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Forked from granthenke/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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# Generic Aliases
alias ll='ls -latr' # List all file in long list format by modification time
alias ..='cd ..' # Go up one directory
alias ...='cd ../..' # Go up two directories
alias ....='cd ../../..' # Go up three directories
alias -- -='cd -' # Go back
alias c='clear' # Clear Screen
alias k='clear' # Clear Screen
alias cls='clear' # Clear Screen
alias _="sudo" # Execute with sudo
alias q='exit' # Logout
# Common Hadoop File System Aliases
alias hf="hadoop fs" # Base Hadoop fs command
alias hfcat="hf -cat" # Output a file to standard out
alias hfchgrp="hf -chgrp" # Change group association of files
alias hfchmod="hf -chmod" # Change permissions
alias hfchown="hf -chown" # Change ownership
alias hfcfl="hf -copyFromLocal" # Copy a local file reference to HDFS
alias hfctl="hf -copyToLocal" # Copy a HDFS file reference to local
alias hfcp="hf -cp" # Copy files from source to destination
alias hfdu="hf -du" # Display aggregate length of files
alias hfdus="hf -dus" # Display a summary of file lengths
alias hfget="hf -get" # Get a file from hadoop to local
alias hfgetm="hf -getmerge" # Get files from hadoop to a local file
alias hfls="hf -ls" # List files
alias hfll="hf -lsr" # List files recursivly
alias hfmkdir="hf -mkdir" # Make a directory
alias hfmv="hf -mv" # Move a file
alias hfput="hf -put" # Put a file from local to hadoop
alias hfrm="hf -rm" # Remove a file
alias hfrmr="hf -rmr" # Remove a file recursivly
alias hfsr="hf -setrep" # Set the replication factor of a file
alias hfstat="hf -stat" # Returns the stat information on the path
alias hftail="hf -tail" # Tail a file
alias hftest="hf -test" # Run a series of file tests. See options
alias hftouch="hf -touchz" # Create a file of zero length
# Convenient Hadoop File System Aliases
alias hfet="hf -rmr .Trash" # Remove/Empty the trash
function hfdub() { # Display aggregate size of files descending
hadoop fs -du "$@" | sort -k 1 -n -r
#Common Hadoop Job Commands
alias hj="hadoop job" # Base Hadoop job command
alias hjstat="hj -status" # Print completion percentage and all job counters
alias hjkill="hj -kill" # Kills the job
alias hjhist="hj -history" # Prints job details, failed and killed tip details
alias hjlist="hj -list" # List jobs
#Common Hadoop DFS Admin Commands
alias habal="hadoop balancer" # Runs a cluster balancing utility
alias harep="hadoop dfsadmin -report" # Print the hdfs admin report
#Common Oozie Aliases/Functions
alias owv="oozie validate" # Validate a workflow xml
alias ojrun="oozie job -run" # Run a job
alias ojresume="oozie job -resume" # Resume a job
alias ojrerun="oozie job -rerun" # Rerun a job
alias ojsuspend="oozie job -suspend" # Suspend a job
alias ojkill="oozie job -kill" # Kill a job
alias ojinfo="oozie job -info" # Display current info on a job
alias ojlist="oozie jobs -localtime" # Display a list of jobs
alias ojlistr="oozie jobs -localtime -filter status=RUNNING" # Display a list of running jobs
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