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Last active December 1, 2023 08:29
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latexmk conf for nvim and vimtex on mac
# General
# Needed for the dot2texi package which invokes GraphViz.
$latex = 'latex --shell-escape';
$xelatex = "xelatex -synctex=1 -no-pdf -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %O %S";
$pdf_mode = 5;
$recorder = 1;
$bibtex_use = 2;
# use `latexmk -c` to clean all aux files, just specify extension
$clean_ext = "synctex.gz acn acr alg aux bbl bcf blg brf fdb_latexmk glg glo gls idx ilg ind ist lof log lot out run.xml toc dvi xdv snm vrb nav toe";
# Skim-pdf on Mac
$pdf_previewer = "open -a Skim";
$postscript_mode = $dvi_mode = 0;
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