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Created July 10, 2020 22:02
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package mlpack
#cgo CFLAGS: -I/srv/conda/envs/notebook/include/ -I. -I/capi -g -Wall -Wno-unused-variable
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L. /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <capi/cli_util.h>
#include <capi/arma_util.h>
import "C"
import (
type mlpackArma struct {
mem unsafe.Pointer
// A Tuple containing `float64` data (data) along with a boolean array
// (Categoricals) indicating which dimensions are categorical (represented by
// `true`) and which are numeric (represented by `false`). The number of
// elements in the boolean array should be the same as the dimensionality of
// the data matrix. It is expected that each row of the matrix corresponds to a
// single data point when calling mlpack bindings.
type matrixWithInfo struct {
Categoricals []bool
Data *mat.Dense
// A function used for initializing matrixWithInfo Tuple.
func DataAndInfo() *matrixWithInfo {
return &matrixWithInfo {
Categoricals: nil,
Data: nil,
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrMat(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrMat(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrUmat(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrUmat(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrRow(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrRow(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrUrow(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrUrow(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrCol(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrCol(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrUcol(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrUcol(C.CString(identifier))
// Allocates a C memory Pointer via cgo and registers the finalizer
// in order to free the C memory once the input has been registered in Go.
func (m *mlpackArma) allocArmaPtrMatWithInfo(identifier string) {
m.mem = C.mlpackArmaPtrMatWithInfoPtr(C.CString(identifier))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaMat(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
r, c := m.Dims()
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaMat(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(c), C.size_t(r))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaUmat(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
r, c := m.Dims()
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaUmat(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(c), C.size_t(r))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaRow(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
e, err := m.Dims()
if (err != 1 && e != 1){
panic("Given matrix must have a single column")
// Transpose if Column vector is given
if e == 1 {
m = mat.DenseCopyOf(m.T())
e = err
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaRow(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(e))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaUrow(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
e, err := m.Dims()
if (err != 1 && e != 1){
panic("Given matrix must have a single column")
// Transpose if Column vector is given
if e == 1 {
m = mat.DenseCopyOf(m.T())
e = err
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaUrow(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(e))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaCol(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
err, e := m.Dims()
if (err != 1 && e != 1){
panic("Given matrix must have a single row")
// Transpose if Row vector is given
if e == 1 {
m = mat.DenseCopyOf(m.T())
e = err
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaCol(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(e))
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func gonumToArmaUcol(identifier string, m *mat.Dense) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
err, e := m.Dims()
if (err != 1 && e != 1){
panic("Given matrix must have a single row")
// Transpose if Row vector is given
if e == 1 {
m = mat.DenseCopyOf(m.T())
e = err
blas64General := m.RawMatrix()
data := blas64General.Data
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
C.mlpackToArmaUcol(C.CString(identifier), (*C.double)(ptr), C.size_t(e))
// GonumToArmaMatWithInfo passes a gonum matrix with info to C by
// using it's gonums underlying blas64.
func gonumToArmaMatWithInfo(identifier string, m *matrixWithInfo) {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
r, c := m.Data.Dims()
blas64General := m.Data.RawMatrix()
dataAndInfo := blas64General.Data
boolarray := m.Categoricals
// Pass pointer of the underlying matrix to mlpack.
boolptr := unsafe.Pointer(&boolarray[0])
matptr := unsafe.Pointer(&dataAndInfo[0])
C.mlpackToArmaMatWithInfo(C.CString(identifier), (*C.bool)(boolptr),
(*C.double)(matptr), C.size_t(c), C.size_t(r))
// ArmaToGonum returns a gonum matrix based on the memory pointer
// of an armadillo matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumMat(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo row.
c := int(C.mlpackNumRowMat(C.CString(identifier)))
r := int(C.mlpackNumColMat(C.CString(identifier)))
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemMat(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(r, c, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// ArmaToGonum returns a gonum matrix based on the memory pointer
// of an armadillo matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumArray(identifier string) (int, int, []float64){
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo row.
c := int(C.mlpackNumRowMat(C.CString(identifier)))
r := int(C.mlpackNumColMat(C.CString(identifier)))
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemMat(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
data := array[:e]
return r, c, data
// ArmaToGonum returns a gonum matrix based on the memory pointer
// of an armadillo matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumUmat(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo row.
c := int(C.mlpackNumRowUmat(C.CString(identifier)))
r := int(C.mlpackNumColUmat(C.CString(identifier)))
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemUmat(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(r, c, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// ArmaRowToGonum returns a gonum vector based on the memory pointer
// of the underlying armadillo object.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumRow(identifier string) *mat.Dense{
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo row.
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemRow(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(e, 1, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// ArmaRowToGonum returns a gonum vector based on the memory pointer
// of the underlying armadillo object.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumUrow(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo row.
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemUrow(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(e, 1, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumCol(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemCol(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(1, e, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumUcol(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get the number of elements in the Armadillo column.
e := int(C.mlpackNumElemUcol(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
// Convert pointer to slice of data, to then pass it to a gonum matrix.
array := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if array != nil {
data := array[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(1, e, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
// Passes a Gonum matrix to C by using the underlying data from the Gonum matrix.
func (m *mlpackArma) armaToGonumMatWithInfo(identifier string) *mat.Dense {
// Get number of rows, columns, and elements of the Armadillo matrix.
c := int(C.mlpackArmaMatWithInfoRows(C.CString(identifier)))
r := int(C.mlpackArmaMatWithInfoCols(C.CString(identifier)))
e := int(C.mlpackArmaMatWithInfoElements(C.CString(identifier)))
// Allocate Go memory pointer to the armadillo matrix.
matarray := (*[1<<30 - 1]float64)(m.mem)
if matarray != nil {
data := matarray[:e]
// Initialize result matrix.
output := mat.NewDense(r, c, data)
// Return gonum vector.
return output
return mat.NewDense(1, 1, nil)
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