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Last active June 14, 2016 19:58
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Welcome to the Lab Automated API Documentation. Lab Automated allows faster, more reliable static and dynamic security testing for mobile apps. Ongoing updates with our API will be kept up to date as functionality is released.

If you would like to trial Lab Automated, please go to and request access to our closed beta. You will be contacted shortly after by one of our Sales Representatives to set up a trial.


Request and response bodies are JSON encoded.

All requests require an OAuth access token. You can find your access token by going to Authorization tokens are currently authorized for 24 hours.

All requests should include:

Authorization: Bearer {NS_TOKEN}

API Host

The Lab Automated API is hosted at:


An Account represents a Lab Automated account. Multiple accounts can be associated with a single instance of Lab Automated all with the ability to run assessments or view application results.

View Account Details

You can view account details for Lab Automated using the GET /account path.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/account

The response will contain the period in which your account will be active along with the number of applications and assessments left on your account.

  "period": 172800,
  "limits": {
    "assessments": 2
  "id": "363df3a1-0e8b-4960-bb6e-cc09aced37a1"

List of Current Account Users

You can view users that are associated with an account using GET /account/user/.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/account/user/

The response will contain the user id, email, and permissions for the user under scopes. The account id will also be returned. Each user will be associated with the same account

"id": "66a46874-eab4-4871-83c9-3b586968547c",
"email": "",
"scopes": [
"account": "363df3a1-0e8b-4960-bb6e-cc09aced37a1"

View User Profile

You can view details about a specific user. Using GET /account/user/{id}, you can view that users name, email, scope also known as user permissions, and which account they are associated with.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/account/user/27a03ce7-303f-440f-b02a-de2df2c41561

The json response will include name, email, scope, and associated account

 "id": "27a03ce7-303f-440f-b02a-de2df2c41561",
 "name": "Charlie Painchaud",
 "email": "",
 "scopes": [
 "account": "60b923d9-7d14-4208-9630-f13075a58ffd"

Inviting a User

You can invite a user to join your Lab Automated account using POST /account/invite/. Users currently will have the same scope and will upload apps and run assessments against the Account limits.

Pending Invites

You can view a list of pending invites using GET /account/invite/. This will return the name and email of each user that has been invited to the account

Removing a User

Conversely, you can remove a user from your account using DELETE /account/user/{id}. The user id is returned in the GET /account/user/ response.


An Application or a binary is what Lab Automated will be performing the NowSecure Security Assessment against. An Application is a fully compiled .apk or .ipa file that will be installed onto real devices and security tested statically and dynamically.

Submitting an Application

Using POST /build/ will create a new application and kick off an assessment with the previously set configuration options. If it is the first time an application has been uploaded, the assessment will start with the default configuration options.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X POST $HOST/build/ --data-binary @bin.apk

View all Applications

You can list all of the applications associated with an account using GET /app/.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/app/

For each Application the response will contain the apps platform, package name, associated account, and created date.

"platform": "android",
"package": "fuzion24.dynamictestapp",
"account": "363df3a1-0e8b-4960-bb6e-cc09aced37a1",
"created": "2016-04-07T20:29:15.769Z"

Create an Application Resource

Using POST /app/, you can create an application resource that does not have a binary associated with it. To run an assessment you must upload a binary with the same package name and platform.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X POST $HOST/app/ -d '{"platform": "android", "package": ""}'

Like the application response, when an application resource is created it will return the apps platform, package name, associated account, and created date.

  "platform": "android",
  "package": "",
  "account": "363df3a1-0e8b-4960-bb6e-cc09aced37a1",
  "created": "2016-04-08T19:06:00.257Z"

Get Application Details

You can also get specific application details using GET /app/{platform}/{package}.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/app/android/

The response will contain the apps platform, package name, associated account, and created date.

  "platform": "android",
  "package": "",
  "account": "363df3a1-0e8b-4960-bb6e-cc09aced37a1",
  "created": "2016-04-08T19:06:00.257Z"

View Application Configuration

Application configuration is set by package name. Each package can have its own individual application configuration.

You can view a specific applications configuration using GET /app/{platform}/{package}/config

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/app/android/

The response will show which configuration options are set for that specific package.

  "dynamic": {
    "search_data": {
      "name": {
        "value": "Franz Kafka"
      "username": {
        "value": "fkafka"
      "password": {
        "value": "foobar"
      "email": {
        "value": ""
    "config_options": {
      "multipass": true
  "static": "true"

Set Application Configuration

Using the POST /app/{platform}/{package}/config endpoint will allow the configuration for a specific application package to be set.

You can mark specific static tests "static": { "secure_random_check": "false" } and this command will run every test except the secure random check.

Android Static Tests



Multipass mode is a mode which causes analysis to be done on the application multiple times to allow different "passes" of analysis to occur. For example, if we are actively man-in-the-middling an application, we may not be able to exercise the full functionality of the app if the app is cert pinning. We could run the application with all cert validations disabled, but this would not give us any insight into whether or not the app was properly checking certs. In this way, the app would need to be ran multiple times with different analysis options with and without certificate validation killed. In it's current implementation, multipass does exactly this. It runs the app once while mitming allowing whatever TLS validations are in place to take over, and once more with certificate checking disabled.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X POST $HOST/app/android/ -d '{
  "dynamic": {
    "search_data": {
      "name": {
        "value": "Franz Kafka"
      "username": {
        "value": "fkafka"
      "password": {
        "value": "foobar"
      "email": {
        "value": ""
    "config_options": {
      "multipass": true
  "static": "true"

In this example the name, username, email, and password were set to the login credentials for the sample application. This will allow the UI Automator on the rig to successfully login to the application to further exercise the UI for test coverage.

Trigger Application Assessment

After changing the configurations, using POST /app/{platform}/{package}/assessment/ will trigger an assessment on the most recent build of the application with the new configuration options.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X POST $HOST/app/platform/

The assessment endpoint will return a response containing that specific applications task id.

View Assessment Report

You can view the assessment response in json using GET /app/{platform}/{package}/assessment/{task}/report.

Shell Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $NS_TOKEN" -X GET $HOST/app/platform/

The results endpoint contains all of the information from our NowSecure Automated Security Assessment. You can view the report formatted with descriptions and recomendations at{platform}/{package}/assessment

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