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Created May 1, 2018 13:51
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Notes for SIG Updates

SIG Apps

  • Ken Owens
  • Helm 2.9 stability release is out
  • Helm 3 proposal has been merged, come to the meeting to contribute
  • App Def working group
    • Labeling recommendations for various parts of Application Definition
    • Application CRD has been introduced to bring a more high-level view
    • There is also an apps survey result (come to the deep dive to find out)
    • There is a charter open for this SIG, look there for feedback
    • Beginning a discussion regarding developer tooling and how to make that experience better
      • CI/CD, repositories, app deployment, and DevOps related tasks are what are covered by SIG Apps

SIG Architecture

  • Need more help in participation for higher-level discussion around the technical architecture of Kuebrnetes
  • Lots of cross-cutting decisions need to be made here
  • PR open for a charter
  • Question: Who is responsible for the decision to ensure that SIG chairs are/aren't from the same company
    • Answer: Not sure yet


  • Heptio Authenticator is becoming a SIG project and moving from Heptio to the SIG
  • Virtual Kubelet working with MSFT, IBM and AWS
    • Recommend following AWS' model (according to Bob)

SIG Instrumentation

  • Working on Metrics API's (beta in 1.8)
  • 1.10 Kubectl support added to use the resource metrics API
  • Formally deprecating heapster as of last week
  • End-to-End test have been a bit lacking (and ignoring failing ones) working with SIG Testing to fix

SIG Node

  • CRI is a focus item for now
    • Logging and Metrics need further development
    • CRI-O and containerd are now supporting CRI
  • Sandbox pods are now underdevelopment, how to implement katacontainers
  • Working on evictions and supporting burstable workloads better
  • Adapting the core metrics API in the Kubelet, evaluating cadvisor in the node

SIG Release

  • Working on a charter
  • Move the release team to a sub-project (and deal with implications)
  • Volunteer for the Release Team!
  • Question: Is there an effort to neutralize (vendor) of release artifacts?
    • Answer: No

SIG Scalability

  • Working on improving tests (they delayed last release)
  • Working on SIG Charter
  • Creating a framework that will be easily usable for developers to test things (in terms of scalability)
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