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Created August 26, 2018 20:07
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* @file exact_svd_method.hpp
* @author Ajinkya Kale
* @author Ryan Curtin
* @author Marcus Edel
* Implementation of the exact svd method for use in the Principal Components
* Analysis method.
* mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the 3-clause BSD license. You should have received a copy of the
* 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack. If not, see
* for more information.
#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>
namespace mlpack {
namespace pca {
* Implementation of the exact SVD policy.
class ExactSVDPolicy
* Apply Principal Component Analysis to the provided data set using the
* exact SVD method.
* @param data Data matrix.
* @param centeredData Centered data matrix.
* @param transformedData Matrix to put results of PCA into.
* @param eigVal Vector to put eigenvalues into.
* @param eigvec Matrix to put eigenvectors (loadings) into.
* @param rank Rank of the decomposition.
void Apply(const arma::mat& data,
const arma::mat& centeredData,
arma::mat& transformedData,
arma::vec& eigVal,
arma::mat& eigvec,
const size_t /* rank */)
// This matrix will store the right singular values; we do not need them.
arma::mat v;
// Do singular value decomposition. Use the economical singular value
// decomposition if the columns are much larger than the rows.
if (data.n_rows < data.n_cols)
// Do economical singular value decomposition and compute only the left
// singular vectors.
arma::svd_econ(eigvec, eigVal, v, centeredData, 'l');
arma::svd(eigvec, eigVal, v, centeredData);
arma::urowvec indices = arma::index_max(arma::abs(eigvec), 0);
arma::rowvec signs(indices.n_elem);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.n_elem; i++)
signs(i) = eigvec.col(i)(indices(i)) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
eigvec.each_row() %= signs;
// Now we must square the singular values to get the eigenvalues.
// In addition we must divide by the number of points, because the
// covariance matrix is X * X' / (N - 1).
eigVal %= eigVal / (data.n_cols - 1);
// Project the samples to the principals.
transformedData = arma::trans(eigvec) * centeredData;
} // namespace pca
} // namespace mlpack
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