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Created April 5, 2019 21:07
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% python 1 ↵ ✹
wandb: Started W&B process version 0.7.2 with PID 24825
wandb: Local directory: wandb/run-20190405_210210-test10
wandb: Syncing to
wandb: Run `wandb off` to turn off syncing.
no existing run found
i is 0
model var is 1
i is 1
model var is 2
i is 2
model var is 3
i is 3
model var is 4
i is 4
model var is 5
i is 5
model var is 6
i is 6
model var is 7
i is 7
model var is 8
i is 8
model var is 9
i is 9
model var is 10
i is 10
model var is 11
i is 11
model var is 12
i is 12
model var is 13
i is 13
model var is 14
i is 14
model var is 15
i is 15
model var is 16
i is 16
model var is 17
i is 17
model var is 18
i is 18
model var is 19
i is 19
model var is 20
i is 20
model var is 21
i is 21
model var is 22
i is 22
model var is 23
i is 23
model var is 24
i is 24
model var is 25
i is 25
model var is 26
i is 26
model var is 27
i is 27
model var is 28
i is 28
model var is 29
i is 29
model var is 30
i is 30
^Cwandb: Ctrl-c pressed.
wandb: Program failed with code 255. Press ctrl-c to abort syncing.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 33, in <module>
File "", line 11, in step
wandb: Waiting for W&B process to finish, PID 24825
wandb: Run summary:
wandb: var 30
wandb: _runtime 32.193968057632446
wandb: _timestamp 1554498161.8551233
wandb: _step 29
wandb: Syncing files in wandb/run-20190405_210210-test10:
wandb: diff.patch
wandb: model.pickle
wandb: plus 5 W&B file(s) and 0 media file(s)
wandb: Synced
[zplizzi@zack-dev-1:~/projects/random_ai/experiments/orchestration on master]
% python 1 ↵ ✹
wandb: Started W&B process version 0.7.2 with PID 24993
wandb: Local directory: wandb/run-20190405_210258-test10
wandb: Syncing to
wandb: Run `wandb off` to turn off syncing.
no existing run found
i is 0
model var is 1
/home/zplizzi/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wandb/ WandbWarning: Adding to old History rows isn't currently supported. Dropping.
"Adding to old History rows isn't currently supported. Dropping.", wandb.WandbWarning)
i is 1
model var is 2
i is 2
model var is 3
i is 3
^Cwandb: Ctrl-c pressed.
wandb: Program failed with code 255. Press ctrl-c to abort syncing.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 33, in <module>
File "", line 11, in step
wandb: Waiting for W&B process to finish, PID 24993
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
wandb: Killing W&B process, PID 24993
File "/home/zplizzi/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wandb/", line 101, in <module>
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