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Last active March 7, 2022 13:58
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* Calculate password strength
* @param value password
* @returns password strength in range between 0 an 1
export const getPasswordStrength = (value: string): number => {
// Minimum 8 characters
const REGEX_CHARACTER = /^.{8,}$/
// Minimum 2 uppercase,
const REGEX_UPPERCASE = /^(.*?[A-Z]){2,}.*$/
// Minimum 2 lowercase
const REGEX_LOWERCASE = /^(.*?[a-z]){2,}.*$/
// Minimum 2 number
const REGEX_NUMBERS = /^(.*?[0-9]){2,}.*$/
// Minimum 2 special characters
const REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTER = /(?:[^`!@#$%^&*\-_=+'/.,]*[`!@#$%^&*\-_=+'/.,]){2}/
const criteria = {
characters: REGEX_CHARACTER.test(value),
upperCase: REGEX_UPPERCASE.test(value),
lowerCase: REGEX_LOWERCASE.test(value),
specialCharacter: REGEX_SPECIAL_CHARACTER.test(value),
numbers: REGEX_NUMBERS.test(value),
const result = Object.values(criteria)
const total = result.length
const passed = result.filter(Boolean).length
const strength = Number.parseFloat((passed / total).toFixed(2))
return strength
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