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Created September 23, 2019 19:18
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My attempt at fast MP python code (only does self joins and probably could be better)
import numpy as np
import math
import numba
def get_precomputes(T, m):
prefix_sum = np.zeros((len(T),))
prefix_sum_sq = np.zeros((len(T),))
n = len(T) - m + 1;
norms = np.zeros((n,))
means = np.zeros((n,))
df = np.zeros((n,))
dg = np.zeros((n,))
prefix_sum[0] = T[0]
prefix_sum_sq[0] = T[0] * T[0]
for i in range(1,len(T)):
prefix_sum[i] = T[i] + prefix_sum[i - 1]
prefix_sum_sq[i] = T[i] * T[i] + prefix_sum_sq[i - 1]
means[0] = prefix_sum[m - 1] / m
for i in range(1,n):
means[i] = (prefix_sum[i + m - 1] - prefix_sum[i - 1]) / m
s = 0;
for i in range(m):
val = T[i] - means[0]
s += val * val
norms[0] = s
for i in range(1,n):
norms[i] = norms[i - 1] + ((T[i - 1] - means[i - 1]) + (T[i + m - 1] - means[i])) * (T[i + m - 1] - T[i - 1])
for i in range(n):
if nanvalues[i]:
norms[i] = NaN
norms[i] = 1.0 / math.sqrt(norms[i])
for i in range(n-1):
df[i] = (T[i + m] - T[i]) / 2.0;
dg[i] = (T[i + m] - means[i + 1]) + (T[i] - means[i]);
return means, norms, df, dg
# Fast mp code for python (only computes self joins)
def do_mp(a,w,mua,siga,dfa,dga,mub,sigb,dfb,dgb):
b = a
na = len(a) - w + 1
nb = na
# Mark the last diagonal
diagmax = na
# This is the exclusion zone
minlag = w // 4 + 1
#Result MP
mp = np.zeros((na,))
#Initialize starting covariance for the first row of the distance matrix
c = np.zeros((diagmax - minlag,))
for diag in range(minlag,diagmax):
c[diag-minlag] = np.sum((a[diag:diag+w]-mua[diag]) * (b[:w]-mub[0]))
#Compute the first row of correlations, this could be done inside the loop, but because python can't slice arrays like arr[:-0] we need to do the first iteration outside
result = c*(sigb[0]*siga[minlag:])
# Reduce along the rows
mp[minlag:] = np.maximum(mp[minlag:], result)
# Reduce along the column
mp[0] = max(mp[0], np.amax(result))
#The number of diagonals we compute gets smaller each iteration
#Update the covariance for the next iteration
c[:-1] = c[:-1] + dfb[0] * dga[minlag:-1] + dfa[minlag:-1]*dgb[0]
# Repeat the process for each row
for offset in range(1, nb-minlag):
# Compute the correlations
result = c[:-offset]*(sigb[offset]*siga[minlag+offset:])
# Reduce along the row
mp[minlag+offset:] = np.maximum(mp[minlag+offset:], result )
# Reduce along the columns
mp[offset] = max(mp[offset], np.amax(result))
# Update the covatiance values for the next iteration
c[:-offset-1] = c[:-offset-1] + dfb[offset] * dga[minlag+offset:-1] + dfa[minlag+offset:-1]*dgb[offset]
return mp
def matrix_profile(a, w):
mua, siga, dfa, dga = get_precomputes(a,w)
mub = mua
sigb = siga
dfb = dfa
dgb = dga
return do_mp(a,b,w,mua,siga,dfa,dga,mub,sigb,dfb,dgb)
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