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Last active May 11, 2018 04:17
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Benchmark created to support PR#1453 for Microsoft/visualfsharp
module Program
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Threading.Tasks
open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Running
open BenchmarkDotNet.Configs
open BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs
#if MONO
open BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows
module SetForBenchmark =
type SetTree<'T> when 'T : comparison =
| SetEmpty
| SetNode of 'T * SetTree<'T> * SetTree<'T> * int
| SetOne of 'T
let tolerance = 2
let height t =
match t with
| SetEmpty -> 0
| SetOne _ -> 1
| SetNode (_,_,_,h) -> h
let mk l k r =
match l,r with
| SetEmpty,SetEmpty -> SetOne (k)
| _ ->
let hl = height l
let hr = height r
let m = if hl < hr then hr else hl
let rebalance t1 k t2 =
let t1h = height t1
let t2h = height t2
if t2h > t1h + tolerance then // right is heavier than left
match t2 with
| SetNode(t2k,t2l,t2r,_) ->
// one of the nodes must have height > height t1 + 1
if height t2l > t1h + 1 then // balance left: combination
match t2l with
| SetNode(t2lk,t2ll,t2lr,_) ->
mk (mk t1 k t2ll) t2lk (mk t2lr t2k t2r)
| _ -> failwith "rebalance"
else // rotate left
mk (mk t1 k t2l) t2k t2r
| _ -> failwith "rebalance"
if t1h > t2h + tolerance then // left is heavier than right
match t1 with
| SetNode(t1k,t1l,t1r,_) ->
// one of the nodes must have height > height t2 + 1
if height t1r > t2h + 1 then
// balance right: combination
match t1r with
| SetNode(t1rk,t1rl,t1rr,_) ->
mk (mk t1l t1k t1rl) t1rk (mk t1rr k t2)
| _ -> failwith "rebalance"
mk t1l t1k (mk t1r k t2)
| _ -> failwith "rebalance"
else mk t1 k t2
let rec spliceOutSuccessor t =
match t with
| SetEmpty -> failwith "internal error: Set.spliceOutSuccessor"
| SetOne (k2) -> k2,SetEmpty
| SetNode (k2,l,r,_) ->
match l with
| SetEmpty -> k2,r
| _ -> let k3,l' = spliceOutSuccessor l in k3,mk l' k2 r
let rec add (comparer: IComparer<'T>) k t =
match t with
| SetNode (k2,l,r,_) ->
let c = comparer.Compare(k,k2)
if c < 0 then rebalance (add comparer k l) k2 r
elif c = 0 then t
else rebalance l k2 (add comparer k r)
| SetOne(k2) ->
// nb. no check for rebalance needed for small trees, also be sure to reuse node already allocated
let c = comparer.Compare(k,k2)
if c < 0 then SetNode (k,SetEmpty,t,2)
elif c = 0 then t
else SetNode (k,t,SetEmpty,2)
| SetEmpty -> SetOne(k)
let rec remove (comparer: IComparer<'T>) k t =
match t with
| SetEmpty -> t
| SetOne (k2) ->
let c = comparer.Compare(k,k2)
if c = 0 then SetEmpty
else t
| SetNode (k2,l,r,_) ->
let c = comparer.Compare(k,k2)
if c < 0 then rebalance (remove comparer k l) k2 r
elif c = 0 then
match l,r with
| SetEmpty,_ -> r
| _,SetEmpty -> l
| _ ->
let sk,r' = spliceOutSuccessor r
mk l sk r'
else rebalance l k2 (remove comparer k r)
let ofArray comparer l = Array.fold (fun acc k -> add comparer k acc) SetEmpty l
let rec diffAux comparer m acc =
match m with
| SetNode(k,l,r,_) -> diffAux comparer l (diffAux comparer r (remove comparer k acc))
| SetOne(k) -> remove comparer k acc
| SetEmpty -> acc
let rec diffAuxModified comparer m acc =
match acc with
| SetEmpty -> acc
| _ ->
match m with
| SetNode(k,l,r,_) -> diffAux comparer l (diffAux comparer r (remove comparer k acc))
| SetOne(k) -> remove comparer k acc
| SetEmpty -> acc
let diff comparer a b = diffAux comparer b a
let diffModified comparer a b = diffAuxModified comparer b a
type SetDiffPerfConfig () =
inherit ManualConfig()
base.Add Job.RyuJitX64
#if MONO
base.Add(new MemoryDiagnoser())
type SetDifferenceBenchmark () =
let random = Random()
let comparer = LanguagePrimitives.FastGenericComparer<int>
let mutable firstSet = SetForBenchmark.SetEmpty
let mutable secondSet = SetForBenchmark.SetEmpty
let arrayOfMaxLen len =
Array.init len (fun i -> int(random.NextDouble()*2.0*float(len)))
[<Params(0, 10, 100)>]
member val public FirstSetItemCount = 0 with get, set
[<Params(0, 10, 100)>]
member val public SecondSetItemCount = 0 with get, set
member this.Setup () =
firstSet <- this.FirstSetItemCount |> arrayOfMaxLen |> SetForBenchmark.ofArray comparer
secondSet <- this.SecondSetItemCount |> arrayOfMaxLen |> SetForBenchmark.ofArray comparer
member this.OriginalMethod () =
SetForBenchmark.diff comparer firstSet secondSet |> ignore
member this.ModifiedMethod () =
SetForBenchmark.diffModified comparer firstSet secondSet |> ignore
let main argv =
let switch =
BenchmarkSwitcher [|
switch.Run argv |> ignore
Host Process Environment Information:
OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU 2.50GHz, ProcessorCount=8
Frequency=2439991 ticks, Resolution=409.8376 ns, Timer=TSC
CLR=MS.NET 4.0.30319.42000, Arch=64-bit RELEASE [RyuJIT]
GC=Concurrent Workstation

Type=SetDifferenceBenchmark  Mode=Throughput  Platform=X64  
Method FirstSetItemCount SecondSetItemCount Median StdDev Scaled Scaled-SD Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Bytes Allocated/Op
OriginalMethod 0 0 6.3329 ns 0.1011 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - 0.00
ModifiedMethod 0 0 3.4246 ns 0.0493 ns 0.54 0.01 - - - 0.00
OriginalMethod 0 10 134.0573 ns 19.9930 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - 0.01
ModifiedMethod 0 10 3.4266 ns 0.0351 ns 0.03 0.00 - - - 0.00
OriginalMethod 0 100 1,436.9095 ns 73.6156 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - 0.14
ModifiedMethod 0 100 3.4256 ns 0.1928 ns 0.00 0.00 - - - 0.00
OriginalMethod 10 0 6.4268 ns 0.1003 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - 0.00
ModifiedMethod 10 0 8.4511 ns 0.2946 ns 1.33 0.05 - - - 0.00
OriginalMethod 10 10 1,013.7267 ns 198.7324 ns 1.00 0.00 52.53 - - 357.31
ModifiedMethod 10 10 997.5556 ns 198.8970 ns 1.03 0.30 51.93 - - 353.88
OriginalMethod 10 100 10,271.1103 ns 2,448.6114 ns 1.00 0.00 536.10 - - 3,676.07
ModifiedMethod 10 100 10,185.6326 ns 2,326.5314 ns 1.04 0.35 538.28 - - 3,693.48
OriginalMethod 100 0 6.3741 ns 0.1009 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - 0.00
ModifiedMethod 100 0 8.4242 ns 0.0592 ns 1.32 0.02 - - - 0.00
OriginalMethod 100 10 2,491.3317 ns 427.6977 ns 1.00 0.00 127.90 - - 871.12
ModifiedMethod 100 10 2,502.6171 ns 420.1160 ns 1.03 0.27 130.60 - - 889.54
OriginalMethod 100 100 25,529.7993 ns 1,219.4332 ns 1.00 0.00 1,113.24 - - 7,595.49
ModifiedMethod 100 100 25,155.1821 ns 1,575.0865 ns 0.99 0.08 1,098.00 - - 7,549.01
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