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Created April 27, 2020 12:20
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  • Save zorbax/0cbc05928b1525e8a908c486f70799cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zorbax/0cbc05928b1525e8a908c486f70799cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
( conda create -y -n "melonpann" && source activate "melonpann" && \
conda install r-base=3.5.0 r-devtools r-fbasics -yc r && \
R -q -e "install.packages('BiocManager', repos=''); \
library('BiocManager'); BiocManager::install('ccrepe');" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('optparse', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('AssocTests', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('glmnet', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('HDtweedie', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('getopt', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('doParallel', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('vegan', repos='')" && \
R -q -e "install.packages('data.table', repos='')" && \
cran="" && \
R -q -e "library('devtools'); devtools::install_url('${cran}/DatABEL/DatABEL_0.9-6.tar.gz')" && \
R -q -e "library('devtools'); devtools::install_url('${cran}/')" && \
R -q -e "library('devtools'); devtools::install_url('${cran}/GenABEL/GenABEL_1.8-0.tar.gz')" && \
git clone && R CMD INSTALL melonnpan && rm -rf melonnpan && \
conda deactivate ) || { echo "ERROR: Conda melonpann install failed"; exit 1; }
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