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Last active April 9, 2018 21:54
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defmodule Document.UpdatePipeline do
use Opus.Pipeline
check :validate_params, with: &match(%{"id" => id} when is_number(id), &1.params)
step :fetch_document, with: &(put_in &1[:document], Document.get(get_in(&1, [:params, "id"])), error_message: :not_found
check :can_view?, with: &Authorizer.can_view(&1.document, &1.user)
check :can_edit?, with: &Authorizer.can_view(&1.document, &1.user)
step :update, with: &(put_in &1[:updated_document], Documents.update(&1.document, &1.params))
tee :notify, with: &Notifications.push_document_updated(&1.updated_document)
step :finalize, with: &(&1.updated_document)
# Controller Code
def update(conn, params \\ %{}) do
case{user: conn.assigns.user, params: params}) do
{:ok, document} -> json(conn, document)
{:error, %{error: error, stage: stage}} when error == :not_found or stage: :can_view? ->
render(conn, ErrorView, :"404")
{:error, %{stage: :can_edit?}} ->
render(conn, ErrorView, :"403")
{:error, %{error: %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset}}
render(conn, ErrorView, :"400", changeset)
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