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Last active November 21, 2021 17:23
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Save zoon/f576c68101d302f9fc7621ac8862cba5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast, memory conservative, pure Lua 5.3+ Base64 encoder/decoder.
-- The MIT Licence (MIT)
-- Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Zhilin (
---@class Base64
local m = {}
-- Base64 alphabet: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
local char, byte, gsub, find = string.char, string.byte, string.gsub, string.find
local pack, unpack, rep = string.pack, string.unpack, string.rep
local concat, format = table.concat, string.format
local type, assert, print, pairs, select = type, assert, print, pairs, select
local ceil = math.ceil
_ENV = nil
local PAD = byte('=')
-- Base64 encode
-- @ encode :: str -> str(base64)
local encode do
local ENC = {[0]=
0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48,
0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x50,
0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58,
0x59, 0x5A, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66,
0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E,
0x6F, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76,
0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33,
0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x2B, 0x2F,
-- pass data string to _enc
local _data = nil
-- caching lambda, it saves us ~100 bytes
-- unrolled for 36->48 chars, a little faster and gives 3-4x less garbage
local function _enc(x, y)
local data = _data -- pass data string to inner scope
-- 36 -> 48
if y - x == 36 then
a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3,
a4, b4, c4, a5, b5, c5, a6, b6, c6,
a7, b7, c7, a8, b8, c8, a9, b9, c9,
aa, ba, ca, ab, bb, cb, ac, bc, cc = byte(data, x, x + 35)
return char(
ENC[a1>>2], ENC[(a1&3)<<4|b1>>4], ENC[(b1&15)<<2|c1>>6], ENC[c1&63],
ENC[a2>>2], ENC[(a2&3)<<4|b2>>4], ENC[(b2&15)<<2|c2>>6], ENC[c2&63],
ENC[a3>>2], ENC[(a3&3)<<4|b3>>4], ENC[(b3&15)<<2|c3>>6], ENC[c3&63],
ENC[a4>>2], ENC[(a4&3)<<4|b4>>4], ENC[(b4&15)<<2|c4>>6], ENC[c4&63],
ENC[a5>>2], ENC[(a5&3)<<4|b5>>4], ENC[(b5&15)<<2|c5>>6], ENC[c5&63],
ENC[a6>>2], ENC[(a6&3)<<4|b6>>4], ENC[(b6&15)<<2|c6>>6], ENC[c6&63],
ENC[a7>>2], ENC[(a7&3)<<4|b7>>4], ENC[(b7&15)<<2|c7>>6], ENC[c7&63],
ENC[a8>>2], ENC[(a8&3)<<4|b8>>4], ENC[(b8&15)<<2|c8>>6], ENC[c8&63],
ENC[a9>>2], ENC[(a9&3)<<4|b9>>4], ENC[(b9&15)<<2|c9>>6], ENC[c9&63],
ENC[aa>>2], ENC[(aa&3)<<4|ba>>4], ENC[(ba&15)<<2|ca>>6], ENC[ca&63],
ENC[ab>>2], ENC[(ab&3)<<4|bb>>4], ENC[(bb&15)<<2|cb>>6], ENC[cb&63],
ENC[ac>>2], ENC[(ac&3)<<4|bc>>4], ENC[(bc&15)<<2|cc>>6], ENC[cc&63]
local out = {}
local a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3
-- 9 -> 12
while x + 8 < y do
a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3 = byte(data, x, x + 8)
out[#out+1] = char(
ENC[a1>>2], ENC[(a1&3)<<4|b1>>4], ENC[(b1&15)<<2|c1>>6], ENC[c1&63],
ENC[a2>>2], ENC[(a2&3)<<4|b2>>4], ENC[(b2&15)<<2|c2>>6], ENC[c2&63],
ENC[a3>>2], ENC[(a3&3)<<4|b3>>4], ENC[(b3&15)<<2|c3>>6], ENC[c3&63]
x = x + 9
-- 3 -> 4
while x + 2 < y do
a1, b1, c1 = byte(data, x, x + 2)
out[#out+1] = char(ENC[a1>>2], ENC[(a1&3)<<4|b1>>4], ENC[(b1&15)<<2|c1>>6], ENC[c1&63])
x = x + 3
-- tail: 1..2 -> 2..3 + padding
local n = y - x
if n == 2 then
a1, b1 = byte(data, x, x + 1)
c1 = 0
out[#out+1] = char(ENC[a1>>2], ENC[(a1&3)<<4|b1>>4], ENC[(b1&15)<<2|c1>>6], PAD)
elseif n == 1 then
a1 = byte(data, x)
b1 = 0
out[#out+1] = char(ENC[a1>>2], ENC[(a1&3)<<4|b1>>4], PAD, PAD)
return concat(out)
-- there is no limiting quantifier support in lua patterns ...
local OPT36 = "()" .. rep('.?', 36) .. "()"
encode = function(data)
_data = data -- pass data to outer scope
return (gsub(_data, OPT36, _enc)) -- coerce to one result
-- Base64 decode
-- @ decode :: str(base64) -> str
local decode do
local DEC = {
[0x41]=0x00, [0x42]=0x01, [0x43]=0x02, [0x44]=0x03, [0x45]=0x04, [0x46]=0x05, [0x47]=0x06, [0x48]=0x07,
[0x49]=0x08, [0x4A]=0x09, [0x4B]=0x0A, [0x4C]=0x0B, [0x4D]=0x0C, [0x4E]=0x0D, [0x4F]=0x0E, [0x50]=0x0F,
[0x51]=0x10, [0x52]=0x11, [0x53]=0x12, [0x54]=0x13, [0x55]=0x14, [0x56]=0x15, [0x57]=0x16, [0x58]=0x17,
[0x59]=0x18, [0x5A]=0x19, [0x61]=0x1A, [0x62]=0x1B, [0x63]=0x1C, [0x64]=0x1D, [0x65]=0x1E, [0x66]=0x1F,
[0x67]=0x20, [0x68]=0x21, [0x69]=0x22, [0x6A]=0x23, [0x6B]=0x24, [0x6C]=0x25, [0x6D]=0x26, [0x6E]=0x27,
[0x6F]=0x28, [0x70]=0x29, [0x71]=0x2A, [0x72]=0x2B, [0x73]=0x2C, [0x74]=0x2D, [0x75]=0x2E, [0x76]=0x2F,
[0x77]=0x30, [0x78]=0x31, [0x79]=0x32, [0x7A]=0x33, [0x30]=0x34, [0x31]=0x35, [0x32]=0x36, [0x33]=0x37,
[0x34]=0x38, [0x35]=0x39, [0x36]=0x3A, [0x37]=0x3B, [0x38]=0x3C, [0x39]=0x3D, [0x2B]=0x3E, [0x2F]=0x3F,
local _str64 = nil
-- caching lambda, it saves us ~100 bytes
-- unrolled for 48->36 chars, a little faster and gives 3-4x less garbage
local function _dec(x, y)
local b64str = _str64
-- 48 -> 36
if y - x == 48 and byte(b64str, x + 47) ~= PAD then
a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3,
a4, b4, c4, d4, a5, b5, c5, d5, a6, b6, c6, d6,
a7, b7, c7, d7, a8, b8, c8, d8, a9, b9, c9, d9,
aa, ba, ca, da, ab, bb, cb, db, ac, bc, cc, dc =
byte(b64str, x, x + 47)
-- decode all
a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3,
a4, b4, c4, d4, a5, b5, c5, d5, a6, b6, c6, d6,
a7, b7, c7, d7, a8, b8, c8, d8, a9, b9, c9, d9,
aa, ba, ca, da, ab, bb, cb, db, ac, bc, cc, dc =
DEC[a1], DEC[b1], DEC[c1], DEC[d1], DEC[a2], DEC[b2], DEC[c2], DEC[d2],
DEC[a3], DEC[b3], DEC[c3], DEC[d3], DEC[a4], DEC[b4], DEC[c4], DEC[d4],
DEC[a5], DEC[b5], DEC[c5], DEC[d5], DEC[a6], DEC[b6], DEC[c6], DEC[d6],
DEC[a7], DEC[b7], DEC[c7], DEC[d7], DEC[a8], DEC[b8], DEC[c8], DEC[d8],
DEC[a9], DEC[b9], DEC[c9], DEC[d9], DEC[aa], DEC[ba], DEC[ca], DEC[da],
DEC[ab], DEC[bb], DEC[cb], DEC[db], DEC[ac], DEC[bc], DEC[cc], DEC[dc]
return char(
a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F, c1<<6&0xC0|d1>>0&0x3F,
a2<<2&0xFC|b2>>4&0x03, b2<<4&0xF0|c2>>2&0x0F, c2<<6&0xC0|d2>>0&0x3F,
a3<<2&0xFC|b3>>4&0x03, b3<<4&0xF0|c3>>2&0x0F, c3<<6&0xC0|d3>>0&0x3F,
a4<<2&0xFC|b4>>4&0x03, b4<<4&0xF0|c4>>2&0x0F, c4<<6&0xC0|d4>>0&0x3F,
a5<<2&0xFC|b5>>4&0x03, b5<<4&0xF0|c5>>2&0x0F, c5<<6&0xC0|d5>>0&0x3F,
a6<<2&0xFC|b6>>4&0x03, b6<<4&0xF0|c6>>2&0x0F, c6<<6&0xC0|d6>>0&0x3F,
a7<<2&0xFC|b7>>4&0x03, b7<<4&0xF0|c7>>2&0x0F, c7<<6&0xC0|d7>>0&0x3F,
a8<<2&0xFC|b8>>4&0x03, b8<<4&0xF0|c8>>2&0x0F, c8<<6&0xC0|d8>>0&0x3F,
a9<<2&0xFC|b9>>4&0x03, b9<<4&0xF0|c9>>2&0x0F, c9<<6&0xC0|d9>>0&0x3F,
aa<<2&0xFC|ba>>4&0x03, ba<<4&0xF0|ca>>2&0x0F, ca<<6&0xC0|da>>0&0x3F,
ab<<2&0xFC|bb>>4&0x03, bb<<4&0xF0|cb>>2&0x0F, cb<<6&0xC0|db>>0&0x3F,
ac<<2&0xFC|bc>>4&0x03, bc<<4&0xF0|cc>>2&0x0F, cc<<6&0xC0|dc>>0&0x3F
local out = {}
local a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3
-- 12 -> 9
while x + 11 < y - 4 do -- all but last 4
a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3 = byte(b64str, x, x + 11)
a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3 =
DEC[a1], DEC[b1], DEC[c1], DEC[d1], DEC[a2], DEC[b2],
DEC[c2], DEC[d2], DEC[a3], DEC[b3], DEC[c3], DEC[d3]
out[#out+1] = char(
a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F, c1<<6&0xC0|d1>>0&0x3F,
a2<<2&0xFC|b2>>4&0x03, b2<<4&0xF0|c2>>2&0x0F, c2<<6&0xC0|d2>>0&0x3F,
a3<<2&0xFC|b3>>4&0x03, b3<<4&0xF0|c3>>2&0x0F, c3<<6&0xC0|d3>>0&0x3F
x = x + 12
-- 4 -> 3
while x + 3 < y - 4 do -- all but last 4
a1, b1, c1, d1 = byte(b64str, x, x + 3)
a1, b1, c1, d1 = DEC[a1], DEC[b1], DEC[c1], DEC[d1]
out[#out+1] = char(a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F, c1<<6&0xC0|d1>>0&0x3F)
x = x + 4
-- last 4 -> 1..3
a1, b1, c1, d1 = byte(b64str, x, x + 3)
a1, b1, c1, d1 = DEC[a1], DEC[b1], DEC[c1], DEC[d1]
local n = c1 and d1 and 3 or c1 and 2 or 1
if n == 3 then
out[#out+1] = char(a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F, c1<<6&0xC0|d1>>0&0x3F)
elseif n == 2 then
out[#out+1] = char(a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F)
elseif n == 1 then
out[#out+1] = char(a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03)
return concat(out)
local OPT48 = "()" .. rep('.?', 48) .. "()"
decode = function (str64)
assert(type(str64) == "string", "string expected")
if #str64 == 0 then return "" end
-- remove whitespace if any
-- NB. if there is no whitespace (common case) `find` is much faster than `gsub`.
if find(str64, "%s+") then str64 = gsub(str64, "%s+", "") end
assert(#str64%4 == 0, "invalid encoding: input length is not divisible by 4")
_str64 = str64 -- pass encoded string to outer scope
return (gsub(str64, OPT48, _dec)) -- coerce to one result
-- partial decode utils:
local function _test(prefix, ...)
assert(prefix and #prefix <= 3, "length of prefix should be 1..3")
assert(select("#", ...) == 3)
for i = 1, #prefix do
if byte(prefix, i) ~= select(i, ...) then return false end
return true
-- @ dec3 :: str(base64) -> byte1, byte2, byte3
local function dec3(str64)
assert(str64 and #str64 >= 4, "length of encoded string should be >= 4")
local a1, b1, c1, d1 = byte(str64, 1, 4)
a1, b1, c1, d1 = DEC[a1], DEC[b1], DEC[c1], DEC[d1]
return a1<<2&0xFC|b1>>4&0x03, b1<<4&0xF0|c1>>2&0x0F, c1<<6&0xC0|d1>>0&0x3F
-- @ test_prefix :: str(base64), str -> bool
-- prefix :: str with length [1..3]
local function test_prefix(str64, prefix)
return _test(prefix, dec3(str64))
-- @ select_prefix :: str(base64), prefix1:str, prefix2:str, ... -> index
-- prefix :: str with length [1..3]
local function select_prefix(str64, ...)
local n = select("#", ...)
local b1, b2, b3 = dec3(str64)
for i = 1, n do
if _test(select(i, ...), b1, b2, b3) then return i end
-- exports
m.dec3 = dec3
m.test_prefix = test_prefix
m.select_prefix = select_prefix
local function _self_test()
local data = {
[""] = "",
["Man "]="TWFuIA==",
["7904 (base10)"]="NzkwNCAoYmFzZTEwKQ==",
["Use our super handy online tool to decode or encode your data."] =
["<D\254"] = "PET+"
for r, e in pairs(data) do
assert(encode(r) == e, format("err encode: %q -> %q", r, encode(r)))
assert(decode(e) == r, format("err decode: %q -> %q", r, decode(e)))
local str64 = encode("7904 (base10)")
assert(m.test_prefix(str64, "7"))
assert(m.test_prefix(str64, "79"))
assert(m.test_prefix(str64, "790"))
assert(m.select_prefix(str64, "A", "BB", "790", "CCC") == 3)
assert(m.test_prefix("REVG", "DEF"))
-- bugfix (dec returns 2 values)
local id = "eec0239c0d644f5bb9f59779307edb17"
local fmt = "c1 z c3"
local x = pack(fmt, "$", id, "C09")
assert(select(2, unpack(fmt, x)) == id)
assert(select(2, unpack(fmt, decode(encode(x)))) == id)
print('base64 -- ok')
-- module exports
---@param n integer
---@param extra_bytes integer -- optional
---@return integer
local function encoded_size(n, extra_bytes)
extra_bytes = extra_bytes or 0
return 4 * ceil((n + extra_bytes) / 3)
m.encode = encode
m.decode = decode
-- NB. ~24K will be encoded into ~32K
m.encoded_size = encoded_size
return m
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