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Created April 26, 2012 00:49
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Script to transform images to scanned documents (In Progress)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author :
# License: MIT
# Function: Wrapper for unpaper & imagemagick to allow easy conversions
# Date 2012.04.06
# Credits:
# Requirements:
# Linux
# unpaper
# imagemagick
# RMagick Ruby Gem
# Must 'mkdir /media/ramdisk' && add 'mount -t tmpfs -o size=500M tmpfs /media/ramdisk' to /etc/rc.local
# => Source -
# Commands in order
# convert INPUT.jpg -colorspace Gray OUTPUT.ppm
# unpaper --grayfilter-size 1,1 --grayfilter-step 1,1 --grayfilter-threshold 0.4 tmp.ppm tmp_out.ppm
# convert tmp_out.ppm final.jpg
# use unix pipes instead of saving to hard drive, pipe STDIN / STDOUT to unpaper and from unpaper
# Implement RMagick conversions in memory
# Calculate image histograms to convert images based on prototypes (Range of 5 image styles)
# Localthresh command with very good though speckled results: bash localthresh -n yes -m 3 -r 35 -b 20 ../test_photos/IMG_2519.JPG IMG12.jpg
# source:
# Then run isonoise to remove flecks
# Notes on RMagick
# case sensitive require 'RMagick'
require 'pry'
require 'systemu'
require 'pathname'
require 'RMagick'
# binding.pry
def process_file(file)
tmp_dir = ("/media/ramdisk/" if File.exists?('/media/ramdisk')) || "#{Dir.pwd}/"
full_name =
name = full_name.basename.to_s.split(full_name.extname)[0]
output_ppm = "#{tmp_dir}#{name}.ppm"
improved_ppm = "#{tmp_dir}#{name}_improved.ppm"
pdf_name = "#{name}.pdf"
jpg_name = "bw_#{name}.jpg"
intermediary_jpg = "#{tmp_dir}#{name}_tmp.jpg"
intermediary_jpg2 = "#{tmp_dir}#{name}_tmp2.jpg"
isonoise_location = File.expand_path("docs/isonoise")
localthresh_location = File.expand_path("docs/localthresh")
# Commandline testing options for convert
# -channel Red -threshold 70% -channel Blue -black-threshold 70%
convert_to_ppm = %Q(convert #{file} -colorspace Gray #{output_ppm})
run_unpaper = %Q(unpaper --overwrite --grayfilter-size 1,1 --grayfilter-step 1,1 --grayfilter-threshold 2.0 #{output_ppm} #{improved_ppm})
convert_to_pdf = %Q(convert #{improved_ppm} -compress zip #{pdf_name})
localthresh = %Q(bash #{localthresh_location} -n yes -m 3 -r 35 -b 20 #{full_name} #{intermediary_jpg})
isonoise = %Q(bash #{isonoise_location} #{intermediary_jpg} #{intermediary_jpg2})
compress = %Q(convert #{intermediary_jpg2} -quality 10 #{jpg_name})
pre_compress = %Q(convert #{full_name} -quality 20 #{full_name})
# RMagick Methods for replacing system calls
# rimage = Magick::Image::read(full_name)
# gray_image = rimage.first.quantize(2, Magick::GRAYColorspace )
# gray_image.write(output_ppm)
# RMagic Method to convert ppm to pdf
# ppm_image = Magick::Image::read(improved_ppm)
# ppm_image.write(pdf_name)
def system_u(command)
status, stdout, stderr = systemu(command)
[status, stdout, stderr]
# hack while testing to remove prior pdf
File.unlink(pdf_name) if File.exists?(pdf_name)
# puts %x[#{convert_to_ppm}]
# puts %x[#{run_unpaper}]
# puts %x[#{convert_to_pdf}]
# system_u("#{convert_to_ppm}")
#rimage = Magick::Image::read(full_name)
#gray_image = rimage.first.quantize(64, Magick::GRAYColorspace )
#a = system_u("#{run_unpaper}")
#puts a
File.unlink(improved_ppm) if File.exists?(improved_ppm)
File.unlink(output_ppm) if File.exists?(output_ppm)
# Cleanup process
# Clear ramdisk
Dir.glob('/media/ramdisk/*').each { |f| File.unlink(f) }
if File.identical?(__FILE__, $0)
input_jpg = ARGV[0].dup
process_file(ARGV) if ARGV.is_a?(String)
ARGV.each { |f| process_file(f) } if ARGV.is_a?(Array)
# Notes gathered from internet
# => Links
# Digital Camera + This Software + Printer = A Document Photocopier
# Input: pictures of B&W Text documents taken with a digital camera using
# flash from about 3 feet away with no dark border around the page.
# Output1: b-file.tif (a very small B&W TIF file)
# Output2: g-file.jpg (a alternative grayscale file)
# If input is purely black and white, Output1 should be better
# If input is not purely black and white, Output2 may be better
# Source:
# Corey Satten, corey @, March 2007
do1 () {
echo starting $1 1>&2
BASE="${1##*/}"; NAME=${BASE%.[jJ][pP][gG]}; TMP1="t-$BASE"; TMP2="x-$BASE"
trap 'rm -f "$TMP1" "$TMP2"; exit' 0 1 2 13 15
CGQ="-colorspace gray -quality"
CGT="-compress group4 -density 480x480"
convert $CGQ 99 "$1" -resize 5120x5120 "$TMP2"
convert $CGQ 99 "$1" -resize 1024x1024 -negate -blur 15,15 -resize 5120x5120 "$TMP1"
composite $CGQ 99 -compose plus "$TMP2" "$TMP1" "$TMP1"
convert $CGQ 60 "$TMP1" -normalize -level 50,85% "g-$BASE"
convert $CGT "$TMP1" -normalize -threshold 85% "b-$NAME.tif"
rm -f "$TMP1" "$TMP2"
# This tries to detect multiprocessors and run 2 conversions in parallel
# Move CPUS=1 after the test to effectively disable the test.
if [ -f /proc/cpuinfo ] ;then
CPUS=`grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`
if [ "$CPUS" -lt 2 ] ;then CPUS=1; fi
for i in "$@"; do
case $#/$CPUS in
0/*) exit;; # done
1/*) do1 "$1"; shift;; # only one file to do
*/1) do1 "$1"; shift;; # only one cpu to use
*) do1 "$1" & do1 "$2"; wait; shift; shift;; # process 2 files at once
exit 0
ORsame source
mogrify -format tif -colorspace gray -compress group4 -resize 5120x5120 -normalize -threshold 65% *.jpg
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