outputted string. <\/p>"
"quoted_printable_decode": {
"id": "function.quoted-printable-decode",
"purpose": "Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string",
"prototype": "string quoted_printable_decode(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the 8-bit binary string. <\/p>"
"quotemeta": {
"id": "function.quotemeta",
"purpose": "Quote meta characters",
"prototype": "string quotemeta(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the string with meta characters quoted, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an empty string is given as <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code>. <\/p>"
"rtrim": {
"id": "function.rtrim",
"purpose": "Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string",
"prototype": "string rtrim(string $str [, string $character_mask = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the modified string. <\/p>"
"setlocale": {
"id": "function.setlocale",
"purpose": "Set locale information",
"prototype": "string setlocale(int $category, array $locale [, string $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the new current locale, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the locale functionality is not implemented on your platform, the specified locale does not exist or the category name is invalid. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> An invalid category name also causes a warning message. Category\/locale names can be found in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rfcs\/rfc1766\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;RFC 1766<\/a> and <a href=\"http:\/\/\/WAI\/ER\/IG\/ert\/iso639.htm\" class=\"link external\">&raquo;&nbsp;ISO 639<\/a>. Different systems have different naming schemes for locales. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> The return value of <span class=\"function\">setlocale<\/span> depends on the system that PHP is running. It returns exactly what the system <em>setlocale<\/em> function returns. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"sha1_file": {
"id": "function.sha1-file",
"purpose": "Calculate the sha1 hash of a file",
"prototype": "string sha1_file(string $filename [, bool $raw_output = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"sha1": {
"id": "function.sha1",
"purpose": "Calculate the sha1 hash of a string",
"prototype": "string sha1(string $str [, bool $raw_output = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the sha1 hash as a string. <\/p>"
"similar_text": {
"id": "function.similar-text",
"purpose": "Calculate the similarity between two strings",
"prototype": "int similar_text(string $first, string $second [, float $percent = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of matching chars in both strings. <\/p>"
"soundex": {
"id": "function.soundex",
"purpose": "Calculate the soundex key of a string",
"prototype": "string soundex(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the soundex key as a string. <\/p>"
"sprintf": {
"id": "function.sprintf",
"purpose": "Return a formatted string",
"prototype": "string sprintf(string $format [, mixed $args = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string produced according to the formatting string <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code>. <\/p>"
"sscanf": {
"id": "function.sscanf",
"purpose": "Parses input from a string according to a format",
"prototype": "mixed sscanf(string $str, string $format [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If only two parameters were passed to this function, the values parsed will be returned as an array. Otherwise, if optional parameters are passed, the function will return the number of assigned values. The optional parameters must be passed by reference. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If there are more substrings expected in the <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> than there are available within <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code>, <em>-1<\/em> will be returned. <\/p>"
"str_pad": {
"id": "function.str-pad",
"purpose": "Pad a string to a certain length with another string",
"prototype": "string str_pad(string $input, int $pad_length [, string $pad_string = \" \" [, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the padded string. <\/p>"
"str_repeat": {
"id": "function.str-repeat",
"purpose": "Repeat a string",
"prototype": "string str_repeat(string $input, int $multiplier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the repeated string. <\/p>"
"str_replace": {
"id": "function.str-replace",
"purpose": "Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string",
"prototype": "mixed str_replace(mixed $search, mixed $replace, mixed $subject [, int $count = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns a string or an array with the replaced values. <\/p>"
"str_rot13": {
"id": "function.str-rot13",
"purpose": "Perform the rot13 transform on a string",
"prototype": "string str_rot13(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the ROT13 version of the given string. <\/p>"
"str_shuffle": {
"id": "function.str-shuffle",
"purpose": "Randomly shuffles a string",
"prototype": "string str_shuffle(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the shuffled string. <\/p>"
"str_word_count": {
"id": "function.str-word-count",
"purpose": "Return information about words used in a string",
"prototype": "mixed str_word_count(string $string [, int $format = '' [, string $charlist = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array or an integer, depending on the <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> chosen. <\/p>"
"strcasecmp": {
"id": "function.strcasecmp",
"purpose": "Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison",
"prototype": "int strcasecmp(string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strchr": {
"id": "function.strchr",
"purpose": "Alias of strstr",
"prototype": " strchr()",
"return": ""
"strcmp": {
"id": "function.strcmp",
"purpose": "Binary safe string comparison",
"prototype": "int strcmp(string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strcoll": {
"id": "function.strcoll",
"purpose": "Locale based string comparison",
"prototype": "int strcoll(string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strcspn": {
"id": "function.strcspn",
"purpose": "Find length of initial segment not matching mask",
"prototype": "int strcspn(string $subject, string $mask [, int $start = '' [, int $length = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the initial segment of <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> which consists entirely of characters <em class=\"emphasis\">not<\/em> in <code class=\"parameter\">mask<\/code>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> When a <code class=\"parameter\">start<\/code> parameter is set, the returned length is counted starting from this position, not from the beginning of <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"strip_tags": {
"id": "function.strip-tags",
"purpose": "Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string",
"prototype": "string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the stripped string. <\/p>"
"stripcslashes": {
"id": "function.stripcslashes",
"purpose": "Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes",
"prototype": "string stripcslashes(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the unescaped string. <\/p>"
"stripslashes": {
"id": "function.stripslashes",
"purpose": "Un-quotes a quoted string",
"prototype": "string stripslashes(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string with backslashes stripped off. (<em>\\&#039;<\/em> becomes <em>&#039;<\/em> and so on.) Double backslashes (<em>\\\\<\/em>) are made into a single backslash (<em>\\<\/em>). <\/p>"
"stristr": {
"id": "function.stristr",
"purpose": "Case-insensitive strstr",
"prototype": "string stristr(string $haystack, mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the matched substring. If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found, returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"strlen": {
"id": "function.strlen",
"purpose": "Get string length",
"prototype": "int strlen(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The length of the <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> on success, and <em>0<\/em> if the <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> is empty. <\/p>"
"strnatcasecmp": {
"id": "function.strnatcasecmp",
"purpose": "Case insensitive string comparisons using a \"natural order\" algorithm",
"prototype": "int strnatcasecmp(string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Similar to other string comparison functions, this one returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code> &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strnatcmp": {
"id": "function.strnatcmp",
"purpose": "String comparisons using a \"natural order\" algorithm",
"prototype": "int strnatcmp(string $str1, string $str2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Similar to other string comparison functions, this one returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strncasecmp": {
"id": "function.strncasecmp",
"purpose": "Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters",
"prototype": "int strncasecmp(string $str1, string $str2, int $len)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strncmp": {
"id": "function.strncmp",
"purpose": "Binary safe string comparison of the first n characters",
"prototype": "int strncmp(string $str1, string $str2, int $len)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns &lt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is less than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>; &gt; 0 if <code class=\"parameter\">str1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">str2<\/code>, and 0 if they are equal. <\/p>"
"strpos": {
"id": "function.strpos",
"purpose": "Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string",
"prototype": "mixed strpos(string $haystack, mixed $needle [, int $offset = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the position of where the needle exists relative to the beginning of the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> string (independent of offset). Also note that string positions start at 0, and not 1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the needle was not found. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"strrchr": {
"id": "function.strrchr",
"purpose": "Find the last occurrence of a character in a string",
"prototype": "string strrchr(string $haystack, mixed $needle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns the portion of string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"strrev": {
"id": "function.strrev",
"purpose": "Reverse a string",
"prototype": "string strrev(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the reversed string. <\/p>"
"strrpos": {
"id": "function.strrpos",
"purpose": "Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string",
"prototype": "int strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the position where the needle exists relative to the beginnning of the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> string (independent of search direction or offset). Also note that string positions start at 0, and not 1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the needle was not found. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"strspn": {
"id": "function.strspn",
"purpose": "Finds the length of the initial segment of a string consisting entirely of characters contained within a given mask.",
"prototype": "int strspn(string $subject, string $mask [, int $start = '' [, int $length = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the initial segment of <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code> which consists entirely of characters in <code class=\"parameter\">mask<\/code>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> When a <code class=\"parameter\">start<\/code> parameter is set, the returned length is counted starting from this position, not from the beginning of <code class=\"parameter\">subject<\/code>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"strstr": {
"id": "function.strstr",
"purpose": "Find the first occurrence of a string",
"prototype": "string strstr(string $haystack, mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"strtok": {
"id": "function.strtok",
"purpose": "Tokenize string",
"prototype": "string strtok(string $str, string $token)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> token. <\/p>"
"strtolower": {
"id": "function.strtolower",
"purpose": "Make a string lowercase",
"prototype": "string strtolower(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the lowercased string. <\/p>"
"strtoupper": {
"id": "function.strtoupper",
"purpose": "Make a string uppercase",
"prototype": "string strtoupper(string $string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the uppercased string. <\/p>"
"strtr": {
"id": "function.strtr",
"purpose": "Translate characters or replace substrings",
"prototype": "string strtr(string $str, string $from, string $to, array $replace_pairs)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the translated <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">replace_pairs<\/code> contains a key which is an empty <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> (<em>&quot;&quot;<\/em>), <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. If the <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> is not a scalar then it is not typecasted into a string, instead a warning is raised and <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"substr_count": {
"id": "function.substr-count",
"purpose": "Count the number of substring occurrences",
"prototype": "int substr_count(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, int $length = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"substr_replace": {
"id": "function.substr-replace",
"purpose": "Replace text within a portion of a string",
"prototype": "mixed substr_replace(mixed $string, mixed $replacement, mixed $start [, mixed $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The result string is returned. If <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code> is an array then array is returned. <\/p>"
"substr": {
"id": "function.substr",
"purpose": "Return part of a string",
"prototype": "string substr(string $string, int $start [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the extracted part of <code class=\"parameter\">string<\/code>; or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure, or an empty string. <\/p>"
"trim": {
"id": "function.trim",
"purpose": "Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string",
"prototype": "string trim(string $str [, string $character_mask = \" \\t\\n\\r\\0\\x0B\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The trimmed string. <\/p>"
"ucfirst": {
"id": "function.ucfirst",
"purpose": "Make a string's first character uppercase",
"prototype": "string ucfirst(string $str)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the resulting string. <\/p>"
"ucwords": {
"id": "function.ucwords",
"purpose": "Uppercase the first character of each word in a string",
"prototype": "string ucwords(string $str [, string $delimiters = \" \\t\\r\\n\\f\\v\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the modified string. <\/p>"
"vprintf": {
"id": "function.vprintf",
"purpose": "Output a formatted string",
"prototype": "int vprintf(string $format, array $args)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the outputted string. <\/p>"
"vsprintf": {
"id": "function.vsprintf",
"purpose": "Return a formatted string",
"prototype": "string vsprintf(string $format, array $args)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return array values as a formatted string according to <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> (which is described in the documentation for <span class=\"function\">sprintf<\/span>). <\/p>"
"wordwrap": {
"id": "function.wordwrap",
"purpose": "Wraps a string to a given number of characters",
"prototype": "string wordwrap(string $str [, int $width = 75 [, string $break = \"\\n\" [, bool $cut = false]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the given string wrapped at the specified length. <\/p>"
"array_change_key_case": {
"id": "function.array-change-key-case",
"purpose": "Changes the case of all keys in an array",
"prototype": "array array_change_key_case(array $array [, int $case = CASE_LOWER])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with its keys lower or uppercased, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> is not an array. <\/p>"
"array_chunk": {
"id": "function.array-chunk",
"purpose": "Split an array into chunks",
"prototype": "array array_chunk(array $array, int $size [, bool $preserve_keys = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a multidimensional numerically indexed array, starting with zero, with each dimension containing <code class=\"parameter\">size<\/code> elements. <\/p>"
"array_count_values": {
"id": "function.array-count-values",
"purpose": "Counts all the values of an array",
"prototype": "array array_count_values(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of values from <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> as keys and their count as value. <\/p>"
"array_diff_assoc": {
"id": "function.array-diff-assoc",
"purpose": "Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check",
"prototype": "array array_diff_assoc(array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing all the values from <code class=\"parameter\">array1<\/code> that are not present in any of the other arrays. <\/p>"
"array_diff": {
"id": "function.array-diff",
"purpose": "Computes the difference of arrays",
"prototype": "array array_diff(array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing all the entries from <code class=\"parameter\">array1<\/code> that are not present in any of the other arrays. <\/p>"
"array_fill": {
"id": "function.array-fill",
"purpose": "Fill an array with values",
"prototype": "array array_fill(int $start_index, int $num, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the filled array <\/p>"
"array_filter": {
"id": "function.array-filter",
"purpose": "Filters elements of an array using a callback function",
"prototype": "array array_filter(array $array [, callable $callback = '' [, int $flag = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the filtered array. <\/p>"
"array_flip": {
"id": "function.array-flip",
"purpose": "Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array",
"prototype": "string array_flip(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the flipped array on success and <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"array_intersect_assoc": {
"id": "function.array-intersect-assoc",
"purpose": "Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check",
"prototype": "array array_intersect_assoc(array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array containing all the values in <code class=\"parameter\">array1<\/code> that are present in all of the arguments. <\/p>"
"array_intersect": {
"id": "function.array-intersect",
"purpose": "Computes the intersection of arrays",
"prototype": "array array_intersect(array $array1, array $array2 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing all of the values in <code class=\"parameter\">array1<\/code> whose values exist in all of the parameters. <\/p>"
"array_key_exists": {
"id": "function.array-key-exists",
"purpose": "Checks if the given key or index exists in the array",
"prototype": "bool array_key_exists(mixed $key, array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"array_keys": {
"id": "function.array-keys",
"purpose": "Return all the keys or a subset of the keys of an array",
"prototype": "array array_keys(array $array [, mixed $search_value = null [, bool $strict = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of all the keys in <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code>. <\/p>"
"array_map": {
"id": "function.array-map",
"purpose": "Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays",
"prototype": "array array_map(callable $callback, array $array1 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing all the elements of <code class=\"parameter\">array1<\/code> after applying the <code class=\"parameter\">callback<\/code> function to each one. <\/p>"
"array_merge_recursive": {
"id": "function.array-merge-recursive",
"purpose": "Merge two or more arrays recursively",
"prototype": "array array_merge_recursive(array $array1 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An array of values resulted from merging the arguments together. <\/p>"
"array_merge": {
"id": "function.array-merge",
"purpose": "Merge one or more arrays",
"prototype": "array array_merge(array $array1 [, array $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the resulting array. <\/p>"
"array_multisort": {
"id": "function.array-multisort",
"purpose": "Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays",
"prototype": "string array_multisort(array $array1 [, mixed $array1_sort_order = SORT_ASC [, mixed $array1_sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR [, mixed $... = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"array_pad": {
"id": "function.array-pad",
"purpose": "Pad array to the specified length with a value",
"prototype": "array array_pad(array $array, int $size, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a copy of the <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> padded to size specified by <code class=\"parameter\">size<\/code> with value <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code>. If <code class=\"parameter\">size<\/code> is positive then the array is padded on the right, if it&#039;s negative then on the left. If the absolute value of <code class=\"parameter\">size<\/code> is less than or equal to the length of the <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> then no padding takes place. <\/p>"
"array_pop": {
"id": "function.array-pop",
"purpose": "Pop the element off the end of array",
"prototype": "array array_pop(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the last value of <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code>. If <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> is empty (or is not an array), <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p>"
"array_push": {
"id": "function.array-push",
"purpose": "Push one or more elements onto the end of array",
"prototype": "int array_push(array $array, mixed $value1 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the new number of elements in the array. <\/p>"
"array_rand": {
"id": "function.array-rand",
"purpose": "Pick one or more random entries out of an array",
"prototype": "mixed array_rand(array $array [, int $num = 1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> When picking only one entry, <span class=\"function\">array_rand<\/span> returns the key for a random entry. Otherwise, an array of keys for the random entries is returned. This is done so that random keys can be picked from the array as well as random values. Trying to pick more elements than there are in the array will result in an <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> level error, and NULL will be returned. <\/p>"
"array_reduce": {
"id": "function.array-reduce",
"purpose": "Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function",
"prototype": "mixed array_reduce(array $array, callable $callback [, mixed $initial = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the resulting value. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the array is empty and <code class=\"parameter\">initial<\/code> is not passed, <span class=\"function\">array_reduce<\/span> returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"array_reverse": {
"id": "function.array-reverse",
"purpose": "Return an array with elements in reverse order",
"prototype": "array array_reverse(array $array [, bool $preserve_keys = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the reversed array. <\/p>"
"array_search": {
"id": "function.array-search",
"purpose": "Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful",
"prototype": "mixed array_search(mixed $needle, array $haystack [, bool $strict = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the key for <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> if it is found in the array, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is found in <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> more than once, the first matching key is returned. To return the keys for all matching values, use <span class=\"function\">array_keys<\/span> with the optional <code class=\"parameter\">search_value<\/code> parameter instead. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"array_shift": {
"id": "function.array-shift",
"purpose": "Shift an element off the beginning of array",
"prototype": "array array_shift(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the shifted value, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code> is empty or is not an array. <\/p>"
"array_slice": {
"id": "function.array-slice",
"purpose": "Extract a slice of the array",
"prototype": "array array_slice(array $array, int $offset [, int $length = '' [, bool $preserve_keys = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the slice. <\/p>"
"array_splice": {
"id": "function.array-splice",
"purpose": "Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else",
"prototype": "array array_splice(array $input, int $offset [, int $length = '' [, mixed $replacement = array()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array consisting of the extracted elements. <\/p>"
"array_sum": {
"id": "function.array-sum",
"purpose": "Calculate the sum of values in an array",
"prototype": "number array_sum(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the sum of values as an integer or float. <\/p>"
"array_unique": {
"id": "function.array-unique",
"purpose": "Removes duplicate values from an array",
"prototype": "array array_unique(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_STRING])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the filtered array. <\/p>"
"array_unshift": {
"id": "function.array-unshift",
"purpose": "Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array",
"prototype": "int array_unshift(array $array, mixed $value1 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the new number of elements in the <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code>. <\/p>"
"array_values": {
"id": "function.array-values",
"purpose": "Return all the values of an array",
"prototype": "array array_values(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an indexed array of values. <\/p>"
"array_walk": {
"id": "function.array-walk",
"purpose": "Apply a user supplied function to every member of an array",
"prototype": "bool array_walk(array $array, callable $callback [, mixed $userdata = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"array": {
"id": "function.array",
"purpose": "Create an array",
"prototype": "array array([mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of the parameters. The parameters can be given an index with the <em>=&gt;<\/em> operator. Read the section on the <a href=\"language.types.array.html\" class=\"link\">array type<\/a> for more information on what an array is. <\/p>"
"arsort": {
"id": "function.arsort",
"purpose": "Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association",
"prototype": "bool arsort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"asort": {
"id": "function.asort",
"purpose": "Sort an array and maintain index association",
"prototype": "bool asort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"compact": {
"id": "function.compact",
"purpose": "Create array containing variables and their values",
"prototype": "array compact(mixed $varname1 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the output array with all the variables added to it. <\/p>"
"count": {
"id": "function.count",
"purpose": "Count all elements in an array, or something in an object",
"prototype": "int count(mixed $array_or_countable [, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of elements in <code class=\"parameter\">array_or_countable<\/code>. If the parameter is not an array or not an object with implemented <span class=\"classname\">Countable<\/span> interface, <em>1<\/em> will be returned. There is one exception, if <code class=\"parameter\">array_or_countable<\/code> is <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>, <em>0<\/em> will be returned. <\/p> <div class=\"caution\"><strong class=\"caution\">Caution<\/strong> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">count<\/span> may return 0 for a variable that isn&#039;t set, but it may also return 0 for a variable that has been initialized with an empty array. Use <span class=\"function\">isset<\/span> to test if a variable is set. <\/p> <\/div>"
"current": {
"id": "function.current",
"purpose": "Return the current element in an array",
"prototype": "mixed current(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"function\">current<\/span> function simply returns the value of the array element that&#039;s currently being pointed to by the internal pointer. It does not move the pointer in any way. If the internal pointer points beyond the end of the elements list or the array is empty, <span class=\"function\">current<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"each": {
"id": "function.each",
"purpose": "Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor",
"prototype": "array each(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the current key and value pair from the array <code class=\"parameter\">array<\/code>. This pair is returned in a four-element array, with the keys <em>0<\/em>, <em>1<\/em>, <em>key<\/em>, and <em>value<\/em>. Elements <em>0<\/em> and <em>key<\/em> contain the key name of the array element, and <em>1<\/em> and <em>value<\/em> contain the data. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the internal pointer for the array points past the end of the array contents, <span class=\"function\">each<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"end": {
"id": "function.end",
"purpose": "Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element",
"prototype": "mixed end(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the last element or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for empty array. <\/p>"
"extract": {
"id": "function.extract",
"purpose": "Import variables into the current symbol table from an array",
"prototype": "int extract(array $array [, int $flags = EXTR_OVERWRITE [, string $prefix = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of variables successfully imported into the symbol table. <\/p>"
"in_array": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Checks if a value exists in an array",
"prototype": "bool in_array(mixed $needle, array $haystack [, bool $strict = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is found in the array, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"key_exists": {
"id": "function.key-exists",
"purpose": "Alias of array_key_exists",
"prototype": " key_exists()",
"return": ""
"key": {
"id": "function.key",
"purpose": "Fetch a key from an array",
"prototype": "mixed key(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"function\">key<\/span> function simply returns the key of the array element that&#039;s currently being pointed to by the internal pointer. It does not move the pointer in any way. If the internal pointer points beyond the end of the elements list or the array is empty, <span class=\"function\">key<\/span> returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"krsort": {
"id": "function.krsort",
"purpose": "Sort an array by key in reverse order",
"prototype": "bool krsort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ksort": {
"id": "function.ksort",
"purpose": "Sort an array by key",
"prototype": "bool ksort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"list": {
"id": "function.list",
"purpose": "Assign variables as if they were an array",
"prototype": "array list(mixed $var1 [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the assigned array. <\/p>"
"natcasesort": {
"id": "function.natcasesort",
"purpose": "Sort an array using a case insensitive \"natural order\" algorithm",
"prototype": "bool natcasesort(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"natsort": {
"id": "function.natsort",
"purpose": "Sort an array using a \"natural order\" algorithm",
"prototype": "bool natsort(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Advance the internal array pointer of an array",
"prototype": "mixed next(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the array value in the next place that&#039;s pointed to by the internal array pointer, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more elements. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"pos": {
"id": "function.pos",
"purpose": "Alias of current",
"prototype": " pos()",
"return": ""
"prev": {
"id": "function.prev",
"purpose": "Rewind the internal array pointer",
"prototype": "mixed prev(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the array value in the previous place that&#039;s pointed to by the internal array pointer, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more elements. <\/p>"
"range": {
"id": "function.range",
"purpose": "Create an array containing a range of elements",
"prototype": "array range(mixed $start, mixed $end [, number $step = 1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of elements from <code class=\"parameter\">start<\/code> to <code class=\"parameter\">end<\/code>, inclusive. <\/p>"
"reset": {
"id": "function.reset",
"purpose": "Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element",
"prototype": "mixed reset(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value of the first array element, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the array is empty. <\/p>"
"rsort": {
"id": "function.rsort",
"purpose": "Sort an array in reverse order",
"prototype": "bool rsort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shuffle": {
"id": "function.shuffle",
"purpose": "Shuffle an array",
"prototype": "bool shuffle(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"sizeof": {
"id": "function.sizeof",
"purpose": "Alias of count",
"prototype": " sizeof()",
"return": ""
"sort": {
"id": "function.sort",
"purpose": "Sort an array",
"prototype": "bool sort(array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"uasort": {
"id": "function.uasort",
"purpose": "Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association",
"prototype": "bool uasort(array $array, callable $value_compare_func)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"uksort": {
"id": "function.uksort",
"purpose": "Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function",
"prototype": "bool uksort(array $array, callable $key_compare_func)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"usort": {
"id": "function.usort",
"purpose": "Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function",
"prototype": "bool usort(array $array, callable $value_compare_func)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"call_user_method_array": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Call a user method given with an array of parameters",
"prototype": "mixed call_user_method_array(string $method_name, object $obj, array $params)",
"return": ""
"call_user_method": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Call a user method on an specific object",
"prototype": "mixed call_user_method(string $method_name, object $obj [, mixed $parameter = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": ""
"class_exists": {
"id": "function.class-exists",
"purpose": "Checks if the class has been defined",
"prototype": "bool class_exists(string $class_name [, bool $autoload = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">class_name<\/code> is a defined class, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"get_class_methods": {
"id": "function.get-class-methods",
"purpose": "Gets the class methods' names",
"prototype": "array get_class_methods(mixed $class_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of method names defined for the class specified by <code class=\"parameter\">class_name<\/code>. In case of an error, it returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"get_class_vars": {
"id": "function.get-class-vars",
"purpose": "Get the default properties of the class",
"prototype": "array get_class_vars(string $class_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of declared properties visible from the current scope, with their default value. The resulting array elements are in the form of <em>varname =&gt; value<\/em>. In case of an error, it returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"get_class": {
"id": "function.get-class",
"purpose": "Returns the name of the class of an object",
"prototype": "string get_class([object $object = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the class of which <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code> is an instance. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code> is not an object. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code> is omitted when inside a class, the name of that class is returned. <\/p>"
"get_declared_classes": {
"id": "function.get-declared-classes",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the name of the defined classes",
"prototype": "array get_declared_classes()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of the names of the declared classes in the current script. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Note that depending on what extensions you have compiled or loaded into PHP, additional classes could be present. This means that you will not be able to define your own classes using these names. There is a list of predefined classes in the <a href=\"reserved.classes.html\" class=\"link\">Predefined Classes<\/a> section of the appendices. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"get_object_vars": {
"id": "function.get-object-vars",
"purpose": "Gets the properties of the given object",
"prototype": "array get_object_vars(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of defined object accessible non-static properties for the specified <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code> in scope. If a property has not been assigned a value, it will be returned with a <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> value. <\/p>"
"get_parent_class": {
"id": "function.get-parent-class",
"purpose": "Retrieves the parent class name for object or class",
"prototype": "string get_parent_class([mixed $object = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the parent class of the class of which <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code> is an instance or the name. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> If the object does not have a parent or the class given does not exist <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <p class=\"para\"> If called without parameter outside object, this function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"is_a": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents",
"prototype": "bool is_a(object $object, string $class_name [, bool $allow_string = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_subclass_of": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents or implements it.",
"prototype": "bool is_subclass_of(mixed $object, string $class_name [, bool $allow_string = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the object <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code>, belongs to a class which is a subclass of <code class=\"parameter\">class_name<\/code>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"method_exists": {
"id": "function.method-exists",
"purpose": "Checks if the class method exists",
"prototype": "bool method_exists(mixed $object, string $method_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the method given by <code class=\"parameter\">method_name<\/code> has been defined for the given <code class=\"parameter\">object<\/code>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_alnum": {
"id": "function.ctype-alnum",
"purpose": "Check for alphanumeric character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_alnum(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is either a letter or a digit, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_alpha": {
"id": "function.ctype-alpha",
"purpose": "Check for alphabetic character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_alpha(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is a letter from the current locale, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_cntrl": {
"id": "function.ctype-cntrl",
"purpose": "Check for control character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_cntrl(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is a control character from the current locale, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_digit": {
"id": "function.ctype-digit",
"purpose": "Check for numeric character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_digit(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in the string <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is a decimal digit, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_graph": {
"id": "function.ctype-graph",
"purpose": "Check for any printable character(s) except space",
"prototype": "string ctype_graph(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is printable and actually creates visible output (no white space), <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_lower": {
"id": "function.ctype-lower",
"purpose": "Check for lowercase character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_lower(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is a lowercase letter in the current locale. <\/p>"
"ctype_print": {
"id": "function.ctype-print",
"purpose": "Check for printable character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_print(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> will actually create output (including blanks). Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> contains control characters or characters that do not have any output or control function at all. <\/p>"
"ctype_punct": {
"id": "function.ctype-punct",
"purpose": "Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character",
"prototype": "string ctype_punct(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is printable, but neither letter, digit or blank, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ctype_space": {
"id": "function.ctype-space",
"purpose": "Check for whitespace character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_space(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> creates some sort of white space, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. Besides the blank character this also includes tab, vertical tab, line feed, carriage return and form feed characters. <\/p>"
"ctype_upper": {
"id": "function.ctype-upper",
"purpose": "Check for uppercase character(s)",
"prototype": "string ctype_upper(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is an uppercase letter in the current locale. <\/p>"
"ctype_xdigit": {
"id": "function.ctype-xdigit",
"purpose": "Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit",
"prototype": "string ctype_xdigit(string $text)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if every character in <code class=\"parameter\">text<\/code> is a hexadecimal &#039;digit&#039;, that is a decimal digit or a character from <em>[A-Fa-f]<\/em> , <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"call_user_func_array": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Call a callback with an array of parameters",
"prototype": "mixed call_user_func_array(callable $callback, array $param_arr)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the return value of the callback, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"call_user_func": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Call the callback given by the first parameter",
"prototype": "mixed call_user_func(callable $callback [, mixed $parameter = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the return value of the callback, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"create_function": {
"id": "function.create-function",
"purpose": "Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function",
"prototype": "string create_function(string $args, string $code)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a unique function name as a string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"func_get_arg": {
"id": "function.func-get-arg",
"purpose": "Return an item from the argument list",
"prototype": "mixed func_get_arg(int $arg_num)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the specified argument, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"func_get_args": {
"id": "function.func-get-args",
"purpose": "Returns an array comprising a function's argument list",
"prototype": "array func_get_args()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array in which each element is a copy of the corresponding member of the current user-defined function&#039;s argument list. <\/p>"
"func_num_args": {
"id": "function.func-num-args",
"purpose": "Returns the number of arguments passed to the function",
"prototype": "int func_num_args()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of arguments passed into the current user-defined function. <\/p>"
"function_exists": {
"id": "function.function-exists",
"purpose": "Return TRUE if the given function has been defined",
"prototype": "bool function_exists(string $function_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">function_name<\/code> exists and is a function, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> This function will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> for constructs, such as <span class=\"function\">include_once<\/span> and <span class=\"function\">echo<\/span>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"get_defined_functions": {
"id": "function.get-defined-functions",
"purpose": "Returns an array of all defined functions",
"prototype": "array get_defined_functions()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a multidimensional array containing a list of all defined functions, both built-in (internal) and user-defined. The internal functions will be accessible via <var class=\"varname\">$arr[&quot;internal&quot;]<\/var>, and the user defined ones using <var class=\"varname\">$arr[&quot;user&quot;]<\/var> (see example below). <\/p>"
"register_shutdown_function": {
"id": "function.register-shutdown-function",
"purpose": "Register a function for execution on shutdown",
"prototype": "void register_shutdown_function(callable $callback [, mixed $parameter = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"register_tick_function": {
"id": "function.register-tick-function",
"purpose": "Register a function for execution on each tick",
"prototype": "bool register_tick_function(callable $function [, mixed $arg = '' [, mixed $... = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"unregister_tick_function": {
"id": "function.unregister-tick-function",
"purpose": "De-register a function for execution on each tick",
"prototype": "void unregister_tick_function(string $function_name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"debug_zval_dump": {
"id": "function.debug-zval-dump",
"purpose": "Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output",
"prototype": "void debug_zval_dump(mixed $variable [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"doubleval": {
"id": "function.doubleval",
"purpose": "Alias of floatval",
"prototype": " doubleval()",
"return": ""
"empty": {
"id": "function.empty",
"purpose": "Determine whether a variable is empty",
"prototype": "bool empty(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> exists and has a non-empty, non-zero value. Otherwise returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The following things are considered to be empty: <ul class=\"simplelist\"> <li class=\"member\"><em>&quot;&quot;<\/em> (an empty string)<\/li> <li class=\"member\"><em>0<\/em> (0 as an integer)<\/li> <li class=\"member\"><em>0.0<\/em> (0 as a float)<\/li> <li class=\"member\"><em>&quot;0&quot;<\/em> (0 as a string)<\/li> <li class=\"member\"><strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong><\/li> <li class=\"member\"><strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong><\/li> <li class=\"member\"><em>array()<\/em> (an empty array)<\/li> <li class=\"member\"><em>$var;<\/em> (a variable declared, but without a value)<\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"floatval": {
"id": "function.floatval",
"purpose": "Get float value of a variable",
"prototype": "float floatval(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The float value of the given variable. Empty arrays return 0, non-empty arrays return 1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Strings will most likely return 0 although this depends on the leftmost characters of the string. The common rules of <a href=\"language.types.float.html#language.types.float.casting\" class=\"link\">float casting<\/a> apply. <\/p>"
"get_defined_vars": {
"id": "function.get-defined-vars",
"purpose": "Returns an array of all defined variables",
"prototype": "array get_defined_vars()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A multidimensional array with all the variables. <\/p>"
"get_resource_type": {
"id": "function.get-resource-type",
"purpose": "Returns the resource type",
"prototype": "string get_resource_type(resource $handle)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the given <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code> is a resource, this function will return a string representing its type. If the type is not identified by this function, the return value will be the string <em>Unknown<\/em>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> This function will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and generate an error if <code class=\"parameter\">handle<\/code> is not a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span>. <\/p>"
"gettype": {
"id": "function.gettype",
"purpose": "Get the type of a variable",
"prototype": "string gettype(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Possible values for the returned string are: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">double<\/span>&quot; (for historical reasons &quot;double&quot; is returned in case of a <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, and not simply &quot;float&quot;) <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">string<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">array<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">object<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">resource<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;<span class=\"type\">NULL<\/span>&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> &quot;unknown type&quot; <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"import_request_variables": {
"id": "function.import-request-variables",
"purpose": "Import GET\/POST\/Cookie variables into the global scope",
"prototype": "bool import_request_variables(string $types [, string $prefix = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"intval": {
"id": "function.intval",
"purpose": "Get the integer value of a variable",
"prototype": "integer intval(mixed $var [, int $base = 10])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The integer value of <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> on success, or 0 on failure. Empty arrays return 0, non-empty arrays return 1. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The maximum value depends on the system. 32 bit systems have a maximum signed integer range of -2147483648 to 2147483647. So for example on such a system, <em>intval(&#039;1000000000000&#039;)<\/em> will return 2147483647. The maximum signed integer value for 64 bit systems is 9223372036854775807. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Strings will most likely return 0 although this depends on the leftmost characters of the string. The common rules of <a href=\"language.types.integer.html#language.types.integer.casting\" class=\"link\">integer casting<\/a> apply. <\/p>"
"is_array": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is an array",
"prototype": "bool is_array(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_bool": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds out whether a variable is a boolean",
"prototype": "bool is_bool(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is a <span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_callable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function",
"prototype": "bool is_callable(mixed $var [, bool $syntax_only = false [, string $callable_name = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is callable, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_double": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of is_float",
"prototype": " is_double()",
"return": ""
"is_float": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether the type of a variable is float",
"prototype": "bool is_float(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is a <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_int": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Find whether the type of a variable is integer",
"prototype": "bool is_int(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_integer": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of is_int",
"prototype": " is_integer()",
"return": ""
"is_long": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of is_int",
"prototype": " is_long()",
"return": ""
"is_null": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is NULL",
"prototype": "bool is_null(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is <span class=\"type\">null<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_numeric": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string",
"prototype": "bool is_numeric(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is a number or a numeric string, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_object": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is an object",
"prototype": "bool is_object(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is an <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_real": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of is_float",
"prototype": " is_real()",
"return": ""
"is_resource": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is a resource",
"prototype": "bool is_resource(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_scalar": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Finds whether a variable is a scalar",
"prototype": "resource is_scalar(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is a scalar, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"is_string": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Find whether the type of a variable is string",
"prototype": "bool is_string(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> is of type <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"isset": {
"id": "function.isset",
"purpose": "Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL",
"prototype": "bool isset(mixed $var [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code> exists and has value other than <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"print_r": {
"id": "function.print-r",
"purpose": "Prints human-readable information about a variable",
"prototype": "mixed print_r(mixed $expression [, bool $return = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If given a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>, <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> or <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, the value itself will be printed. If given an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>, values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements. Similar notation is used for <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>s. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> When the <code class=\"parameter\">return<\/code> parameter is <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, this function will return a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. Otherwise, the return value is <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"serialize": {
"id": "function.serialize",
"purpose": "Generates a storable representation of a value",
"prototype": "string serialize(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing a byte-stream representation of <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> that can be stored anywhere. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Note that this is a binary string which may include null bytes, and needs to be stored and handled as such. For example, <span class=\"function\">serialize<\/span> output should generally be stored in a BLOB field in a database, rather than a CHAR or TEXT field. <\/p>"
"settype": {
"id": "function.settype",
"purpose": "Set the type of a variable",
"prototype": "bool settype(mixed $var, string $type)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"strval": {
"id": "function.strval",
"purpose": "Get string value of a variable",
"prototype": "string strval(mixed $var)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> value of <code class=\"parameter\">var<\/code>. <\/p>"
"unserialize": {
"id": "function.unserialize",
"purpose": "Creates a PHP value from a stored representation",
"prototype": "mixed unserialize(string $str [, array $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The converted value is returned, and can be a <span class=\"type\">boolean<\/span>, <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>, <span class=\"type\">float<\/span>, <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>, <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> or <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> In case the passed string is not unserializeable, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned and <strong><code>E_NOTICE<\/code><\/strong> is issued. <\/p>"
"unset": {
"id": "function.unset",
"purpose": "Unset a given variable",
"prototype": "void unset(mixed $var [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"var_dump": {
"id": "function.var-dump",
"purpose": "Dumps information about a variable",
"prototype": "string var_dump(mixed $expression [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"var_export": {
"id": "function.var-export",
"purpose": "Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable",
"prototype": "mixed var_export(mixed $expression [, bool $return = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the variable representation when the <code class=\"parameter\">return<\/code> parameter is used and evaluates to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. Otherwise, this function will return <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"xmlrpc_decode_request": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-decode-request",
"purpose": "Decodes XML into native PHP types",
"prototype": "mixed xmlrpc_decode_request(string $xml, string $method [, string $encoding = ''])",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_decode": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes XML into native PHP types",
"prototype": "mixed xmlrpc_decode(string $xml [, string $encoding = \"iso-8859-1\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns either an array, or an integer, or a string, or a boolean according to the response returned by the XMLRPC method. <\/p>"
"xmlrpc_encode_request": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-encode-request",
"purpose": "Generates XML for a method request",
"prototype": "string xmlrpc_encode_request(string $method, mixed $params [, array $output_options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the XML representation of the request. <\/p>"
"xmlrpc_encode": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-encode",
"purpose": "Generates XML for a PHP value",
"prototype": "string xmlrpc_encode(mixed $value)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_get_type": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-get-type",
"purpose": "Gets xmlrpc type for a PHP value",
"prototype": "string xmlrpc_get_type(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the XML-RPC type. <\/p>"
"xmlrpc_is_fault": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-is-fault",
"purpose": "Determines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault",
"prototype": "bool xmlrpc_is_fault(array $arg)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the argument means fault, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. Fault description is available in <em>$arg[&quot;faultString&quot;]<\/em>, fault code is in <em>$arg[&quot;faultCode&quot;]<\/em>. <\/p>"
"xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-parse-method-descriptions",
"purpose": "Decodes XML into a list of method descriptions",
"prototype": "array xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions(string $xml)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-add-introspection-data",
"purpose": "Adds introspection documentation",
"prototype": "int xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data(resource $server, array $desc)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_call_method": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-call-method",
"purpose": "Parses XML requests and call methods",
"prototype": "string xmlrpc_server_call_method(resource $server, string $xml, mixed $user_data [, array $output_options = ''])",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_create": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-create",
"purpose": "Creates an xmlrpc server",
"prototype": "resource xmlrpc_server_create()",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_destroy": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-destroy",
"purpose": "Destroys server resources",
"prototype": "int xmlrpc_server_destroy(resource $server)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-register-introspection-callback",
"purpose": "Register a PHP function to generate documentation",
"prototype": "bool xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback(resource $server, string $function)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_server_register_method": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-server-register-method",
"purpose": "Register a PHP function to resource method matching method_name",
"prototype": "bool xmlrpc_server_register_method(resource $server, string $method_name, string $function)",
"return": ""
"xmlrpc_set_type": {
"id": "function.xmlrpc-set-type",
"purpose": "Sets xmlrpc type, base64 or datetime, for a PHP string value",
"prototype": "bool xmlrpc_set_type(string $value, string $type)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If successful, <code class=\"parameter\">value<\/code> is converted to an object. <\/p>"
"com_event_sink": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object",
"prototype": "bool com_event_sink(variant $comobject, object $sinkobject [, mixed $sinkinterface = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"com_load_typelib": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Loads a Typelib",
"prototype": "bool com_load_typelib(string $typelib_name [, bool $case_insensitive = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"com_message_pump": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds",
"prototype": "bool com_message_pump([int $timeoutms = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If a message or messages arrives before the timeout, they will be dispatched, and the function will return <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. If the timeout occurs and no messages were processed, the return value will be <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"com_print_typeinfo": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface",
"prototype": "bool com_print_typeinfo(object $comobject [, string $dispinterface = '' [, bool $wantsink = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"wddx_add_vars": {
"id": "function.wddx-add-vars",
"purpose": "Add variables to a WDDX packet with the specified ID",
"prototype": "bool wddx_add_vars(resource $packet_id, mixed $var_name [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"wddx_deserialize": {
"id": "function.wddx-deserialize",
"purpose": "Unserializes a WDDX packet",
"prototype": "mixed wddx_deserialize(string $packet)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the deserialized value which can be a string, a number or an array. Note that structures are deserialized into associative arrays. <\/p>"
"wddx_packet_end": {
"id": "function.wddx-packet-end",
"purpose": "Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID",
"prototype": "string wddx_packet_end(resource $packet_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the string containing the WDDX packet. <\/p>"
"wddx_packet_start": {
"id": "function.wddx-packet-start",
"purpose": "Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it",
"prototype": "resource wddx_packet_start([string $comment = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a packet ID for use in later functions, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"wddx_serialize_value": {
"id": "function.wddx-serialize-value",
"purpose": "Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet",
"prototype": "string wddx_serialize_value(mixed $var [, string $comment = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the WDDX packet, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"wddx_serialize_vars": {
"id": "function.wddx-serialize-vars",
"purpose": "Serialize variables into a WDDX packet",
"prototype": "string wddx_serialize_vars(mixed $var_name [, mixed $... = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the WDDX packet, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"utf8_decode": {
"id": "function.utf8-decode",
"purpose": "Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8 to single-byte ISO-8859-1",
"prototype": "string utf8_decode(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the ISO-8859-1 translation of <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code>. <\/p>"
"utf8_encode": {
"id": "function.utf8-encode",
"purpose": "Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8",
"prototype": "string utf8_encode(string $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the UTF-8 translation of <code class=\"parameter\">data<\/code>. <\/p>"
"xml_error_string": {
"id": "function.xml-error-string",
"purpose": "Get XML parser error string",
"prototype": "string xml_error_string(int $code)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string with a textual description of the error <code class=\"parameter\">code<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no description was found. <\/p>"
"xml_get_current_byte_index": {
"id": "function.xml-get-current-byte-index",
"purpose": "Get current byte index for an XML parser",
"prototype": "int xml_get_current_byte_index(resource $parser)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or else it returns which byte index the parser is currently at in its data buffer (starting at 0). <\/p>"
"xml_get_current_column_number": {
"id": "function.xml-get-current-column-number",
"purpose": "Get current column number for an XML parser",
"prototype": "int xml_get_current_column_number(resource $parser)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or else it returns which column on the current line (as given by <span class=\"function\">xml_get_current_line_number<\/span>) the parser is currently at. <\/p>"
"xml_get_current_line_number": {
"id": "function.xml-get-current-line-number",
"purpose": "Get current line number for an XML parser",
"prototype": "int xml_get_current_line_number(resource $parser)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or else it returns which line the parser is currently at in its data buffer. <\/p>"
"xml_get_error_code": {
"id": "function.xml-get-error-code",
"purpose": "Get XML parser error code",
"prototype": "int xml_get_error_code(resource $parser)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or else it returns one of the error codes listed in the <a href=\"xml.error-codes.html\" class=\"link\">error codes section<\/a>. <\/p>"
"xml_parse_into_struct": {
"id": "function.xml-parse-into-struct",
"purpose": "Parse XML data into an array structure",
"prototype": "int xml_parse_into_struct(resource $parser, string $data, array $values [, array $index = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">xml_parse_into_struct<\/span> returns 0 for failure and 1 for success. This is not the same as <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, be careful with operators such as ===. <\/p>"
"xml_parse": {
"id": "function.xml-parse",
"purpose": "Start parsing an XML document",
"prototype": "int xml_parse(resource $parser, string $data [, bool $is_final = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> For unsuccessful parses, error information can be retrieved with <span class=\"function\">xml_get_error_code<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">xml_error_string<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">xml_get_current_line_number<\/span>, <span class=\"function\">xml_get_current_column_number<\/span> and <span class=\"function\">xml_get_current_byte_index<\/span>. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Entity errors are reported at the end of the data thus only if <code class=\"parameter\">is_final<\/code> is set and <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"xml_parser_create_ns": {
"id": "function.xml-parser-create-ns",
"purpose": "Create an XML parser with namespace support",
"prototype": "resource xml_parser_create_ns([string $encoding = '' [, string $separator = \":\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource handle for the new XML parser. <\/p>"
"xml_parser_create": {
"id": "function.xml-parser-create",
"purpose": "Create an XML parser",
"prototype": "resource xml_parser_create([string $encoding = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource handle for the new XML parser. <\/p>"
"xml_parser_free": {
"id": "function.xml-parser-free",
"purpose": "Free an XML parser",
"prototype": "bool xml_parser_free(resource $parser)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or else it frees the parser and returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"xml_parser_get_option": {
"id": "function.xml-parser-get-option",
"purpose": "Get options from an XML parser",
"prototype": "mixed xml_parser_get_option(resource $parser, int $option)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser or if <code class=\"parameter\">option<\/code> isn&#039;t valid (generates also a <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong>). Else the option&#039;s value is returned. <\/p>"
"xml_parser_set_option": {
"id": "function.xml-parser-set-option",
"purpose": "Set options in an XML parser",
"prototype": "bool xml_parser_set_option(resource $parser, int $option, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">parser<\/code> does not refer to a valid parser, or if the option could not be set. Else the option is set and <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"xml_set_character_data_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-character-data-handler",
"purpose": "Set up character data handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_character_data_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_default_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-default-handler",
"purpose": "Set up default handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_default_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_element_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-element-handler",
"purpose": "Set up start and end element handlers",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_element_handler(resource $parser, callable $start_element_handler, callable $end_element_handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-end-namespace-decl-handler",
"purpose": "Set up end namespace declaration handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-external-entity-ref-handler",
"purpose": "Set up external entity reference handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_notation_decl_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-notation-decl-handler",
"purpose": "Set up notation declaration handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_notation_decl_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_object": {
"id": "function.xml-set-object",
"purpose": "Use XML Parser within an object",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_object(resource $parser, object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_processing_instruction_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-processing-instruction-handler",
"purpose": "Set up processing instruction (PI) handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-start-namespace-decl-handler",
"purpose": "Set up start namespace declaration handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler": {
"id": "function.xml-set-unparsed-entity-decl-handler",
"purpose": "Set up unparsed entity declaration handler",
"prototype": "bool xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(resource $parser, callable $handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PHP 5": {
"debug_print_backtrace": {
"id": "function.debug-print-backtrace",
"purpose": "Prints a backtrace",
"prototype": "void debug_print_backtrace([int $options = '' [, int $limit = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"error_get_last": {
"id": "function.error-get-last",
"purpose": "Get the last occurred error",
"prototype": "array error_get_last()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array describing the last error with keys &quot;type&quot;, &quot;message&quot;, &quot;file&quot; and &quot;line&quot;. If the error has been caused by a PHP internal function then the &quot;message&quot; begins with its name. Returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if there hasn&#039;t been an error yet. <\/p>"
"restore_exception_handler": {
"id": "function.restore-exception-handler",
"purpose": "Restores the previously defined exception handler function",
"prototype": "bool restore_exception_handler()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function always returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"set_exception_handler": {
"id": "function.set-exception-handler",
"purpose": "Sets a user-defined exception handler function",
"prototype": "callable set_exception_handler(callable $exception_handler)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name of the previously defined exception handler, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> on error. If no previous handler was defined, <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is also returned. <\/p>"
"memory_get_peak_usage": {
"id": "function.memory-get-peak-usage",
"purpose": "Returns the peak of memory allocated by PHP",
"prototype": "int memory_get_peak_usage([bool $real_usage = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the memory peak in bytes. <\/p>"
"php_ini_loaded_file": {
"id": "function.php-ini-loaded-file",
"purpose": "Retrieve a path to the loaded php.ini file",
"prototype": "string php_ini_loaded_file()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The loaded <var class=\"filename\">php.ini<\/var> path, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if one is not loaded. <\/p>"
"sys_get_temp_dir": {
"id": "function.sys-get-temp-dir",
"purpose": "Returns directory path used for temporary files",
"prototype": "string sys_get_temp_dir()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the path of the temporary directory. <\/p>"
"zend_thread_id": {
"id": "function.zend-thread-id",
"purpose": "Returns a unique identifier for the current thread",
"prototype": "int zend_thread_id()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the thread id as an integer. <\/p>"
"readline_callback_handler_install": {
"id": "function.readline-callback-handler-install",
"purpose": "Initializes the readline callback interface and terminal, prints the prompt and returns immediately",
"prototype": "bool readline_callback_handler_install(string $prompt, callable $callback)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"readline_callback_handler_remove": {
"id": "function.readline-callback-handler-remove",
"purpose": "Removes a previously installed callback handler and restores terminal settings",
"prototype": "bool readline_callback_handler_remove()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if a previously installed callback handler was removed, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if one could not be found. <\/p>"
"readline_callback_read_char": {
"id": "function.readline-callback-read-char",
"purpose": "Reads a character and informs the readline callback interface when a line is received",
"prototype": "void readline_callback_read_char()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"readline_on_new_line": {
"id": "function.readline-on-new-line",
"purpose": "Inform readline that the cursor has moved to a new line",
"prototype": "void readline_on_new_line()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"readline_redisplay": {
"id": "function.readline-redisplay",
"purpose": "Redraws the display",
"prototype": "void readline_redisplay()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::addEmptyDir": {
"id": "phar.addemptydir",
"purpose": "Add an empty directory to the phar archive",
"prototype": "void Phar::addEmptyDir(string $dirname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::addFile": {
"id": "phar.addfile",
"purpose": "Add a file from the filesystem to the phar archive",
"prototype": "void Phar::addFile(string $file [, string $localname = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::addFromString": {
"id": "phar.addfromstring",
"purpose": "Add a file from a string to the phar archive",
"prototype": "void Phar::addFromString(string $localname, string $contents)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::apiVersion": {
"id": "phar.apiversion",
"purpose": "Returns the api version",
"prototype": "string Phar::apiVersion()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The API version string as in <em>&quot;1.0.0&quot;<\/em>. <\/p>"
"Phar::buildFromDirectory": {
"id": "phar.buildfromdirectory",
"purpose": "Construct a phar archive from the files within a directory.",
"prototype": "array Phar::buildFromDirectory(string $base_dir [, string $regex = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">Phar::buildFromDirectory<\/span> returns an associative array mapping internal path of file to the full path of the file on the filesystem. <\/p>"
"Phar::buildFromIterator": {
"id": "phar.buildfromiterator",
"purpose": "Construct a phar archive from an iterator.",
"prototype": "array Phar::buildFromIterator(Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">Phar::buildFromIterator<\/span> returns an associative array mapping internal path of file to the full path of the file on the filesystem. <\/p>"
"Phar::canCompress": {
"id": "phar.cancompress",
"purpose": "Returns whether phar extension supports compression using either zlib or bzip2",
"prototype": "bool Phar::canCompress([int $type = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if compression\/decompression is available, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"Phar::canWrite": {
"id": "phar.canwrite",
"purpose": "Returns whether phar extension supports writing and creating phars",
"prototype": "bool Phar::canWrite()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if write access is enabled, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it is disabled. <\/p>"
"Phar::compress": {
"id": "phar.compress",
"purpose": "Compresses the entire Phar archive using Gzip or Bzip2 compression",
"prototype": "object Phar::compress(int $compression [, string $extension = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"classname\">Phar<\/span> object. <\/p>"
"Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2": {
"id": "phar.compressallfilesbzip2",
"purpose": "Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Bzip2 compression",
"prototype": "bool Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::compressAllFilesGZ": {
"id": "phar.compressallfilesgz",
"purpose": "Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Gzip compression",
"prototype": "bool Phar::compressAllFilesGZ()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::compressFiles": {
"id": "phar.compressfiles",
"purpose": "Compresses all files in the current Phar archive",
"prototype": "void Phar::compressFiles(int $compression)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::__construct": {
"id": "phar.construct",
"purpose": "Construct a Phar archive object",
"prototype": " Phar::__construct(string $fname [, int $flags = '' [, string $alias = '']])",
"return": ""
"Phar::convertToData": {
"id": "phar.converttodata",
"purpose": "Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file",
"prototype": "PharData Phar::convertToData([int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The method returns a <span class=\"classname\">PharData<\/span> object on success and throws an exception on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::convertToExecutable": {
"id": "phar.converttoexecutable",
"purpose": "Convert a phar archive to another executable phar archive file format",
"prototype": "Phar Phar::convertToExecutable([int $format = 9021976 [, int $compression = 9021976 [, string $extension = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The method returns a <span class=\"classname\">Phar<\/span> object on success and throws an exception on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::copy": {
"id": "phar.copy",
"purpose": "Copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the phar",
"prototype": "bool Phar::copy(string $oldfile, string $newfile)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is safer to encase method call in a try\/catch block and assume success if no exception is thrown. <\/p>"
"Phar::count": {
"id": "phar.count",
"purpose": "Returns the number of entries (files) in the Phar archive",
"prototype": "int Phar::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of files contained within this phar, or <em>0<\/em> (the number zero) if none. <\/p>"
"Phar::createDefaultStub": {
"id": "phar.createdefaultstub",
"purpose": "Create a phar-file format specific stub",
"prototype": "string Phar::createDefaultStub([string $indexfile = '' [, string $webindexfile = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the contents of a customized bootstrap loader (stub) that allows the created Phar archive to work with or without the Phar extension enabled. <\/p>"
"Phar::decompress": {
"id": "phar.decompress",
"purpose": "Decompresses the entire Phar archive",
"prototype": "object Phar::decompress([string $extension = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"classname\">Phar<\/span> object is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::decompressFiles": {
"id": "phar.decompressfiles",
"purpose": "Decompresses all files in the current Phar archive",
"prototype": "bool Phar::decompressFiles()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::delMetadata": {
"id": "phar.delmetadata",
"purpose": "Deletes the global metadata of the phar",
"prototype": "bool Phar::delMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"Phar::delete": {
"id": "phar.delete",
"purpose": "Delete a file within a phar archive",
"prototype": "bool Phar::delete(string $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"Phar::extractTo": {
"id": "phar.extractto",
"purpose": "Extract the contents of a phar archive to a directory",
"prototype": "bool Phar::extractTo(string $pathto [, string|array $files = '' [, bool $overwrite = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"Phar::getMetadata": {
"id": "phar.getmetadata",
"purpose": "Returns phar archive meta-data",
"prototype": "mixed Phar::getMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> any PHP variable that can be serialized and is stored as meta-data for the Phar archive, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if no meta-data is stored. <\/p>"
"Phar::getModified": {
"id": "phar.getmodified",
"purpose": "Return whether phar was modified",
"prototype": "bool Phar::getModified()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the phar has been modified since opened, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"Phar::getSignature": {
"id": "phar.getsignature",
"purpose": "Return MD5\/SHA1\/SHA256\/SHA512\/OpenSSL signature of a Phar archive",
"prototype": "array Phar::getSignature()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Array with the opened archive&#039;s signature in <em>hash<\/em> key and <em>MD5<\/em>, <em>SHA-1<\/em>, <em>SHA-256<\/em>, <em>SHA-512<\/em>, or <em>OpenSSL<\/em> in <em>hash_type<\/em>. This signature is a hash calculated on the entire phar&#039;s contents, and may be used to verify the integrity of the archive. A valid signature is absolutely required of all executable phar archives if the <a href=\"phar.configuration.html#ini.phar.require-hash\" class=\"link\">phar.require_hash<\/a> INI variable is set to true. <\/p>"
"Phar::getStub": {
"id": "phar.getstub",
"purpose": "Return the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive",
"prototype": "string Phar::getStub()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the contents of the bootstrap loader (stub) of the current Phar archive. <\/p>"
"Phar::getSupportedCompression": {
"id": "phar.getsupportedcompression",
"purpose": "Return array of supported compression algorithms",
"prototype": "array Phar::getSupportedCompression()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing any of <em>Phar::GZ<\/em> or <em>Phar::BZ2<\/em>, depending on the availability of the <a href=\"book.zlib.html\" class=\"link\">zlib<\/a> extension or the <a href=\"book.bzip2.html\" class=\"link\">bz2<\/a> extension. <\/p>"
"Phar::getSupportedSignatures": {
"id": "phar.getsupportedsignatures",
"purpose": "Return array of supported signature types",
"prototype": "array Phar::getSupportedSignatures()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing any of <em>MD5<\/em>, <em>SHA-1<\/em>, <em>SHA-256<\/em>, <em>SHA-512<\/em>, or <em>OpenSSL<\/em>. <\/p>"
"Phar::getVersion": {
"id": "phar.getversion",
"purpose": "Return version info of Phar archive",
"prototype": "string Phar::getVersion()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The opened archive&#039;s API version. This is not to be confused with the API version that the loaded phar extension will use to create new phars. Each Phar archive has the API version hard-coded into its manifest. See <a href=\"phar.fileformat.html\" class=\"link\">Phar file format<\/a> documentation for more information. <\/p>"
"Phar::hasMetadata": {
"id": "phar.hasmetadata",
"purpose": "Returns whether phar has global meta-data",
"prototype": "bool Phar::hasMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if meta-data has been set, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"Phar::interceptFileFuncs": {
"id": "phar.interceptfilefuncs",
"purpose": "instructs phar to intercept fopen, file_get_contents, opendir, and all of the stat-related functions",
"prototype": "void Phar::interceptFileFuncs()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"Phar::isBuffering": {
"id": "phar.isbuffering",
"purpose": "Used to determine whether Phar write operations are being buffered, or are flushing directly to disk",
"prototype": "bool Phar::isBuffering()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the write operations are being buffer, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"Phar::isCompressed": {
"id": "phar.iscompressed",
"purpose": "Returns Phar::GZ or PHAR::BZ2 if the entire phar archive is compressed (.tar.gz\/ and so on)",
"prototype": "mixed Phar::isCompressed()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <em>Phar::GZ<\/em>, <em>Phar::BZ2<\/em> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"Phar::isFileFormat": {
"id": "phar.isfileformat",
"purpose": "Returns true if the phar archive is based on the tar\/phar\/zip file format depending on the parameter",
"prototype": "bool Phar::isFileFormat(int $format)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the phar archive matches the file format requested by the parameter <\/p>"
"Phar::isValidPharFilename": {
"id": "phar.isvalidpharfilename",
"purpose": "Returns whether the given filename is a valid phar filename",
"prototype": "bool Phar::isValidPharFilename(string $filename [, bool $executable = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the filename is valid, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"Phar::isWritable": {
"id": "phar.iswritable",
"purpose": "Returns true if the phar archive can be modified",
"prototype": "bool Phar::isWritable()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the phar archive can be modified <\/p>"
"Phar::loadPhar": {
"id": "phar.loadphar",
"purpose": "Loads any phar archive with an alias",
"prototype": "bool Phar::loadPhar(string $filename [, string $alias = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::mapPhar": {
"id": "phar.mapphar",
"purpose": "Reads the currently executed file (a phar) and registers its manifest",
"prototype": "bool Phar::mapPhar([string $alias = '' [, int $dataoffset = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::mount": {
"id": "phar.mount",
"purpose": "Mount an external path or file to a virtual location within the phar archive",
"prototype": "void Phar::mount(string $pharpath, string $externalpath)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No return. <span class=\"classname\">PharException<\/span> is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::mungServer": {
"id": "phar.mungserver",
"purpose": "Defines a list of up to 4 $_SERVER variables that should be modified for execution",
"prototype": "void Phar::mungServer(array $munglist)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No return. <\/p>"
"Phar::offsetExists": {
"id": "phar.offsetexists",
"purpose": "determines whether a file exists in the phar",
"prototype": "bool Phar::offsetExists(string $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file exists within the phar, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"Phar::offsetGet": {
"id": "phar.offsetget",
"purpose": "Gets a PharFileInfo object for a specific file",
"prototype": "int Phar::offsetGet(string $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"classname\">PharFileInfo<\/span> object is returned that can be used to iterate over a file&#039;s contents or to retrieve information about the current file. <\/p>"
"Phar::offsetSet": {
"id": "phar.offsetset",
"purpose": "set the contents of an internal file to those of an external file",
"prototype": "void Phar::offsetSet(string $offset, string $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No return values. <\/p>"
"Phar::offsetUnset": {
"id": "phar.offsetunset",
"purpose": "remove a file from a phar",
"prototype": "bool Phar::offsetUnset(string $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::running": {
"id": "phar.running",
"purpose": "Returns the full path on disk or full phar URL to the currently executing Phar archive",
"prototype": "string Phar::running([bool $retphar = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the filename if valid, empty string otherwise. <\/p>"
"Phar::setAlias": {
"id": "phar.setalias",
"purpose": "Set the alias for the Phar archive",
"prototype": "bool Phar::setAlias(string $alias)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"Phar::setDefaultStub": {
"id": "phar.setdefaultstub",
"purpose": "Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive to the default loader",
"prototype": "bool Phar::setDefaultStub([string $index = '' [, string $webindex = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::setMetadata": {
"id": "phardata.setmetadata",
"purpose": "Sets phar archive meta-data",
"prototype": "void Phar::setMetadata(mixed $metadata)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm": {
"id": "phardata.setsignaturealgorithm",
"purpose": "set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it.",
"prototype": "void Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm(int $sigtype)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::setStub": {
"id": "phar.setstub",
"purpose": "Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive",
"prototype": "bool Phar::setStub(string $stub [, int $len = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::startBuffering": {
"id": "phar.startbuffering",
"purpose": "Start buffering Phar write operations, do not modify the Phar object on disk",
"prototype": "void Phar::startBuffering()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::stopBuffering": {
"id": "phar.stopbuffering",
"purpose": "Stop buffering write requests to the Phar archive, and save changes to disk",
"prototype": "void Phar::stopBuffering()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"Phar::uncompressAllFiles": {
"id": "phar.uncompressallfiles",
"purpose": "Uncompresses all files in the current Phar archive",
"prototype": "bool Phar::uncompressAllFiles()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::unlinkArchive": {
"id": "phar.unlinkarchive",
"purpose": "Completely remove a phar archive from disk and from memory",
"prototype": "bool Phar::unlinkArchive(string $archive)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"Phar::webPhar": {
"id": "phar.webphar",
"purpose": "mapPhar for web-based phars. front controller for web applications",
"prototype": "void Phar::webPhar([string $alias = '' [, string $index = \"index.php\" [, string $f404 = '' [, array $mimetypes = '' [, callable $rewrites = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"PharData::addEmptyDir": {
"id": "phardata.addemptydir",
"purpose": "Add an empty directory to the tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::addEmptyDir(string $dirname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::addFile": {
"id": "phardata.addfile",
"purpose": "Add a file from the filesystem to the tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "void PharData::addFile(string $file [, string $localname = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::addFromString": {
"id": "phardata.addfromstring",
"purpose": "Add a file from the filesystem to the tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::addFromString(string $localname, string $contents)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> no return value, exception is thrown on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::buildFromDirectory": {
"id": "phardata.buildfromdirectory",
"purpose": "Construct a tar\/zip archive from the files within a directory.",
"prototype": "array PharData::buildFromDirectory(string $base_dir [, string $regex = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">Phar::buildFromDirectory<\/span> returns an associative array mapping internal path of file to the full path of the file on the filesystem. <\/p>"
"PharData::buildFromIterator": {
"id": "phardata.buildfromiterator",
"purpose": "Construct a tar or zip archive from an iterator.",
"prototype": "array PharData::buildFromIterator(Iterator $iter [, string $base_directory = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PharData::buildFromIterator<\/span> returns an associative array mapping internal path of file to the full path of the file on the filesystem. <\/p>"
"PharData::compress": {
"id": "phardata.compress",
"purpose": "Compresses the entire tar\/zip archive using Gzip or Bzip2 compression",
"prototype": "object PharData::compress(int $compression [, string $extension = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"classname\">PharData<\/span> object is returned. <\/p>"
"PharData::compressFiles": {
"id": "phardata.compressfiles",
"purpose": "Compresses all files in the current tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::compressFiles(int $compression)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::__construct": {
"id": "phardata.construct",
"purpose": "Construct a non-executable tar or zip archive object",
"prototype": " PharData::__construct(string $fname [, int $flags = '' [, string $alias = '' [, int $format = '']]])",
"return": ""
"PharData::convertToData": {
"id": "phardata.converttodata",
"purpose": "Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file",
"prototype": "PharData PharData::convertToData([int $format = '' [, int $compression = '' [, string $extension = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The method returns a <span class=\"classname\">PharData<\/span> object on success and throws an exception on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::convertToExecutable": {
"id": "phardata.converttoexecutable",
"purpose": "Convert a non-executable tar\/zip archive to an executable phar archive",
"prototype": "Phar PharData::convertToExecutable([int $format = '' [, int $compression = '' [, string $extension = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The method returns a <span class=\"classname\">Phar<\/span> object on success and throws an exception on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::copy": {
"id": "phardata.copy",
"purpose": "Copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the phar",
"prototype": "bool PharData::copy(string $oldfile, string $newfile)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is safer to encase method call in a try\/catch block and assume success if no exception is thrown. <\/p>"
"PharData::decompress": {
"id": "phardata.decompress",
"purpose": "Decompresses the entire Phar archive",
"prototype": "object PharData::decompress([string $extension = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"classname\">PharData<\/span> object is returned. <\/p>"
"PharData::decompressFiles": {
"id": "phardata.decompressfiles",
"purpose": "Decompresses all files in the current zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::decompressFiles()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::delMetadata": {
"id": "phardata.delmetadata",
"purpose": "Deletes the global metadata of a zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::delMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"PharData::delete": {
"id": "phardata.delete",
"purpose": "Delete a file within a tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::delete(string $entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"PharData::extractTo": {
"id": "phardata.extractto",
"purpose": "Extract the contents of a tar\/zip archive to a directory",
"prototype": "bool PharData::extractTo(string $pathto [, string|array $files = '' [, bool $overwrite = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, but it is better to check for thrown exception, and assume success if none is thrown. <\/p>"
"PharData::isWritable": {
"id": "phardata.iswritable",
"purpose": "Returns true if the tar\/zip archive can be modified",
"prototype": "bool PharData::isWritable()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the tar\/zip archive can be modified <\/p>"
"PharData::offsetSet": {
"id": "phardata.offsetset",
"purpose": "set the contents of a file within the tar\/zip to those of an external file or string",
"prototype": "void PharData::offsetSet(string $offset, string $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No return values. <\/p>"
"PharData::offsetUnset": {
"id": "phardata.offsetunset",
"purpose": "remove a file from a tar\/zip archive",
"prototype": "bool PharData::offsetUnset(string $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::setAlias": {
"id": "phardata.setalias",
"purpose": "dummy function (Phar::setAlias is not valid for PharData)",
"prototype": "bool PharData::setAlias(string $alias)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"PharData::setDefaultStub": {
"id": "phardata.setdefaultstub",
"purpose": "dummy function (Phar::setDefaultStub is not valid for PharData)",
"prototype": "bool PharData::setDefaultStub([string $index = '' [, string $webindex = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharData::setStub": {
"id": "phardata.setstub",
"purpose": "dummy function (Phar::setStub is not valid for PharData)",
"prototype": "bool PharData::setStub(string $stub [, int $len = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::chmod": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.chmod",
"purpose": "Sets file-specific permission bits",
"prototype": "void PharFileInfo::chmod(int $permissions)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::compress": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.compress",
"purpose": "Compresses the current Phar entry with either zlib or bzip2 compression",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::compress(int $compression)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::__construct": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.construct",
"purpose": "Construct a Phar entry object",
"prototype": " PharFileInfo::__construct(string $entry)",
"return": ""
"PharFileInfo::decompress": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.decompress",
"purpose": "Decompresses the current Phar entry within the phar",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::decompress()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::delMetadata": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.delmetadata",
"purpose": "Deletes the metadata of the entry",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::delMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if successful, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the entry had no metadata. As with all functionality that modifies the contents of a phar, the <a href=\"phar.configuration.html#ini.phar.readonly\" class=\"link\">phar.readonly<\/a> INI variable must be off in order to succeed if the file is within a <span class=\"classname\">Phar<\/span> archive. Files within <span class=\"classname\">PharData<\/span> archives do not have this restriction. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::getCRC32": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.getcrc32",
"purpose": "Returns CRC32 code or throws an exception if CRC has not been verified",
"prototype": "int PharFileInfo::getCRC32()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"function\">crc32<\/span> checksum of the file within the Phar archive. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.getcompressedsize",
"purpose": "Returns the actual size of the file (with compression) inside the Phar archive",
"prototype": "int PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The size in bytes of the file within the Phar archive on disk. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::getMetadata": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.getmetadata",
"purpose": "Returns file-specific meta-data saved with a file",
"prototype": "mixed PharFileInfo::getMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> any PHP variable that can be serialized and is stored as meta-data for the file, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if no meta-data is stored. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::getPharFlags": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.getpharflags",
"purpose": "Returns the Phar file entry flags",
"prototype": "int PharFileInfo::getPharFlags()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The Phar flags (always <em>0<\/em> in the current implementation) <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::hasMetadata": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.hasmetadata",
"purpose": "Returns the metadata of the entry",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::hasMetadata()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if no metadata is set or is <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if metadata is not <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.iscrcchecked",
"purpose": "Returns whether file entry has had its CRC verified",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file has had its CRC verified, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::isCompressed": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.iscompressed",
"purpose": "Returns whether the entry is compressed",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::isCompressed([int $compression_type = 9021976])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file is compressed within the Phar archive, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::isCompressedBZIP2": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.iscompressedbzip2",
"purpose": "Returns whether the entry is compressed using bzip2",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::isCompressedBZIP2()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file is compressed within the Phar archive using Bzip2, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.iscompressedgz",
"purpose": "Returns whether the entry is compressed using gz",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the file is compressed within the Phar archive using Gzip, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::setCompressedBZIP2": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.setcompressedbzip2",
"purpose": "Compresses the current Phar entry within the phar using Bzip2 compression",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::setCompressedBZIP2()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::setCompressedGZ": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.setcompressedgz",
"purpose": "Compresses the current Phar entry within the phar using gz compression",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::setCompressedGZ()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::setMetadata": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.setmetadata",
"purpose": "Sets file-specific meta-data saved with a file",
"prototype": "void PharFileInfo::setMetadata(mixed $metadata)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"PharFileInfo::setUncompressed": {
"id": "pharfileinfo.setuncompressed",
"purpose": "Uncompresses the current Phar entry within the phar, if it is compressed",
"prototype": "bool PharFileInfo::setUncompressed()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PharException": {
"id": "pharexception.intro.unused",
"purpose": "The PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class for try\/catch blocks.",
"prototype": " PharException()",
"return": ""
"ZipArchive::addEmptyDir": {
"id": "ziparchive.addemptydir",
"purpose": "Add a new directory",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::addEmptyDir(string $dirname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::addFile": {
"id": "ziparchive.addfile",
"purpose": "Adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::addFile(string $filename [, string $localname = '' [, int $start = '' [, int $length = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::addFromString": {
"id": "ziparchive.addfromstring",
"purpose": "Add a file to a ZIP archive using its contents",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::addFromString(string $localname, string $contents)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::addGlob": {
"id": "ziparchive.addglob",
"purpose": "Add files from a directory by glob pattern",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::addGlob(string $pattern [, int $flags = '' [, array $options = array()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::addPattern": {
"id": "ziparchive.addpattern",
"purpose": "Add files from a directory by PCRE pattern",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::addPattern(string $pattern [, string $path = \".\" [, array $options = array()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::close": {
"id": "ziparchive.close",
"purpose": "Close the active archive (opened or newly created)",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::close()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::deleteIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.deleteindex",
"purpose": "delete an entry in the archive using its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::deleteIndex(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::deleteName": {
"id": "ziparchive.deletename",
"purpose": "delete an entry in the archive using its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::deleteName(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::extractTo": {
"id": "ziparchive.extractto",
"purpose": "Extract the archive contents",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::extractTo(string $destination [, mixed $entries = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getArchiveComment": {
"id": "ziparchive.getarchivecomment",
"purpose": "Returns the Zip archive comment",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getArchiveComment([int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Zip archive comment or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getCommentIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.getcommentindex",
"purpose": "Returns the comment of an entry using the entry index",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getCommentIndex(int $index [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the comment on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getCommentName": {
"id": "ziparchive.getcommentname",
"purpose": "Returns the comment of an entry using the entry name",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getCommentName(string $name [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the comment on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.getexternalattributesindex",
"purpose": "Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesIndex(int $index, int $opsys, int $attr [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesName": {
"id": "ziparchive.getexternalattributesname",
"purpose": "Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesName(string $name, int $opsys, int $attr [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getFromName": {
"id": "ziparchive.getfromname",
"purpose": "Returns the entry contents using its name",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getFromName(string $name [, int $length = '' [, int $flags = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the contents of the entry on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getNameIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.getnameindex",
"purpose": "Returns the name of an entry using its index",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getNameIndex(int $index [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the name on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getStatusString": {
"id": "ziparchive.getstatusstring",
"purpose": "Returns the status error message, system and\/or zip messages",
"prototype": "string ZipArchive::getStatusString()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> with the status message on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::getStream": {
"id": "ziparchive.getstream",
"purpose": "Get a file handler to the entry defined by its name (read only).",
"prototype": "resource ZipArchive::getStream(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a file pointer (resource) on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::locateName": {
"id": "ziparchive.locatename",
"purpose": "Returns the index of the entry in the archive",
"prototype": "int ZipArchive::locateName(string $name [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the index of the entry on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::open": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Open a ZIP file archive",
"prototype": "mixed ZipArchive::open(string $filename [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <dl> <dt><code class=\"parameter\">Error codes<\/code><\/dt> <dd> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or the error code. <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> File already exists. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_INCONS<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Zip archive inconsistent. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_INVAL<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Invalid argument. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Malloc failure. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_NOENT<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> No such file. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Not a zip archive. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_OPEN<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Can&#039;t open file. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_READ<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Read error. <\/p> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>ZipArchive::ER_SEEK<\/code><\/strong> <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Seek error. <\/p> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p> <\/dd> <\/dl> <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::renameIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.renameindex",
"purpose": "Renames an entry defined by its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::renameIndex(int $index, string $newname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::renameName": {
"id": "ziparchive.renamename",
"purpose": "Renames an entry defined by its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::renameName(string $name, string $newname)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setArchiveComment": {
"id": "ziparchive.setarchivecomment",
"purpose": "Set the comment of a ZIP archive",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setArchiveComment(string $comment)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setCommentIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.setcommentindex",
"purpose": "Set the comment of an entry defined by its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setCommentIndex(int $index, string $comment)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setCommentName": {
"id": "ziparchive.setcommentname",
"purpose": "Set the comment of an entry defined by its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setCommentName(string $name, string $comment)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.setcompressionindex",
"purpose": "Set the compression method of an entry defined by its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex(int $index, int $comp_method [, int $comp_flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setCompressionName": {
"id": "ziparchive.setcompressionname",
"purpose": "Set the compression method of an entry defined by its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setCompressionName(string $name, int $comp_method [, int $comp_flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.setexternalattributesindex",
"purpose": "Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesIndex(int $index, int $opsys, int $attr [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesName": {
"id": "ziparchive.setexternalattributesname",
"purpose": "Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its name",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesName(string $name, int $opsys, int $attr [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::setPassword": {
"id": "ziparchive.setpassword",
"purpose": "Set the password for the active archive",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::setPassword(string $password)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::statIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.statindex",
"purpose": "Get the details of an entry defined by its index.",
"prototype": "array ZipArchive::statIndex(int $index [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the entry details or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::statName": {
"id": "ziparchive.statname",
"purpose": "Get the details of an entry defined by its name.",
"prototype": "array ZipArchive::statName(string $name [, int $flags = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array containing the entry details or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::unchangeAll": {
"id": "ziparchive.unchangeall",
"purpose": "Undo all changes done in the archive",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::unchangeAll()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::unchangeArchive": {
"id": "ziparchive.unchangearchive",
"purpose": "Revert all global changes done in the archive.",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::unchangeArchive()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::unchangeIndex": {
"id": "ziparchive.unchangeindex",
"purpose": "Revert all changes done to an entry at the given index",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::unchangeIndex(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"ZipArchive::unchangeName": {
"id": "ziparchive.unchangename",
"purpose": "Revert all changes done to an entry with the given name.",
"prototype": "bool ZipArchive::unchangeName(string $name)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"zip_close": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Close a ZIP file archive",
"prototype": "void zip_close(resource $zip)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_close": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Close a directory entry",
"prototype": "bool zip_entry_close(resource $zip_entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_compressedsize": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve the compressed size of a directory entry",
"prototype": "int zip_entry_compressedsize(resource $zip_entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The compressed size. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_compressionmethod": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve the compression method of a directory entry",
"prototype": "string zip_entry_compressionmethod(resource $zip_entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The compression method. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_filesize": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve the actual file size of a directory entry",
"prototype": "int zip_entry_filesize(resource $zip_entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The size of the directory entry. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_name": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Retrieve the name of a directory entry",
"prototype": "string zip_entry_name(resource $zip_entry)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The name of the directory entry. <\/p>"
"zip_entry_open": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Open a directory entry for reading",
"prototype": "bool zip_entry_open(resource $zip, resource $zip_entry [, string $mode = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Unlike <span class=\"function\">fopen<\/span> and other similar functions, the return value of <span class=\"function\">zip_entry_open<\/span> only indicates the result of the operation and is not needed for reading or closing the directory entry. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"zip_entry_read": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Read from an open directory entry",
"prototype": "string zip_entry_read(resource $zip_entry [, int $length = 1024])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the data read, empty string on end of a file, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"zip_open": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Open a ZIP file archive",
"prototype": "resource zip_open(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a resource handle for later use with <span class=\"function\">zip_read<\/span> and <span class=\"function\">zip_close<\/span> or returns the number of error if <code class=\"parameter\">filename<\/code> does not exist or in case of other error. <\/p>"
"zip_read": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Read next entry in a ZIP file archive",
"prototype": "resource zip_read(resource $zip)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a directory entry resource for later use with the <em>zip_entry_...<\/em> functions, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if there are no more entries to read, or an error code if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"gzdecode": {
"id": "function.gzdecode",
"purpose": "Decodes a gzip compressed string",
"prototype": "string gzdecode(string $data [, int $length = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decoded string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurred. <\/p>"
"zlib_decode": {
"id": "function.zlib-decode",
"purpose": "Uncompress any raw\/gzip\/zlib encoded data",
"prototype": "string zlib_decode(string $data [, string $max_decoded_len = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"zlib_encode": {
"id": "function.zlib-encode",
"purpose": "Compress data with the specified encoding",
"prototype": "string zlib_encode(string $data, string $encoding [, string $level = -1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <\/p>"
"hash_copy": {
"id": "function.hash-copy",
"purpose": "Copy hashing context",
"prototype": "resource hash_copy(resource $context)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a copy of Hashing Context resource. <\/p>"
"hash_equals": {
"id": "function.hash-equals",
"purpose": "Timing attack safe string comparison",
"prototype": "bool hash_equals(string $known_string, string $user_string)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> when the two strings are equal, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"hash_pbkdf2": {
"id": "function.hash-pbkdf2",
"purpose": "Generate a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password",
"prototype": "string hash_pbkdf2(string $algo, string $password, string $salt, int $iterations [, int $length = '' [, bool $raw_output = false]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a string containing the derived key as lowercase hexits unless <code class=\"parameter\">raw_output<\/code> is set to <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> in which case the raw binary representation of the derived key is returned. <\/p>"
"openssl_cipher_iv_length": {
"id": "function.openssl-cipher-iv-length",
"purpose": "Gets the cipher iv length",
"prototype": "int openssl_cipher_iv_length(string $method)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the cipher length on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_csr_get_public_key": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-get-public-key",
"purpose": "Returns the public key of a CERT",
"prototype": "resource openssl_csr_get_public_key(mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames = true])",
"return": ""
"openssl_csr_get_subject": {
"id": "function.openssl-csr-get-subject",
"purpose": "Returns the subject of a CERT",
"prototype": "array openssl_csr_get_subject(mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames = true])",
"return": ""
"openssl_decrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-decrypt",
"purpose": "Decrypts data",
"prototype": "string openssl_decrypt(string $data, string $method, string $password [, int $options = '' [, string $iv = \"\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The decrypted string on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_dh_compute_key": {
"id": "function.openssl-dh-compute-key",
"purpose": "Computes shared secret for public value of remote DH key and local DH key",
"prototype": "string openssl_dh_compute_key(string $pub_key, resource $dh_key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns computed key on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_digest": {
"id": "function.openssl-digest",
"purpose": "Computes a digest",
"prototype": "string openssl_digest(string $data, string $method [, bool $raw_output = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the digested hash value on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_encrypt": {
"id": "function.openssl-encrypt",
"purpose": "Encrypts data",
"prototype": "string openssl_encrypt(string $data, string $method, string $password [, int $options = '' [, string $iv = \"\"]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the encrypted string on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_get_cert_locations": {
"id": "function.openssl-get-cert-locations",
"purpose": "Retrieve the available certificate locations",
"prototype": "array openssl_get_cert_locations()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the available certificate locations. <\/p>"
"openssl_get_cipher_methods": {
"id": "function.openssl-get-cipher-methods",
"purpose": "Gets available cipher methods",
"prototype": "array openssl_get_cipher_methods([bool $aliases = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of available cipher methods. <\/p>"
"openssl_get_md_methods": {
"id": "function.openssl-get-md-methods",
"purpose": "Gets available digest methods",
"prototype": "array openssl_get_md_methods([bool $aliases = false])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of available digest methods. <\/p>"
"openssl_pbkdf2": {
"id": "function.openssl-pbkdf2",
"purpose": "Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string, defaults to SHA-1",
"prototype": "string openssl_pbkdf2(string $password, string $salt, int $key_length, int $iterations [, string $digest_algorithm = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs12-export-to-file",
"purpose": "Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file(mixed $x509, string $filename, mixed $priv_key, string $pass [, array $args = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs12_export": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs12-export",
"purpose": "Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File to variable.",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs12_export(mixed $x509, string $out, mixed $priv_key, string $pass [, array $args = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkcs12_read": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkcs12-read",
"purpose": "Parse a PKCS#12 Certificate Store into an array",
"prototype": "bool openssl_pkcs12_read(string $pkcs12, array $certs, string $pass)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_pkey_get_details": {
"id": "function.openssl-pkey-get-details",
"purpose": "Returns an array with the key details",
"prototype": "array openssl_pkey_get_details(resource $key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array with the key details in success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> in failure. Returned array has indexes <em>bits<\/em> (number of bits), <em>key<\/em> (string representation of the public key) and <em>type<\/em> (type of the key which is one of <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DSA<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DH<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC<\/code><\/strong> or -1 meaning unknown). <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Depending on the key type used, additional details may be returned. Note that some elements may not always be available. <\/p> <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA<\/code><\/strong>, an additional array key named <em>&quot;rsa&quot;<\/em>, containing the key data is returned. <\/span> <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Key<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>&quot;n&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;e&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;d&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;p&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;q&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;dmp1&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;dmq1&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;iqmp&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DSA<\/code><\/strong>, an additional array key named <em>&quot;dsa&quot;<\/em>, containing the key data is returned. <\/span> <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Key<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>&quot;p&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;q&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;g&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;priv_key&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;pub_key&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <strong><code>OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DH<\/code><\/strong>, an additional array key named <em>&quot;dh&quot;<\/em>, containing the key data is returned. <\/span> <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Key<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>&quot;p&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;g&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;priv_key&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;pub_key&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/li> <\/ul>"
"openssl_random_pseudo_bytes": {
"id": "function.openssl-random-pseudo-bytes",
"purpose": "Generate a pseudo-random string of bytes",
"prototype": "string openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(int $length [, bool $crypto_strong = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the generated <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> of bytes on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_spki_export_challenge": {
"id": "function.openssl-spki-export-challenge",
"purpose": "Exports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge",
"prototype": "string openssl_spki_export_challenge(string $spkac)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the associated challenge string or NULL on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_spki_export": {
"id": "function.openssl-spki-export",
"purpose": "Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge",
"prototype": "string openssl_spki_export(string $spkac)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the associated PEM formatted public key or NULL on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_spki_new": {
"id": "function.openssl-spki-new",
"purpose": "Generate a new signed public key and challenge",
"prototype": "string openssl_spki_new(resource $privkey, string $challenge [, int $algorithm = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a signed public key and challenge string or NULL on failure. <\/p>"
"openssl_spki_verify": {
"id": "function.openssl-spki-verify",
"purpose": "Verifies a signed public key and challenge",
"prototype": "string openssl_spki_verify(string $spkac)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a boolean on success or failure. <\/p>"
"password_get_info": {
"id": "function.password-get-info",
"purpose": "Returns information about the given hash",
"prototype": "array password_get_info(string $hash)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array with three elements: <ul class=\"itemizedlist\"> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>algo<\/em>, which will match a <a href=\"password.constants.html\" class=\"link\">password algorithm constant<\/a> <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>algoName<\/em>, which has the human readable name of the algorithm <\/span> <\/li> <li class=\"listitem\"> <span class=\"simpara\"> <em>options<\/em>, which includes the options provided when calling <span class=\"function\">password_hash<\/span> <\/span> <\/li> <\/ul> <\/p>"
"password_hash": {
"id": "function.password-hash",
"purpose": "Creates a password hash",
"prototype": "string password_hash(string $password, integer $algo [, array $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the hashed password, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> The used algorithm, cost and salt are returned as part of the hash. Therefore, all information that&#039;s needed to verify the hash is included in it. This allows the <span class=\"function\">password_verify<\/span> function to verify the hash without needing separate storage for the salt or algorithm information. <\/p>"
"password_needs_rehash": {
"id": "function.password-needs-rehash",
"purpose": "Checks if the given hash matches the given options",
"prototype": "boolean password_needs_rehash(string $hash, integer $algo [, array $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the hash should be rehashed to match the given <code class=\"parameter\">algo<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">options<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"password_verify": {
"id": "function.password-verify",
"purpose": "Verifies that a password matches a hash",
"prototype": "boolean password_verify(string $password, string $hash)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the password and hash match, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"dba_key_split": {
"id": "function.dba-key-split",
"purpose": "Splits a key in string representation into array representation",
"prototype": "mixed dba_key_split(mixed $key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of the form <em>array(0 =&gt; group, 1 =&gt; value_name)<\/em>. This function will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">key<\/code> is <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"PDO::beginTransaction": {
"id": "pdo.begintransaction",
"purpose": "Initiates a transaction",
"prototype": "bool PDO::beginTransaction()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::commit": {
"id": "pdo.commit",
"purpose": "Commits a transaction",
"prototype": "bool PDO::commit()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::__construct": {
"id": "pdo.construct",
"purpose": "Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database",
"prototype": " PDO::__construct(string $dsn [, string $username = '' [, string $password = '' [, array $options = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a PDO object on success. <\/p>"
"PDO::errorCode": {
"id": "pdo.errorcode",
"purpose": "Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database handle",
"prototype": "mixed PDO::errorCode()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an SQLSTATE, a five characters alphanumeric identifier defined in the ANSI SQL-92 standard. Briefly, an SQLSTATE consists of a two characters class value followed by a three characters subclass value. A class value of 01 indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than &#039;01&#039;, except for the class &#039;IM&#039;, indicate an error. The class &#039;IM&#039; is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of PDO (or perhaps ODBC, if you&#039;re using the ODBC driver) itself. The subclass value &#039;000&#039; in any class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorCode<\/span> only retrieves error codes for operations performed directly on the database handle. If you create a PDOStatement object through <span class=\"function\">PDO::prepare<\/span> or <span class=\"function\">PDO::query<\/span> and invoke an error on the statement handle, <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorCode<\/span> will not reflect that error. You must call <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::errorCode<\/span> to return the error code for an operation performed on a particular statement handle. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if no operation has been run on the database handle. <\/p>"
"PDO::errorInfo": {
"id": "pdo.errorinfo",
"purpose": "Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle",
"prototype": "array PDO::errorInfo()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorInfo<\/span> returns an array of error information about the last operation performed by this database handle. The array consists of the following fields: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Information<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>SQLSTATE error code (a five characters alphanumeric identifier defined in the ANSI SQL standard).<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>Driver-specific error code.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>Driver-specific error message.<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> If the SQLSTATE error code is not set or there is no driver-specific error, the elements following element 0 will be set to <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote> <p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorInfo<\/span> only retrieves error information for operations performed directly on the database handle. If you create a PDOStatement object through <span class=\"function\">PDO::prepare<\/span> or <span class=\"function\">PDO::query<\/span> and invoke an error on the statement handle, <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorInfo<\/span> will not reflect the error from the statement handle. You must call <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::errorInfo<\/span> to return the error information for an operation performed on a particular statement handle. <\/p>"
"PDO::exec": {
"id": "pdo.exec",
"purpose": "Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows",
"prototype": "int PDO::exec(string $statement)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::exec<\/span> returns the number of rows that were modified or deleted by the SQL statement you issued. If no rows were affected, <span class=\"function\">PDO::exec<\/span> returns <em>0<\/em>. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div> <p class=\"para\"> The following example incorrectly relies on the return value of <span class=\"function\">PDO::exec<\/span>, wherein a statement that affected 0 rows results in a call to <span class=\"function\">die<\/span>: <div class=\"example-contents\"><div class=\"phpcode\"><code><span style=\"color: #000000\"><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">&lt;?php<br \/>$db<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">-&gt;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">exec<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">()&nbsp;or&nbsp;die(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">print_r<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">$db<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">-&gt;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">errorInfo<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">(),&nbsp;<\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">true<\/span><span style=\"color: #007700\">));<br \/><\/span><span style=\"color: #0000BB\">?&gt;<\/span><\/span><\/code><\/div> <\/div> <\/p>"
"PDO::getAttribute": {
"id": "pdo.getattribute",
"purpose": "Retrieve a database connection attribute",
"prototype": "mixed PDO::getAttribute(int $attribute)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A successful call returns the value of the requested PDO attribute. An unsuccessful call returns <em>null<\/em>. <\/p>"
"PDO::getAvailableDrivers": {
"id": "pdo.getavailabledrivers",
"purpose": "Return an array of available PDO drivers",
"prototype": "array PDO::getAvailableDrivers()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::getAvailableDrivers<\/span> returns an array of PDO driver names. If no drivers are available, it returns an empty array. <\/p>"
"PDO::inTransaction": {
"id": "pdo.intransaction",
"purpose": "Checks if inside a transaction",
"prototype": "bool PDO::inTransaction()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if a transaction is currently active, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if not. <\/p>"
"PDO::lastInsertId": {
"id": "pdo.lastinsertid",
"purpose": "Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value",
"prototype": "string PDO::lastInsertId([string $name = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If a sequence name was not specified for the <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> parameter, <span class=\"function\">PDO::lastInsertId<\/span> returns a string representing the row ID of the last row that was inserted into the database. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If a sequence name was specified for the <code class=\"parameter\">name<\/code> parameter, <span class=\"function\">PDO::lastInsertId<\/span> returns a string representing the last value retrieved from the specified sequence object. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If the PDO driver does not support this capability, <span class=\"function\">PDO::lastInsertId<\/span> triggers an <em>IM001<\/em> SQLSTATE. <\/p>"
"PDO::prepare": {
"id": "pdo.prepare",
"purpose": "Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object",
"prototype": "PDOStatement PDO::prepare(string $statement [, array $driver_options = array()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If the database server successfully prepares the statement, <span class=\"function\">PDO::prepare<\/span> returns a <span class=\"classname\">PDOStatement<\/span> object. If the database server cannot successfully prepare the statement, <span class=\"function\">PDO::prepare<\/span> returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> or emits <span class=\"classname\">PDOException<\/span> (depending on <a href=\"pdo.error-handling.html\" class=\"link\">error handling<\/a>). <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Emulated prepared statements does not communicate with the database server so <span class=\"function\">PDO::prepare<\/span> does not check the statement. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"PDO::query": {
"id": "pdo.query",
"purpose": "Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object",
"prototype": "PDOStatement PDO::query(string $statement, int $PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, int $colno, int $PDO::FETCH_CLASS, string $classname, array $ctorargs, int $PDO::FETCH_INTO, object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDO::query<\/span> returns a PDOStatement object, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::quote": {
"id": "pdo.quote",
"purpose": "Quotes a string for use in a query.",
"prototype": "string PDO::quote(string $string [, int $parameter_type = PDO::PARAM_STR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a quoted string that is theoretically safe to pass into an SQL statement. Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the driver does not support quoting in this way. <\/p>"
"PDO::rollBack": {
"id": "pdo.rollback",
"purpose": "Rolls back a transaction",
"prototype": "bool PDO::rollBack()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::setAttribute": {
"id": "pdo.setattribute",
"purpose": "Set an attribute",
"prototype": "bool PDO::setAttribute(int $attribute, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::bindColumn": {
"id": "pdostatement.bindcolumn",
"purpose": "Bind a column to a PHP variable",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::bindColumn(mixed $column, mixed $param [, int $type = '' [, int $maxlen = '' [, mixed $driverdata = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::bindParam": {
"id": "pdostatement.bindparam",
"purpose": "Binds a parameter to the specified variable name",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::bindParam(mixed $parameter, mixed $variable [, int $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR [, int $length = '' [, mixed $driver_options = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::bindValue": {
"id": "pdostatement.bindvalue",
"purpose": "Binds a value to a parameter",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::bindValue(mixed $parameter, mixed $value [, int $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::closeCursor": {
"id": "pdostatement.closecursor",
"purpose": "Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::closeCursor()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::columnCount": {
"id": "pdostatement.columncount",
"purpose": "Returns the number of columns in the result set",
"prototype": "int PDOStatement::columnCount()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of columns in the result set represented by the PDOStatement object. If there is no result set, <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::columnCount<\/span> returns <em>0<\/em>. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::debugDumpParams": {
"id": "pdostatement.debugdumpparams",
"purpose": "Dump an SQL prepared command",
"prototype": "string PDOStatement::debugDumpParams()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::errorCode": {
"id": "pdostatement.errorcode",
"purpose": "Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle",
"prototype": "string PDOStatement::errorCode()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Identical to <span class=\"function\">PDO::errorCode<\/span>, except that <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::errorCode<\/span> only retrieves error codes for operations performed with PDOStatement objects. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::errorInfo": {
"id": "pdostatement.errorinfo",
"purpose": "Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the statement handle",
"prototype": "array PDOStatement::errorInfo()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::errorInfo<\/span> returns an array of error information about the last operation performed by this statement handle. The array consists of the following fields: <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr> <th>Element<\/th> <th>Information<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>0<\/td> <td>SQLSTATE error code (a five characters alphanumeric identifier defined in the ANSI SQL standard).<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>1<\/td> <td>Driver specific error code.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>2<\/td> <td>Driver specific error message.<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::execute": {
"id": "pdostatement.execute",
"purpose": "Executes a prepared statement",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::execute([array $input_parameters = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::fetch": {
"id": "pdostatement.fetch",
"purpose": "Fetches the next row from a result set",
"prototype": "mixed PDOStatement::fetch([int $fetch_style = '' [, int $cursor_orientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT [, int $cursor_offset = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The return value of this function on success depends on the fetch type. In all cases, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::fetchAll": {
"id": "pdostatement.fetchall",
"purpose": "Returns an array containing all of the result set rows",
"prototype": "array PDOStatement::fetchAll([int $fetch_style = '' [, mixed $fetch_argument = '' [, array $ctor_args = array()]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::fetchAll<\/span> returns an array containing all of the remaining rows in the result set. The array represents each row as either an array of column values or an object with properties corresponding to each column name. An empty array is returned if there are zero results to fetch, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Using this method to fetch large result sets will result in a heavy demand on system and possibly network resources. Rather than retrieving all of the data and manipulating it in PHP, consider using the database server to manipulate the result sets. For example, use the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in SQL to restrict results before retrieving and processing them with PHP. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::fetchColumn": {
"id": "pdostatement.fetchcolumn",
"purpose": "Returns a single column from the next row of a result set",
"prototype": "mixed PDOStatement::fetchColumn([int $column_number = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::fetchColumn<\/span> returns a single column in the next row of a result set. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong> <p class=\"para\"> There is no way to return another column from the same row if you use <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::fetchColumn<\/span> to retrieve data. <\/p> <\/div>"
"PDOStatement::fetchObject": {
"id": "pdostatement.fetchobject",
"purpose": "Fetches the next row and returns it as an object.",
"prototype": "mixed PDOStatement::fetchObject([string $class_name = \"stdClass\" [, array $ctor_args = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an instance of the required class with property names that correspond to the column names or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::getAttribute": {
"id": "pdostatement.getattribute",
"purpose": "Retrieve a statement attribute",
"prototype": "mixed PDOStatement::getAttribute(int $attribute)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the attribute value. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::getColumnMeta": {
"id": "pdostatement.getcolumnmeta",
"purpose": "Returns metadata for a column in a result set",
"prototype": "array PDOStatement::getColumnMeta(int $column)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array containing the following values representing the metadata for a single column: <\/p> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>Column metadata<\/strong><\/caption> <col \/> <col \/> <thead> <tr> <th>Name<\/th> <th>Value<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>native_type<\/em><\/td> <td>The PHP native type used to represent the column value.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>driver:decl_type<\/em><\/td> <td>The SQL type used to represent the column value in the database. If the column in the result set is the result of a function, this value is not returned by <span class=\"function\">PDOStatement::getColumnMeta<\/span>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>flags<\/em><\/td> <td>Any flags set for this column.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>name<\/em><\/td> <td>The name of this column as returned by the database.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>table<\/em><\/td> <td>The name of this column&#039;s table as returned by the database.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>len<\/em><\/td> <td>The length of this column. Normally <em>-1<\/em> for types other than floating point decimals.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>precision<\/em><\/td> <td>The numeric precision of this column. Normally <em>0<\/em> for types other than floating point decimals.<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>pdo_type<\/em><\/td> <td>The type of this column as represented by the <a href=\"pdo.constants.html\" class=\"link\"><em>PDO::PARAM_*<\/em> constants<\/a>.<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the requested column does not exist in the result set, or if no result set exists. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::nextRowset": {
"id": "pdostatement.nextrowset",
"purpose": "Advances to the next rowset in a multi-rowset statement handle",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::nextRowset()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::rowCount": {
"id": "pdostatement.rowcount",
"purpose": "Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement",
"prototype": "int PDOStatement::rowCount()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of rows. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::setAttribute": {
"id": "pdostatement.setattribute",
"purpose": "Set a statement attribute",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::setAttribute(int $attribute, mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDOStatement::setFetchMode": {
"id": "pdostatement.setfetchmode",
"purpose": "Set the default fetch mode for this statement",
"prototype": "bool PDOStatement::setFetchMode(int $mode, int $PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, int $colno, int $PDO::FETCH_CLASS, string $classname, array $ctorargs, int $PDO::FETCH_INTO, object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlCopyFromArray": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlcopyfromarray",
"purpose": "Copy data from PHP array into table",
"prototype": "bool PDO::pgsqlCopyFromArray(string $table_name, array $rows [, string $delimiter = '\\t' [, string $null_as = \"\\\\\\\\N\" [, string $fields = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlCopyFromFile": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlcopyfromfile",
"purpose": "Copy data from file into table",
"prototype": "bool PDO::pgsqlCopyFromFile(string $table_name, string $filename [, string $delimiter = '\\t' [, string $null_as = \"\\\\\\\\N\" [, string $fields = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlCopyToArray": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlcopytoarray",
"purpose": "Copy data from database table into PHP array",
"prototype": "array PDO::pgsqlCopyToArray(string $table_name, array $rows [, string $delimiter = '\\t' [, string $null_as = \"\\\\\\\\N\" [, string $fields = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of rows, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlCopyToFile": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlcopytofile",
"purpose": "Copy data from table into file",
"prototype": "bool PDO::pgsqlCopyToFile(string $table_name, string $filename [, string $delimiter = '\\t' [, string $null_as = \"\\\\\\\\N\" [, string $fields = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlGetNotify": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlgetnotify",
"purpose": "Get asynchronous notification",
"prototype": "array PDO::pgsqlGetNotify([int $result_type = '' [, int $ms_timeout = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> If one or more notifications is pending, returns a single row, with fields <em>message<\/em> and <em>pid<\/em>, otherwise returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlGetPid": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqlgetpid",
"purpose": "Get the server PID",
"prototype": "int PDO::pgsqlGetPid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The server&#039;s PID. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqllobcreate",
"purpose": "Creates a new large object",
"prototype": "string PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the OID of the newly created large object on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlLOBOpen": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqllobopen",
"purpose": "Opens an existing large object stream",
"prototype": "resource PDO::pgsqlLOBOpen(string $oid [, string $mode = \"rb\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a stream resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::pgsqlLOBUnlink": {
"id": "pdo.pgsqllobunlink",
"purpose": "Deletes the large object",
"prototype": "bool PDO::pgsqlLOBUnlink(string $oid)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::sqliteCreateAggregate": {
"id": "pdo.sqlitecreateaggregate",
"purpose": "Registers an aggregating User Defined Function for use in SQL statements",
"prototype": "bool PDO::sqliteCreateAggregate(string $function_name, callable $step_func, callable $finalize_func [, int $num_args = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::sqliteCreateCollation": {
"id": "pdo.sqlitecreatecollation",
"purpose": "Registers a User Defined Function for use as a collating function in SQL statements",
"prototype": "bool PDO::sqliteCreateCollation(string $name, callable $callback)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"PDO::sqliteCreateFunction": {
"id": "pdo.sqlitecreatefunction",
"purpose": "Registers a User Defined Function for use in SQL statements",
"prototype": "bool PDO::sqliteCreateFunction(string $function_name, callable $callback [, int $num_args = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"mysql_set_charset": {
"id": "function.mysql-set-charset",
"purpose": "Sets the client character set",
"prototype": "bool mysql_set_charset(string $charset [, resource $link_identifier = null])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTime::add": {
"id": "datetime.add",
"purpose": "Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::add(DateInterval $interval, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_add": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::add",
"prototype": " date_add()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::__construct": {
"id": "datetime.construct",
"purpose": "Returns new DateTime object",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::__construct([string $time = \"now\" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new DateTime instance. Procedural style returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_create": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::__construct",
"prototype": " date_create()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::createFromFormat": {
"id": "datetime.createfromformat",
"purpose": "Returns new DateTime object formatted according to the specified format",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::createFromFormat(string $format, string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new DateTime instance or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_create_from_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::createFromFormat",
"prototype": " date_create_from_format()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::getLastErrors": {
"id": "datetime.getlasterrors",
"purpose": "Returns the warnings and errors",
"prototype": "array DateTime::getLastErrors()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns array containing info about warnings and errors. <\/p>"
"date_get_last_errors": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::getLastErrors",
"prototype": " date_get_last_errors()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::modify": {
"id": "datetime.modify",
"purpose": "Alters the timestamp",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::modify(string $modify, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_modify": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::modify",
"prototype": " date_modify()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::__set_state": {
"id": "datetime.set-state",
"purpose": "The __set_state handler",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::__set_state(array $array)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new instance of a DateTime object. <\/p>"
"DateTime::setDate": {
"id": "datetime.setdate",
"purpose": "Sets the date",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::setDate(int $year, int $month, int $day, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_date_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::setDate",
"prototype": " date_date_set()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::setISODate": {
"id": "datetime.setisodate",
"purpose": "Sets the ISO date",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::setISODate(int $year, int $week [, int $day = 1, DateTime $object])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_isodate_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::setISODate",
"prototype": " date_isodate_set()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::setTime": {
"id": "datetime.settime",
"purpose": "Sets the time",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::setTime(int $hour, int $minute [, int $second = '', DateTime $object])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_time_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::setTime",
"prototype": " date_time_set()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::setTimestamp": {
"id": "datetime.settimestamp",
"purpose": "Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::setTimestamp(int $unixtimestamp, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_timestamp_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::setTimestamp",
"prototype": " date_timestamp_set()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::setTimezone": {
"id": "datetime.settimezone",
"purpose": "Sets the time zone for the DateTime object",
"prototype": "object DateTime::setTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_timezone_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::setTimezone",
"prototype": " date_timezone_set()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::sub": {
"id": "datetime.sub",
"purpose": "Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object",
"prototype": "DateTime DateTime::sub(DateInterval $interval, DateTime $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the <span class=\"classname\">DateTime<\/span> object for method chaining or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_sub": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::sub",
"prototype": " date_sub()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::add": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.add",
"purpose": "Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::add(DateInterval $interval)",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::__construct": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.construct",
"purpose": "Returns new DateTimeImmutable object",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::__construct([string $time = \"now\" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = '']])",
"return": ""
"date_create_immutable": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeImmutable::__construct",
"prototype": " date_create_immutable()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.createfromformat",
"purpose": "Returns new DateTimeImmutable object formatted according to the specified format",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(string $format, string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone = ''])",
"return": ""
"date_create_immutable_from_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat",
"prototype": " date_create_immutable_from_format()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.createfrommutable",
"purpose": "Returns new DateTimeImmutable object encapsulating the given DateTime object",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable(DateTime $datetime)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new <span class=\"classname\">DateTimeImmutable<\/span> instance. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::getLastErrors": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.getlasterrors",
"purpose": "Returns the warnings and errors",
"prototype": "array DateTimeImmutable::getLastErrors()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::modify": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.modify",
"purpose": "Creates a new object with modified timestamp",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::modify(string $modify)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the newly created object or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::__set_state": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.set-state",
"purpose": "The __set_state handler",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::__set_state(array $array)",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::setDate": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.setdate",
"purpose": "Sets the date",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::setDate(int $year, int $month, int $day)",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::setISODate": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.setisodate",
"purpose": "Sets the ISO date",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::setISODate(int $year, int $week [, int $day = 1])",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::setTime": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.settime",
"purpose": "Sets the time",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::setTime(int $hour, int $minute [, int $second = ''])",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::setTimestamp": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.settimestamp",
"purpose": "Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::setTimestamp(int $unixtimestamp)",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::setTimezone": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.settimezone",
"purpose": "Sets the time zone",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::setTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone)",
"return": ""
"DateTimeImmutable::sub": {
"id": "datetimeimmutable.sub",
"purpose": "Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds",
"prototype": "DateTimeImmutable DateTimeImmutable::sub(DateInterval $interval)",
"return": ""
"DateTime::diff": {
"id": "datetime.diff",
"purpose": "Returns the difference between two DateTime objects",
"prototype": "DateInterval DateTime::diff(DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = false, DateTimeInterface $datetime1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"classname\">DateInterval<\/span> object representing the difference between the two dates or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::diff": {
"id": "datetime.diff",
"purpose": "Returns the difference between two DateTime objects",
"prototype": "DateInterval DateTimeImmutable::diff(DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = false, DateTimeInterface $datetime1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"classname\">DateInterval<\/span> object representing the difference between the two dates or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::diff": {
"id": "datetime.diff",
"purpose": "Returns the difference between two DateTime objects",
"prototype": "DateInterval DateTimeInterface::diff(DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = false, DateTimeInterface $datetime1])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"classname\">DateInterval<\/span> object representing the difference between the two dates or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_diff": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::diff",
"prototype": " date_diff()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::format": {
"id": "datetime.format",
"purpose": "Returns date formatted according to given format",
"prototype": "string DateTime::format(string $format, DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the formatted date string on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::format": {
"id": "datetime.format",
"purpose": "Returns date formatted according to given format",
"prototype": "string DateTimeImmutable::format(string $format, DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the formatted date string on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::format": {
"id": "datetime.format",
"purpose": "Returns date formatted according to given format",
"prototype": "string DateTimeInterface::format(string $format, DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the formatted date string on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::format",
"prototype": " date_format()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::getOffset": {
"id": "datetime.getoffset",
"purpose": "Returns the timezone offset",
"prototype": "int DateTime::getOffset(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the timezone offset in seconds from UTC on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::getOffset": {
"id": "datetime.getoffset",
"purpose": "Returns the timezone offset",
"prototype": "int DateTimeImmutable::getOffset(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the timezone offset in seconds from UTC on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::getOffset": {
"id": "datetime.getoffset",
"purpose": "Returns the timezone offset",
"prototype": "int DateTimeInterface::getOffset(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the timezone offset in seconds from UTC on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_offset_get": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::getOffset",
"prototype": " date_offset_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::getTimestamp": {
"id": "datetime.gettimestamp",
"purpose": "Gets the Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int DateTime::getTimestamp(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Unix timestamp representing the date. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::getTimestamp": {
"id": "datetime.gettimestamp",
"purpose": "Gets the Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int DateTimeImmutable::getTimestamp(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Unix timestamp representing the date. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::getTimestamp": {
"id": "datetime.gettimestamp",
"purpose": "Gets the Unix timestamp",
"prototype": "int DateTimeInterface::getTimestamp(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the Unix timestamp representing the date. <\/p>"
"date_timestamp_get": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::getTimestamp",
"prototype": " date_timestamp_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::getTimezone": {
"id": "datetime.gettimezone",
"purpose": "Return time zone relative to given DateTime",
"prototype": "DateTimeZone DateTime::getTimezone(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"classname\">DateTimeZone<\/span> object on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::getTimezone": {
"id": "datetime.gettimezone",
"purpose": "Return time zone relative to given DateTime",
"prototype": "DateTimeZone DateTimeImmutable::getTimezone(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"classname\">DateTimeZone<\/span> object on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::getTimezone": {
"id": "datetime.gettimezone",
"purpose": "Return time zone relative to given DateTime",
"prototype": "DateTimeZone DateTimeInterface::getTimezone(DateTimeInterface $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"classname\">DateTimeZone<\/span> object on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_timezone_get": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTime::getTimezone",
"prototype": " date_timezone_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTime::__wakeup": {
"id": "datetime.wakeup",
"purpose": "The __wakeup handler",
"prototype": " DateTime::__wakeup()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Initializes a DateTime object. <\/p>"
"DateTimeImmutable::__wakeup": {
"id": "datetime.wakeup",
"purpose": "The __wakeup handler",
"prototype": " DateTimeImmutable::__wakeup()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Initializes a DateTime object. <\/p>"
"DateTimeInterface::__wakeup": {
"id": "datetime.wakeup",
"purpose": "The __wakeup handler",
"prototype": " DateTimeInterface::__wakeup()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Initializes a DateTime object. <\/p>"
"DateTimeZone::__construct": {
"id": "datetimezone.construct",
"purpose": "Creates new DateTimeZone object",
"prototype": "DateTimeZone DateTimeZone::__construct(string $timezone)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <span class=\"classname\">DateTimeZone<\/span> on success. Procedural style returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_open": {
"id": "function.timezone-open",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::__construct",
"prototype": " timezone_open()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::getLocation": {
"id": "datetimezone.getlocation",
"purpose": "Returns location information for a timezone",
"prototype": "array DateTimeZone::getLocation(DateTimeZone $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Array containing location information about timezone. <\/p>"
"timezone_location_get": {
"id": "function.timezone-location-get",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::getLocation",
"prototype": " timezone_location_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::getName": {
"id": "datetimezone.getname",
"purpose": "Returns the name of the timezone",
"prototype": "string DateTimeZone::getName(DateTimeZone $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> One of the timezone names in the <a href=\"timezones.html\" class=\"link\">list of timezones<\/a>. <\/p>"
"timezone_name_get": {
"id": "function.timezone-name-get",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::getName",
"prototype": " timezone_name_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::getOffset": {
"id": "datetimezone.getoffset",
"purpose": "Returns the timezone offset from GMT",
"prototype": "int DateTimeZone::getOffset(DateTime $datetime, DateTimeZone $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns time zone offset in seconds on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_offset_get": {
"id": "function.timezone-offset-get",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::getOffset",
"prototype": " timezone_offset_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::getTransitions": {
"id": "datetimezone.gettransitions",
"purpose": "Returns all transitions for the timezone",
"prototype": "array DateTimeZone::getTransitions([int $timestamp_begin = '' [, int $timestamp_end = '', DateTimeZone $object]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns numerically indexed array containing associative array with all transitions on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_transitions_get": {
"id": "function.timezone-transitions-get",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::getTransitions",
"prototype": " timezone_transitions_get()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations": {
"id": "datetimezone.listabbreviations",
"purpose": "Returns associative array containing dst, offset and the timezone name",
"prototype": "array DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns array on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_abbreviations_list": {
"id": "function.timezone-abbreviations-list",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations",
"prototype": " timezone_abbreviations_list()",
"return": ""
"DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers": {
"id": "datetimezone.listidentifiers",
"purpose": "Returns a numerically indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers",
"prototype": "array DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers([int $what = DateTimeZone::ALL [, string $country = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns array on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_identifiers_list": {
"id": "function.timezone-identifiers-list",
"purpose": "Alias of DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers",
"prototype": " timezone_identifiers_list()",
"return": ""
"DateInterval::__construct": {
"id": "dateinterval.construct",
"purpose": "Creates a new DateInterval object",
"prototype": " DateInterval::__construct(string $interval_spec)",
"return": ""
"DateInterval::createFromDateString": {
"id": "dateinterval.createfromdatestring",
"purpose": "Sets up a DateInterval from the relative parts of the string",
"prototype": "DateInterval DateInterval::createFromDateString(string $time)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a new <span class=\"classname\">DateInterval<\/span> instance. <\/p>"
"DateInterval::format": {
"id": "dateinterval.format",
"purpose": "Formats the interval",
"prototype": "string DateInterval::format(string $format)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the formatted interval. <\/p>"
"DatePeriod::__construct": {
"id": "dateperiod.construct",
"purpose": "Creates a new DatePeriod object",
"prototype": " DatePeriod::__construct(DateTimeInterface $start, DateInterval $interval, int $recurrences [, int $options = '', DateTimeInterface $end, string $isostr])",
"return": ""
"date_default_timezone_get": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Gets the default timezone used by all date\/time functions in a script",
"prototype": "string date_default_timezone_get()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"date_default_timezone_set": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Sets the default timezone used by all date\/time functions in a script",
"prototype": "bool date_default_timezone_set(string $timezone_identifier)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if the <code class=\"parameter\">timezone_identifier<\/code> isn&#039;t valid, or <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"date_interval_create_from_date_string": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateInterval::createFromDateString",
"prototype": " date_interval_create_from_date_string()",
"return": ""
"date_interval_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Alias of DateInterval::format",
"prototype": " date_interval_format()",
"return": ""
"date_parse_from_format": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format",
"prototype": "array date_parse_from_format(string $format, string $date)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns associative array with detailed info about given date. <\/p>"
"date_parse": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Returns associative array with detailed info about given date",
"prototype": "array date_parse(string $date)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> with information about the parsed date on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_sun_info": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Returns an array with information about sunset\/sunrise and twilight begin\/end",
"prototype": "array date_sun_info(int $time, float $latitude, float $longitude)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns array on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_sunrise": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Returns time of sunrise for a given day and location",
"prototype": "mixed date_sunrise(int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get(\"date.default_latitude\") [, float $longitude = ini_get(\"date.default_longitude\") [, float $zenith = ini_get(\"date.sunrise_zenith\") [, float $gmt_offset = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the sunrise time in a specified <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"date_sunset": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Returns time of sunset for a given day and location",
"prototype": "mixed date_sunset(int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get(\"date.default_latitude\") [, float $longitude = ini_get(\"date.default_longitude\") [, float $zenith = ini_get(\"date.sunset_zenith\") [, float $gmt_offset = '']]]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the sunset time in a specified <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"idate": {
"id": "function.idate",
"purpose": "Format a local time\/date as integer",
"prototype": "int idate(string $format [, int $timestamp = time()])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> As <span class=\"function\">idate<\/span> always returns an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span> and as they can&#039;t start with a &quot;0&quot;, <span class=\"function\">idate<\/span> may return fewer digits than you would expect. See the example below. <\/p>"
"strptime": {
"id": "function.strptime",
"purpose": "Parse a time\/date generated with strftime",
"prototype": "array strptime(string $date, string $format)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>The following parameters are returned in the array<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>parameters<\/th> <th>Description<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_sec&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Seconds after the minute (0-61)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_min&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Minutes after the hour (0-59)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_hour&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Hour since midnight (0-23)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_mday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Day of the month (1-31)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_mon&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Months since January (0-11)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_year&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Years since 1900<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_wday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Days since Sunday (0-6)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;tm_yday&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>Days since January 1 (0-365)<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><em>&quot;unparsed&quot;<\/em><\/td> <td>the <code class=\"parameter\">date<\/code> part which was not recognized using the specified <code class=\"parameter\">format<\/code><\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"timezone_name_from_abbr": {
"id": "function.timezone-name-from-abbr",
"purpose": "Returns the timezone name from abbreviation",
"prototype": "string timezone_name_from_abbr(string $abbr [, int $gmtOffset = -1 [, int $isdst = -1]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns time zone name on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"timezone_version_get": {
"id": "function.timezone-version-get",
"purpose": "Gets the version of the timezonedb",
"prototype": "string timezone_version_get()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a <span class=\"type\">string<\/span>. <\/p>"
"scandir": {
"id": "function.scandir",
"purpose": "List files and directories inside the specified path",
"prototype": "array scandir(string $directory [, int $sorting_order = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING [, resource $context = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of filenames on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If <code class=\"parameter\">directory<\/code> is not a directory, then boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned, and an error of level <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> is generated. <\/p>"
"file_put_contents": {
"id": "function.file-put-contents",
"purpose": "Write a string to a file",
"prototype": "int file_put_contents(string $filename, mixed $data [, int $flags = '' [, resource $context = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> This function returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"fputcsv": {
"id": "function.fputcsv",
"purpose": "Format line as CSV and write to file pointer",
"prototype": "int fputcsv(resource $handle, array $fields [, string $delimiter = \",\" [, string $enclosure = '\"' [, string $escape_char = \"\\\"]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the length of the written string or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"lchgrp": {
"id": "function.lchgrp",
"purpose": "Changes group ownership of symlink",
"prototype": "bool lchgrp(string $filename, mixed $group)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"lchown": {
"id": "function.lchown",
"purpose": "Changes user ownership of symlink",
"prototype": "bool lchown(string $filename, mixed $user)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"parse_ini_string": {
"id": "function.parse-ini-string",
"purpose": "Parse a configuration string",
"prototype": "array parse_ini_string(string $ini [, bool $process_sections = false [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The settings are returned as an associative <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> on success, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"realpath_cache_get": {
"id": "function.realpath-cache-get",
"purpose": "Get realpath cache entries",
"prototype": "array realpath_cache_get()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an array of realpath cache entries. The keys are original path entries, and the values are arrays of data items, containing the resolved path, expiration date, and other options kept in the cache. <\/p>"
"realpath_cache_size": {
"id": "function.realpath-cache-size",
"purpose": "Get realpath cache size",
"prototype": "int realpath_cache_size()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns how much memory realpath cache is using. <\/p>"
"iconv_mime_decode_headers": {
"id": "function.iconv-mime-decode-headers",
"purpose": "Decodes multiple MIME header fields at once",
"prototype": "array iconv_mime_decode_headers(string $encoded_headers [, int $mode = '' [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array that holds a whole set of <em>MIME<\/em> header fields specified by <code class=\"parameter\">encoded_headers<\/code> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs during the decoding. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> Each key of the return value represents an individual field name and the corresponding element represents a field value. If more than one field of the same name are present, <span class=\"function\">iconv_mime_decode_headers<\/span> automatically incorporates them into a numerically indexed array in the order of occurrence. <\/p>"
"iconv_mime_decode": {
"id": "function.iconv-mime-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes a MIME header field",
"prototype": "string iconv_mime_decode(string $encoded_header [, int $mode = '' [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a decoded <em>MIME<\/em> field on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs during the decoding. <\/p>"
"iconv_mime_encode": {
"id": "function.iconv-mime-encode",
"purpose": "Composes a MIME header field",
"prototype": "string iconv_mime_encode(string $field_name, string $field_value [, array $preferences = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an encoded <em>MIME<\/em> field on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if an error occurs during the encoding. <\/p>"
"iconv_strlen": {
"id": "function.iconv-strlen",
"purpose": "Returns the character count of string",
"prototype": "int iconv_strlen(string $str [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the character count of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code>, as an integer. <\/p>"
"iconv_strpos": {
"id": "function.iconv-strpos",
"purpose": "Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack",
"prototype": "int iconv_strpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found, <span class=\"function\">iconv_strpos<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"iconv_strrpos": {
"id": "function.iconv-strrpos",
"purpose": "Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack",
"prototype": "int iconv_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found, <span class=\"function\">iconv_strrpos<\/span> will return <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. <\/p> <div class=\"warning\"><strong class=\"warning\">Warning<\/strong><p class=\"simpara\">This function mayreturn Boolean <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>, but may also return a non-Boolean value whichevaluates to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>. Please read the section on <a href=\"language.types.boolean.html\" class=\"link\">Booleans<\/a> for moreinformation. Use <a href=\"language.operators.comparison.html\" class=\"link\">the ===operator<\/a> for testing the return value of thisfunction.<\/p><\/div>"
"iconv_substr": {
"id": "function.iconv-substr",
"purpose": "Cut out part of a string",
"prototype": "string iconv_substr(string $str, int $offset [, int $length = iconv_strlen($str, $charset) [, string $charset = ini_get(\"iconv.internal_encoding\")]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> specified by the <code class=\"parameter\">offset<\/code> and <code class=\"parameter\">length<\/code> parameters. <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> If <code class=\"parameter\">str<\/code> is shorter than <code class=\"parameter\">offset<\/code> characters long, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> will be returned. <\/p>"
"mb_encoding_aliases": {
"id": "function.mb-encoding-aliases",
"purpose": "Get aliases of a known encoding type",
"prototype": "array mb_encoding_aliases(string $encoding)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a numerically indexed array of encoding aliases on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure <\/p>"
"mb_ereg_replace_callback": {
"id": "function.mb-ereg-replace-callback",
"purpose": "Perform a regular expresssion seach and replace with multibyte support using a callback",
"prototype": "string mb_ereg_replace_callback(string $pattern, callable $callback, string $string [, string $option = \"msr\"])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The resultant <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on error. <\/p>"
"mb_stripos": {
"id": "function.mb-stripos",
"purpose": "Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive",
"prototype": "int mb_stripos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the numeric position of the first occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"mb_stristr": {
"id": "function.mb-stristr",
"purpose": "Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive",
"prototype": "string mb_stristr(string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = false [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"mb_strrchr": {
"id": "function.mb-strrchr",
"purpose": "Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another",
"prototype": "string mb_strrchr(string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $part = false [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>. or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"mb_strrichr": {
"id": "function.mb-strrichr",
"purpose": "Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive",
"prototype": "string mb_strrichr(string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $part = false [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>. or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"mb_strripos": {
"id": "function.mb-strripos",
"purpose": "Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive",
"prototype": "int mb_strripos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset = '' [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the numeric position of the last occurrence of <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> in the <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code> string, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"mb_strstr": {
"id": "function.mb-strstr",
"purpose": "Finds first occurrence of a string within another",
"prototype": "string mb_strstr(string $haystack, string $needle [, bool $before_needle = false [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the portion of <code class=\"parameter\">haystack<\/code>, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">needle<\/code> is not found. <\/p>"
"getimagesizefromstring": {
"id": "function.getimagesizefromstring",
"purpose": "Get the size of an image from a string",
"prototype": "array getimagesizefromstring(string $imagedata [, array $imageinfo = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> See <span class=\"function\">getimagesize<\/span>. <\/p>"
"image_type_to_extension": {
"id": "function.image-type-to-extension",
"purpose": "Get file extension for image type",
"prototype": "string image_type_to_extension(int $imagetype [, bool $include_dot = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A string with the extension corresponding to the given image type. <\/p>"
"imageaffine": {
"id": "function.imageaffine",
"purpose": "Return an image containing the affine transformed src image, using an optional clipping area",
"prototype": "resource imageaffine(resource $image, array $affine [, array $clip = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return affined image resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageaffinematrixconcat": {
"id": "function.imageaffinematrixconcat",
"purpose": "Concat two matrices (as in doing many ops in one go)",
"prototype": "array imageaffinematrixconcat(array $m1, array $m2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Array with keys 0 to 5 and float values or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageaffinematrixget": {
"id": "function.imageaffinematrixget",
"purpose": "Return an image containing the affine tramsformed src image, using an optional clipping area",
"prototype": "array imageaffinematrixget(int $type [, mixed $options = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Array with keys 0 to 5 and float values or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageconvolution": {
"id": "function.imageconvolution",
"purpose": "Apply a 3x3 convolution matrix, using coefficient and offset",
"prototype": "bool imageconvolution(resource $image, array $matrix, float $div, float $offset)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecreatefromwebp": {
"id": "function.imagecreatefromwebp",
"purpose": "Create a new image from file or URL",
"prototype": "resource imagecreatefromwebp(string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\">Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on errors.<\/p>"
"imagecrop": {
"id": "function.imagecrop",
"purpose": "Crop an image using the given coordinates and size, x, y, width and height",
"prototype": "resource imagecrop(resource $image, array $rect)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return cropped image resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagecropauto": {
"id": "function.imagecropauto",
"purpose": "Crop an image automatically using one of the available modes",
"prototype": "resource imagecropauto(resource $image [, int $mode = -1 [, float $threshold = .5 [, int $color = -1]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return cropped image resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagefilter": {
"id": "function.imagefilter",
"purpose": "Applies a filter to an image",
"prototype": "bool imagefilter(resource $image, int $filtertype [, int $arg1 = '' [, int $arg2 = '' [, int $arg3 = '' [, int $arg4 = '']]]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imageflip": {
"id": "function.imageflip",
"purpose": "Flips an image using a given mode",
"prototype": "bool imageflip(resource $image, int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagegrabscreen": {
"id": "function.imagegrabscreen",
"purpose": "Captures the whole screen",
"prototype": "resource imagegrabscreen()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagegrabwindow": {
"id": "function.imagegrabwindow",
"purpose": "Captures a window",
"prototype": "resource imagegrabwindow(int $window_handle [, int $client_area = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an image resource identifier on success, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagepalettetotruecolor": {
"id": "function.imagepalettetotruecolor",
"purpose": "Converts a palette based image to true color",
"prototype": "bool imagepalettetotruecolor(resource $src)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the convertion was complete, or if the source image already is a true color image, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> is returned. <\/p>"
"imagescale": {
"id": "function.imagescale",
"purpose": "Scale an image using the given new width and height",
"prototype": "resource imagescale(resource $image, int $new_width [, int $new_height = -1 [, int $mode = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the scaled image resource on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagesetinterpolation": {
"id": "function.imagesetinterpolation",
"purpose": "Set the interpolation method",
"prototype": "bool imagesetinterpolation(resource $image [, int $method = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagewebp": {
"id": "function.imagewebp",
"purpose": "Output an WebP image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagewebp(resource $image, string $filename)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imagexbm": {
"id": "function.imagexbm",
"purpose": "Output an XBM image to browser or file",
"prototype": "bool imagexbm(resource $image, string $filename [, int $foreground = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"imap_getacl": {
"id": "function.imap-getacl",
"purpose": "Gets the ACL for a given mailbox",
"prototype": "array imap_getacl(resource $imap_stream, string $mailbox)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an associative array of &quot;folder&quot; =&gt; &quot;acl&quot; pairs. <\/p>"
"imap_savebody": {
"id": "function.imap-savebody",
"purpose": "Save a specific body section to a file",
"prototype": "bool imap_savebody(resource $imap_stream, mixed $file, int $msg_number [, string $part_number = \"\" [, int $options = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"bcpowmod": {
"id": "function.bcpowmod",
"purpose": "Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus",
"prototype": "string bcpowmod(string $left_operand, string $right_operand, string $modulus [, int $scale = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the result as a string, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if <code class=\"parameter\">modulus<\/code> is 0. <\/p>"
"gmp_nextprime": {
"id": "function.gmp-nextprime",
"purpose": "Find next prime number",
"prototype": "GMP gmp_nextprime(int $a)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Return the next prime number greater than <code class=\"parameter\">a<\/code>, as a GMP number. <\/p>"
"pcntl_errno": {
"id": "function.pcntl-errno",
"purpose": "Alias of pcntl_strerror",
"prototype": " pcntl_errno()",
"return": ""
"pcntl_get_last_error": {
"id": "function.pcntl-get-last-error",
"purpose": "Retrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed",
"prototype": "int pcntl_get_last_error()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns error code. <\/p>"
"pcntl_signal_dispatch": {
"id": "function.pcntl-signal-dispatch",
"purpose": "Calls signal handlers for pending signals",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_signal_dispatch()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pcntl_sigprocmask": {
"id": "function.pcntl-sigprocmask",
"purpose": "Sets and retrieves blocked signals",
"prototype": "bool pcntl_sigprocmask(int $how, array $set [, array $oldset = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"pcntl_sigtimedwait": {
"id": "function.pcntl-sigtimedwait",
"purpose": "Waits for signals, with a timeout",
"prototype": "int pcntl_sigtimedwait(array $set [, array $siginfo = '' [, int $seconds = '' [, int $nanoseconds = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success, <span class=\"function\">pcntl_sigtimedwait<\/span> returns a signal number. <\/p>"
"pcntl_sigwaitinfo": {
"id": "function.pcntl-sigwaitinfo",
"purpose": "Waits for signals",
"prototype": "int pcntl_sigwaitinfo(array $set [, array $siginfo = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> On success, <span class=\"function\">pcntl_sigwaitinfo<\/span> returns a signal number. <\/p>"
"pcntl_strerror": {
"id": "function.pcntl-strerror",
"purpose": "Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno",
"prototype": "string pcntl_strerror(int $errno)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns error description on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_access": {
"id": "function.posix-access",
"purpose": "Determine accessibility of a file",
"prototype": "bool posix_access(string $file [, int $mode = POSIX_F_OK])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_initgroups": {
"id": "function.posix-initgroups",
"purpose": "Calculate the group access list",
"prototype": "bool posix_initgroups(string $name, int $base_group_id)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"posix_mknod": {
"id": "function.posix-mknod",
"purpose": "Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1)",
"prototype": "bool posix_mknod(string $pathname, int $mode [, int $major = '' [, int $minor = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"proc_get_status": {
"id": "function.proc-get-status",
"purpose": "Get information about a process opened by proc_open",
"prototype": "array proc_get_status(resource $process)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> of collected information on success, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. The returned array contains the following elements: <\/p> <p class=\"para\"> <table class=\"doctable informaltable\"> <thead> <tr><th>element<\/th><th>type<\/th><th>description<\/th><\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td>command<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">string<\/span><\/td> <td> The command string that was passed to <span class=\"function\">proc_open<\/span>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>pid<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">int<\/span><\/td> <td>process id<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>running<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">bool<\/span><\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the process is still running, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> if it has terminated. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>signaled<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">bool<\/span><\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the child process has been terminated by an uncaught signal. Always set to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on Windows. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>stopped<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">bool<\/span><\/td> <td> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the child process has been stopped by a signal. Always set to <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on Windows. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>exitcode<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">int<\/span><\/td> <td> The exit code returned by the process (which is only meaningful if <em>running<\/em> is <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong>). Only first call of this function return real value, next calls return <em>-1<\/em>. <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>termsig<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">int<\/span><\/td> <td> The number of the signal that caused the child process to terminate its execution (only meaningful if <em>signaled<\/em> is <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>). <\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>stopsig<\/td> <td><span class=\"type\">int<\/span><\/td> <td> The number of the signal that caused the child process to stop its execution (only meaningful if <em>stopped<\/em> is <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>). <\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table> <\/p>"
"proc_nice": {
"id": "function.proc-nice",
"purpose": "Change the priority of the current process",
"prototype": "bool proc_nice(int $increment)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. If an error occurs, like the user lacks permission to change the priority, an error of level <strong><code>E_WARNING<\/code><\/strong> is also generated. <\/p>"
"proc_terminate": {
"id": "function.proc-terminate",
"purpose": "Kills a process opened by proc_open",
"prototype": "bool proc_terminate(resource $process [, int $signal = 15])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the termination status of the process that was run. <\/p>"
"msg_queue_exists": {
"id": "function.msg-queue-exists",
"purpose": "Check whether a message queue exists",
"prototype": "bool msg_queue_exists(int $key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"shm_has_var": {
"id": "function.shm-has-var",
"purpose": "Check whether a specific entry exists",
"prototype": "bool shm_has_var(resource $shm_identifier, int $variable_key)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the entry exists, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize": {
"id": "jsonserializable.jsonserialize",
"purpose": "Specify data which should be serialized to JSON",
"prototype": "mixed JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns data which can be serialized by <span class=\"function\">json_encode<\/span>, which is a value of any type other than a <span class=\"type\">resource<\/span>. <\/p>"
"json_decode": {
"id": "function.json-decode",
"purpose": "Decodes a JSON string",
"prototype": "mixed json_decode(string $json [, bool $assoc = false [, int $depth = 512 [, int $options = '']]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the value encoded in <code class=\"parameter\">json<\/code> in appropriate PHP type. Values <em>true<\/em>, <em>false<\/em> and <em>null<\/em> are returned as <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong>, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> and <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> respectively. <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> is returned if the <code class=\"parameter\">json<\/code> cannot be decoded or if the encoded data is deeper than the recursion limit. <\/p>"
"json_encode": {
"id": "function.json-encode",
"purpose": "Returns the JSON representation of a value",
"prototype": "string json_encode(mixed $value [, int $options = '' [, int $depth = 512]])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a JSON encoded <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"json_last_error_msg": {
"id": "function.json-last-error-msg",
"purpose": "Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call",
"prototype": "string json_last_error_msg()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the error message on success, <em>&quot;No Error&quot;<\/em> if no error has occurred, or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"json_last_error": {
"id": "function.json-last-error",
"purpose": "Returns the last error occurred",
"prototype": "int json_last_error()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an integer, the value can be one of the following constants: <\/p> <table class=\"doctable table\"> <caption><strong>JSON error codes<\/strong><\/caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Constant<\/th> <th>Meaning<\/th> <th>Availability<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody class=\"tbody\"> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_NONE<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>No error has occurred<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_DEPTH<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>The maximum stack depth has been exceeded<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>Invalid or malformed JSON<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>Syntax error<\/td> <td class=\"empty\">&nbsp;<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_UTF8<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded<\/td> <td>PHP 5.3.3<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_RECURSION<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded<\/td> <td>PHP 5.5.0<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td> One or more <a href=\"language.types.float.html#language.types.float.nan\" class=\"link\"><strong><code>NAN<\/code><\/strong><\/a> or <a href=\"\" class=\"link\"><strong><code>INF<\/code><\/strong><\/a> values in the value to be encoded <\/td> <td>PHP 5.5.0<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td><strong><code>JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE<\/code><\/strong><\/td> <td>A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given<\/td> <td>PHP 5.5.0<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table>"
"__halt_compiler": {
"id": "function.halt-compiler",
"purpose": "Halts the compiler execution",
"prototype": "void __halt_compiler()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"sys_getloadavg": {
"id": "function.sys-getloadavg",
"purpose": "Gets system load average",
"prototype": "array sys_getloadavg()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> with three samples (last 1, 5 and 15 minutes). <\/p>"
"time_sleep_until": {
"id": "function.time-sleep-until",
"purpose": "Make the script sleep until the specified time",
"prototype": "bool time_sleep_until(float $timestamp)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> on success or <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> on failure. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::add": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.add",
"purpose": "Add\/insert a new value at the specified index",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::add(mixed $index, mixed $newval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::bottom": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.bottom",
"purpose": "Peeks at the node from the beginning of the doubly linked list",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::bottom()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the first node. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::__construct": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new doubly linked list",
"prototype": " SplDoublyLinkedList::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::count": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.count",
"purpose": "Counts the number of elements in the doubly linked list.",
"prototype": "int SplDoublyLinkedList::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of elements in the doubly linked list. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::current": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.current",
"purpose": "Return current array entry",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current node value. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::getIteratorMode": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.getiteratormode",
"purpose": "Returns the mode of iteration",
"prototype": "int SplDoublyLinkedList::getIteratorMode()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the different modes and flags that affect the iteration. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::isEmpty": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.isempty",
"purpose": "Checks whether the doubly linked list is empty.",
"prototype": "bool SplDoublyLinkedList::isEmpty()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns whether the doubly linked list is empty. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::key": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.key",
"purpose": "Return current node index",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current node index. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to next entry",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetExists": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.offsetexists",
"purpose": "Returns whether the requested $index exists",
"prototype": "bool SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetExists(mixed $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the requested <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code> exists, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetGet": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.offsetget",
"purpose": "Returns the value at the specified $index",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetGet(mixed $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value at the specified <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code>. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.offsetset",
"purpose": "Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet(mixed $index, mixed $newval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetUnset": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.offsetunset",
"purpose": "Unsets the value at the specified $index",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetUnset(mixed $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::pop": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.pop",
"purpose": "Pops a node from the end of the doubly linked list",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::pop()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the popped node. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::prev": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.prev",
"purpose": "Move to previous entry",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::prev()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::push": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.push",
"purpose": "Pushes an element at the end of the doubly linked list",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::push(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::rewind": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind iterator back to the start",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::serialize": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.serialize",
"purpose": "Serializes the storage",
"prototype": "string SplDoublyLinkedList::serialize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The serialized string. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.setiteratormode",
"purpose": "Sets the mode of iteration",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode(int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::shift": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.shift",
"purpose": "Shifts a node from the beginning of the doubly linked list",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::shift()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the shifted node. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::top": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Peeks at the node from the end of the doubly linked list",
"prototype": "mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::top()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the last node. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::unserialize": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.unserialize",
"purpose": "Unserializes the storage",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::unserialize(string $serialized)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.unshift",
"purpose": "Prepends the doubly linked list with an element",
"prototype": "void SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplDoublyLinkedList::valid": {
"id": "spldoublylinkedlist.valid",
"purpose": "Check whether the doubly linked list contains more nodes",
"prototype": "bool SplDoublyLinkedList::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the doubly linked list contains any more nodes, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplStack::__construct": {
"id": "splstack.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new stack implemented using a doubly linked list",
"prototype": " SplStack::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplStack::setIteratorMode": {
"id": "splstack.setiteratormode",
"purpose": "Sets the mode of iteration",
"prototype": "void SplStack::setIteratorMode(int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplQueue::__construct": {
"id": "splqueue.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new queue implemented using a doubly linked list",
"prototype": " SplQueue::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplQueue::dequeue": {
"id": "splqueue.dequeue",
"purpose": "Dequeues a node from the queue",
"prototype": "mixed SplQueue::dequeue()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the dequeued node. <\/p>"
"SplQueue::enqueue": {
"id": "splqueue.enqueue",
"purpose": "Adds an element to the queue.",
"prototype": "void SplQueue::enqueue(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplQueue::setIteratorMode": {
"id": "splqueue.setiteratormode",
"purpose": "Sets the mode of iteration",
"prototype": "void SplQueue::setIteratorMode(int $mode)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::compare": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.",
"prototype": "int SplHeap::compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Result of the comparison, positive integer if <code class=\"parameter\">value1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">value2<\/code>, 0 if they are equal, negative integer otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Having multiple elements with the same value in a Heap is not recommended. They will end up in an arbitrary relative position. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"SplHeap::__construct": {
"id": "splheap.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new empty heap",
"prototype": " SplHeap::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::count": {
"id": "splheap.count",
"purpose": "Counts the number of elements in the heap.",
"prototype": "int SplHeap::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of elements in the heap. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::current": {
"id": "splheap.current",
"purpose": "Return current node pointed by the iterator",
"prototype": "mixed SplHeap::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current node value. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::extract": {
"id": "splheap.extract",
"purpose": "Extracts a node from top of the heap and sift up.",
"prototype": "mixed SplHeap::extract()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the extracted node. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::insert": {
"id": "splheap.insert",
"purpose": "Inserts an element in the heap by sifting it up.",
"prototype": "void SplHeap::insert(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::isEmpty": {
"id": "splheap.isempty",
"purpose": "Checks whether the heap is empty.",
"prototype": "bool SplHeap::isEmpty()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns whether the heap is empty. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::key": {
"id": "splheap.key",
"purpose": "Return current node index",
"prototype": "mixed SplHeap::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current node index. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to the next node",
"prototype": "void SplHeap::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption": {
"id": "splheap.recoverfromcorruption",
"purpose": "Recover from the corrupted state and allow further actions on the heap.",
"prototype": "void SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::rewind": {
"id": "splheap.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind iterator back to the start (no-op)",
"prototype": "void SplHeap::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::top": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Peeks at the node from the top of the heap",
"prototype": "mixed SplHeap::top()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value of the node on the top. <\/p>"
"SplHeap::valid": {
"id": "splheap.valid",
"purpose": "Check whether the heap contains more nodes",
"prototype": "bool SplHeap::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the heap contains any more nodes, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplMaxHeap::compare": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.",
"prototype": "int SplMaxHeap::compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Result of the comparison, positive integer if <code class=\"parameter\">value1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">value2<\/code>, 0 if they are equal, negative integer otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Having multiple elements with the same value in a Heap is not recommended. They will end up in an arbitrary relative position. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"SplMinHeap::compare": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.",
"prototype": "int SplMinHeap::compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Result of the comparison, positive integer if <code class=\"parameter\">value1<\/code> is lower than <code class=\"parameter\">value2<\/code>, 0 if they are equal, negative integer otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Having multiple elements with the same value in a Heap is not recommended. They will end up in an arbitrary relative position. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"SplPriorityQueue::compare": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Compare priorities in order to place elements correctly in the heap while sifting up.",
"prototype": "int SplPriorityQueue::compare(mixed $priority1, mixed $priority2)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Result of the comparison, positive integer if <code class=\"parameter\">priority1<\/code> is greater than <code class=\"parameter\">priority2<\/code>, 0 if they are equal, negative integer otherwise. <\/p> <blockquote class=\"note\"><p><strong class=\"note\">Note<\/strong>: <p class=\"para\"> Multiple elements with the same priority will get dequeued in no particular order. <\/p> <\/p><\/blockquote>"
"SplPriorityQueue::__construct": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new empty queue",
"prototype": " SplPriorityQueue::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::count": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.count",
"purpose": "Counts the number of elements in the queue.",
"prototype": "int SplPriorityQueue::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the number of elements in the queue. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::current": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.current",
"purpose": "Return current node pointed by the iterator",
"prototype": "mixed SplPriorityQueue::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value or priority (or both) of the current node, depending on the extract flag. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::extract": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.extract",
"purpose": "Extracts a node from top of the heap and sift up.",
"prototype": "mixed SplPriorityQueue::extract()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value or priority (or both) of the extracted node, depending on the extract flag. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::insert": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.insert",
"purpose": "Inserts an element in the queue by sifting it up.",
"prototype": "void SplPriorityQueue::insert(mixed $value, mixed $priority)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::isEmpty": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.isempty",
"purpose": "Checks whether the queue is empty.",
"prototype": "bool SplPriorityQueue::isEmpty()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns whether the queue is empty. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::key": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.key",
"purpose": "Return current node index",
"prototype": "mixed SplPriorityQueue::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current node index. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to the next node",
"prototype": "void SplPriorityQueue::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.recoverfromcorruption",
"purpose": "Recover from the corrupted state and allow further actions on the queue.",
"prototype": "void SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::rewind": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind iterator back to the start (no-op)",
"prototype": "void SplPriorityQueue::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::setExtractFlags": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.setextractflags",
"purpose": "Sets the mode of extraction",
"prototype": "void SplPriorityQueue::setExtractFlags(int $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::top": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Peeks at the node from the top of the queue",
"prototype": "mixed SplPriorityQueue::top()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value or priority (or both) of the top node, depending on the extract flag. <\/p>"
"SplPriorityQueue::valid": {
"id": "splpriorityqueue.valid",
"purpose": "Check whether the queue contains more nodes",
"prototype": "bool SplPriorityQueue::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the queue contains any more nodes, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::__construct": {
"id": "splfixedarray.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs a new fixed array",
"prototype": " SplFixedArray::__construct([int $size = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::count": {
"id": "splfixedarray.count",
"purpose": "Returns the size of the array",
"prototype": "int SplFixedArray::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size of the array. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::current": {
"id": "splfixedarray.current",
"purpose": "Return current array entry",
"prototype": "mixed SplFixedArray::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current element value. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::fromArray": {
"id": "splfixedarray.fromarray",
"purpose": "Import a PHP array in a SplFixedArray instance",
"prototype": "SplFixedArray SplFixedArray::fromArray(array $array [, bool $save_indexes = true])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an instance of <span class=\"classname\">SplFixedArray<\/span> containing the array content. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::getSize": {
"id": "splfixedarray.getsize",
"purpose": "Gets the size of the array",
"prototype": "int SplFixedArray::getSize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns the size of the array, as an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::key": {
"id": "splfixedarray.key",
"purpose": "Return current array index",
"prototype": "int SplFixedArray::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current array index. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to next entry",
"prototype": "void SplFixedArray::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::offsetExists": {
"id": "splfixedarray.offsetexists",
"purpose": "Returns whether the requested index exists",
"prototype": "bool SplFixedArray::offsetExists(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the requested <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code> exists, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::offsetGet": {
"id": "splfixedarray.offsetget",
"purpose": "Returns the value at the specified index",
"prototype": "mixed SplFixedArray::offsetGet(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value at the specified <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code>. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::offsetSet": {
"id": "splfixedarray.offsetset",
"purpose": "Sets a new value at a specified index",
"prototype": "void SplFixedArray::offsetSet(int $index, mixed $newval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::offsetUnset": {
"id": "splfixedarray.offsetunset",
"purpose": "Unsets the value at the specified $index",
"prototype": "void SplFixedArray::offsetUnset(int $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::rewind": {
"id": "splfixedarray.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind iterator back to the start",
"prototype": "void SplFixedArray::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::setSize": {
"id": "splfixedarray.setsize",
"purpose": "Change the size of an array",
"prototype": "int SplFixedArray::setSize(int $size)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::toArray": {
"id": "splfixedarray.toarray",
"purpose": "Returns a PHP array from the fixed array",
"prototype": "array SplFixedArray::toArray()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns a PHP <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>, similar to the fixed array. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::valid": {
"id": "splfixedarray.valid",
"purpose": "Check whether the array contains more elements",
"prototype": "bool SplFixedArray::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the array contains any more elements, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplFixedArray::__wakeup": {
"id": "splfixedarray.wakeup",
"purpose": "Reinitialises the array after being unserialised",
"prototype": "void SplFixedArray::__wakeup()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::addAll": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.addall",
"purpose": "Adds all objects from another storage",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::addAll(SplObjectStorage $storage)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::attach": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.attach",
"purpose": "Adds an object in the storage",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::attach(object $object [, mixed $data = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::contains": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.contains",
"purpose": "Checks if the storage contains a specific object",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::contains(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> is in the storage, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::count": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.count",
"purpose": "Returns the number of objects in the storage",
"prototype": "int SplObjectStorage::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of objects in the storage. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::current": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.current",
"purpose": "Returns the current storage entry",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> at the current iterator position. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::detach": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.detach",
"purpose": "Removes an object from the storage",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::detach(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::getHash": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.gethash",
"purpose": "Calculate a unique identifier for the contained objects",
"prototype": "string SplObjectStorage::getHash(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A <span class=\"type\">string<\/span> with the calculated identifier. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::getInfo": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.getinfo",
"purpose": "Returns the data associated with the current iterator entry",
"prototype": "mixed SplObjectStorage::getInfo()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The data associated with the current iterator position. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::key": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.key",
"purpose": "Returns the index at which the iterator currently is",
"prototype": "int SplObjectStorage::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The index corresponding to the position of the iterator. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to the next entry",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::offsetExists": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.offsetexists",
"purpose": "Checks whether an object exists in the storage",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::offsetExists(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> exists in the storage, and <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::offsetGet": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.offsetget",
"purpose": "Returns the data associated with an object",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::offsetGet(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The data previously associated with the <span class=\"type\">object<\/span> in the storage. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::offsetSet": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.offsetset",
"purpose": "Associates data to an object in the storage",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::offsetSet(object $object [, mixed $data = ''])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.offsetunset",
"purpose": "Removes an object from the storage",
"prototype": "object SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset(object $object)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::removeAll": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.removeall",
"purpose": "Removes objects contained in another storage from the current storage",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::removeAll(SplObjectStorage $storage)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.removeallexcept",
"purpose": "Removes all objects except for those contained in another storage from the current storage",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept(SplObjectStorage $storage)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::rewind": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind the iterator to the first storage element",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::serialize": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.serialize",
"purpose": "Serializes the storage",
"prototype": "string SplObjectStorage::serialize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A string representing the storage. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::setInfo": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.setinfo",
"purpose": "Sets the data associated with the current iterator entry",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::setInfo(mixed $data)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::unserialize": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.unserialize",
"purpose": "Unserializes a storage from its string representation",
"prototype": "void SplObjectStorage::unserialize(string $serialized)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"SplObjectStorage::valid": {
"id": "splobjectstorage.valid",
"purpose": "Returns if the current iterator entry is valid",
"prototype": "bool SplObjectStorage::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the iterator entry is valid, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::append": {
"id": "appenditerator.append",
"purpose": "Appends an iterator",
"prototype": "void AppendIterator::append(Iterator $iterator)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::__construct": {
"id": "appenditerator.construct",
"purpose": "Constructs an AppendIterator",
"prototype": " AppendIterator::__construct()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::current": {
"id": "appenditerator.current",
"purpose": "Gets the current value",
"prototype": "mixed AppendIterator::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current value if it is valid or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::getArrayIterator": {
"id": "appenditerator.getarrayiterator",
"purpose": "Gets the ArrayIterator",
"prototype": "void AppendIterator::getArrayIterator()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"classname\">ArrayIterator<\/span> containing the appended iterators. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::getInnerIterator": {
"id": "appenditerator.getinneriterator",
"purpose": "Gets the inner iterator",
"prototype": "Iterator AppendIterator::getInnerIterator()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current inner iterator, or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> if there is not one. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex": {
"id": "appenditerator.getiteratorindex",
"purpose": "Gets an index of iterators",
"prototype": "int AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns an <span class=\"type\">integer<\/span>, which is the zero-based index of the current inner iterator. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::key": {
"id": "appenditerator.key",
"purpose": "Gets the current key",
"prototype": "scalar AppendIterator::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current key if it is valid or <strong><code>NULL<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Moves to the next element",
"prototype": "void AppendIterator::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::rewind": {
"id": "appenditerator.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewinds the Iterator",
"prototype": "void AppendIterator::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"AppendIterator::valid": {
"id": "appenditerator.valid",
"purpose": "Checks validity of the current element",
"prototype": "bool AppendIterator::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the current iteration is valid, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::append": {
"id": "arrayiterator.append",
"purpose": "Append an element",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::append(mixed $value)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::asort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.asort",
"purpose": "Sort array by values",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::asort()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::__construct": {
"id": "arrayiterator.construct",
"purpose": "Construct an ArrayIterator",
"prototype": "object ArrayIterator::__construct([mixed $array = array() [, int $flags = '']])",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"classname\">ArrayIterator<\/span> <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::count": {
"id": "arrayiterator.count",
"purpose": "Count elements",
"prototype": "object ArrayIterator::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The number of elements or public properties in the associated <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> or <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>, respectively. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::current": {
"id": "arrayiterator.current",
"purpose": "Return current array entry",
"prototype": "array ArrayIterator::current()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> entry. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::getArrayCopy": {
"id": "arrayiterator.getarraycopy",
"purpose": "Get array copy",
"prototype": "array ArrayIterator::getArrayCopy()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> A copy of the <span class=\"type\">array<\/span>, or array of public properties if ArrayIterator refers to an <span class=\"type\">object<\/span>. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::getFlags": {
"id": "arrayiterator.getflags",
"purpose": "Get flags",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::getFlags()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current flags. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::key": {
"id": "arrayiterator.key",
"purpose": "Return current array key",
"prototype": "mixed ArrayIterator::key()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The current <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> key. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::ksort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.ksort",
"purpose": "Sort array by keys",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::ksort()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::natcasesort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.natcasesort",
"purpose": "Sort an array naturally, case insensitive",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::natcasesort()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::natsort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.natsort",
"purpose": "Sort an array naturally",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::natsort()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::next": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Move to next entry",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::next()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::offsetExists": {
"id": "arrayiterator.offsetexists",
"purpose": "Check if offset exists",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::offsetExists(string $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if the offset exists, otherwise <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::offsetGet": {
"id": "arrayiterator.offsetget",
"purpose": "Get value for an offset",
"prototype": "mixed ArrayIterator::offsetGet(string $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The value at offset <code class=\"parameter\">index<\/code>. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::offsetSet": {
"id": "arrayiterator.offsetset",
"purpose": "Set value for an offset",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::offsetSet(string $index, string $newval)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::offsetUnset": {
"id": "arrayiterator.offsetunset",
"purpose": "Unset value for an offset",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::offsetUnset(string $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::rewind": {
"id": "arrayiterator.rewind",
"purpose": "Rewind array back to the start",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::rewind()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::seek": {
"id": "",
"purpose": "Seek to position",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::seek(int $position)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::serialize": {
"id": "arrayiterator.serialize",
"purpose": "Serialize",
"prototype": "string ArrayIterator::serialize()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The serialized <span class=\"classname\">ArrayIterator<\/span>. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::setFlags": {
"id": "arrayiterator.setflags",
"purpose": "Set behaviour flags",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::setFlags(string $flags)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::uasort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.uasort",
"purpose": "User defined sort",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::uasort(string $cmp_function)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::uksort": {
"id": "arrayiterator.uksort",
"purpose": "User defined sort",
"prototype": "void ArrayIterator::uksort(string $cmp_function)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::unserialize": {
"id": "arrayiterator.unserialize",
"purpose": "Unserialize",
"prototype": "string ArrayIterator::unserialize(string $serialized)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The <span class=\"classname\">ArrayIterator<\/span>. <\/p>"
"ArrayIterator::valid": {
"id": "arrayiterator.valid",
"purpose": "Check whether array contains more entries",
"prototype": "array ArrayIterator::valid()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> No value is returned. <\/p>"
"CachingIterator::count": {
"id": "cachingiterator.count",
"purpose": "The number of elements in the iterator",
"prototype": "int CachingIterator::count()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> The count of the elements iterated over. <\/p>"
"CachingIterator::getCache": {
"id": "cachingiterator.getcache",
"purpose": "Retrieve the contents of the cache",
"prototype": "array CachingIterator::getCache()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> An <span class=\"type\">array<\/span> containing the cache items. <\/p>"
"CachingIterator::getFlags": {
"id": "cachingiterator.getflags",
"purpose": "Get flags used",
"prototype": "int CachingIterator::getFlags()",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Description... <\/p>"
"CachingIterator::offsetExists": {
"id": "cachingiterator.offsetexists",
"purpose": "The offsetExists purpose",
"prototype": "void CachingIterator::offsetExists(string $index)",
"return": "<p class=\"para\"> Returns <strong><code>TRUE<\/code><\/strong> if an entry referenced by the offset exists, <strong><code>FALSE<\/code><\/strong> otherwise. <\/p>"
"CachingIterator::offsetGet": {
"id": "cachingiterator.offsetget",
"purpose": "The offsetGet purpose",
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