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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save zplume/13b07f00273edb8f14d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zplume/13b07f00273edb8f14d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PowerShell utility script that outputs C# code listing all custom fields in the RootWeb of a site collection (filtered by a field name prefix) as a set of static classes with constant string properties for Id and Name.
$siteUrl = "http://site/collection/url"
$fieldPrefix = "ClientName_"
$outputPath = "c:\temp\Fields.cs"
$site = Get-SPSite $siteUrl
$fields = $site.RootWeb.Fields
$output = ""
$newLine = "`r`n"
$tab = "`t"
$fields | Sort InternalName |
Where { $_.InternalName -like "$fieldPrefix*" } |
ForEach {
$output += $("public static class " + $_.InternalName.Replace($fieldPrefix, "").Replace("_0", "TaxHTField") + $newLine)
$output += $("{" + $newLine)
$output += $($tab + "public const string Id = `"" + $_.Id + "`";" + $newLine)
$output += $($tab + "public const string InternalName = `"" + $_.InternalName + "`";" + $newLine)
$output += $("}" + $newLine + $newLine)
$output | Out-File $outputPath
public static class AgeRange
public const string Id = "12b9b899-04c2-47c5-bcf9-cf9ee5055099";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_AgeRange";
public static class AgeRangeTaxHTField
public const string Id = "29244be4-988e-454d-a1b3-e8f8c08317c8";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_AgeRange_0";
public static class AnimationType
public const string Id = "bf620570-8866-4334-a791-63635aaed4a2";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_AnimationType";
public static class AnimationTypeTaxHTField
public const string Id = "85cf3e96-858d-499c-958f-f7c58ddcd3aa";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_AnimationType_0";
public static class Channel
public const string Id = "d15f5cda-a4ea-4980-af8f-022556311f28";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_Channel";
public static class ChannelTaxHTField
public const string Id = "1b27d38c-19a6-4f6a-bb17-0bff2f037a54";
public const string InternalName = "ClientName_Channel_0";
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