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Created November 8, 2018 15:40
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#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
#include <armadillo> // !!! Must go after mlpack/core.hpp ref: email from Ryan Curtin. !!!
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/ffn.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/glorot_init.hpp> // For Xavier Iniialisation
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/sgd/sgd.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/adam/adam.hpp>
// #include <h5cpp/all>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace mlpack;
using namespace mlpack::ann;
using namespace mlpack::optimization;
int main()
// Convolution Model - Application
// # Imports 1,080 training images and 120 testing images of dimension
// # 64x64x3 from .H5 databases and runs a Conv net replicating the
// # exercise model.
// # Requires HDF5 and H5CPP libraries.
// # Note: The Python model in the exercise results in a training
// # accuracy of 94.1% and a test accuracy of 78.3%. Nothing
// # like this has yet been achieved by me using MLPACK.
// # Author: David Armour
arma::mat trainSetX(64 * 64 * 3, 1080);
arma::mat trainSetY(1, 1080);
arma::mat testSetX(64 * 64 * 3, 120);
arma::mat testSetY(1, 120);
arma::mat trainX, testX, trainY, testY;
arma::mat classes;
// // Load the Signs Data from the .h5 files. The data needs to be loaded in (64x64 + 64x64 + 64x64) x m (m = nbr of samples).
// {
// auto fd = h5::open("data/train_signs.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
// for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < trainSetX.n_cols; ++i)
// {
// std::vector<int> tempCol; // Temporary used to correctly insert image vectors to the matrix. Needed because data
// // is not stored in the necessary way for MLPACK Convolutions.
// for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
// {
// auto in = h5::read<std::vector<int> >(fd, "train_set_x", h5::offset{ i,0,0,k }, h5::count{ 1, 64, 64, 1 }, h5::stride{ testSetX.n_cols,1,1,3 });
// tempCol.insert(std::end(tempCol), std::begin(in), std::end(in));
// }
// trainSetX.col(i) = arma::conv_to<arma::colvec>::from(tempCol);
// }
// trainSetY = arma::mat(h5::read<arma::rowvec>(fd, "train_set_y"));
// }
// {
// auto fd = h5::open("data/test_signs.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
// for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < testSetX.n_cols; ++i)
// {
// std::vector<int> tempCol; // Temporary used to correctly insert image vectors to the matrix. Needed because data
// // is not stored in the necessary way for MLPACK Convolutions.
// for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
// {
// auto in = h5::read<std::vector<int> >(fd, "test_set_x", h5::offset{ i,0,0,k }, h5::count{ 1, 64, 64, 1 }, h5::stride{ testSetX.n_cols,1,1,3 });
// tempCol.insert(std::end(tempCol), std::begin(in), std::end(in));
// }
// testSetX.col(i) = arma::conv_to<arma::colvec>::from(tempCol);
// }
// testSetY = arma::mat(h5::read<arma::rowvec>(fd, "test_set_y"));
// classes = arma::mat(h5::read<arma::rowvec>(fd, "list_classes"));
// }
// Normalize
trainSetX /= 255;
testSetX /= 255;
// The model architecture as per the course example is:
// (1)Conv2D->(2)ReLU->(3)MaxPool->(4)Conv2D->(5)ReLU->(6)MaxPool->(7)(Flatten->)(8)FullyConnected->(9)LogSoftMax
// Input Dim Description
// --------- -----------
// (1) 64x64x3 -- Apply 8 filters of size 4x4 with stride = 2 and "Same" padding (= 2 is closest equivalent)
// (2) 65x65x8 -- Standard ReLU layer
// (3) 65x65x8 -- Pooling layer of size 8x8 with stride = 8
// (4) 8x8x8 -- Apply 16 filters of size 2x2 with stride = 1 and "Same" padding (= 1 is closest equivalent)
// (5) 9x9x16 -- Standard ReLU layer
// (6) 9x9x16 -- Pooling layer of size 4x4 with stride = 4
// (7) 2x2x16 -- Flatten (this is taken care of by the Linear layer input in MLPACK)
// (8) 64x6 -- Fully connected layer -> output = 6.
// (9) 6x6 -- LogSoftMax layer
FFN <NegativeLogLikelihood<>, XavierInitialization> model;
model.Add<Convolution<> >(
3, // Nbr of input layers. (e.g. an RGB image of 64x64x3 has 3 layers, where a grayscale image of 64x64x1 has 1 layer.
8, // Nbr of output layers/maps.
5, // Filter Width
5, // Filter Height
1, // Stride for Width
1, // Stride for Height
2, // Padding for Width
2, // Padding for Heigth
64, // Input Height
64); // Output Height
model.Add<LeakyReLU<> >();
model.Add<MaxPooling<> >(
8, // Width of Pooling filter
8, // Height of Pooling filter
8, // Stride for Width
8, // Stride for Height
true);// True = floor / False = ceil (used for output dimension formula to round up or down if non-integer result)
model.Add<Convolution<> >(8, 16, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 8);
model.Add<LeakyReLU<> >();
model.Add<MaxPooling<> >(4, 4, 4, 4, true);
model.Add<Linear<> >(64, 6);
model.Add<LogSoftMax<> >();
// Define the optimizer. Here we are using the Stochastic Gradient Descent with the Adam update function.
// Arguments:
// - learning rate = 0.009
// - batchsize = 64
// - maxIterations = 10000
AdamUpdate adamUpdate(1e-8, 0.9, 0.999);
SGD<AdamUpdate> optimizer(0.009, 64, 1000, 1e-05, true, adamUpdate);
trainSetY += 1; // NegativeLogLikelihood expects output in range [1, N]. Data was in range [0,N-1] previously.
testSetY += 1; // NegativeLogLikelihood expects output in range [1, N]. Data was in range [0,N-1] previously.
for (unsigned int epoch = 0; epoch < 100; ++epoch)
model.Train(trainSetX, trainSetY, optimizer);
optimizer.ResetPolicy() = false; // Keep the trained parameter settings from the previous epoch.
// Matrix to store the predictions on train and validation datasets.
arma::mat yPredict;
arma::urowvec yPredictLabels;
// Get predictions and accuracy on training data points.
model.Predict(trainSetX, yPredict);
yPredictLabels = arma::index_max(yPredict, 0) + 1;
double trainAccuracy = arma::accu(yPredictLabels == trainSetY)*100.0 / (double)trainSetX.n_cols;
// Get predictions and accuracy on test data points.
model.Predict(testSetX, yPredict);
yPredictLabels = arma::index_max(yPredict, 0) + 1;
double testAccuracy = arma::accu(yPredictLabels == arma::round(testSetY))*100.0 / (double)testSetX.n_cols;
if (!(epoch%5))
std::cout << "Epoch: " << epoch << "\t" << "Training Accuracy = " << trainAccuracy << "%" << "\tTest Accuracy = " << testAccuracy << "%\n";
data::Save("data/CNNSignsRGBModel.bin", "model", model, false); // Save the trained model.
return 0;
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